» Secrets of the Rockefeller family. Conspiracy theory: From the Medici to the Rothschilds It was with Alexei Kosygin that the collapse of the USSR began

Secrets of the Rockefeller family. Conspiracy theory: From the Medici to the Rothschilds It was with Alexei Kosygin that the collapse of the USSR began

World War is a grand event. Careless "experts" believe that such wars are allegedly fought for resources (natural resources). Let's laugh together at such "experts", because all the resources have long been conquered by one single clan on the planet - the Romanov-Windsor-Hohenzollern-Habsburg clan, etc. (See "Who is waging war? The layout of world forces"). This is a single royal family that controls the entire planet Earth as a whole. Further we will call them after the familiar German Nicholas II - "Romanovs" ( see "From Religion to the Fed: Who Controls the World" ).

Another piece of news from the bigwigs of Western business caused a response attack of nausea. On American television, Stepan (Stephen) Rockefeller declared that the Third World War was inevitable. Someone may be indignant: “You, Styopa, is one Holocaust not enough for you ?!” That's just the point, for businessmen, the death of one is not enough.

Rockefeller's orders are read clearly, although they are disguised as "expert assessments": "The current situation reminds me of the situation that was in the early twentieth century before the First World War. We see two alliances of powerful states (USA, EU and Russia, China, Iran) that strive for dominance and do not want to give in to each other. Never in history has such a thing ended in peace. I am sure that the Third World War will be, ”says the representative of the clan, Stepan Rockefeller.

About the previous methods of influencing the USSR, Rockefeller spoke as follows: “Today's Russia is absolutely unlike the USSR. Soviet Union consisted of republics that could be pushed to secede, explaining that it would be better to live alone. What actually happened. But let's speak objectively, the majority of the population of these republics did not begin to live better, therefore I believe that separatist sentiments in Russia are doomed to failure.

This makes me happy. But the final message of Rockefeller is still quite distinct and unambiguous: “We need to negotiate with the Russians, or there will be war. I don't think we can reach an agreement."

No other kind, alternative to the Romanov family, exists on the planet.

The Germans Romanovs took power over the Earth as a result of the world war of 1857-1957, previously German Alexander II opened the borders Russian Empire, and then migrants (mainly Jews and other peoples of color) cut out the color of the Russian people, establishing their power.

(see "To whom Tsar Alexander II gave Russian gold" http://www.prezidentpress.ru/n...).

In my book “Roll of the Moon” (2016), I described in detail how and who carried out the revolutionary policy in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, and showed that all these revolutionaries, throwing the dust of “independence” into the eyes of the people, in fact, in the very first year of their dictatorship sold Russian property to Western vultures.

The first dollar billionaire who rose on the mountain of the Russian people was Tsarevich Alexei: Alexei Kosygin (see "Fed Gold Found: Face to Face with Kosygin" http://www.prezidentpress.ru/n...).

In the 1920s, he led the London concession, which exported 97 percent of metals and precious stones from Russia. Later, the prince was received by the presidents of countries, and even the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II herself.

In the photo: A.N. Kosygin - Tsarevich Alexei and I.V. Stalin

It was with Alexei Kosygin that the collapse of the USSR began.

It was the planned slaughter of the country.

Some comrades are accustomed to seeing in Nicholas II and in general in the Romanovs the true tsars of Russia. I do not seek to convince such comrades: one who is accustomed to licking the boots of an alien army will no longer be able to tear off his tongue. But the youth, not yet saturated with the fictions of various kaganates, should understand that the truth is that Russia should be a free and independent country, and the Romanovs, after the bloody scam of 1917, prepared and implemented by themselves, continued to rule the Germans and Israel - the Turkic Khaganates.

Rice. Coat of arms of the Rothschilds.

In my book The Metaphysics of Power, I showed that Rothschilds and Rockefellers are main servants of the Romanov sea otter, and together these three forces make up the RRR triumvirate:

Rothschilds - lit."Red power" - control armies and gold.

Rockefellers - letters. "Fields of the Dead" - control religions and oil.

Romanovs - lit."Masters of the Border (Romans)" - control the wars between armies and religions, as well as the money raised in these wars.

Rice. Coat of arms of the Rothschild group.

The figure shows the coat of arms of the Rothschild group. On this coat of arms, what I said above is written in emblematic hieroglyphic writing. At the top left, Koschey is depicted in the form of a dragon - the owner of the Killing Fields (Champs Elysees). At the top right and diagonally, Perun's hand with a beam of lightning is depicted - this is the symbolism of the Army. The red (killing) dragon of the coat of arms of the Romanovs is depicted at the bottom right. In the center is a red (military) shield of the Rothschilds.

Rice. Coat of arms of the Romanovs.

Officially, the Rockefellers do not have their own coat of arms. But with their power they cover the entire NIH, all the Lower Lands.

The Rockefellers control the Negroes, the Novgorodians, the Neapolitans, the Norwegians, and so on. All these designations have the same meaning - "down". Otherwise, the Lower Lands are called the patrimony of Koshchei - these are Kazan, the Cossacks, Kazakhstan, Khazaria, the Caucasus, etc. And here the root is common. It means the name - "Kosh (Koshchey)".

The Rothschilds are the army, the Red Army. These are the warriors of Hell (heb. hell - "red"). These are the destroyers of Russia. Their coat of arms depicts a red shield, or shield, which means army "power".

Rice. Coat of arms of the Rothschilds.

The World War is a mythological action between the Black House of the Rockefellers and the Red House of the Rothschilds. This war is always controlled by only one tsars-kings-emperors - from the house of the Romanovs. Their goal in the war is money, the rise of new fabulous wealth. Both the conquerors and the vanquished always end up indebted to the Romanovs. The first - for the supplied weapons, the second - also for the supplied weapons.

World Wars - both the First, and the Second, and the forced Third - are commercial events on a planetary scale, through which the maximum return is achieved from the peoples Money in favor of the Romanov clan. In peacetime, people work at a slow pace, and it is impossible to collect superprofits from them.

But in wartime, on pain of death, people work hard not for wages, but for life, and the organizers of the World War - the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Romanovs - get everything that can be squeezed out of the warring people. That is why Stepan (Steven) Rockefeller does not want to negotiate with the Russians - he needs a war, a battle, a massacre. And the spirit of this massacre is a biblical entity called GOD (lit. “fighter; one who beats; killer), and therefore the Abrahamic religions are taught to FEAR God (see. “The real God has been found. This is a book").

Today, the clans of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Romanovs are not national entities, although initially they were.

The Rothschilds is the name of the Russian people, the red, fair-haired people and rulers, the Rurikovich, altered in the Jewish manner.

The Rockefellers were various khans, kagans and other rulers of the colored peoples located around Russia - Germans, Turks, Semites, French, Scandinavians, Finno-Ugric peoples, southern Italians, Spaniards, etc.

That is why the entire history of the planet Earth has been and continues to be a war between the only white people - the Russians - and the rest of the colored peoples of the planet (see “Bilderbergers will set fire to the Reichstags until the whole world catches fire”).

The Romanovs are a new formation. They arose from the 16th century as a caste of Jewish usurers and rose in money transactions associated with wars (see "Until the 16th century there was no sun?"). In every war, especially in the World War, moneylenders raise huge financial resources, which they immediately invest in the peoples devastated by wars - buying up corrupt post-war elites, dilapidated economies, starving people.

This achieves total control over the next conquered country. And the Romanov clan does not care who won and who lost in this war: both sides take loans from the same bankers to conduct hostilities, pledging their own countries to secure them.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, funded by the Romanovs, are playing a global game.

First, they sell fabulous loans to this or that country for the implementation of some kind of economic “breakthrough”. Then they, through international fraud, make it impossible to fulfill obligations on loans issued. These violations lead to the growth of international tension. After that, the RRR clans heat up the international situation to such an intensity that the World War breaks out. It is she who gives the PRR clans the greatest benefits.

