» Banking services. Theoretical aspects of the effectiveness of banking services to the population What are the main types of services provided by banks

Banking services. Theoretical aspects of the effectiveness of banking services to the population What are the main types of services provided by banks


In the Russian Federation, the creation and functioning of commercial banks is based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On banks and banking activities in the Russian Federation". In accordance with this law, Russian banks act as universal credit institutions that perform a wide range of operations in the financial market: providing loans of various types and terms, buying, selling and storing securities, foreign currency, attracting funds on deposits, making settlements, issuing guarantees , guarantees and other obligations, intermediary and trust operations, etc.

Commercial banks are banks, the main purpose of which is to maximize profits.

Commercial banks are credit institutions entitled to carry out in aggregate the following banking operations:

Attracting deposits of funds from individuals and legal entities;

However, the activities of banking institutions are much more diverse. This system is capable of self-regulation, i.e. response to environmental changes, development, improvement.

The bank's profit is formed from the difference in interest charged to customers and paid to them on banking operations, as well as through commission fees for services rendered. Profit is officially considered the main indicator of the bank's performance. Without profitability, profitability, the bank cannot exist.

Commercial banks operate on the basis of banking licenses obtained from the central bank.

The purpose of this course work is to reveal the essence of banking services provided to the population, to identify the state of banking services at the present stage, to find a solution to the problem of providing banking services to the population.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

    The first chapter is of a general theoretical nature. It considers the concepts of banking services provided to the population, their types. It also considers the current state of the banking services market.

    The second chapter is analytical. Here, an analysis of banking services to the population was carried out using the example of VTB24. The full range of services offered by the bank is shown here.

    the third chapter shows the solution to the problem of providing banking services to the population.


The concept of banking services to the population, their types

A banking service is one or more bank operations that satisfy a specific customer need.

The main characteristics of the banking service:

    is intangible;

    the product is not stockpiled, but banks create cash reserves managed by the banker;

    banking operations and services are regulated by law;

Types of banking services to the population:

    credit - banking operations for lending to the population;

    deposit - bank operations to attract funds from the population in deposits, deposits;

    cash - settlement and cash services for the population;

    additional - electronic banking services to the population (plastic cards).

The current state of the banking services market for the population

The modern market for the provision of services for individuals consists of the following areas: savings business, general bank management funds, lending, and electronic services.

Savings business. Currently, there are three main areas in the savings business (Fig. 1):

A deposit is money in the currency of the Russian Federation or a foreign currency placed by individuals for the purpose of keeping and generating income 1 .

Despite the fact that most of the banks in Russia are still not completely "retail", they work with deposits from citizens, and such work imposes a certain social responsibility on credit organizations, because the population is the most unprotected part of the clients and the problems of the bank lead to an aggravation of social tension. That is why the Federal Law “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” was created and approved. The main goal of this law is to put banks on an almost equal competitive footing by removing the monopoly on state guarantees of Sberbank, as well as to increase public confidence in commercial banks, undermined by numerous banking crises. Citizens' money is, without a doubt, the most promising resource for banks, and bankers have understood this for a long time. The savings business is actively and successfully developing, and the introduction of the law on deposit insurance should further strengthen the position of commercial banks and give impetus to the development of retail banking. Positive trends are already being observed, and if the law on irrevocable deposits is adopted, this will allow the bank to receive long-term and stable resources.

Irrevocable deposits imply the impossibility of terminating the agreement by the depositor before the expiration of the agreement. Naturally, such deposits will also be more profitable for clients, which will lead to a decrease in the cost of attracted resources due to lower rates for other types of deposits.

General Funds of Banking Management (OFBU). Participation in the OFBU is an opportunity for investors to earn money on the stock market without having special knowledge and without wasting their time studying quotes and analyzing the market. Currently, according to the Association for the Protection of Information Rights of Investors, there are only 45 general funds of banking management. This type of service is much less common in Russia than deposits.

When evaluating investments in OFBU, bankers recommend “not putting all your eggs in one basket” and dividing your savings into two parts, investing about 30% of them in the stock market, leaving the rest on a deposit with a guaranteed return. At the same time, it would be correct to divide the 30% that the investor is willing to risk by investing one part in a fund with an active strategy, and the other in a conservative fund. This will allow you to hedge the risks of the investor and, if circumstances are successful, make good money on investing in a fund with an aggressive strategy.

