» Japan's current population. japan population

Japan's current population. japan population

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Population of Japan - demographic situation

The uniqueness of Japan manifests itself in many ways. Including in the national question. Of the bulk of the country's population, which today is just over 126 million people, 124.5 million are purebred Japanese and only 1% are representatives of other nationalities, mainly Koreans and Chinese.

Literacy and education

The Japanese have a high literacy rate of 99%. Both men and women receive higher education. This is a guarantee of a well-paid job in a prestigious place. From an early age, the Japanese study very intensively, studying the main, and necessarily a number of additional programs in the chosen direction.

They understand that this is the only way to get a place in a good school, and then in a university, after which there is a real opportunity for successful employment. There are more than 2 million students in the country. An interesting fact is that in terms of the number of workers working in the field of science, it surpasses England, Germany and France combined.

Attitude towards work of the population of Japan

The highly qualified labor reserves of the country are remarkable for their amazing diligence and strict obedience to the strictest labor discipline. The Japanese are dedicated to their work and can stay in one job for the rest of their lives.

Approximately half of the population of Japan works or, as they say, serve in one area or another. This is about 60 million people, 40% of which are women. Nevertheless, the number of unemployed in the country is approaching two million.

Japanese people's lifespan

The latest estimates show that there are about 2% more women than men in the country. This, in particular, is explained by the fact that, according to statistics, women live longer. Men live an average of 80 years, and the fair sex - 86.4 years.

These are the world's highest indicators in this aspect. The mortality rate in Japan is much lower than in other countries. In particular, we can state the leadership of Japan in the lowest level of infant mortality (4%).

Distribution by age groups

Birth rates in Japan have fallen markedly over the past half century, and the proportion of older people is growing. At present, the population of Japan in percentage terms is distributed as follows:

    up to 15 years - 13.1%;

    15-65 years old - 64%;

    over 64 years old - 22.9%.

Migration process

Recently, the growth of the migrant population has increased due to illegal emigrants from China and South Korea. Local authorities deliberately restrict migration. Those who manage to leave their homeland prefer to emigrate, first of all, to Australia.

Japan population density

This figure is very uneven throughout Japan. In the Pacific industrial belt, on the coast, more than 2/3 of the total population is concentrated. Young people from all over the country are leaving their homes with a small population and moving to million-plus cities.

Here the population density reaches 5.5 thousand people per 1 km2. The urban population (75%) continues to grow rapidly. About a million people live in more than a dozen cities in Japan. Many of them can safely be called densely populated. This is, first of all, Tokyo. At the same time, it invariably remains the scientific and cultural center of Japan.

Thanks to the peculiarities of their mentality, the Japanese have achieved undeniable superiority in the world of new technologies; it is not for nothing that they are considered the smartest nation on the planet.

Japan Population Size and Density

The population of Japan according to the UN for $2016 is $127.1 million. The country is dominated by the female population, which accounts for $51.3\%$, the share of the male population is $48.7\%$. The country's population has remained practically unchanged for the past $10$ years, which is explained by a decline in the birth rate and low mortality. Relatively recently, the country was characterized by a high birth rate and a high natural increase. In the $50s, the birth rate dropped sharply, and today the country has moved to the first type of population reproduction with a high life expectancy. The economically active population accounts for $50\%$ of the total population, $13\%$ of the population is employed in industry, $20\%$ in agriculture and $40\%$ of the Japanese work in the non-manufacturing sector. The skill level of the country's labor resources is very high.

Japan is $7$ in terms of population, behind China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, the USA, and Russia. A slight increase in the number is due to immigrants, but foreigners are not welcome in the country due to violation of existing laws and regulations, as well as ignorance of Japanese culture. Other nationalities are represented by fractions of a percentage, but even among them, Koreans and Chinese are the largest group. Americans and representatives are not considered permanent residents European countries, which in Japan, there are up to $ 40 $ thousand people. The natives of the Japanese islands include the Ainu, who settled in the $11th century on the island of Hokkaido.

