» OMS plastic policy of a new sample. OMS policy or plastic card

OMS plastic policy of a new sample. OMS policy or plastic card

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow is possible in absolutely any insurance company engaged in this activity and having the appropriate license.

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All information regarding the address and name of the insurance company can be obtained from the medical institution. As for the disabled (Group 1), these services can also be provided at home.

In the capital there is a huge number of insurance companies that can provide this package of services, namely CHI:

  1. "Rosgosstrakh-Medicine".
  2. Insurance company "Sogaz-Med".
  3. Insurance company "ROSNO-MS".
  5. Health insurance.
  6. Insurance company "Consent - M".
  7. Insurance company "Ingosstrakh-M".

Required documents

In order to purchase this package of services, you need to provide a certain list of documents, namely:

  1. Recipient Statement
  2. Passport, for children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate must be presented
  3. An identity document of one of the parents, namely a passport

Also with regard to foreign citizens, then they need to present:

  1. Passport of the country they live in
  2. Residence permit, i.e. a passport with a corresponding entry confirming the right to temporary stay in the Russian Federation.

If the application was accepted, the client is issued a temporary document that is valid for a month.

Instructions for obtaining a policy of a new sample

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the choice of an insurance company. Since February 2011, citizens of R.F. given the opportunity to directly choose their own insurance company. To carry out these actions, you must visit the official website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and select your region. It is also worthwhile to approach this issue very carefully, since it is impossible to change the insurance company within a year.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents. This list can be seen on the official website of the insurance company you have chosen. There are also 2 ways to submit this documentation: Through a representative or independently.
  3. The next step is to get a policy. The term of its preparation will be 1 month. Before its issuance, the client has the right to use a temporary document that will allow him to carry out all the services stated in the policy. An employee of the insurance company will inform you about the readiness of the policy via e-mail or phone.

Who needs to get a medical policy in Moscow in the first place

The following persons are eligible to receive this insurance policy:

  1. All citizens of R.F.
  2. Foreign citizens who live in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Stateless persons
  4. Refugees
  5. Temporarily residing persons on the territory of the Russian Federation. (have the right to receive only a temporary document that determines the duration of their stay in the country).

compulsory policy health insurance, of course, is necessary for every person (even babies), because in the first place it is the key to receiving qualified assistance. In any situation, the client has the right to receive medical assistance, without a corresponding fee.

To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for an infant, it is necessary to take a birth certificate from the registry office of the baby after you complete the registration. Next, you need to register the child at his place of residence. The final stage is the execution of the relevant document.

To carry out these actions, you must contact the medical institution at the place of residence of the child and clarify information regarding the cooperation of this clinic with the insurance company. Find out also her address and contact details for issuing CHI policies.

It is possible that its location is relatively close, and it is also possible for the insurance company to be located in the clinic building itself.

If the child is registered temporarily (for example, lives in a rented apartment), then, first of all, it is necessary to temporarily register him at his place of residence, which is regulated in the lease agreement.

In turn, the necessary documents need a corresponding extension for a new period, along with the extension of the temporary registration.

Also, those persons who mistakenly lost it, changed their full name or changed their registration, and also if it becomes clear that there was an error in the preparation of documents, also need to draw up this document.

After changing the place of residence, it is mandatory to notify the insurance company no later than 30 days after re-registration.

How to get CHI for nonresidents

There are different situations after moving to another city, to a new job. In the process of fuss, you do not think about the need to obtain any documents.

But in life there are various circumstances in connection with which an unexpected one can overtake, after which a person needs high-quality medical care.

At the place of work, it is also necessary to present the relevant documents, which, in turn, can confirm absenteeism, and absence from the workplace. Such documents are sick leave. But receiving treatment in a clinic without a compulsory medical insurance policy is not possible.

In turn, if you do not have a residence permit, then this document can be obtained by registering at the place of residence. If you encounter any difficulties, you must contact the compulsory health insurance fund.

This organization closely monitors the implementation of legal norms relating to the issue of compulsory medical insurance and identifies all offenses, as well as assists in the preparation of documents.