In conclusion, it should be said that so far this is a rather “exotic” banking service, significantly inferior in popularity to bank deposits. Moreover, the Bank of Russia interfered in the regulation of interest rates on deposits, forcing small banks to further reduce the profitability of deposits, which will force depositors to look for more profitable instruments to generate income. In the future, FBU may take a place in the retail banking market, diverting part of the funds from bank deposits.

Lending. The issuance of loans to the population is currently the most dynamically developing sector of the retail banking business, which annually doubles the amount of borrowed funds.

The steady growth in lending indicates the unsatisfied demand of the population for consumer loans, on the one hand, and the high profitability of consumer lending for banks, on the other. On fig. 2 shows the classification of lending by purpose.

Mortgage loans

Mortgage is a very promising direction today. Own housing is one of the main goals of the younger generation, which is ready to spend a significant part of their income to achieve it. But it is too early to talk about the massive development of mortgages in Russia. Car loans. Taking into account the development of “motorization” of the population, this type of lending enjoys well-deserved popularity and, unlike the mortgage discussed above, has already received real development.

The growth of competition and the entry of new and especially foreign players into the market will certainly lead to lower rates and the rejection of additional commissions. On the other hand, this process is given momentum by legislators who propose the creation of a regulatory framework for the unification of loan offers, from which the client will know exactly all the costs of servicing the loan.

Internet banking systems and electronic money most often act as competing areas, although they also have to interact, and in most cases in the form of transferring funds from Internet banking to electronic money systems. In the future, the possibility of a symbiosis of these systems is not ruled out, but so far, electronic money is leading in terms of convenience and accessibility.

As can be seen from the above data, the use of electronic money, unlike Internet banking systems, does not require initial investments, which is of great importance. Currently, in terms of their consumer properties, as well as the cost of servicing the electronic money system, they have a significant competitive advantage compared to the banking services offered. At the same time, the systems effectively interact in the field of input-output of funds between the banking system and electronic money systems.


About the bank.

Branches of the bank "VTB24" in Chita are located at the following addresses: st. Bogomyagkova, 41 and st. Amurskaya, 41. VTB24 Bank is one of the largest participants in the Russian banking services market. It is part of the international financial group VTB and specializes in servicing individuals, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

The bank's network is formed by more than 500 branches and additional offices in 68 regions of the country. VTB24 offers its clients the main banking products accepted in international financial practice.

Among the services provided: the issuance of bank cards, mortgage and consumer lending, car loans, term deposits, money transfers. Part of the services is available to customers around the clock, for which modern telecommunication technologies are used.

The main shareholder of VTB24 is JSC VTB Bank (98.01% of shares). The authorized capital of VTB24 is 33.6 billion rubles, the amount of own funds (capital) is 58.9 billion rubles.

The bank's team adheres to the values ​​and principles of the international financial group VTB. One of the main tasks of the group is to maintain and improve the developed financial system of Russia.

VTB24 operates in accordance with the General License of the Bank of Russia No. 1623 dated July 13, 2000.

VTB24 deposits and savings

VTB 24 offers to place available funds in deposits - in rubles or foreign currency. All deposits are insured in the manner, amount and on the terms established by the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposits of Individuals in Banks of the Russian Federation".

    Bank account- this is the most convenient of all modern ways of handling money. Opening a bank account in various currencies is available:

    in Russian rubles;

  • in US dollars;

    in British pounds sterling;

    in Swiss francs;

    in Japanese yen;

    in Swedish krona.

    • Demand deposits- are accepted on the terms of issuing the entire amount of money or part of it at the first request of the client.

VTB24 offers to open a demand deposit in rubles or foreign currency (US dollars or euros). Interest is charged monthly on the deposit.

    Term deposits is an optimal and reliable financial instrument for those who want to increase their money. The minimum amount of the additional contribution is 500 US dollars.