It is historically attested that a personal arsonist, or trigger of the World War, is necessarily a native of the Jewish community (kahala). This happens not at all because there is a negative trend on a national basis, but because such is the work of this “national” attribute: set fire to the war and warm your hands on it.

You don't have to go far for examples. In Russia in 1991, during the “coup”, a team of Israeli snipers “accidentally” ended up in Moscow and worked on civilians from the roofs of buildings located on Novy Arbat (d. 21, 19, etc.). Not a single "b ****" from the Russian special services stood up for the defense of the Motherland.

And all because by that time these “b ****” were already working for independent Israel and were also interested in the destruction of the USSR.

It was the employees of the secret services of the USSR who received the largest pieces from the carcass of the USSR they killed, and the enterprises of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Romanovs received complete freedom of action in previously not particularly friendly territory for them.

I do not say "hostile", because the Soviet regime was also artificially installed - by the same Rothschilds under the control of the same Romanovs.

Another example is Ukraine. And there, during an attack of Maidanism, Israeli snipers worked against civilians. And again, not a single “b ****” spoke out against them. As a result, Israel gained complete control over Ukraine and pursues a policy of genocide of the Russian population in it.

At the heart of the confrontation between the Red Russian people and the Black Turkic-European cluster of peoples is a fundamental difference in mentalities. White and colored people only outwardly resemble each other a little, but the structure of thinking and psyche is fundamentally different. It should not be compared on the basis of "better" or "worse". Here we just need to state that these differences are cardinal. They are the same in their structure as the differences between negative and positive electric charges. which annihilate upon contact.

Today it is already becoming clear that the official history propagated to the masses by official authorities is as far from the truth as darkness is from light.

We will not delve further than the 19th century, but pay attention to its middle and end. It was then, in 1857, that the colored peoples went first World War on the Russian state - which in those years was the only one on Earth.

Actually, that's why this war is called the First World War. She was FIRST.

My colleagues and I discussed the question for a long time: why was the First World War the first war? And we came to the only conclusion that can be drawn from the entire set of data at our disposal. Our conclusion is that only in the First World War did the colored peoples have a large number of soldiers, sufficient to attack Russia.

In earlier years, the colored states were few in number. If you follow official statistics, then the Chinese, Japanese and other South Asian peoples did not exist until the middle of the 19th century (see “93 percent of the world's population are clones?” http://www.prezidentpress.ru/n...; “The clones went on the offensive: China doubles its population” http://www.prezidentpress.ru/n...).

There were no blacks, and there were also a few various Cossacks, Tatars, French, Spaniards, British, Germans, Americans, etc. Only by the middle of the 19th century, all these peoples were able to reach a huge number and, using it, attack Russia.

The problem of the sudden appearance of the British, French and other European peoples is explained by their resettlement in the 19th century from the territories of the settlement of the Mongoloid Turkic peoples - the Eastern Volga region, Siberia.

That is why the British intelligence service Mi-6 is pushing the project "Tartaria" that arose in the 19th century (the former homeland of the British, Germans and other Turks of modern Europe).

(In its modern form, this is a project EURASIA, also created at the beginning of the 20th century by British intelligence, and pushed in the Russian Federation and its environs, and at the very top and in the media (the Zavtra newspaper), their goal is the dissolution of the Russian people (core) in the Asian hordes!

Under calls for the friendship of peoples, and the interpenetration of cultures, Slavs and internationalism. RA )

Rice. Population.

But the situation with China and Southeast Asia in general is completely different. Here, in the 19th century, completely inexplicable demographic processes took place. The population of the region has increased by a leap of several tens of times. Naturally, it was impossible to achieve such a leap by any efforts of Asian women, but the phenomenon took place. And its mechanism is completely different.

In Southeast Asia in the 19th century, a factory for the production of biorobots (clones) was launched. These are modern Chinese, Japanese, etc.

If you look at them through the eyes of a person of that time, then it was impossible to call them people. The difference was too obvious for a nineteenth-century man. That is why representatives of the south were often hunted and consumed for food. The Europeans were unaware that they were preying on people.

This state of affairs lasted until the 50s of the 20th century, when human zoos existed throughout Europe, in which exhibits of Mongoloid, Negroid and Semitic-Arabic types were placed by whole families. This is a common reality for Europe at that time.

It is confirmed by numerous photographs available on the Web. Today it looks wild.

Rice. human zoos.

In modern and democratic INDIA, the Human Zoo remained as an attraction and teaching: these are the tribes living on the Andaman Islands. Groups of tourists, mostly Indians, are taken there in a stream, and they show the wild life of these tribes. You can contact them, but you can not give a single item and food.

According to the Daily Mail, tourists for bribes take photos and videos of representatives of the Jarawa - a primitive tribe, one of the indigenous peoples of the Andaman Islands belonging to India, and treat them like animals in a zoo.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, there was a large village of blacks on the territory of the Moscow Zoo on Krasnaya Presnya. And Muscovites constantly watched the life of these creatures throughout many summer seasons. Advertisements and announcements about the life of an African tribe in the Moscow Zoo filled the newspapers and magazines of Imperial Russia.


The last "temporary exhibition" with blacks was in 1958 in Brussels at the Expo, where the Belgians showed a whole tribe ...


We will not analyze this point, we will return to the production of clones. It is not difficult to produce huge batches of Asian biological machines. Genetic technologies were developed and in the 19th century it was already good enough to obtain individuals with given parameters. But the problem was how to resettle these individuals among ordinary people?

The World War was and is the best mechanism for such settlement. When trouble falls on people, they no longer distinguish between their own and others. For people, any creature in trouble requires help and care. Therefore, if suddenly, at a time when EVERYONE KNOWS that there is a war going on, some strange people who do not look like the indigenous inhabitants turn out to be in the villages and cities, then EVERYONE becomes UNDERSTANDING that they are refugees.

Indigenous population accepts clones implanted in this way and for reasons of human compassion gets a mortal enemy to their deep rear. During the First World War, the first batch of Asian clones was introduced, during the Second World War, the second batch. The number of introduced clones reaches 6.5 billion (there were none even 150 years ago).

Today, millions of refugees are going to Europe - this is the Third World War and the third batch of clones. An ordinary person understands that these are not refugees at all, because not a single normal person will leave his home and go with or without children to the devil knows where. Moreover, there is no war in Asia. Everything "military" is a hoax played out by the RRR clan in its anti-human notes.

A little earlier, more than 20 million Asian clones were introduced into Russia under the guise of labor migrants. Today they have taken the rest of the work from the local population and represent an extremely dangerous army stationed in our country and ready to rise at the first order from the cloning center.

For those who doubt that human cloning technologies were possible on such a scale in the 19th and 20th centuries, let me explain. Cloning, or releasing specific biorobots, is not a magical process at all. Today, ALL the food in our stores is made from genetic robots. We just call them by another word - "genetically modified". And in previous centuries, mutants were bred by conventional means - by mating with the right objects in the right proportions. All pets are obtained in this way.

We are simply used to it and do not notice that we are surrounded by biorobots, which Nature did not give birth to, but we ourselves gave birth to. If a mule could be produced in antiquity, what could have prevented the breeders of that time in the same way from getting some kind of mixture of a person with various other material?

In our time, both Europe and Russia are flooded with "refugees" and "migrant workers" who are controlled from the same center and prepared specifically for the massacre. This is evidenced by the totality of crimes that they carry out in Europe and Russia. And the people-victims forcibly continue to consider them, the "refugees" as "victims".

Obviously, the operation to accumulate clones is coming to an end, so Stepan (Steven) Rockefeller began to talk on the air about that. that it's time to start the Third World War. Everything, they say, is ready. The great slaughter of the RRR clan awaits the cattle destined for this and promises them a kosher death.