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  • Coursework 460 rubles.
  • abstract The population of Japan, its distribution throughout the country 270 rub.
  • Test The population of Japan, its distribution throughout the country 200 rub.

Today there are about $20 thousand of them. The Ainu, forced out by the Japanese in the $19th century, lost their best lands, but the older generation still retains its language and culture. Despite the fact that other nationalities live in Japan, the country is one-national and $99\%$ of the population are Japanese.

The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country, although it belongs to densely populated countries. The average density is more than $300$ people. per sq. km. The coastal regions of the country have a high density, more than $500 per person. per sq km, and in the north of Hokkaido the density is only $70$ people. per sq. km. Most of the Japanese - $80\%$ - live in cities, so the level of urbanization is very high. There are $11$ million-plus cities in the country. Only in one metropolitan area Keihin$30 million people live. Agglomerations located on the Pacific coast merge into one megalopolis Tokaido. The length of this megalopolis is $600$ km with a population of $65$ million. A difficult demographic situation is developing in the country. The average age of the Japanese is $44.6. Children and teenagers make up only $13\%$, pensioners $28\%$, people of working age - $64\%$.

Remark 1

Specialists make a forecast for $2050$ and come to the conclusion that the population will decrease to $97 million. Extramarital relations are not welcome in the country, and young people do not seek marriage. It can be assumed that the population of Japan will change little in the next decade.

National features of the Japanese

Japan is often referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun". But, at the same time, it is also the birthplace of samurai, geishas, ​​cherry blossoms and martial arts. The Japanese psychology differs from the psychology of other nations and, against the background of other nations, they have a high life expectancy, a low number of violent crimes, preserved centuries-old traditions with the highest technological and economic development. It is the only state in the world with a formal title Empire. It is possible that all the achievements of modern Japan are connected with the national characteristics of the Japanese.

The most striking national features of the Japanese include:

big industriousness which often turns into workaholism. The Japanese are very devoted to their work and the company in which they work. The firm is their home, so it's normal to stay at work until late at night. Putting their whole soul into the performance of any business, the Japanese "burn out" at work emotionally and physically.

Contemplation of beauty. Admiring the beauty of nature or man-made beauty, while receiving aesthetic pleasure, is an integral part of the psychology of the Japanese. Cherry blossoms, the beauty of the setting sun, Fujiyama volcano cause them moral pleasure and satisfaction. Love for the beautiful caused such areas of Japanese art as ikebana, bonsai, and the tea ceremony.

Loyalty to tradition. The conservative Japanese are in no hurry to adopt the customs and values ​​of other peoples. The continuity of generations is of great importance for them, and hence the great respect for the cultural heritage of their country.

Curiosity and curiosity The Japanese people helped to achieve superiority in the field of technology development. Everything new makes them want to thoroughly study it, transform it for themselves. They know how to take something useful from other cultures without losing their ethnic identity.

The Japanese mentality is characterized collectivism. Throughout their lives, they are attached to different social groups. This can be their own family, the team of the company where they work, the party, etc. Every Japanese clearly knows his place in the hierarchy and is always ready to obey his superiors, they are characterized by humility and humility, so the authority of a father, boss, teacher, policeman is simply undeniable. Strict Japanese etiquette and politeness are based on collectivism, and hence the desire to make life in a team as comfortable as possible.

In Japanese, there are 3 "styles of politeness":

  1. Conversational style. It is commonly used when speaking to younger members of the family;
  2. Neutral polite style characteristic in conversation with strangers and equals in position;
  3. Very polite style- keigo. The style is used with the elderly and seniors in society by position.

The national characteristics of the Japanese were formed under the influence of the traditional religions of the country - Shinto and Buddhism. Religious teachings, their values ​​and prescriptions are part of the worldview of the Japanese people. The virtues of Buddhism are restraint, patience, self-control, and the Japanese strive to develop these character traits in themselves.