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1. In Kamchatka, known for its active volcanoes, special technologies for the processing of volcanic raw materials are being introduced. Start it

The work was carried out by a special decision of the governor. Experts have determined that the production of silicates from volcanic rock is a very profitable business that does not require significant capital investments. According to their calculations, the work of one plant can bring 40 million rubles. To the regional budget and 50 million rubles. to the state budget. Consider this information from the standpoint of the topic studied: determine what types of people's activities manifested themselves in the events described, name in each case the subjects and objects of activity, trace the connection between consciousness and activity in this example.2. Determine whether practical or spiritual activities include: a) cognitive activity; b) social reforms; c) production of essential goods. H. Name the actions that make up the activities of a doctor, farmer, scientist.

Which example illustrates the influence of society on nature? a) the slow pace of development of the relic tribes of Central Africa; b)

construction of the Tsimlyansk reservoir; c) the formation of races; d) the development of trade and navigation in ancient Greece. 2. Rational cognition (the process of thinking) does not involve the production of: a) concepts; b) judgments; c) representations; d) inferences. 3. The world religions do not include: a) Buddhism; b) Islam; c) animism; d) Christianity. 4. Determine which of the statements is true. A. The statement "An apple tree is a tree" is an inference. B. Saying “All men are mortal. Antonov is a man. Therefore, Antonov is mortal” is a judgment. 1) only A is true; 3) both statements are true; 2) only B is true; 4) both statements are wrong. 5. Social need is the need for: 1) food; 2) air; 3) water; 4) family. 6. Social norms are: a) traditions; b) documents; c) morals; d) contracts; e) the laws of nature. 7. The family as a social institution performs the following functions: a) reproductive; b) leisure; c) educational; d) socialization; e) erotic. 8. The economic sphere of society is characterized by (-s): 1) the most important discoveries and inventions in science; 2) national differentiation; 3) social division of labor; 4) social conflicts. 9. The meaningful stimuli of human activity include: 1) motives; 2) attraction; 3) habits; 4) emotions. 10. What type of family prevails in an industrial society? a) extended family, b) small family, c) large family, d) nuclear family, e) temporary unregistered marriage. 11. Unlike nature, society: 1) is a system; 2) is in development; 3) acts as a creator of culture; 4) develops according to its own laws. 12. Which of the features is inherent in a traditional society? 1) developed factory production; 2) creation of the main product in agriculture; 3) completion of the industrial revolution; 4) highly developed infrastructure. 13. . All types of industrial, social and spiritual activities of a person and society, as well as all their results in the aggregate, can be called: 1) culture; 2) economy; 3) worldview; 4) history. 14. What function of science is illustrated by the development of new ways to protect a person's home from unauthorized intrusion? 1) cognitive; 2) prognostic; 3) explanatory; 4) social. 15. Are the following judgments about the relationship between the spheres of public life correct? A. The growth of government spending on the production of new types of weapons is an example of the connection between the political and economic spheres of society. B. Financing of the activities of the museum by a patron is an example of the connection between the economic and spiritual spheres of society. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are true; 4) both judgments are wrong. 16. For which science is the question of the relationship between the concepts of "good" and "evil" the main one? 1) psychology; 2) ethics; 3) aesthetics; 4) sociology. 17. A person, unlike an animal, has the ability to: 1) act together with his own kind; 2) see the purpose of their actions; 3) train offspring; 4) protect yourself from danger. 18. What activity is characterized by the generalization of the properties of things in concepts? 1) material and production; 2) social transformation; 3) spiritual and practical; 4) spiritual and theoretical. 1 19. A farmer works the land with the help of special equipment. The subject of this activity is: 1) land; 2) technique; 3) cultivated crop; 4) farmer. 20. Are the following judgments about truth correct? A. The relativity of truth is due to the infinity and variability of the comprehended world. B. The relativity of truth is due to the limited cognitive capabilities of man. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are true; 4) both judgments are wrong. 21. Culture in a broad sense is 1) the level of technical development of society; 2) the totality of all the achievements of mankind; 3) the level of education of the population; 4) all genres of art. 22. Both humans and animals have needs for 1) social activity; 2) purposeful activity; 3) care for offspring; 4) changing the environment. 23. The activity of the state in the management of society is an example of activity: 1) economic; 2) spiritual; 3) social; 4) political. 24. Are the following judgments about truth correct? A. Relative truth is knowledge that necessarily gives rise to different points of view. B. Relative truth is called incomplete knowledge, true only in certain conditions. 1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are true; 4) both judgments are wrong. 25. The existence of enterprises of various forms of ownership is guaranteed in country A. The success of these enterprises directly depends on the demand of consumers for the manufactured goods. What type of economic systems can be attributed to the economy of country A.? 1) planned; 2) command; 3) market; 4) traditional.