Even twenty years ago, this place would have had to be put to an end, because there was no salvation from this fate. But today everything has changed, a new time has come. MONEY ceased to be the main operator, and with them the power of the Romanovs and their servants, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, turned into decay. Even the Federal Reserve System (FRS) – the only combine to issue the world’s money – has ceased to exist since 2014 (see below). "The Fed is a dead man with tenacious hands" http://www.prezidentpress.ru/n...).

Clan RRR does not know its enemy. And he is stronger. Suffice it to recall how in June 2015, that is, the very next year after the cessation of the legitimate activities of the Fed, a certain THIRD FORCE literally killed the three heads of these three clans - David Rothschild, David Rockefeller and Yevgeny Primakov

(cm. "Death mowed Rockefeller, Rothschild, Primakov"). Until now, the executed clique has not been able to recover from the blow. Primakov was buried, but for more than a year there has been no word about Rothschild and Rockefeller - neither as living nor as dead.

Representatives of the RRR clan - the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II - began to publicly call for the end of the world in late 2015 (see "The Pope on the last Christmas of mankind"; "Queen Elizabeth II: "Enjoy your last Christmas""). But, in my opinion, they are in a hurry. The Romanovs won't win.

The only way out of this situation for mankind is visible only in the fact that the existence of clones was officially announced, and also that the differences between people and clones were enshrined in law.

Otherwise, humanity will become extinct as a species. Forcing the Third World War, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds achieve just that.

But for some reason there is a CONFIDENCE that the representatives of these three clans will end faster than they have time to carry out their bad plans.

Rockefellers and Rothschilds. We periodically hear these names in conversations about untold wealth, incredible success and major banking activities. Usually they are pronounced with envy, even malice, less often with admiration and respect. But they are never mentioned in a calm tone. So who are these mysterious oligarchs who made the whole world talk about themselves? And most importantly, what can we learn from these, of course, outstanding people in order to develop our business?

Rockefellers and Rothschilds. What can be learned from them?

The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and much lesser known Morgans are some of the richest families in the world, in banking, oil and gold, politics. Starting from a fairly low financial level, these dynasties have achieved tremendous success.

This article will consider the official version, their economic achievements, financial, tactical and strategic finds, "military tricks". Conspiracy theories, secret governments, we will not touch. The above families can serve as teachers in terms of economic planning, the ability to feel world trends, invest in promising areas, and keep family ties. Some of their representatives require special attention, for example, the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty, John Davison Rockefeller, the talented cunning Nathan Rothschild, as well as the tough businessman and art collector John Pierpont Morgan I.

Rockefellers. John Rockefeller

The most famous family is, of course, the Rockefeller family. It is this surname that has now become synonymous with wealth.

The founder of the dynasty is John Davison Rockefeller - a very outstanding personality. Born into a poor family of French immigrants, he used to work hard from early childhood. In, and at the age of 13, he lent his first money. At the same time, the future millionaire went to school, where, according to him, it was very difficult for him, and he had to study hard. John also learned from his parents, primarily from his father, who, according to the recollections of the future millionaire, “taught me how to buy and sell ... just“ coached ”me to get rich.” He owes his mother discipline and diligence.

Putting practice over theory, Rockefeller dropped out of college and, after a short course, first got a job as an employee, and then began to engage in entrepreneurship. This, at first glance, the wrong decision turned out to be successful. Thanks to his sociability and hard work, John, starting in 1857 as an assistant accountant, to the manager of the company. And already in 1870, Rockefeller made the right strategic decision by founding the successful Standard Oil, as a result of becoming the first dollar millionaire in the history of mankind. By the end of his life, his fortune was already estimated at 1.4 billion dollars. at the prices of 37 years. At present, his capital would be equivalent to almost $200 billion. Rockefeller's main strategy was to buy up small oil companies, often on mutually beneficial terms, which became part of his global Standard Oil empire. It was also a smart move to get discounts on the delivery of his oil.

John Davison Rockefeller donated huge sums for charity, research medical programs and the Baptist Church to which he himself belonged. He founded two Universities: Chicago and Rockefeller. Philosophically approached the construction of capital, he believed that money should be made not for the money itself, but for good social purposes, also noting that if a person has a goal - he will never get rich. John Rockefeller was always proud of his upbringing and morality, considering perseverance and perseverance as the main qualities.

Rockefeller kids

History of Rockefellers and Rothschilds would be incomplete without a story about the upbringing of children by Rockefeller. The millionaire brought up his main heir, John Rockefeller Jr., in strictness and high moral principles. For housework, little John received a small salary. High marks were rewarded in the same way. But for faults, for example, for being late for breakfast, fines could be assigned.The children of the rich man worked in the garden and chopped wood, for which they also received a salary. Each child was required to keep a book of income and expenses.

This is interesting: in the Rockefeller family there was a clear price list for the work performed by children. A swatted fly cost two cents. For giving up sweets for the whole day was also paid two cents, and for each subsequent day - already 10 cents.

This manner of upbringing helped his son, and later other descendants, not only preserve, but also increase the Rockefeller capital despite the antitrust laws adopted in the United States, which complicate the life of financial empires. The descendants of Rockefeller successfully participated in the political life of the country (Nelson Rockefeller even served as Vice President of the United States from 1974-1977 and twice ran for president), representing the interests of his dynasty.

Nelson Rockefeller - one of the most politically successful representatives of the Rockefeller dynasty


The eternal economic enemies and rivals of the Rockefellers - the Rothschilds were German Jews involved in usury. Having started their economic activity at the end of the 18th century, by the 19th century they had the largest capital in history. The Rothschild family business was born at a not very favorable time for them - Jewish pogroms began to occur in Germany. Nevertheless, the founder of the Mayer dynasty, Amschel Rothschild, having made competent steps, laid the foundation for another rich and controversial family. Effective strategic decisions include expanding the sphere of influence by “business trips” of sons to the capitals of European countries, the possibility of establishing separate companies by family members, as well as marriages of convenience. One of the main features of the Rothschild family was friendship with the crowned persons.. The first step in this direction was taken by Mayer Amschel, who became friends over a game of chess with Prince Wilhelm of Austria-Hungary. Subsequently, already at the beginning of the 19th century, the Rothschilds received the title of barons from the Austrian monarch Franz II.

Nathan Rothschild

One of the most prominent figures in history was Mayer Amschel's son Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the dynasty. Using virtually undercover intelligence networks and military tricks, he increased the already large capital of the dynasty. Moreover, other members of the Rothschild family also took part in building the agent network.

An interesting, and even funny, case was when, after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, Nathan, who was lending to the opponents of the French emperor, appeared on the stock exchange with a sad look and began to sell. Naturally, everyone thought that Napoleon had won and rushed to sell after him. After significant lower prices for the bonds of the British government, Nathan bought them through nominees.

In addition to cunning, Nathan Rothschild was known for his ability to work and could work around the clock.

One of the distinguishing features of the Rothschilds is their desire for "invisibility" and "silence", which is probably why their name is much less widely heard than the Rockefellers. In their family, it was customary for everyone to work for the common good, for example, little daughters Mayer Amschel recorded financial information in ledgers. The success of the dynasty led to the fact that members of the Rothschild family were elected to the English House of Commons and the House of Lords.


The history of the Morgans is much less known than History of Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The family traces its lineage to the pirate Henry Morgan the Cruel, who lived in the 17th century and later became the governor of Jamaica. However, since during the formation of financial and industrial dynasties it was customary to have serious and sometimes shocking roots, the version with a pirate is not completely reliable. For example, according to another researcher, the ancestor of the Morgans is King David I of Scotland.