In the rules of life, the Japanese also adhere to Buddhist philosophy:

  1. The desire to comply with the laws of the country and the rules prescribed in society;
  2. Do not rebel, but reconcile with the situation and unpleasant circumstances;
  3. Restriction in entertainment and the desire to work more for the good of the nation;
  4. In personal troubles, you should only blame yourself.


Remark 2

The Japanese system of raising children is very interesting and is sometimes referred to as the famous Japanese courtesy, which manifests itself right from infancy. Japanese children seem to never cry, foreigners are amazed. The reason lies elsewhere. Babies start crying when they want to eat or drink, sleep, experience any inconvenience or are left unattended. Avoiding all of these is part of Japanese upbringing in infancy. During the first two years, the baby is attached to the mother and is part of her, he is with her all day, the child is next to the mother at night, and he receives the breast as soon as he wishes. The kid is not let go even when he starts to walk.

The impulses of the child are not limited and they do not try to accustom him to some kind of routine. From infancy, the child hears warnings from relatives “dangerous”, “dirty”, “bad”. Thus, these warnings as unambiguous enter into his consciousness. The child is not spoiled at all, as it may seem at first glance, he is simply not given a reason to cry. Boys usually do not forbid anything and do not react to the bad behavior of children. Threat of exclusion- one of the methods of Japanese education. Everyone will turn away from you or laugh at you if your behavior is inappropriate - this is how parents teach their children. Such teaching causes fear of being excommunicated from relatives, of being ridiculed or humiliated, and sinks into the soul of the baby from a very early age.

With the first restrictions, children meet at school age. being brought up prudence, the child is taught to beware of those positions in which one can "lose face" both one's own and other people's. A period begins when the child learns to suppress impulses in himself. Accessible children's pampering and free expression of their impulses is no longer appropriate. The child sees in them a kind of evil. Be that as it may, the complete freedom of early childhood leaves an unforgettable mark on the character of a small person. A feeling of shame unknown in childhood and the memory of carefree days give rise to a new look at life in which there is restrictions and concessions. In matters of duty, the Japanese are very demanding of themselves and others and indulgent towards human weaknesses. Virtue for the Japanese is willpower, the ability, for the sake of higher duty, to turn away from pleasures that are not considered evil.

The Japanese are amazing people with an unusual worldview and a rich inner world. The population was unlucky with the geographical position of the country and sometimes unbearable natural conditions, but the difficulties made them only stronger, more resourceful. The Japanese people do not get tired of surprising the world with their colorfulness and a slight degree of madness. For a European, the Japanese will forever remain a mystery and mystery. You won't get tired of being surprised by their oddities. Who are they, these inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun? Let's try to figure it out together.

The national composition of the country

The population of Japan is for the most part a monocultural and homogeneous group of purebred Japanese. Only 1% of the state's inhabitants (1.56 million) are representatives of the Korean diaspora and workers from Asia. As for Americans and Europeans, they live in Japan, but on a non-permanent basis.

A small part of the Ryukyus and Ainu natives live on the islands. There is also a separate burakumin community, which differs from the Japanese society in cultural and everyday features.

Residents communicate mainly in Japanese, and English is additionally studied in schools. It is interesting that the locals consider their native speech to be very difficult, therefore they respect a foreigner who knows at least.

Japan Population Size and Density

The state in terms of population ranks 7th after China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, the United States and Russia. According to UN estimates, at the beginning of this year, the population of Japan was more than 126.5 million people. Of these, 48.7% are males, 51.3% are females. More than 31 thousand are migrants. Over the past year, 1,269,374 people died, 1,050,211 were born. Statistics showed that the annual increase decreased by 0.12%. Over the past ten years, the population has remained virtually unchanged. The reason for this phenomenon is due to the decline in the birth rate and low mortality of residents.

But, thanks to immigrants, the number of people has increased slightly, although foreigners are poorly welcomed by the locals due to ignorance of Japanese culture and violation of existing laws and regulations.