1) Market demand is not affected by:

Task: Market demand is not affected by:
Answers: 1) consumer income; 2) prices for interchangeable goods; 3) resource prices; 4) the number of buyers; 5) wealth of buyers.

2) Task: The nature of demand is influenced by factors: a change in the value of consumer income, a change in consumer preferences, the scale of the local market, price and deficit expectations, as a result, the demand curve:
Answers: 1) shifts to the left and right; 2) changes the configuration; 3) changes the slope; 4) remains unchanged; 5) all answers are wrong.

3) Task: The value of the offer is:
Answers: 1) the quantity of this product in the warehouses of all enterprises; 2) the money that producers want to receive for their goods; 3) the quantity of goods that producers are willing to sell at a given price; 4) the quantity of goods that consumers want to buy at a given price; 5) the manufacturer's investment in the development of production.

Task: Improvement of technologies causes:
Answers: 1) shift of the demand curve to the right; 2) shift of the demand curve to the left; 3) shift of the supply curve to the right; 4) shift of the supply curve to the left; 5) movement along (along) the supply curve.

Task: Determine what reasons can lead to a shift in the supply curve of goods to the right:
Answers: 1) the growth of wages in the industry that produces this product; 2) increase in subsidies to firms producing this product; 3) increase in the average income of the population; 4) expansion of demand for this product; 5) reduction in the number of firms producing this product.

Task: If the supply is unchanged, and the demand is to the right, at a price:
Answers: 1) increases; 2) remains unchanged; 3) rises; 4) is reduced by a part of the goods; 5) there are surpluses of goods.

Task: If the market price is below the equilibrium price, then:
Answers: 1) the appearance of excess goods; 2) there is a shortage of goods; 3) a buyer's market is formed; 4) the price of resources falls; 5) the number of buyers is reduced.

Task: The market for goods and services is in equilibrium if:
Answers: 1) demand is equal to supply; 2) price is equal to costs plus profit; 3) the level of technology changes gradually; 4) the volume of supply is equal to the volume of demand; 5) all answers are correct.

Task: The ratio of percentage changes in the quantity of the requested products to the percentage change in price expresses:
Answers: 1) demand elasticity coefficient; 2) the marginal utility of the product; 3) coefficient of supply elasticity; 4) the dynamics of changes in income; 5) indicator of economic efficiency.

Task: With a 1% reduction in the price of a product, there was a 2% increase in the volume of demand, therefore demand:
Answers: 1) inelastic; 2) elastic; 3) unit elasticity; 4) absolutely elastic; 5) absolutely inelastic.

Task: If the elasticity of demand for irons were zero, this would mean that:
Answers: 1) at available prices, you can sell any number of irons; 2) a given number of irons will be purchased at arbitrarily high prices; 3) consumers are willing to buy any amount of this good at any price; 4) consumers will not agree to any changes in the supply volumes and prices of irons; 5) there would be a shortage of irons.

Task: In the instantaneous market period, the manufacturer does not have time to respond to changes in demand and prices - this situation corresponds to the curve:
Answers: 1) perfectly inelastic supply; 2) perfectly inelastic demand; 3) perfectly elastic supply; 4) elastic supply; 5) unit elasticity of demand.
Friends, please help!

PLEASE HELP WITH A SOCIETY TEST) 1. The science of the economy, how it is run and managed, the relationship between people in the process

production and exchange of goods, patterns of economic processes:

1) sociology 2) economics 3) archeology 4) history

2. The interaction of consumers in the market studies:

1) microeconomics 2) macroeconomics 3) segmentation 4) distribution

3. The sum of market prices of all final products (goods and services) produced during the year in the country:

1) GDP 2) ND 3) GNP 4) FER

4. Insert missing words:

1) An increase in GDP due to a qualitative improvement in the factors of production and an increase in their efficiency is ... growth.

2) There are 4 economic systems: traditional, ..., market and mixed.