Upon receipt, you must join a clinic that you deem appropriate. This procedure is carried out with the consent of the doctor.

In case of avoiding abuse of authority, it is necessary to issue an application addressed to the heads. The doctor of the medical organization that you have chosen and in parallel will apply for support to the insurance company. A sample application must be taken from the registry of a medical institution.

If the clinic you have chosen is not suitable for any reason, you have the right to refuse to receive these services and change the place of service.

The need for detachment disappears, since this medical organization will independently submit a request to another clinic of your choice.

Features of obtaining CHI through the portal of the State Service

You can conclude an agreement on compulsory health insurance on the Unified Portal of Public Services. It is only necessary to place an application in electronic form on the site.

All required data about a citizen is obtained by creating a request in unified system identification and authentication and a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. As a result, the client receives a notification with the number plate of his policy.

There is no need to pick it up. All the necessary data is stored in the insurance system, this allows you not to provide it when visiting medical institutions.

According to the Rules of compulsory medical insurance in the territory Russian Federation uniform policies apply. The document may be in the form of a paper or electronic policy (EPOMS). What is an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy? A policy of a single sample in the form of a plastic card can be issued only by citizens of the Russian Federation. The document has an embedded chip that contains data about its owner, the reverse side contains the signature and photograph of the insured person, which excludes the use of your document by another person and guarantees receipt medical care throughout Russia.
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In the event of an insured event, many people wonder, how to use the electronic health insurance policy.

There are no differences in the use of the plastic analogue of the CHI and the document on hard copy no. This document also gives the right to use the full range of medical care free of charge anywhere in Russia, according to the program of state guarantees.

With an electronic policy, it is possible to make an appointment with a doctor through a terminal or online, without standing in line at the reception, and at the same time, it is convenient to use.

Simultaneously with the policy, the insurance medical organization provides the insured person with information on the rights of the insured persons in the field of compulsory medical insurance, on the procedure information support at all stages of providing them with medical care in the form of a memo or brochure.

On August 1, 2015, Moscow began issuing electronic compulsory medical insurance policies, which should subsequently replace old-style CHI policies.

An electronic policy is a plastic card with an embedded chip containing the personal data of the insured, on the reverse side of which there is a photograph and the personal signature of the owner.

Director of the Moscow City CHI Fund Vladimir Zelensky told the site why it was decided to introduce an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, how it is better than old policies and how to get it.


Until August 1, 2015, two types of compulsory medical insurance policies coexisted in Moscow: a green plastic card of the 1998 sample and a blue sheet of A5 format of the 2011 sample. Now there will be three. However, the capital's CHI fund hopes that the electronic policy will gradually replace the rest of the samples, which are clearly inferior to it in terms of convenience and practicality.

The policies of 1998 and 2011 will be valid indefinitely. Under the law, any types of compulsory medical insurance policies are valid until they are completely replaced, Volodymyr Zelenskyy explained.

“When the law on compulsory health insurance in Russia was adopted in 2010, it was obvious that it was necessary to switch to unified compulsory health insurance policies.

At the same time, even policy numbers until 2011 were different in different regions. In 2011, a policy of a single federal standard was introduced, giving the right to receive medical services throughout Russia," he said.

Moscow, for example, was not ready. There are more than 400 medical institutions here, which needed to be provided with the necessary equipment for the introduction of an electronic policy.

So, in 2011, the capital began to issue an A5 paper policy - this was the smallest possible format in order to fit all the necessary information on it.

However new policy turned out to be not very convenient to use: it cannot be folded, because a barcode is located at the fold, and it cannot be laminated either, so Muscovites were in no hurry to replace the convenient plastic cards of 1998 with new paper policies.

Today, out of 12 million citizens insured in Moscow, 7.5 million have a 1998 policy. The rest use a paper policy. The decision to speed up the introduction of electronic cards was made due to the fact that the health authorities received a large number of relevant requests from citizens.