Japan is a fairly densely populated country. The average population density is 334 persons/km2. But in the north of Hokkaido, less than 70 people / km2 live, and in coastal areas - more than 500 people / km2.

The level of urbanization is impressive: 80% of the inhabitants live in cities. There are 655 large cities in Japan, 11 of them with a population of more than a million.

Most of the people are employed in the service sector, only 13% work in industry and 20% in the agricultural sector. Labor resources are characterized by a fairly high level of qualification. The Japanese do not know how to relax at all, they work both on weekends and on holidays, they do everything a lot and with high quality. Interesting: would such an approach to work be effective for the economies of European countries? For now, it's a secret.

Difficult demographic situation

In the recent past, the natural increase in population was very high, but a few years later, as a result of political reforms aimed at reducing the birth rate, the population of Japan dropped sharply. Due to improved living conditions and a noticeable leap in the development of medicine, the death rate has fallen significantly. There are only three deaths per 1000 newborns. This is a good indicator.

The average age of residents is 44.6 years. The average life expectancy for men is 77 years, for women - 85 years. Just incredible numbers! But in the country there are only 13% of children and adolescents, 64% of people from 15 to 65 years old and 28% of old people. That is, the pension burden ratio is as much as 35.7%. The question arises: why are young families unable to fully reproduce themselves? At this rate, Japan's population is projected to decline to 97 million by 2050. It is unlikely that the Japanese authorities will allow such a situation. But with the current outlook on life, politicians are forced to work hard to stimulate population growth.

Taking a look at Japanese demographic changes, I would like to conclude that a modern Japanese woman often has no time to give birth. She needs more years for, as a result of which she marries late. In addition, financial obstacles lie in wait, such as the high cost of raising children. Many young girls and boys have recently made the decision not to get married at all. And such a decision is followed by the rejection of childbearing, since the Japanese do not welcome extramarital relationships.

Indeed, the able-bodied population preferred a career to marriage. In Japanese society, it is quite difficult to combine work and raising children. Interesting fact that both sexes doubt family and marital values. 61% of unmarried men and 49.5% of unmarried women aged 18 to 35 did not have a sexual partner. Most didn't even want to. Perhaps, with this view, the population of Japan will not increase soon.

Local authorities are concerned about the state of demography in the country, because after a while, if everything develops at the current pace, the labor force will be greatly reduced.

Japanese Religious Life

In Japan, there are different religious directions that have developed over many centuries. The main currents are Shintoism, Indian Buddhism and Christianity. FROM early XIX centuries, on the basis of folk beliefs and rituals, new Japanese sects appear.

More than 200 thousand religious institutions and organizations operate on the territory of the country. The number of believers is statistically twice as large as the population of Japan. There is an explanation for that. Many residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are immediately adherents, the existence of which excludes the slightest aggression towards a person. All beliefs are characterized by indulgence, love for one's neighbor, respect for family and ancestors, respect for nature, close interaction between man and God, purification, unity of religious rites with everyday life.

Japanese longevity secrets

The high life expectancy of the population of Japan is due to a proper diet and a developed healthcare system.

The Japanese menu includes cereals, soy and seafood. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, the main ingredient, of course, is rice. And its combination with fish wrapped in seaweed is a world-famous delicacy called sushi.

Fruits in the Land of the Rising Sun are very expensive: for two dollars you can buy just one apple or apricot. But, nevertheless, they are eaten in larger quantities and exclusively fresh.

Also, the inhabitants of Japan love greens, vegetables, especially eggplant, spinach, bamboo sprouts, broccoli. Eat food only in season.

It may seem that the variety of food in Japan is very poor, but in a week a Japanese family eats about 50 different dishes, while as a European - only 30.

The Japanese, in addition to all of the above, move a lot, do physical exercises. Naturally, the result was not long in coming. Only three out of a hundred people in Japan are overweight. For comparison: in America, as many as 34% of the population suffer from this disease.

