» OTP Bank money transfer: limits, methods. How to increase your credit card limit Otp bank increase your credit card limit

OTP Bank money transfer: limits, methods. How to increase your credit card limit Otp bank increase your credit card limit

I bought a new fridge from the store. More than 50% of its cost was paid in cash, but part of the money was not enough until full payment. The store requested a loan from OTP-Bank. Approval came within minutes. Issued quickly. About a year later, when the loan for the refrigerator was paid off. The bank sent me a registered credit card by mail with a limit of 28 thousand rubles. I used a card (withdrawn cash, paid the minimum payment on time). A year later, the bank, without asking my desire, increased the limit to 40 thousand rubles. Naturally, the minimum payment has increased. In another six months, the bank will increase the credit limit to 47,000 rubles. Naturally, I paid the minimum payment on time, which was assigned by the bank. One of the payments fell on the New Year holidays, that is, it had to be paid off on January 9, 2014 - I paid it off on time. And next month, the minimum wage had to be paid off by February 4, and I received the money on February 5. I came to the bank's office, explained the situation: what to do so that there is no delay? We threw up our hands - we can't help. Paid Feb 5th. Naturally a fine. And just in February it expired credit card. The new one was reissued with a different number. It had to be activated. When the courier new map was delivered, the cover letter indicated the activation procedure, I called the specified phone number to activate the card. The specialist asked me to wait and after a while replied that the bank refused to activate my card without explaining the reasons. Why increase the credit limit without the client's desire and why send a new credit card if it cannot be activated? These moments are completely incomprehensible to me. It turns out that the bank "squeezes" everything that is possible from the clients, and then refuses to activate. Anything can happen in life - they can delay a salary or pension, but the bank should treat those customers who consistently pay the minimum payment with great confidence and provide some concessions. My payment was only one day late, besides, in February, after the 5th, I made a payment in full and more, but the bank treated me, to put it mildly, not decently.

OTP Bank JSC is the largest financial organization operating in Central and Eastern Europe.

In Russia, branches of OTP Bank provide domestic consumers with a variety of financial, insurance and investment services.

One of the most relevant products that are particularly popular with OTP Bank are credit cards and debit cards.

In order to get acquainted with the list of cards offered for use, you need to go to the official website of OTP Bank.

On the main page of the site will be presented different departments of information, one of which is called "Bank cards"

After moving to the department you are interested in, several more points “Credit” and “Debit” cards open, where all the necessary information regarding OTP Bank bank cards is offered.

The main advantage of the “Home Card”, on which the bank places special emphasis, is cashback, or in other words, the return of money to the account after reproducing the payment in the store.

The amount of cashback is 3% of the total amount of your purchase.

Important! This service works automatically, without connecting additional options and services.

  • You pay with a "Home" card in any grocery stores;
  • OTP Bank returns money to your account in the amount of 3% of the total cost of products;
  • the total refund can reach several thousand rubles per month.

Basic information on the "Home Card" tariff:

1. The amount of the credit limit is 10,000-300,000 rubles, the amount is determined by OTP Bank on an individual basis.

2. Credit rate for payment of 24.9% per annum (based on the amount of the allocated loan, paid in billing period using the card).

3. For other services, including withdrawal Money from the card, the credit rate is 49.9% per annum.

4. The grace period for interest-free repayment of debt on a loan is 55 days.

5. At the end of the grace period, the minimum monthly payment is 5% of the amount of the credit limit ( minimum amount 500 r).

The first year, the card is serviced by the bank free of charge.

But, from the second year, the service becomes paid, the amount of service is 1600 rubles per month (annual service fee is charged once a year on the day the card was activated).

6. Penalty for missing the monthly minimum payment at the end of the grace period - 20% per annum.

"Home card" has excellent functionality, which is convenient to control through a special application "OTPdirect".

  • provision of a Russian passport;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age from 21 to 68 years;

This card can be issued only at OTP Bank branches, where a banking services specialist will help you choose the most favorable conditions for the client.

This credit card is designed for active users bank cards who like to make purchases by bank transfer.

OTP Bank allows each user of the Lightning card to set up their personal cashback income in the amount of 1.5% from each purchase.

The main advantages of the credit card "Lightning":

A welcome bonus of 300 rubles when making a one-time purchase in excess of 2,000 rubles within 30 days from the date of purchase of the card.

1. Free annual service.

2. 19.9% ​​per annum with timely repayment of debt on the loan for six months.