5. The securities market is:

1) commodity exchange 2) stock market 3) labor market 4) monopolistic market

6. Investment of material and monetary resources in production:

1) resources 2) interest 3) investments 4) profit

7. The cost of maintaining the building, for utilities: 1) variable costs 2) fixed costs 3) accounting profit 4) efficiency

8. Are the statements true:

1) The legal principle of entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation is the principle of diversity of forms of ownership, their legal equality and equality of their protection.

2) The founders of a partnership may be individual entrepreneurs and commercial organizations.

3) State and municipal unitary enterprises are commercial organizations endowed with the right of ownership of the property assigned to them.

9. Activities aimed at the formation and satisfaction of human needs through the exchange:

1) marketing 2) credit policy 3) management 4) sales promotion

10. Lowering the discount rate is an example of government policy

1) fiscal 2) monetary 3) legal regulation

11. Inflation is

1) economic recession 2) the process of depreciation of money 3) a decrease in demand from the population

12. Bank lending is his

1) active operation 2) passive operation

13. What is superfluous in the list:

quota, embargo, dumping, protectionism, labor market

14. The difference between the value of exports and imports for a certain period:

1) economic costs 2) trade balance 3) price of goods 4) level of demand

15. Denmark's exports in 2003 were $150,120 million and imports $456,240 million. Calculate the country's foreign trade balance. Is it positive?

16. Indicate what type of activity is the basis of the economy:

1) distribution 2) production 3) exchange 4) consumption

17. The amount of demand is affected by:

1) the amount of income of the population 2) an increase in the population

3) changing consumer tastes and possible price increases in the future

4) all of the above

18. How can a consumer make a rational economic choice?

Each average bank is able to provide legal entities and individuals with a wide range of services. These services include: consumer finance, mortgage lending, car loans, credit card issuance...

Banks also offer investment and insurance services, deposit operations, the provision of a safe deposit box, cash and settlement operations.

If you have a certain amount of money and want to invest it somewhere, then you can use the advice of investment consultants.

If a person wants to start a business, but does not have enough money, banks provide a loan. You can also apply for an interest-free loan, which is carried out to support small businesses.

Banks also offer various insurance services for users of consumer loans. You can also take advantage of the cumulative insurance program. For example, open a child or retirement account.

If a person has any securities and jewelry, then it is best to keep them in a bank, and not at home. Banks have such a service as the provision of safes, which can be rented for any period of time. This service is very convenient to use if you need to leave for a long time. So all valuables will be safe.

It is also possible at any bank. It can be salary, credit or nominal. Cardholders can request free statements of their accounts. If there is no SMS informing service, then free account statements will come in handy.

The owner of a plastic card will be able to control all transactions on his account. Using a plastic card is very convenient. You can pay at the store for purchases with a card. And if you are the owner of a gold card, then this will raise your authority.

In the bank, you can also make any currency transactions: purchase, sale of the currency of any state. It is also possible to transfer funds to anywhere in the world.

The bank can pay utility bills. It will be much more convenient and faster than by mail. Banks have express terminals for replenishing accounts and ATMs...


Read more:

  1. Is it possible nowadays to meet a person who does not use a plastic card?...

  2. Visa debit plastic cards are widely used due to their reliability and...

Among the banking services provided to the population, first of all, it is necessary to single out deposit operations. Deposit operations are called banks' operations to attract funds from individuals in deposits either for a certain period or on demand. The share of deposit operations usually accounts for up to 95% of the liabilities of commercial banks.

The objects of deposit operations are deposits - the amounts of money that the subjects of deposit operations deposit with the bank and which, by virtue of the current procedure for conducting banking operations, are concentrated in bank accounts for a certain time.

According to their economic content, deposits are usually divided into three groups:

  • term deposits;
  • demand deposits;
  • savings deposits of the population.

In turn, each of these groups is classified according to different criteria. It is customary to distinguish term deposits depending on their term:

  • deposits with a term of up to 3 months;
  • · deposits with a term of 3 to 6 months;
  • · deposits with a term of 6 to 9 months;
  • · deposits with a term of 9 to 12 months;
  • · deposits with a term of more than 12 months.