The dynasty was founded by Junius Spencer Morgan, but it was most developed under his son, the legendary John Pierpont (in another transcription of Pierpointe) Morgan Sr. Nevertheless, at first, John learned a lot from his father.

The Morgans made huge fortunes during and after the wars. For example, during the American Civil War, "pirates" were engaged in military supplies, on which they earned enormous money. After the end of the war, an economic boom began in the United States, which the Morgans successfully took advantage of, attracting British capital to build industrial enterprises and railways. During the First World War, the Morgan dynasty successfully sold military ammunition to the Entente countries, and after that they participated in the restoration of Germany. During the II-nd World War, they received the maximum profit in the arms race. After graduation, the Morgans were active financial activity in the colonies of England, defeated by Germany and Japan.

The Morgans were actively engaged in acquisitions of firms, banks and enterprises, due to which the dynasty incredibly increased its power in the 30s of the twentieth century. That is how, by the method of acquisitions, the legendary company General Motors was created by John Pierpont Morgan Sr.

In addition to banking, industry and railroads, the Morgans were also involved in the film industry. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Morgan dynasty began to occupy a leading position among the financial magnates of the United States. Like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers Amy, the Morgans tried to be friends with kings and other powerful people of this world, for example, they visited the residences of British monarchs. Prior to the Second World War, the dynasty of "pirates" began to grow closely with the American government. But they achieved a special unity after the war.The financial interest of the Morgans is not limited to the United States, their sphere of influence extends to England and France, and close ties are maintained with the Vatican.

The family was famous for its continuity and respect for its older members. John Pierpont Morgan Jr. opened a branch of an English commercial bank, headed by his grandfather, Junius Spencer Morgan. He also founded a library named after his father, Pierpont the Elder, which included a huge number of manuscripts, papyri, old and rare books.

The Morgans have a reputation tough and cynical entrepreneurs who made their fortune on bribery, speculation, exploitation of workers. However, John Morgan averted a banking crisis in 1907 and also donated funds to Harvard Medical School and other charities. The Morgans are renowned collectors of books, paintings, and other art.

Rockefeller's secret to success. What conclusions can you draw for yourself?

Having analyzed history of Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their most prominent family members, patterns can be identified that can help you in your business. What you need to do to become like the "Rockefellers":

    Interested in culture, art, read a lot

    Work hard and hard

    Be a patron and philanthropist

    Make friends with the powers that be

    Strive for big companies, not small ones. To unite, not to separate

  1. Learn to count in your mind
  2. Be able to "foresee" prospects, as well as think strategically

  3. Respect older and more experienced. In wealthy dynasties, sons were often named after their fathers and grandfathers.

By following these seemingly simple rules, as well as by studying the biographies and memoirs of great entrepreneurs, you will significantly increase your personal effectiveness. Who knows, perhaps it is you who will have to create another, this time the Russian dynasty, which in the future will inspire respect, fear and envy, just like in history of the Rockefellers andRothschild.

10 secrets from the life of the richest dynasty.

In contact with


There is a lot of gossip and legend about millionaires - people want to know how they managed to hold on to their vast empire, while other companies arose, went bankrupt or merged with others.

Among the famous families, the Rockefellers occupy a special place, the surname has become associated with wealth. However, few people know what was at the heart of the financial empire. Secrets of one of the richest dynasties in the world that you did not know.

horse thief

The father of the first billionaire in history, William Rockefeller (then his surname sounded like "Rockenfeller", was born in 1810. Officially, he was engaged in the sale of medicines. However, he was not an ordinary pharmacist, did not have a special education and traded drugs, collaborating with all sorts of healers.

William traveled the northeastern United States selling suspicious medicinal potions. In 1849, when John Rockefeller, William's son, was 10 years old, the family urgently had to change their place of residence, and the move was like an escape. The reason for it, as evidenced by the documents, was very weighty - William Rockefeller was accused of horse stealing.

Marry a swindler

Eliza Davison was the mother of the richest man in the world. When she first saw William, who, participating in another fraud, posed as a deaf-mute, she exclaimed: “I would marry this man if he were not deaf-mute!”

William quickly realized that this was a profitable party - his father gave Eliza $ 500 dowry. Soon they got married, and two years later John was born.

Rockefeller Sr.

Eliza did not part with her husband, finding out that he not only hears everything perfectly, but, on occasion, swears no worse than a drunken lumberjack. She did not leave her husband even when he brought his mistress Nancy Brown into the house, and she - in turn with Eliza - began to give birth to William's children.

My husband went to work at night. He disappeared into the darkness, without explaining where and why he was going, and returned a few months later at dawn - Eliza woke up from the sound of a pebble hitting the window pane. She ran out of the house, threw back the bolt, opened the gate, and her husband drove into the yard - on a new horse, in a new suit, and sometimes with diamonds on his fingers.

A handsome man made good money: he took prizes at shooting competitions, he briskly traded glass under the sign "The world's best emeralds from Golconda!" He also successfully posed as a well-known herbal doctor, selling various supplements, which today are called dietary supplements.

He went door to door in different parts of America and sold "miracle" remedies to housewives. Neighbors called him Bill the Devil: some considered William a professional player, others considered him a bandit.

After several years of wandering life, the Rockefeller family finally settled in Cleveland, but not because Big Bill - as William Rockefeller was nicknamed among horse dealers - settled down.

Just one fine day in 1855, he left for an unknown destination, marrying a certain Margaret, a 25-year-old girl who knew him as Dr. William Livingston. Moreover, he never divorced Eliza, which means, in fact, he was a bigamist.

Little businessman

“From a young age, my mother and priest inspired me to work and save,” recalled John Rockefeller. Doing business was part of the family upbringing. Even in early childhood, John bought a pound of sweets, divided it into small piles and sold it at a premium to his own sisters.

At the age of seven, he sold the turkeys he had grown to his neighbors, and he lent the $50 he earned from this to a neighbor at 7% per annum. Subsequently, John highly appreciated these lessons. And from communication with his father, he made a firm conviction that alcohol and tobacco are a vice, and this is very bad. And looking at how his mother suffers from the frequent betrayals of her husband, he decided as a child that he would never do this.

“He was a very quiet boy,” one of the townspeople recalled many years later, “he was always thinking.” From the side, John looked distracted: it seemed that the child was constantly struggling with some kind of insoluble problem.

The impression was deceptive - the boy was distinguished by a tenacious memory, grip and unshakable calmness: playing checkers, he harassed his partners, thinking for half an hour over each move.

At the same time, he was a sensitive boy: when his sister died, John ran into the backyard, threw himself on the ground, and lay there all day. Yes, and having matured, Rockefeller did not become such a monster as he was sometimes portrayed: once he asked about a classmate whom he once liked and, having learned that she was widowed and in poverty, the owner of Standard Oil immediately assigned her a pension.

Work "for uncle"

John Rockefeller never graduated from high school. At 16, with a three-month accounting course under his belt, he began looking for work in Cleveland, where his family then lived. Six weeks later, he took a job as an assistant accountant at Hewitt & Tuttle, a trading company.

First he was paid $17 a month, and then $25. When receiving them, John felt guilty, finding the reward excessively high. In order not to waste a single cent, the thrifty Rockefeller bought a small ledger from his first salary, where he wrote down all his expenses, and carefully kept it all his life.

As for work, it was his only job for hire. At the age of 18, John Rockefeller became the junior partner of the businessman Maurice Clark. The Civil War of 1861-1865 helped the new company to get on its feet. The warring armies paid generously for provisions, and partners supplied them with flour, pork and salt.

By the end of the war in Pennsylvania, near Cleveland, oil was discovered, and the city was at the center of an oil rush. By 1864, Clark and Rockefeller were already in full swing with Pennsylvania oil.

A year later, Rockefeller decided to focus only on oil, but Clark was against it. Then, for $72,500, John bought his share from a partner and plunged headlong into the oil business.