3. Replenishment through online OTP banking - free of charge;

4. Grace period for interest-free repayment of loan debt is 55 days.

5. Cost control through a special application "OTPdirect".

6. 7% per annum - income on the balance of own funds.

7. Up to 30% discount from partners of the Mastercard program.

Mandatory requirements for the recipient of the card:

  • provision of a Russian passport;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age from 21 to 68 years;
  • continuous work experience at the last place of work - 3 months;
  • registration on the territory of the Russian Federation and actual residence in the region where the card was issued.

This card can also be issued only at OTP Bank branches in person.

Credit card "Clear"

This card is a special form of concessional lending for people who are used to making necessary purchases without waiting for the “best” time.

It allows you to use credit card funds in the absence of any interest from the bank, subject to timely repayment of the loan debt in accordance with the grace period of 55 days.

Additional benefits of an understandable OTP Bank credit card:

1. The card can be used as an electronic wallet to make an online payment in an online store.

2. Loan limit up to 1,500,000 rubles.

3. Interest rate depends on the amount of the loan and its maturity.

4. All information on your card can be obtained through OTP online banking, OTPdirect service, SMS informing and round-the-clock support of OTP Bank.

5. If you lose your card, you can block it by calling hotline and report the loss.

6. You can withdraw cash from a large number of ATMs around the world, without additional commission.

7. Pay for a product or service anywhere in the world.

When applying for an understandable OTP Bank credit card, it is enough to have a passport with you.
This card also has the NasterCard Gold format for payroll or other clients of OTP Bank.

A very convenient option for those who are not sitting still. This card allows you to pay your bills from anywhere in the world. Also, the card has a convenient accumulative functionality.

Basic conditions of the Mastercard Gold card:

  • 7.5% per annum on the balance of personal funds on the current account;
  • international level payment system Mastercard;
  • control of expenses through a special application OTPdirect;
  • SMS notification - 59 rubles per month;
  • release is free;
  • the cost of monthly maintenance - 149 rubles;
  • validity period is three years.

The card can be issued to a person who has reached the age of 18 upon presentation of a passport.

Another very convenient option for those who like to travel.

Mastercard Unembossed has the following benefits:

  • up to 7% per annum on the balance of personal funds on the dawn of the account;
  • the cost of annual maintenance - 588 rubles;
  • the cost of issuing a card is 99 rubles;
  • card validity period - 3 years,
  • SMS informing.

Cost control can be controlled through a special OTPdirect application.

Map World "Happy Time"

This card is an excellent solution for the domestic consumer. Meets all international standards and does not depend on external economic factors.

The Mir card is convenient not only for payroll clients, but also for pensioners.

Terms of the tariff plan of the World card "Happy time":

  • free card issue;
  • the validity of the card is 3 years;
  • free SMS-informing service;
  • free service during the year;
  • up to 6% per annum on the balance on a personal account.

Very beneficial for pensioners receiving pension contributions through OTP Bank.

Debit card MasterCard Standart "Youth"

This debit card is an economical solution for students.

Important! Registration is available only for persons from 18 to 25 years old inclusive.

Additional information on the tariff plan "Youth" card:

  • maintenance of the card during the year is free of charge;
  • SMS informing service - 59 rubles per month;
  • the validity of the card is 3 years.

Debit card MasterCard Standart "For travelers"

OTP Bank offers a currency card "For travelers", which is designed for making money transactions abroad.

The main difference of this card is the currency account (dollars/euro).

Additional terms:

  • the cost of annual maintenance - 20 $ / 20 €;
  • card issuance is free of charge;
  • SMS informing service – 2$/2€ monthly;
  • the validity of the card is 3 years.

Attention! All information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. The site does not collect and process personal data. the federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" is not violated.

Credit limit is the money that lends to the bank. It is renewable: when the client uses it and returns the money, he can use it again. This process can go on ad infinitum.

A credit limit is needed to borrow money when you need it. On the one hand, it is very convenient: if you need money, you do not need to run around and look for it, collect a pile of documents for applying for a loan, and so on.

Here it is enough to use your credit card and make the necessary purchase. On the other hand, the presence of money always encourages the client to purchase, sometimes not quite necessary for him. It is easier to spend money than to return it back - because of this, disputes arise about the infinity of debt repayment.

What is a credit limit?