About the new electronic compulsory medical insurance policy

On the electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, which looks like a regular a plastic card, there is a chip - the same as on bank cards. The chip contains the following information about the insured person: date, place of birth, citizenship of the patient, his current insurance company and territory of insurance.

This information facilitates the work of medical institutions: it is easier for them to identify a patient, it is easier to issue an invoice to an insurance medical organization based on the results of the provision of medical services.

"The main innovation of the electronic CHI policy is that the insured person can be identified using a card reader on a computer, even if the computer is not connected to any other network, because all the data is duplicated on a chip," Volodymyr Zelenskyy says.

Disease data will not be recorded on the chip. This is due not only to the limited capacity of the chip, but also to medical ethics. Access to medical data should be strictly protected, but if this data is recorded on a chip, anyone who gets the CHI policy card will have access to it.

For the same reason, the electronic MHI policy is not planned to be combined with the data of the electronic medical record.

How to get an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy

To obtain an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, it is enough to contact one of the 11 insurance companies that participate in the compulsory medical insurance program, their list can be found on the MGFOMS website.

An electronic compulsory medical insurance policy must be issued within 30 working days from the date of submission of the application to the insurance company. For the period of making an electronic policy, the applicant receives a temporary certificate.

An application form for changing the old policy is possible.

If you decide to change the insurance company, you can do this once during the calendar year, and you must submit an application before November 1.

On the obligations of the insured person

According to Volodymyr Zelensky, in fact, the only obligation of the insured person is to inform the medical insurance organization about the change in the last name, first name, patronymic, identity document data, place of residence within one month from the moment of these changes.

When applying for an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy, it is still possible to make an appointment with a doctor via the Internet and at polyclinic terminals. By September 1, all EMIAS infomats will be programmed to read electronic policies.

Alena Makarenko

A compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming the owner's right to receive the necessary free medical care. Obtaining this document is available for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who have been staying in the country for a long time. The insurance company chosen by the user is responsible for paying off the costs. Not so long ago, a plastic analogue of the CHI policy appeared, the article shows the main advantages of its use, identifies the existing shortcomings of the system and presents an algorithm for obtaining it.

What is a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy?

In its content form, the plastic analogue completely duplicates its paper predecessor, it stores the same data about the insured person and provides them with the same opportunities to receive medical care, including making an appointment with a doctor at a medical institution via the Internet. This document is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

In case of refusal to provide you have the right to contact law enforcement agencies or representative offices of insurance companies. It is important to know that the actions of medical workers in this case are illegal.

As for the advantages over the previous version, this is primarily the reliability of data safety. They cannot be forged, it is impossible to use the electronic policy by third parties.

For those who do not have time or those who for some reason do not feel like getting a plastic version, the policies of the previous samples (green plastic card and blue sheet of A5 format) are still valid.

Note that in order to preserve the validity of paper versions compulsory medical insurance policy one rule must be observed: the personal data of the insured persons must not be changed.

If it is necessary to make changes, the owner will be issued a new electronic analogue. Also, a new version will be issued to you in case of detection of errors, typos or inaccuracies in the document. If the document is stolen or lost, you will also be issued a document in a new format.

When bringing the MHI policy into an improper state (erasing data, wrinkling or other damage to its appearance), it must also be replaced.

What is an externally electronic analogue?

This is an electronic plastic card that has a specialized chip that stores information about the insured user. In fact, this is a substitute for the paper version of policies that have been issued to users over the past time, but in a more practical version, it does not deteriorate over time and is more convenient to use. It is a card similar to a standard bank card.

A mini-chip is installed on the front side and the following data is reflected:

  • number of the insured person, consisting of 16 characters;
  • State Emblem of Russia;
  • the official logo of the CHI system.

The reverse side includes the following:

  • photo;
  • personal signature of the owner;
  • Date of Birth;
  • the duration of the policy;
  • telephone hotline insurance company;
  • holographic sign confirming the authenticity of the document;
  • policy number.

The chip inside the card stores the data of its owner (personal information, the name of the insured company, etc.).