Oil at any cost

In 1870, Rockefeller created his famous "Standard Oil". Together with his friend and business partner Henry Flagler, he began to gather disparate oil producing and oil refining enterprises into a single powerful trust. Competitors could not resist him,

Rockefeller put them before a choice: unification or ruin. If beliefs did not work, the most severe methods were used. For example, "Standard Oil" reduced prices in the local market of a competitor, forcing him to work at a loss. Or Rockefeller sought to stop the supply of oil to recalcitrant refiners.

By 1879 the war was effectively over. The Rockefeller Company controlled 90% of the refinery capacity in the United States. But in 1890, the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed, aimed at combating monopolies.

Until 1911, Rockefeller and his partner managed to circumvent this law, but then Standard Oil was divided into thirty-four companies (virtually all of today's major American oil companies trace their history back to Standard Oil).

home economics

Rockefeller was married to Laura Celestina Spelman. He once remarked: "Without her advice, I would have remained a poor man." Biographers write that Rockefeller did his best to teach children to work, modesty and unpretentiousness. John created a kind of mock market economy at home: he appointed his daughter Laura as "director" and told the children to keep detailed ledgers.

Each child received a few cents for killing a fly, for sharpening a pencil, for an hour of music lessons, for a day of abstaining from sweets. Each of the children had his own garden bed, where the labor of cleaning the weeds also had its price. Little Rockefellers were fined for being late for breakfast.

Owner of 2.5% of US GDP

In 1917, John Rockefeller's personal fortune was estimated at $900-1200 million, which was 2.5% of the then GDP of the United States. In the modern equivalent, Rockefeller owned approximately $150 billion - he is still the richest of people.

By the end of his life, Rockefeller, in addition to shares in each of the 34 Standard Oil subsidiaries, owned 16 railroad and six steel companies, nine banks, six shipping companies, nine real estate firms, and three orange groves.

Rockefeller's donations to charity during his life exceeded $500 million. Of these, about $80 million was received by the University of Chicago, at least $100 million - by the Baptist church, of which he and his wife were parishioners.

John Rockefeller also created and funded the New York Institute for Medical Research, the Council for General Education and the Rockefeller Foundation.

military dynasty

The new head of the dynasty - John D. Rockefeller II (junior) turned out to be a worthy son of his father. The First World War brought the Rockefeller family 500 million dollars in net profit.

The Second World War turned out to be an even more profitable enterprise - tank and aircraft engines required gasoline, and it was produced at the Rockefeller factories around the clock.

The result was 2 billion dollars of net profit received during the war years. Rockefeller Jr. married the daughter of one of America's most influential political figures of the early twentieth century, Senator Nelson Aldrich, who for a long time enjoyed almost the same influence in Washington as the country's presidents.

Strange Collection

John Rockefeller Jr. left luxurious palaces and villas to his five sons and daughter. In winter, the young Rockefellers lived in New York in a nine-story family mansion.

They had their own clinic, special colleges, swimming pools, tennis courts, concert and exhibition halls. The 3,000-acre Rockefeller estate has riding arenas, a velodrome, a half-million-dollar home theater, yachting ponds, and more.

The equipment of one game room alone cost the child-loving oil king $520,000. When the youngest of the brothers (David) grew up, each received at his disposal city mansions, summer villas and other real estate necessary for social life.

As for David, who heads the family's financial business today, according to the American press, his only hobby is collecting beetles. There are 40 thousand of them in the collection, David Rockefeller, according to newspapers, always carries with him a bottle for caught insects.

No longer the richest

Rockefeller Financial Services now manages $34 billion in assets. Among them are the Vallares oil and gas group, a stake in Johnson & Johnson, Dell, Procter & Gamble and Oracle. The majority of the company's shares are owned by the Rockefeller family.

But the personal fortune of David Rockefeller is estimated (according to Forbes) at only $2.5 billion. At the same time, the personal fortune of Russian businessman Roman Abramovich is estimated by Forbs at $10.2 billion.

The Russian is now actively investing in foreign companies. One of the latest major purchases was a 23.3% stake in the British telecommunications group Truphone, which cost £75 million.

Experts estimate that Abramovich's art collection is worth at least a billion dollars. In January 2013, he bought a collection of 40 works by Ilya Kabakov, the approximate cost of which is $60 million.

A few years ago, Abramovich became the buyer of a 70-acre estate on the island of St. Barth in the Caribbean. The land on which the estate is located once belonged to David Rockefeller.

Abramovich's new acquisition is valued at $89 million. The estate includes several oceanfront bungalows, tennis courts, swimming pools and dance pavilions.

We bring to the site an article by the sinologist A.P. Devyatov “Mysteries of the world economy: loan interest, exchange rate and capitalization of expectations”, which was published on the Internet in August 2009. The information it contains is still is an relevant.
The text of the article is given in full without abbreviations.

Mysteries of the global economy: interest rates, exchange rates and capitalization of expectations

Back in 2005, the main investment bank of the Rothschild group, Goldman Sachs, predicted China's economic growth of about 10% per year for a decade ahead and began to transfer its operating base to the Celestial Empire.

And against the backdrop of the global financial crisis that started in the fall of 2008 and the general recession of the Western economies, he firmly declares that in 2009 the gross domestic product of China will increase by 9.4%. The main investment bank of the Rockefeller group, Merrill Lynch, did not go to China, left its operating base in the United States, and with the onset of the crisis, approached the bankruptcy line and was bought out by another bank of the Rockefeller group, Bank of America.

Answer to questions:
1. "Why is the Rothschild banking group beating the Rockefeller banking group"?
2. “Who will be the real beneficiary (beneficiary) of the global financial and economic crisis”?
3. “The place of Russia in the linkage of forces with the United States and China” is impossible without understanding the conceptual foundations of globalism.
From a strategic height, an assessment of the principles of extracting wealth from the "energy of money" in the period of the outgoing industrial consumer society of the 17th - 20th centuries allows us to distinguish three main methods: loan interest, the exchange rate and the reputation of the human factor (capitalization of expectations or goodwill).

In the most general and conditional form, these three ways of extracting “wealth from nothing” within the global financial oligarchy (a very intricately intertwined financial international) in the 19th and 20th centuries were distributed as follows: The Rockefeller banking group staked on loan interest. At the exchange rate - the Rothschild banking group. And for "goodwill" - the banking group of the Vatican, which for a long time prohibited both lending interest and speculation on the exchange rate of any three accounting units of value (gold - silver - copper; or, for example: English pound - Japanese yen - American dollar).

During the Industrial Revolution, the Rockefeller banking group secured financial flows from the oil economy and the military-industrial complex. The banking group of the Rothschilds has control over the world's reserves of precious metals and precious stones, financial pyramid schemes, as well as "reserve liquidity" in the form of drugs (opium). And behind the banking group of the Vatican - the financial flows of "human capital" and "knowledge economy".

If we talk about the degree of wisdom in the succession of the leadership of these three groups, then the Vatican has the most extensive and continuous historical experience in managing global processes. He is the eldest. The middle position is occupied by the Rothschild banking group, which was formed only in the 18th century. And the youngest, most assertive and ambitious is the Rockefeller banking group.

Banking groups have subjects - influential carriers of their views on the world.

In an unmanifested, secret, conceptual and organizational plan, now, the prelature of the Papal Throne - the Order of Opus Dei (The Cause of the Lord) - is the subject of the wealth of "human capital". It unites the old European, predominantly Romano-Germanic tribal aristocracy. The so-called "pianos - rigl". Headquarters deployed under King Juan Carlos of Spain. The place of dedication is Velázquez's Minina painting in the Prado Museum in Madrid (depicting a mirror image of King Philip IV of Habsburg).