This is a set amount of money that the bank has given to the owner of the credit card for permanent use. When you receive a credit card, it already has the Nth amount of money. Even without replenishing their own funds, a person can already make purchases and withdraw cash. The borrowed amount must be returned on time so as not to pay extra interest and penalties.

When granting a limit, the bank also provides a grace period. This is the period of time during which the client can use the money from the card and not pay any interest. As a standard, it reaches 50-60 days, and the methods of its calculation may vary by bank.

Proper use of this option will allow you to use borrowed funds free of charge and repeatedly. If the client does not fit into the grace period, the bank begins to accrue interest.
Thus, the credit limit:

  • Installed on a credit card.
  • At his expense, you can make purchases or withdraw cash.
  • The money must be returned within the stipulated time.
  • The limit is renewable.

Credit card without credit limit: myth or reality?

When ordering a credit card, the bank provides a credit limit. If the bank refuses the limit, then the card is simply not issued. But there are cards with a zero credit limit. Most often they are called debit. An example is Visa card Platinum Binbank.

This card is debit credit card instant issuance (or in nominal form). At the time of issue, the card is issued with a zero limit. Within a couple of days, by decision of the credit committee of the bank, a credit limit may be set on it, of which its owner will be notified by call or SMS.

In this case, the card will become a credit card. But also the limit may not be set, and the client can only use it as a debit card (or credit card with a zero limit). In fact, all bank cards are credit cards. To make it easier to distinguish between them, they singled out credit cards with a zero limit and called them debit cards.

What limit can be set on a credit card?

The size of the limit depends on the solvency of the client. As in the calculation of the amount of loans, all income and expenses of clients will be taken into account here. If solvency allows, then the bank offers an increased limit (from 100 tr.), and if not very much, then an average one (50-100 thousand rubles). If the client is not solvent, then the limit may be denied to him. The principle of calculation also differs by banks. As a general rule, a card payment should not exceed 25% of income, minus other payments.
For example, a client receives 50 tr. He has a loan for which he pays 10 tr. per month, a child for whom the expense is based on the minimum wage, for example, 8 tr. Total net income per month is:

Net income = 50 tr. - 10 tr. - 8 tr (for a child) - 8 tr (for yourself) = 24 tr.

Based on the requirement “no more than 25% of income”, the minimum card payment remains:

Minimum payment = 24 tr. * 25% = 6 tr.

If the minimum payment is 10% of the limit, then the limit can be granted in the amount of about 60 tr.:

Credit limit=6 tr. * 10 = 60 tr.

The presence of real estate in the property, a car, a contribution can help increase the credit limit.

Credit Limit Calculator

The credit limit depends on your net income and the minimum payment
You can calculate the limit on a special calculator

What card limit will you be approved for?

Average income, months

Expenses, months

Min. payment

up to 950000 rubles

How to increase the credit limit?

This can be done differently in different banks. For example, you can apply to VTB 24 by attaching a certificate of income, availability of property, sources of additional income. Within 3 days, the bank makes a decision to increase the limit or refuse it. In Binbank, the limit is increased by the bank unilaterally with its constant use and return without delay. Thus, the limit increases:

  • When providing documents confirming solvency.
  • With active use of bank funds.

Where can I see the credit limit?

  • It is prescribed in individual conditions upon receipt of a credit card.
  • When requesting a balance at an ATM, the receipt will indicate the amount of funds, taking into account the credit limit. For example, a client has 1 tr. their money and 50 tr. limit - the balance will show 51 tr.
  • At the bank branch on the card statement.
  • In Internet banking. For example, in Binbank it will be listed in the "Cards and Accounts" section in the upper left corner.

In their programs, banks indicate the maximum allowable value of the credit limit. When considering an application received from a client, a credit institution places a certain amount on the card balance borrowed money, which make up the limit on the card.

In 99% of cases, a potential borrower receives a card with a limit of 50-60% of the maximum allowable value. If this name of credit cards provides for a limit of 300,000 rubles, then a first-time client can count on receiving a card with a preliminary limit of 50,000-150,000 rubles at best.

At the same time, credit institutions indicate in their agreements that it is allowed to change the size of the credit limit upwards under certain conditions.

How is a credit limit set?

Much depends on the program of the bank. There is a type that provides for a simplified design (the so-called "quick cards") with a minimum package of documents. The limit on such cards is not large, and the bank receives security guarantees due to the high annual rate and severe penalties. Such cards do not use the limit increase mechanism, since almost all clients are approved for the same amount of borrowed funds.