That's the whole secret of the longevity of the Japanese. By following these principles, we can boast of good health.

Unusual traditions of the Japanese

The population of Japan observes a huge amount. The life of a Japanese is literally permeated with a network of customs and ceremonies, this is especially evident in communication between people.

The Japanese greet not with a handshake, but with a slight bow, the depth and duration of which should correspond to the social status of the oncoming one. When talking, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun begin their speech with an apology, as if for wasting the interlocutor's time. And they always smile.

Before going outside, the Japanese always take a bath; in general, they are obsessed with personal hygiene. They even go to the toilet in special slippers, so as not to spread dirt around the house.

Even in Japan there is a cult of food. They can talk about food for hours, while tasty smacking their lips. It is considered ignorance not to say “Very tasty” to the hostess. And the best souvenir, perhaps, will be a new yummy.

Interestingly, a tip for a Japanese is perceived as an obscene gesture. After all, paying the appointed price for the service, the visitor remains on an equal footing with the workers of the institution. Otherwise, he will show his superiority, which amounts to an insult.

It is unacceptable to enter the house shod. There is a special place for street shoes, on which stepping with your toe is equivalent to a disaster - because it is dirty there.

In general, Japan is a country of naive, sympathetic and very smart people. Many of their actions on the part of the Europeans are not amenable to common sense, but, thanks to such actions, the people of Japan will always retain great interest in themselves.

The Japanese are quite sociable, but you also need to be able to competently maintain a conversation. To do this, take our main course "" and speak Japanese!

What interesting or funny facts about the Japanese do you know? Perhaps you noticed something in communication with the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun? Please share.

Japan Population Size and Density

The population of Japan according to the UN for $2016 is $127.1 million. The country is dominated by the female population, which accounts for $51.3\%$, the share of the male population is $48.7\%$. The country's population has remained practically unchanged for the past $10$ years, which is explained by a decline in the birth rate and low mortality. Relatively recently, the country was characterized by a high birth rate and a high natural increase. In the $50s, the birth rate dropped sharply, and today the country has moved to the first type of population reproduction with a high life expectancy. The economically active population accounts for $50\%$ of the total population, $13\%$ of the population is employed in industry, $20\%$ in agriculture and $40\%$ of the Japanese work in the non-manufacturing sector. The skill level of the country's labor resources is very high.

Japan is $7$ in terms of population, behind China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, the USA, and Russia. A slight increase in the number is due to immigrants, but foreigners are not welcome in the country due to violation of existing laws and regulations, as well as ignorance of Japanese culture. Other nationalities are represented by fractions of a percentage, but even among them, Koreans and Chinese are the largest group. Americans and representatives of European countries, who number up to $40 thousand people in Japan, are not considered permanent residents. The natives of the Japanese islands include the Ainu, who settled in the $11th century on the island of Hokkaido.

Ready-made works on a similar topic

  • Coursework 470 rubles.
  • abstract The population of Japan, its distribution throughout the country 260 rub.
  • Test The population of Japan, its distribution throughout the country 190 rub.

Today there are about $20 thousand of them. The Ainu, forced out by the Japanese in the $19th century, lost their best lands, but the older generation still retains its language and culture. Despite the fact that other nationalities live in Japan, the country is one-national and $99\%$ of the population are Japanese.

The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country, although it belongs to densely populated countries. The average density is more than $300$ people. per sq. km. The coastal regions of the country have a high density, more than $500 per person. per sq km, and in the north of Hokkaido the density is only $70$ people. per sq. km. Most of the Japanese - $80\%$ - live in cities, so the level of urbanization is very high. There are $11$ million-plus cities in the country. Only in one metropolitan area Keihin$30 million people live. Agglomerations located on the Pacific coast merge into one megalopolis Tokaido. The length of this megalopolis is $600$ km with a population of $65$ million. A difficult demographic situation is developing in the country. The average age of the Japanese is $44.6. Children and teenagers make up only $13\%$, pensioners $28\%$, people of working age - $64\%$.