The subject of wealth financial capital The Rothschild group is represented by the Masonic Order of World Jewry "B'nai B'rith" (Sons of the Covenant). It represents the "All-Seeing Eye of Zion". The main cells of the network are located in London and Hong Kong. The place of the oath is the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (the remnant of the foundation of Solomon's Temple).

The subject of the wealth of the industrial capital of the Rockefeller group is the Masonic order of the bourgeoisie, the so-called "Illuminati" (enlightened ones). It brings together predominantly white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The headquarters is located in the USA at Yale University.

All the rituals of recognizing various public figures of a high position as these subjects of the wealth of the world are now shown on television without comment.

The twentieth century was a century of rapid development of industry with the transfer of fuel and energy from firewood and coal to oil and gas and the deployment of a metal-intensive military-industrial complex. The young Rockefeller banking group succeeded in lending to the industrial breakthrough. Wise by centuries of experience to an industrial society, the Vatican and the Rothschild group receded into the background of managing world processes. And unlimited lending interest prevailed both over the restrictive limits of the Rothschild gold standard and over the common sense of responsibility to future generations of the Vatican. Loan monetary pumping, both of the real sector of the economy and the new economy of virtual information products, broke away from the natural values ​​of earthly wealth. By 2008, the investment banks of the Rockefeller group began to use even such hypothetical things as Helium-3 reserves on the Moon to provide dollar emission. The loan economy of industrialism has exhausted itself. The global financial crisis hung over the countries of the "golden billion" and, above all, over the United States.

The Rothschild group undertook a maneuver: it began to transfer its operating base from the United States to China, which, according to K. Marx, retains the “Asian mode of production” and has a huge domestic market of one and a half billion consumers, independent of the West. And the Vatican, after unsuccessful attempts in the early 70s to expose the ulcers of Masonic economics and politics (the case of the R-2 lodge in Italy and the sudden death of Pope John Paul I, who had been on the throne for only 33 days), is now again trying to take the position of a third force over scrum. The struggle for leadership in the post-industrial world over the Rockefeller group remaining in the United States and the Rothschild group leaving for China.

Distinguishing the signs of the times, the balance of power as of mid-2009 is as follows

IN USA.Before taking office, the new 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, made a private visit to Jerusalem and, wearing a “kippah” (a small black Jewish hat) on top of his head, swore allegiance to the “Sons of the Covenant” at the Wailing Wall. This is a sure sign that America's exit from the crisis through war (worldwide or limited, but nuclear) envisioned by the Rockefeller group and designed by the neo-conservative Illuminati in the Bush administration is being delayed. And the version of the Rothschild group with the controlled collapse of the paper-electronic dollar as an accounting unit of world trade and the revaluation of the economy's values ​​into new accounting units tied to gold is accepted for execution. At the same time, after the revaluation of assets, the world technological revolution (nano-bio-info-cognito convergence) is assigned as a further direction of a breakthrough into the post-industrial world.

As for the unprecedented dollar pumping of the world economy that followed the first wave of the crisis (from September to May 2009, the US Federal Reserve issued 9.5 trillion USD and distributed them at 0.25% per annum), then it was made for the urgent purchase of real assets in favor of the Rothschild group. And everything looks like a calming correction of the stock market.

Ahead of the United States is the second wave of the crisis. At the same time, the Rockefeller group is in the position of “holding” the positions of the loan economy of the paper dollar. The holding of the dollar was provided by them with a demonstration of military force every three years: 1999 - an attack on Yugoslavia, 2001 - an attack on Afghanistan, 2003 - an attack on Iraq. Until a “historic setback” happened and the attack on Iran and further on North Korea had to be postponed. The course of the Rockefeller group is slow hyperinflation (during the second term of Bush Jr., the dollar slowly sank by 30%).

The Rothschild group is on the offensive. They are heading for a sudden U.S. government default on the dollar, a zeroing of both virtual wealth and debt accounts, and a repricing of gold ounces. It is the Rothschild group that acts in the USA as the “Corporation Zero”(zeroing), repurchases assets and prepares to launch a default no later than autumn 2010.

As for the course of President Obama B.H., acting as a breeder of the Rockefeller group and the Rothschild group, he, apparently, follows the advice of the Brzezinski group with a stake on the capitalization of expectations and reputation.

In Russia. The second President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. familiarization with world affairs took place in Europe: in the cradle of the German spirit, Dresden. During a state visit to Spain, he was initiated into the affairs of Opus Dei. In 2007, as the heir to the "Third Rome", he was admitted to the circle of "royals" (photos of naked in a bath with Prince Albert II of Monaco). In an important anti-American speech in Munich, Vladimir Putin, in fact, opposed the Rockefeller group. And, being the head of government, all gas pipelines lead to the successor countries of the Holy Roman Empire: Germany and Italy.

It is noteworthy that during the state visit to Israel, the Jewish Orthodox, despite the night time, did not let Putin go to the Western Wall and the ritual oath to the “All-Seeing Eye of Zion” Putin, wearing a skullcap, took the third category at the monument to the victims of the Holocaust. Landing is Putin V.V. the representative of the Rothschild group in Russia, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in prison explains many of the anti-Chinese attacks in Russia. And, for sure: all the delays and disruptions to plans for laying oil and gas pipelines to China are de facto measures directed not against China, but against the Rothschild group, who have transferred their operating base to China.

The third president of the Russian Federation Medvedev D.A. as Putin's successor V.V. in 2007 he was introduced to the world community in Davos by the representative of the Rockefeller group in Russia Chubais A.B. (Member of the Board of Directors the largest bank Rockefeller group "J. P. Morgan-Chase”). During a state visit to Spain while visiting the Prado Museum, Medvedev D.A. the ritual of stopping in front of Velazquez's Las Meninas did not go through with recognition as "pianos". Before taking office as president of the Russian Federation, he did not perform the ritual of approaching the Wailing Wall, and therefore has not yet been recognized as the “Sons of the Covenant”. The bottom line - mostly tied to the Rockefellers.

Coat of arms of Yale University

Thus, Russia, represented by President Medvedev, follows the interests of the Rockefeller group. In the person of the head of government Putin V.V. focuses on the interests of European "royals" who do not like the Rockefeller group. And with both peaks of the formal duumvirate it opposes the interests of the Rothschild group.

And since the leadership in the duumvirate remains with Putin, the distribution of “interests” formed in Russia (interest on capital) looks something like this: 50% (gas) in favor of the “royals” and 25% (oil) in favor of the Rockefeller group. At the same time, 50% is the money of the private capital of the Putin Coalition with their placement in German-speaking banks in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. And 25% is state funds RF placed in English-language Rockefeller banks.

Putin's course during the crisis can be discerned from the speech of G. Schroeder, who announced that by 2015 gas consumption in Europe will increase by 200 billion cubic meters. Now the Russian Federation supplies 180-190 billion cubic meters to Europe. gas per year, and with the commissioning of all gas pipelines (Blue-2, South and North Streams) plans to supply up to 400 billion cubic meters. That is, according to Putin's plan, all the gas from Russia, the countries of Central Asia and even Iran will go not to the Rothschilds and the Chinese factory of the 21st century, but to the energy of Europe. And this is the geopolitical choice of Putin V.V. in favor of Russia's alliance with the "royals" in defiance of both the Illuminati and the Sons of the Covenant.

China, with the help of the Rothschild group (authors G-2) is rapidly increasing the stock of bank gold: in 2007 + 600 tons; in 2008 + 700 tons, according to the plan for 2010 + 1300 tons (whereas the entire gold reserve of the Russian Federation, and even that one is pledged, is only about 400 tons) and by the time the Rothschilds revalued dollar assets into new accounting units tied to the weight of gold, prepares to be the main beneficiary of the collapse of the paper dollar. Already in 2012, the "black dragon" China intends to overtake the United States in terms of the combined power of the economy, culture, army, diplomacy, intelligence; "transfer the strategic borders of the country beyond the national territory"; and become a "world power of the first order".