Savings funds, depending on the characteristics of their storage, for example, are divided into fixed-term, fixed-term with additional contributions, winning, cash-and-thing winning, youth premium, conditional, bearer, current accounts, on demand, savings certificates, plastic cards. Each type of deposit has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Demand deposits are the most liquid. Their owners can at any time use the money on demand accounts. The features of a demand deposit account are as follows:

  • money is deposited or withdrawn to this account both in parts and in full without restrictions;
  • · it is allowed to take cash from this account in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • · For demand deposits, the bank is obliged to keep a minimum reserve in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in a larger proportion than for term deposits.

The main disadvantages of demand deposits are:

  • · for their owners - practically no payment of interest on the account;
  • · for the bank - the need to have a higher operating reserve to maintain liquidity.

Term deposit accounts have a fixed term, pay a fixed interest rate to their holders, and are generally subject to early withdrawal restrictions. For funds held in time deposit accounts, a lower required reserve ratio is set than for demand deposits.

The advantage of time deposit accounts for the client is to receive a high interest, and for the bank - the ability to maintain liquidity with a smaller operating reserve.

The disadvantage of term deposit accounts for clients is low liquidity and the inability to use funds in term deposit accounts for settlements and current payments, as well as for cash withdrawals. For the bank, the disadvantage is the need to pay increased interest on deposits and thus reduce the bank margin.

Savings deposits are beneficial to banks because they are long-term and, therefore, can serve as a source of long-term investments. Their disadvantage is the exposure of these deposits to a variety of factors (political, economic, psychological), which increases the risk of a rapid outflow of funds from these deposits and loss of bank liquidity.

Today in banking practice, certificates of deposit have been widely developed in banking practice. Deposit certificate, according to art. 142, 143 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a security indicating that a fixed-term deposit with a fixed term and an interest rate has been made to the bank. There are two types of certificates of deposit - non-transferable, which are kept by the depositor and presented to the bank upon maturity, and transferable, which are freely sold on the secondary financial market.

For individuals, savings certificates are used, issued both for a fixed period and on demand.

Commercial banks in the conditions of competition in the market of credit resources need to constantly take care of both quantitative and qualitative improvement of their deposits. The activities of a commercial bank are as follows:

  • · deposit operations should contribute to making a profit or create conditions for making a profit in the future;
  • · deposit operations should be varied and conducted with different subjects;
  • · special attention in the process of organizing deposit operations should be given to term deposits;
  • · the interconnection and consistency between deposit and credit operations in terms of terms and amounts of deposits and credit investments should be ensured;
  • · Organizing deposit and credit operations, the bank should strive to minimize its free resources;
  • · the bank should take measures to develop banking services that facilitate the attraction of deposits.

Other banking services provided to the population, various in form, bring significant income to banks abroad. In Russian practice, their range is still limited. Other active transactions include: transactions with foreign currency and precious metals, trust, agency, commodity, settlement, etc.

The economic content of these operations is different. In some cases (purchase - sale of foreign currency or precious metals), there is a change in the volume or structure of assets that can be used to satisfy the claims of bank creditors; in others (trust operations), the bank acts as a fiduciary in relation to the property transferred to it; thirdly (agency operations) - the bank acts as an intermediary, performing settlement operations on behalf of its customers.

The banking business is developing in harsh conditions. In order to succeed, institutions use different methods. The winners are those who try to diversify their activities by developing unique products. For more information on what types of banking services exist today, read on.


In the economic literature, the term "banking product" began to be used after the transition of the economy to a market system. It means an operation performed by a financial institution aimed at improving the conditions of functioning. There is another interpretation: a banking service is the result of an activity that acts as a product and enters the market for sale.


Individual services are:

  • single (reassigned for a specific consumer);
  • mass (differ only by type of asset).

By limitation, banking products are:

  • limited, that is, with a certain issue quota (bonds, loan agreements, etc.), intended for a specific buyer;
  • not limited in number.

Types of banking services in the form:

  • property (money, gold bars, securities, etc.);
  • rights (account opening agreement, loan agreement, etc.).
  • first appeared on the financial market;
  • new in the domestic market.

The following types of bank services are distinguished by type:

  • credit;
  • issue of plastic cards;
  • loans;
  • deposits;
  • leasing;
  • checking account maintenance;
  • operations with foreign currency;
  • factoring;
  • ATM;
  • issue and servicing of securities;
  • home banking;
  • forfaiting operations;
  • "swap" transactions, etc.