Remark 1

Specialists make a forecast for $2050$ and come to the conclusion that the population will decrease to $97 million. Extramarital relations are not welcome in the country, and young people do not seek marriage. It can be assumed that the population of Japan will change little in the next decade.

National features of the Japanese

Japan is often referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun". But, at the same time, it is also the birthplace of samurai, geishas, ​​cherry blossoms and martial arts. The Japanese psychology differs from the psychology of other nations and, against the background of other nations, they have a high life expectancy, a low number of violent crimes, preserved centuries-old traditions with the highest technological and economic development. It is the only state in the world with a formal title Empire. It is possible that all the achievements of modern Japan are connected with the national characteristics of the Japanese.

The most striking national features of the Japanese include:

big industriousness which often turns into workaholism. The Japanese are very devoted to their work and the company in which they work. The firm is their home, so it's normal to stay at work until late at night. Putting their whole soul into the performance of any business, the Japanese "burn out" at work emotionally and physically.

Contemplation of beauty. Admiring the beauty of nature or man-made beauty, while receiving aesthetic pleasure, is an integral part of the psychology of the Japanese. Cherry blossoms, the beauty of the setting sun, Fujiyama volcano cause them moral pleasure and satisfaction. Love for the beautiful caused such areas of Japanese art as ikebana, bonsai, and the tea ceremony.

Loyalty to tradition. The conservative Japanese are in no hurry to adopt the customs and values ​​of other peoples. The continuity of generations is of great importance for them, and hence the great respect for the cultural heritage of their country.

Curiosity and curiosity The Japanese people helped to achieve superiority in the field of technology development. Everything new makes them want to thoroughly study it, transform it for themselves. They know how to take something useful from other cultures without losing their ethnic identity.

The Japanese mentality is characterized collectivism. Throughout their lives, they are attached to different social groups. This can be their own family, the team of the company where they work, the party, etc. Every Japanese clearly knows his place in the hierarchy and is always ready to obey his superiors, they are characterized by humility and humility, so the authority of a father, boss, teacher, policeman is simply undeniable. Strict Japanese etiquette and politeness are based on collectivism, and hence the desire to make life in a team as comfortable as possible.

In Japanese, there are 3 "styles of politeness":

  1. Conversational style. It is commonly used when speaking to younger members of the family;
  2. Neutral polite style characteristic in conversation with strangers and equals in position;
  3. Very polite style- keigo. The style is used with the elderly and seniors in society by position.

The national characteristics of the Japanese were formed under the influence of the traditional religions of the country - Shinto and Buddhism. Religious teachings, their values ​​and prescriptions are part of the worldview of the Japanese people. The virtues of Buddhism are restraint, patience, self-control, and the Japanese strive to develop these character traits in themselves.

In the rules of life, the Japanese also adhere to Buddhist philosophy:

  1. The desire to comply with the laws of the country and the rules prescribed in society;
  2. Do not rebel, but reconcile with the situation and unpleasant circumstances;
  3. Restriction in entertainment and the desire to work more for the good of the nation;
  4. In personal troubles, you should only blame yourself.


Remark 2

The Japanese system of raising children is very interesting and is sometimes referred to as the famous Japanese courtesy, which manifests itself right from infancy. Japanese children seem to never cry, foreigners are amazed. The reason lies elsewhere. Babies start crying when they want to eat or drink, sleep, experience any inconvenience or are left unattended. Avoiding all of these is part of Japanese upbringing in infancy. During the first two years, the baby is attached to the mother and is part of her, he is with her all day, the child is next to the mother at night, and he receives the breast as soon as he wishes. The kid is not let go even when he starts to walk.