First of all, the “restrainers” from the Rockefeller group want to frustrate or at least postpone the implementation of these plans. The Royals, on the other hand, want to benefit from the distribution of two active players: the PRC with the Rothschilds against the USA with the Rockefeller group.
Andrey Devyatov

August 26, 2009

The article is rather controversial, so I invite friends to express their own opinions

Food for thought Kisenger is one of the 30 members of the J.P. Morgan Chase International Council

And JPMorgan is undoubtedly controlled by N. M. Rothschild & Sons, and not by the Rockefellers, as the author of the article mistakenly believes, when the name of the Morgans was quoted no lower than P and P, but that was a long time ago.

Chubais is the most red-haired, as everyone knows, and he is involved on both sides of R and R, this is the reason for his unsinkability, he has the status of an observer in the international council of J. P. Morgan Chase and in the Rockefeller Club of Rome. The second close connection between Chubais and Rockefeller is a certain L. Summers, who is part of the so-called group of 30

The Group of Thirty (Eng. The Group of Thirty; G30) is an international organization that unites financiers and economists. The purpose of the group: in-depth study of financial and economic problems; analysis of the consequences of decisions taken in this sector on the public and private spheres.

The group includes 30 members, including the heads of private and central banks, major academic economists. The group holds two general meetings annually. The group's office is located in Washington DC.

The group was founded in 1978 by J. Bell with the participation of the Rockefeller Foundation. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BF%D0% B0_%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8

In general, the Ministry of Truth, when information leakage cannot be prevented or refuted, releases misinformation in which the real events are stated, but the parties change places by releasing it on behalf of some authoritative comrade like Gleb Pavlovsky, as a result, some people take it on faith and in the minds of people instead of information, a global confusion is obtained and an ordinary citizen reading it and unable to understand who made a mistake and who is who. As a result, he takes a beer and goes to watch football)))

Or the Vanderbilts seem unusual and mysterious. Sometimes I can't believe how people manage to put together such "combinations". The Rothschild family over the years has been increasing not only their capital, but also their power.

Heine, paraphrasing the Qur'an, said:

“Money is the God of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.

For 200 years, representatives of the great clan have been practicing family marriages. The information and capital of the family do not scatter, because in their dynasty every 2nd wedding is related. The size of their capital impresses even modern ones.

In Europe of the 19th century they said: “Rich as Rothschild ».

Founding of a great dynasty

The history of the Rothschilds began with a simple Jewish boy Mayer Amschel from Frankfurt. His family was engaged in trade. After the death of his father, the guy immediately dropped out of school and began to look for work. The first attempts were unsuccessful. Mayer couldn't find a good job and went to the landfill. Among the rubbish, he looked for interesting things: coins that had gone out of circulation, worn medals, plaques and other rubbish. The guy cleaned the finds, gave them marketable condition and sold to collectors.

The fame of the boy bypassed all lovers of antiquity. In 1750 he opened his own antique shop, renting a room in the tavern "Under the green lampshade". He spent money on rent, earned by his labor on the resale of discarded things.

The motto of the Rothschilds is “Concordia, Integritas, Industria” (“Consent, Honesty, Diligence”).

Germany at the end of the 18th century had many mini-states with their own coins. In the same tavern was opened first bank the houses of the Rothschilds, where merchants exchanged money from one German principality for another. Initially, the bank was located in a room with an area of ​​4 sq. meters. Receiving the proceeds from the currency exchange, Meyer bought up the shops of other money changers, which were on the verge of ruin. His antique business expanded.

Surname change

After some time, Mayer began to be called Rothschild. This is because someone's emblem hung over the door of his house, which depicts the family symbol in the form of a red coat of arms. In German it sounded like Rot Schild. The nickname quickly caught on and became the most respected in the city.

How did meeting the prince change Mayer's life?

Mayer Rothschild collected several of the rarest collections of antiquities and greatly increased his material wealth. Rothschild sold his collections to aristocrats and one day met another obsessed collector who held the title of crown prince.

Every person who has collected a collection at least once knows how difficult it is to part with it. But Rothschild managed to overcome his passion and immediately after they met, gave Prince Friedrich Wilhelm IX of Hesse-Hannau his favorite collection. And not in vain, because the prince at that time was one of the richest people in Germany. Friedrich was struck by such generosity and disinterestedness, and he asked what the collector would like to receive in return. Mayer Amschel replied: "I do not need awards, I am ready to selflessly serve Your Majesty in the future."

Influential patrons

It was a turning point. Mayer was allowed to supply antiques from his shop in Hesse. After that, a new coat of arms appeared above the antique shop with a crown and the inscription: "Supplier of His Majesty's Court" . But the store was still called the Rothschild store. After that, the founder of the dynasty understood the importance of the “brand” and decided to take this sonorous surname for himself.

The guy's ingenuity was noticed, and the landgrave appointed him his personal banker. Later, he even began to trust him with his financial affairs. Mayer turned out to be good workers. He was able to attract Hessian officials and the nobility to cooperate. Soon, the tax collector Karl Friedrich Buderus (future Minister of Finance) became the main contributor to the Mayer-Amschel-Rothschild Trading House. After some time, he already provided the largest government loans.

Activities of the 5 sons of Mayer

Rothschild expanded his activities and influence. He decided to pass on some of the business to his sons. They started their career in 5 main European centers.

"Five fingers of one hand" - so called the sons of Rothschild.

eldest son Amschel Rothschild ran the affairs of the ancestral home, managed a bank in Frankfurt (Germany). His work was fundamental. He was childless, but introduced a tradition in the family - related marriages.

Solomon first moved to Paris, later to Vienna. Opened the bank S M von Rothschild and founded the Austrian branch of the dynasty.

Nathan- the head of the house. He moved to England to Manchester, later to London and engaged in the export of English cotton fabrics. In 1809 he became an English citizen and opened his own bank, N M Rothschild & Sons.

Kalman (Karl) moved to Naples, opened the bank C M de Rothschild & Figli, was a banker in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

James (Jacob) opened the company "de Rothschild Freres" in Paris, after the death of Nathan, headed the house. He had good relations with the Bourbons, and then with King Louis Philippe. He introduced the family into the era of industry, received the nickname "Great Baron" from the heirs.

About James: "arrived in Paris with one million francs, and left behind a fortune of 2 billion" newspaper Kölnische Zeitung.

The new banks lent money to Austria, Spain, Italy and the Vatican.

Possession of different branches of the dynasty:

English: owns the mining industry in South Africa, leaders in the oil industry and non-ferrous metallurgy. One of the largest is N M Rothschild & Sons. Its headquarters is in London. The bank has been operating for about 200 years.

French: owns the holding company Societe denvestisman du Nord and the bank Rothschild & Co. Also, representatives of the family own hundreds of medium-sized firms and trusts.

The remaining 3 dynasties ended:

  • Frankfurt - in 1855 after the death of the childless Amschel Mayer;
  • Naples - in 1901 the male line, in 1935 - the female line;
  • Austrian - in 1980 male, female exists.

In the 19th century, it was said that there were only 6 great empires in the world:Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria-Hungary and the Rothschilds.

Birth of a great empire

The first idea: you can make money in war

The Napoleonic Wars had a positive effect on the enrichment of the family. Nathan was in London, where he bought gold bullion in large quantities from the East India Company. He didn't haggle, even if the prices seemed a little high.

At that time, the royal government was waiting for price reductions. The prolonged war has affected the rise in gold prices. The British authorities needed money to maintain the army and navy, especially Wellington's troops in Spain. There was no money in the treasury. Nathan offered the British gold. Its prices were slightly below market. Rothschild also promised to deliver funds to Wellington. This was important, since it was dangerous to transfer valuables by sea, and the passage through France seemed impossible.