Basic banking services

RKO is one of the most popular products. Previously, no commission was charged for cash payments for goods and services through the bank's cash desk. As a result, large queues of customers were formed in the branches, which the employees simply did not have time to serve. Therefore, banks began to charge a fee for money transfers, the amount of which is several times higher than the cost of a similar service carried out through a self-service terminal. All foreign exchange transactions are carried out only through the cashier. But RKO is not the main source of funds for the bank.

Deposit - accumulation of temporarily free money. The bank uses the borrowed funds in financial transactions from which it makes a profit. A certain percentage of this income will be transferred to the client as a reward. Deposits are the main source of raising funds. Therefore, the Central Bank forces institutions to create reserves for their obligations and transfer a certain percentage of them to the DIA. During periods of crisis, the attractiveness of deposits increases. This is the safest type of investment, which, if it does not bring income, then at least compensates for inflation.

Credit - the provision of a certain amount on terms of urgency, payment and repayment. In such transactions, the bank can be a borrower and a lender. The institution can independently provide money to individuals and legal entities. Such transactions are called active. But if the bank needs funds, it can get them from another financial institution. Such transactions will be called passive. Terms of service, rights and obligations of the parties are prescribed in the contract. Most often, the loan is financed by funds from deposits. Therefore, the contract service fee covers the costs of deposits and takes into account the profit from the transaction.

Loans, deposits, cash and settlement services are the most demanded types of banking services.

Investment operations are investments in the sectors of the national economy. Not only money, but also equipment can act as an asset.

A safe deposit box is a safe that is rented out to customers. It can store money, documents and other valuables. This service guarantees the client complete confidentiality. The Bank does not check the property accepted for storage. A separate cell is opened for each client. When drawing up an agreement, a person indicates authorized persons who will have access to the safe, and receives two duplicate keys. A safe deposit box is expensive. Therefore, it is used only when concluding large transactions, for example, to store funds for the purchase of an apartment, a car in cash. It is impossible to withdraw a large amount from the account without a preliminary order. And if the client's assets are frozen, for example, by a court decision, this will not apply to the safe deposit box. But no interest is accrued on the funds stored in the safe, they cannot be managed remotely. To access the cell, you must provide a passport, a key, and in some banks also a service agreement.


You do not need to open a bank account to carry out single transactions. But if the client wants to use the services of a credit institution more often, he will need to issue bank cards. This is a plastic payment instrument that is attached to accounts and is used for quick access to funds. Carry out currency transactions, pay for services at retail outlets and via the Internet, top up phones - all these operations are much more convenient to perform with a card. They are divided into debit and credit, individual and corporate, ordinary and accumulative. There is also a separate division by payment systems. The most popular in the world are Visa, Mastercard, American Express. Within each payment system, there is its own classification, which determines the scope of plastic. Thus, the Visa Electron/Maestro card can only be used within the country of the issuing bank, Standard/Classic are accepted in all countries of the world, and Platinum, Gold bank cards allow not only to pay for goods, but also to accumulate bonuses, receive loans and participate in loyalty programs . Services for accepting plastic for maintenance are called acquiring. The seller pays a commission of 2% of each transaction. No commission is charged for the use of all types of cards, including credit cards, in non-cash payments. The currency of the account does not matter. With a ruble card of the corresponding class, you can pay for goods in any country in the world. Currency exchange occurs automatically, at the time of debiting funds.

home banking

Intermediary operations

Modern banks conduct most of the payments automatically. This greatly simplifies the lives of businesses and individuals, and also indicates an increase in the efficiency of services. At the same time, products appear on the market that perform the functions of the old ones, but look different.

Leasing is a long-term lease of property with the ownership of the object retained by the lessor. Instead of issuing a loan to purchase a machine or equipment, the bank finances the entire transaction, leases the facility and retains ownership. The client receives the desired property, and the institution receives the rent without interest. In this case, the client himself chooses the seller, the goods and the company that will finance the transaction. If the terms of the contract provide for a full payback of the equipment, then this type of transaction is called a financial one. If the lease is for a short period of time, then we are talking about operational leasing.