Important! When changing personal data, whether it is full name. or the address of permanent or actual residence, the insured person must contact the insured company and receive a new document with the changed data within a month.

What can be attributed to the main advantages and disadvantages of the new format?

  1. There is no need to carry additional documents with you. Now, an electronic card is enough to contact the registry, which is very convenient.
  2. The time spent on recording in terminals located in medical institutions is reduced to a minimum.
  3. The electronic format is more practical during operation, it cannot be torn or wrinkled, which is one of the main competitive advantages over analogues.
  4. The size of the electronic policy is smaller, which simplifies the process of its storage and use for its holder.

Among the shortcomings, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The necessary equipment for its use has not been supplied everywhere, but it is only a matter of time.
  2. If you change the region of residence, you must also change the card.

Note that it will take some time to reorganize the system for using electronic versions of the document, so do not be surprised that for some time you will have to present, for example, a passport during the registration process or that terminals are not installed somewhere or are installed, but not are working properly.

We emphasize that these are only temporary shortcomings, overcoming which users will receive a practical tool that is not afraid of wrinkling, does not need lamination and meets the requirements of convenient operation. The process of converting data into an electronic format is relevant in many areas of life.

Who has the right to issue a plastic MHI policy?

The following categories of persons can apply to an insurance company for a policy:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • persons who have been living in the Russian Federation for a long time;
  • stateless persons who live in the Russian Federation;
  • refugees temporarily staying in the country.

The presented groups of persons have the opportunity to change the previously selected insurance company. This must be done by November 1st. current year to a new insurance company. This procedure is available once a year.

Where can I get a plastic CHI policy?

To obtain an electronic plastic card, the user can apply to any insurance company, branches of insurance companies work in city clinics and hospitals. You can get additional information of interest to you, a list of your rights, and learn about the specifics of the work of the company you have chosen from insurance employees.

There you can also fill out an application form with personal data to receive a document. In most cases, the procedure for filling out the application will not take you more than 5-10 minutes. This segment, however, does not include the waiting time in the general queue. Therefore, try to avoid "peak hours" when planning to visit an insurance agent.

The term for the manufacture of the policy is about a month, at which time the applicant will be issued a temporary duplicate, which can be used as the main one if necessary, in other words, it performs all functions, up to the possibility of attaching to the clinic.

Required documents to obtain a plastic compulsory medical insurance policy

In addition to the completed form, the following set of documents must be submitted to the insurance company:

For citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate (up to 14 years old);
  • passport of the father or mother (under 18 years old);
  • SNILS.

For foreign citizens:

  • passport of your state with a mark confirming temporary stay in the Russian Federation (if there is no residence permit);
  • residence;
  • SNILS.

Documents for registration of an electronic policy do not have to be submitted by yourself. This procedure can be performed by your authorized representative, but we note that in addition to the set of documents described earlier, he will need to submit a notarized power of attorney on your behalf for the right to perform such an operation.

In case of loss or theft of a plastic card, you must contact the insurance company, which will make a duplicate of the missing document.

The introduction of new samples will eliminate many of the inconveniences associated with the use of their paper equivalents. This format has stood the test of time, as Muscovites have been using this format of policies for more than a decade.

You should not run headlong to get an updated form, but you should also not delay this moment. This is at least practical, convenient and will ultimately save you the time you spend at the reception. Do not miss the opportunity to use the progress available to you.

Goznak started issuing electronic MHI policies with a chip: Video

Compulsory health insurance (abbreviated as CHI) is a document or, more globally, a system that provides for the possibility for a patient to receive free medical care. At the same time, both citizens of the Russian Federation and persons residing in the country without Russian citizenship have the right to own the document: stateless persons, refugees, temporary migrants (for example, workers), as well as employees of the Eurasian Economic Union. Consider what the CHI of the new sample is, its differences from the old one and how to get it.

What is a CHI insurance card of a new sample

The release of the amended insurance policy became known back in the spring of 2011, but the updated certificate continues to raise questions even now.

A plastic CHI policy of a single sample is an improved version of the paper version with a number of advantages.