For other cards, for which a package of documents is required, two customers with the same credit card can have a significantly different limit. With the maximum limit of 300,000 rubles (approximate amount), the bank approved a card with a limit of 150,000 rubles for one holder, and 70,000 rubles for another. This means that the bank, when considering customer applications, was based on the following indicators:

  • Total work experience - including the length of service at the last place of work.
  • Income Level - A higher income client will be approved for a higher credit limit.
  • A package of documents - banks operate on the principle - "more documents - a higher credit limit."
  • Credit history - the absence of a credit history is equated to a damaged credit history, therefore, the final limit for such a client will be less.

If the bank has approved a card with a limit that is not the maximum, then the bank allows an increase in the amount of borrowed funds in the process of using the card. This circumstance may be specified in the user agreement at the discretion credit institution. And in each case, the increase in the limit depends on how the holder uses the credit card.

There is a category of privileged clients to whom the bank makes an initial offer. These clients usually have open deposit in a bank or they are participants in a payroll project of a large corporate client.

In relation to these citizens, the bank immediately sets the maximum credit limit with many additional card options. Such clients automatically earn the trust of the bank, so they can count on the maximum possible amount of borrowed funds.

How and by how much the limit is increased

There is no specific algorithm for increasing the credit limit. Each organization has its own rules in this regard. There are several most general conditions, compliance with which is likely to lead to a change in the amount of borrowed funds.

After receiving the card, the borrower must use it to the maximum so that the bank sees the movement of funds on the account and the client's interest in raising the limit. At the first stages of using the card, compliance with the rules for the targeted use of borrowed funds, timely payment of the minimum mandatory payment and repayment of the total debt.

For example, on a client card, the credit limit is 70,000 rubles with a grace period of 50 days. If, at the first stages of using the card, purchases are made for significant amounts with spending the main part of the limit, the bank will see that the client has the needs and the opportunity to pay off the debt on time.

With several successful purchases for a total of 30,000-35,000 rubles and subsequent repayment of the debt, the bank will increase the credit limit, as the client has proven a sufficient level of reliability.

But the correct and frequent use of the card, with the prevention of violations and delays, does not guarantee the holder an increase in the credit limit on the card. This preference is implemented only at the discretion of the bank, which puts a number of criteria into the client assessment mechanism. Therefore, the limit will be increased if the holder meets the following 5 conditions:

  1. Uses the card every day or makes purchases for significant amounts.
  2. Places its own funds on the balance sheet, amounting to 20-25% of the credit limit.
  3. Does not allow even the shortest delays.
  4. Does not cash out the credit limit, unless this possibility is expressly provided for in the user agreement.
  5. Timely fulfills its obligations to the credit institution.

How much the limit is increased for the first time - the bank decides on its own. As a rule, these are not large amounts, rarely reaching 10-15% of the borrowed funds already placed on the balance of the card. With the same intensive use of the card, transactions for significant amounts and timely repayment of the resulting debt, the credit limit will periodically increase until it reaches the maximum limit.

Additional way to increase the limit

There is another option for increasing the limit - at the initiative of the cardholder, who must arrive at the office of his bank with documents and draw up an application that will indicate a request to increase the limit. This option is relevant when the holder's income has increased, and he will be able to document this fact.

The client provides the bank with certificates in the form of 2-NDFL or in another form, depending on the type of activity. The bank evaluates the documents received, looks at the movement of funds on the card, analyzes the number and size of recent transactions.

If no violations are found, the card limit is increased by a certain percentage. This form of interaction is used by such banks as:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • Opening;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • Rosbank;
  • National Bank "Trust";
  • Russian Standard Bank;
  • Uralsib;
  • Credit Europe Bank;
  • Bank Rosgosstrah;
  • MTS Bank;
  • Eastern Express Bank.

How to find out if the limit has been increased

Unilaterally, that is, without the consent of the client, the credit limit is increased on cards of such banks as: Sberbank of Russia, VTB Group, Rosselkhozbank, Binbank, Citibank, Tinkoff, Raiffeisenbank, Gazprombank, Moscow Credit Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, Unicreditbank, Eastern Bank, Home Credit Bank.

The total period for obtaining the possibility of increasing the credit limit on the cards of these organizations is 3 months. During this period, the client must not allow delays and other violations of the contract, and use the card in intensive mode. The bank will increase the credit limit by sending a notification to the user.

How to increase the credit limit on an otp bank card

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