Napoleon's government was confident that the British gold would remain in France. First, it moved from Foggy Albion to Paris. The French could not even imagine that the gold, remaining in the vaults of the Rothschild bank, could legally get to Spain, where it would be used by Wellington to support the army. James Rothschild received gold from Nathan and turned it into bills of exchange, which were subject to accounting in Spanish banks. Solomon and Charles traveled with bills to Spain, from where they returned with receipts from Wellington, who soon expelled the French from Spain.

Idea two: interest or land

Solomon stopped in Vienna. He invented the winning lottery in Austria and introduced winning loans. Loans have become popular among wealthy and ordinary citizens.

Solomon was under the patronage of Prince Metternich. He soon became the most successful banker in Austria-Hungary. Clients received money for long periods at moderate interest rates. The Rothschild family was not afraid to give out large sums, since the large landed estates of the nobility were the guarantor of the return of money. Obviously, the longer the repayment period, the higher the interest.

The financial empire grew. The family was known throughout Europe. The Austrian emperor appreciated the activities of the brothers and awarded them the title of imperial barons.

Waterloo in London

"Who owns the information, owns the world"

The year was 1815. Napoleon's revenge scared the whole of Europe. After the triumph of a hundred days, all participants in the stock exchanges could not imagine how the battle of Waterloo would end. It was decisive… Jacob and Nathan watched the battle from both sides. Naturally, their main "hobby" was the increase in family capital.

Convinced that Napoleon is losing the battle, Nathan rushes to London. In the morning, having arrived at the London Stock Exchange, he began to quickly sell his shares. He was considered a direct witness to the decisive battle. The panic affected other holders valuable papers English, Prussian and Austrian shares began to be released. Their value decreased every minute, but all these shares were bought by Rothschild agents.

Only the next day did they learn about Napoleon's defeat at the stock exchange. But many holders of securities were no longer able to resume their activities. Nathan earned £40 million. The same trick was done by Jacob in Paris. Having received superprofits, the brothers no longer pursued easy money. The Rothschild clan began to invest in long-term projects.

Secrets of enrichment

1. Only together.

Mayer Amschel died in September 1812. Then Napoleon had not yet entered Moscow. In the will of the old Rothschild, the main section was not the section "movable and immovable", but the observance of the main rule of the family. The old man said that all business should be done in commonwealth and help each other. The brothers did the will of their father. They discussed and planned their affairs together.

Despite the fact that the brothers met every 3-4 years, they shared all the profits equally.

2. Relatives always come first.

The Rothschilds were located in different parts of Europe, so they could control the development of business in several countries at once. They quickly learned information, shared it among themselves and kept it in the strictest confidence. Their activities are thought out to the smallest detail, everything is put at the service of business. Even encryption experts could not decipher the family code. Who would have thought that the phrase "dried fish" from the correspondence intercepted by competitors meant money belonging to the Hessian prince.

3. Funding and support.

In the 70s of the XIX century, the Rothschild fortune was estimated at 1 billion dollars. Its representatives participated in all major projects. They financed the exploration of diamond mines in South Africa, the construction of railways in Europe and the Suez Canal, and the purchase of oil in Russia. The Rothschild dynasty became the most powerful and omnipotent in the world. Prussian kings, Austrian emperors and Russian tsars turned to its representatives for help.

And here is a photo of the castles of the family

Devotion to family

Each baron gave advice to his heirs in his will. Many researchers saw in them a kind of mysticism.

The French millionaire Anselm wrote in his will that "prohibits the conduct of a judicial or public inventory of the inheritance, the intervention of the court and the disclosure of the size of the state" .

The eldest son of the founder of the Amschel dynasty left the following phrase to his descendants: "...Never forget that modesty leads to wealth" .

The main feature of all members of the clan is devotion to the idea of ​​the family. There was not a single renegade in their family. Each generation invented new ways of earning money and increased the wealth of the family:

  • Lionel at the end of the 19th century was the financial representative of the Russian government in London;
  • the son of Lionel founded the largest stock exchange in the world;
  • Edmond helped nationalize the French railways;
  • in 1913, the largest transnational trust "Royal Dutch Shell" owned 7 companies in Baku and 3 in the North Caucasus.

The 20th century was difficult for the family. This was influenced by two world wars, the confiscation of many properties, large inheritance taxes and other unpleasant factors. Despite all the obstacles, the Rothschild empire is today considered one of the largest in the world.

Thanks to the mighty family, the state of Israel was born . They financed the construction of most of the settlements.

The whole world was in shock, competitors tried to crush the empire, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Everyone needed their money, even the first persons of the states.

Disraeli once said: "The Rothschilds cannot be superfluous," and this is true.

Rothschild code for your children

  1. All the main positions in business are occupied by family members., only male representatives are involved in the affairs, and the direct male heirs can receive the inheritance. The eldest son becomes the head of the family, but the brothers can unanimously decide otherwise. This is exactly what happened in 1812. Then Nathan became the head of the house.
  2. So that the property and name remain in the family, men must marry first cousins ​​or second cousins. Half of the marriages in a family are family ties. James, the son of the founder of the dynasty, was married to his niece. Daughters marry aristocrats.
  3. It is not allowed to describe the property of the family and the announcement of the size of the state even in court. Disputes between brothers must be resolved within the family.
  4. We need to live in harmony, trust and love, to share all profits equally.
  5. be humble because this trait leads to wealth.

The state of the Rothschilds today

Photo of the Rothschilds today

According to the most conservative estimates, the total wealth of the family today exceeds 3.2 TRILLION dollars! But not a single member of the family has a fortune of more than $1 billion.

What do the Rothschilds own in our time? List of family companies:

  1. Bank N. M. Rothschild & Son(London), founded in 1811, today has 50 offices around the world.
  2. Rothschild & Cie Banque(France).
  3. Holding company Concordia B.V. It is headed by Baron David de Rothschild. London and Paris banks became co-owners. It owns a controlling stake in the Swiss holding company Continuation Holdings of Switzerland, Canadian and American banks.
  4. Insurance Fund Afficus Capital Inc run by Nathaniel Rothschild.
  5. Holding company "Societe d'Envestisman du Nord".
  6. Hedge fund «Atticus Capital» with a capitalization of 14 billion dollars. The vice president is Nathaniel, who recently lost $5 billion during the crisis.
  7. Bank "JNR Ltd", which makes investments in Russian and Ukrainian companies. It is under the control of Nathaniel.
  8. Development company "Trigranit"(Hungary). The share of Nathaniel's shares is 12%. Investments are made in Russian real estate in the amount of about 5 billion dollars.
  9. RLM hotel and restaurant chain, Swiss bank Rothschild AG, run by Eli Rothschild.
  10. Rio Tinto Co., specializing in the extraction of coal, iron, copper, uranium, gold, diamonds and aluminum.
  11. Economist, Daily telegraph (Evelyn Rothschild).
  12. "De Biers"(Evelyn) is an international diamond processing and distribution company.
  13. Israel oil pipeline financing(Edmond Rothschild).
  14. US music company F7 Music(Anthony Rothschild).
  15. Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa is a mining company.
  16. FirstMark Communications International LLC and FieldFresh Foods(owned by Evelyn Rothschild and his wife Lyn Forester).
  17. Vanco International Limited- works in the energy sector.
  18. Castles of Chatou Mouton and Chateau Lafitte. Château Mouton wine is produced here.
  19. Over 100 parks and gardens on the territory of Europe.
  20. Parisian publishing house "Press de la Cité", French newspaper Liberation, BBC (headed by Marcus Aegius, son-in-law of Edmund Rothschild) and other media

Video - biography from the founder of the dynasty to modern descendants