It is important to stipulate that the owners of the new policy can count on the same services as before, so there should be no cause for concern. In order to avoid difficulties, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules for obtaining and operating the policy.

This is what a standard CHI policy of a new type looks like - it resembles a bank card.

What has changed in the CHI of the new sample

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is the shape and appearance. The blue A5 paper document was replaced by a bright miniature double-sided card.
  2. The material for making the certificate has become radically different.
  3. There was a chip with personal information about the patient.
  4. You can choose your own insurance company.

What are the benefits for the user of the new version of insurance

There are several obvious advantages of the new CHI form:

  1. Cards are in many ways superior to paper documents in terms of security. A chip with data, a photo and information about the owner of the CHI of a new type make it impossible for unauthorized persons to use the document.
  2. A durable card, unlike a paper counterpart, will not suffer from water ingress and will not wrinkle in a bag.
  3. The compact size makes it possible to carry the card in a purse or pocket.
  4. The ability to choose an insurer also saves the client from many problems.

Replacement is free, so you don't have to worry about finances either.

What does the current OMS look like?

As already mentioned, the card is double-sided. It is three-colored: one side is made in different shades of blue, the other is “decorated” in the colors of the Russian flag - white, blue and red.

In the center of the upper part of the front side, it is indicated that this card is a “compulsory medical insurance policy”. The red-and-yellow national emblem is depicted on the left, below it is a golden chip with encrypted data. The compulsory health insurance logo and company name are on the right. Many are interested in: where is the policy number of the new CHI. So, 16 digits from the bottom are the document number.

In the upper left part on the opposite side, the contact phone number of the federal CHI fund is indicated. Immediately below it is the owner's electronic signature, his image, last name, first name and patronymic, as well as a hologram serving as proof of the insurance certificate's authenticity. On the right (from bottom to top) are the date of birth of the owner, his gender, as well as the validity period of the certificate.

Why get a new document

It is worth getting a certificate of a new type in order to keep up with the times: to be the owner of a compact card instead of a paper, easily wrinkled and water-resistant document with erasable information.

A new CHI policy made of plastic: it is comfortable to wear, it does not wrinkle, does not get dirty, does not get wet.

Are you required to change your certificate?

In the fall of 2018, rumors began to appear that after November the old document would be invalid. It is not true. If you do not want to change the policy to a single sample, or for some reason have not done so yet, then you have the right to use a paper certificate. This is stated in federal law Russian Federation. In 2018, a warning was received that until January 2019 it would be impossible to change the insurance company.

Despite the fact that the information is no longer relevant, it is important to understand that you can, but are not required to change the form of compulsory medical insurance.

What you need to do to get new insurance

When applying for insurance for a citizen of the Russian Federation under the age of 18, you must have:

  • child's birth certificate or passport if they reach the age of 14;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • passport of one parent or guardian.

Important! Newborn children are required to provide services under the policy of the mother.

Adults need to carry only 2 documents:

  • own passport;
  • SNILS.

If you are going to issue CHI for another adult or someone else's child, you will also need a power of attorney.

It is important for refugees to provide evidence confirming this fact.

Stateless persons or citizens of another state will need an identity card, a residence permit or a certificate allowing them to live in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, if available, SNILS.

EAEU employees will need a passport, SNILS and an employment contract.

It is advisable to have with you not only originals, but also copies of documents.

It is very easy to get a new type of OMS.

Steps to get a card

  1. Providing documents, photographs and signatures.
  2. Writing an application.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate (calculated for a month and 15 days).
  4. Getting a permanent document.

Usually, a permanent policy card is ready after a month.

Where can I get a CHI of a new sample

To replace or issue a document, you need to contact the insurance company or government agency that provides this service. The choice is large, but "Rosno MS" (Now " LLC VTB MS") is clearly a leader.

It is impossible to obtain a new type of CHI policy through the State Services, however, on the portal you can find information about the institutions that deal with this.

If you are interested in applying for CHI online, you will need to select an insurance company and act in accordance with the requirements specified on the website.