The impulses of the child are not limited and they do not try to accustom him to some kind of routine. From infancy, the child hears warnings from relatives “dangerous”, “dirty”, “bad”. Thus, these warnings as unambiguous enter into his consciousness. The child is not spoiled at all, as it may seem at first glance, he is simply not given a reason to cry. Boys usually do not forbid anything and do not react to the bad behavior of children. Threat of exclusion- one of the methods of Japanese education. Everyone will turn away from you or laugh at you if your behavior is inappropriate - this is how parents teach their children. Such teaching causes fear of being excommunicated from relatives, of being ridiculed or humiliated, and sinks into the soul of the baby from a very early age.

With the first restrictions, children meet at school age. being brought up prudence, the child is taught to beware of those positions in which one can "lose face" both one's own and other people's. A period begins when the child learns to suppress impulses in himself. Accessible children's pampering and free expression of their impulses is no longer appropriate. The child sees in them a kind of evil. Be that as it may, the complete freedom of early childhood leaves an unforgettable mark on the character of a small person. A feeling of shame unknown in childhood and the memory of carefree days give rise to a new look at life in which there is restrictions and concessions. In matters of duty, the Japanese are very demanding of themselves and others and indulgent towards human weaknesses. Virtue for the Japanese is willpower, the ability, for the sake of higher duty, to turn away from pleasures that are not considered evil.

The article contains information regarding the population of Japan. Indicates the reasons that influenced the mono-nationality of the state. Gives a brief insight into the life of the Japanese.

Population of Japan

Japan belongs to the category of mono-national states. Indigenous people here make up over 99% of the population.

The country is dominated by women - almost 3 million more than men.

To understand what kind of population is in Japan, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the largest number of possible national minorities are Koreans, there are about 600 thousand of them.

On about. Hokkaido is home to almost 16,000 Ainu.

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Rice. 1. Ainu.

They are classified as natives of the Japanese islands, since they settled them back in the 11th century.

A specific phenomenon of ethnography is the “this” caste, also called “barakumin”. This is a relic of the feudal period.

Caste "this" - the fifth special composition of the unprivileged population, the so-called a group of "people of vile professions":

  • tanners;
  • scavengers;
  • jesters.

The ancestors of these people live in specialized reservations. In total there are about six hundred of them with a population equal to almost 3 million people. In fact, they have equal rights as other members of society, but in reality they experience discrimination and harassment.

Family unions among "this" and not "this" are practically not concluded.

Population of Japan

The population of Japan according to the UN is 127.1 million people. The population of the country has not changed for almost a decade. This is due to the low birth and death rates.

The economically active population accounts for 50% of the total, 13% of the population is employed in the industrial sector, 20% in the agricultural sector, and 40% of the Japanese work in the non-manufacturing sector.

Japan is ranked seventh in the world in terms of population.

A small increase in the number is noted due to immigrants.

Foreigners in Japan do not take root due to the violation of existing customs and norms. This is also affected by foreigners' ignorance of Japanese culture.

The psychology of the Japanese differs from the psychology of other nations. Therefore, in comparison with other ethnic groups, the inhabitants of the country have a higher life expectancy, a low number of violent offenses. The Japanese are the only nation that has preserved traditions in the face of rapid technological development.

Rice. 2. Cherry blossom festival.

The population in Japan is distributed quite unevenly. However, the country belongs to the densely populated states. The average population density of Japan is approximately equal to the value of over 300 people per square kilometer. km. Coastal areas are marked by higher density - over 500 people per sq. km. km.

The bulk of the country's inhabitants, and this is 80% - settles in cities.

Japan has over a dozen (11) million-plus cities. The Keihin metropolitan area alone has 30 million people. Agglomerations that are localized on the Pacific coast merge into a single megalopolis of Tokaido.

Rice. 3. Megalopolis Tokaido.

The length of the megalopolis is 600 km, and the population is 65 million people. There is a difficult demographic situation in the country.

The median age is 44.6 years. Children and adolescents account for only 13%, people of retirement age 28%, able-bodied citizens - 64%.

What have we learned?

We found out what is the population density in the country. We learned what factors regulate the birth and death rates in Japan. We understood the reason why the country is reluctant to accept foreigners.

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