» Make a new OMS policy. Compulsory medical insurance policy (mandatory medical insurance): where to get a plastic new sample

Make a new OMS policy. Compulsory medical insurance policy (mandatory medical insurance): where to get a plastic new sample

In 2014, the replacement of mandatory forms began. health insurance(hereinafter referred to as OMS) of a paper type to a new plastic format. This type of policy provides the owner with the opportunity to receive honey. assistance of qualified specialists in Russia. The service is provided and sponsored by insurance companies that have full legal authority to do so. Let us consider in detail who, with what documents and where to apply in order to obtain a new model CHI policy.

Description of the appearance of a plastic medical policy of the new sample, how it looks

The new analogue looks like a regular plastic card issued by a bank. The main side is made in three colors inherent in the flag of the Russian

Federations containing the following information:

  1. The name of the organization providing the insurance service.
  2. Assigned ordinal (consists of 16 digits).

The reverse side carries information about the owner of the policy:

  1. Photo of the owner.
  2. Surname name and patronymic.
  3. Date, month and year of birth.
  4. The period of time during which the policy is valid (it is indicated extremely rarely, since it is issued for an indefinite period, with the exception of foreign citizens).
  5. Number of the old copy (located under the photo and consists of 11 digits).

On the video - a plastic medical policy of a new sample:

On a note. A policy for children of a new format should not contain a photo.

The right to issue and replace health insurance

They have the right to receive a new analogue:

  • all people who are citizens Russian Federation(place of registration does not matter);
  • foreigners who are on the territory of our state on a permanent basis;
  • stateless people residing on the territory of our state;

Find out about the life and health insurance of a child athlete at.

The introduction of a policy of a new format did not suspend the policy of the old model.

You will have to replace the old policy with a new one if:

  • changes to personal information;
  • an error made in the policy;
  • loss;
  • inappropriate appearance.

Where to get an insurance medical card

Obtaining a policy in a plastic format is carried out free of charge, at the expense of the insurance company.

In order to change the paper version to a plastic one, contact the company that previously insured you with a written request. Production time is about one month. Do you need OSAGO, if there is CASCO, find out.

On the video - where and how to get a plastic CHI policy:

The package of documents to be collected

Prepare the following documentation for the insurance company:

  • official application for registration of a new analogue, in writing;
  • identity document;
  • certificate of the fact of the birth of a child (under 14 years of age);
  • an identity document of one of the parents (in the case of children under 18 years of age);

For foreign citizens, the following list of documents:

  • identity document of another state;
  • Residence permit (residence permit) in the Russian Federation (if any);
  • passport with a stamp on the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation (if there is no residence permit);
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (if any).

Find out how to add a driver to an electronic OSAGO policy at.

If earlier employers could replace the policy, then in the case of a new policy, this is the responsibility of the recipient alone. The new analogue does not have a column with information about the place of work. This is quite convenient, given that throughout life, a person changes jobs more than once.

Next steps after submitting documents for obtaining a CHI policy

After handling all the required documents, you will be issued a temporary certificate for the possibility of obtaining honey. assistance for one month. During this period, the insurance organization redirects the information to the territorial authority. After receiving a response, the insurer will inform you about the date of receipt of the policy in hand. He will tell you about car insurance without life insurance.

Upon receipt of a new analogue, in addition you will be given a memo containing detailed instructions on its use, as well as information on the types and methods of obtaining medical services. Read about the compulsory medical insurance policy from Rosgosstrakh.

It is advisable to apply for documents in person. If you do not have such an opportunity, this can be done for you by a person for whom you write a power of attorney and notarize it. Also, do not delay with, for any reason.

Together with the replacement of the policy, you can also change the insurance organization, this is the right of every citizen of the Russian Federation. There is one thing, but you can do this no more than once a year.

This will be useful to you! You can get acquainted with the companies providing these services without leaving your home by visiting the official website of the CHI.

Every resident of the Russian Federation falls under the state program of compulsory medical insurance (CHI). However, he can exercise his right to free medical care only if he has an insurance contract. A few years ago, the form of filling out and the type of this insurance changed somewhat. How is replacement done today? compulsory medical insurance policy for a new policy?

Do I need to change the CHI policy to a new policy: the latest news in 2020

Recently, the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund announced that it was suspending the issuance of new-style policies until January 2020. Because of this, there was a rumor that everyone needs to urgently change the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy to a new one before November 1, 2018, otherwise there will be problems with the provision of medical services.

On October 26, an explanation came from the MHIF, namely, it states that all policies are issued indefinitely and medical care can be obtained without any restrictions. Until November 1, it will be possible to declare a change in the insurance company servicing your CHI policy if the quality of its services does not suit you. This can be done once a year. Therefore, dear readers, it is not worth urgently changing the policy.

The text of the press release is below:

Do I need to change the compulsory medical insurance when changing my residence permit?

Art. 51, paragraph 2 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation" regulates that all policies issued in the territory of the Russian Federation before May 1, 2011 are valid until they are replaced with a single sample format. Thus, the insurance on hand can not be changed until its validity period comes to an end.

However, in some circumstances, the policy is subject to immediate replacement. For example, in the event of a change of residence, personal data or loss of insurance, it can be considered invalid. If outdated information remains in the CHI policy, the citizen may be denied medical care.

It should be noted that there is no need to replace the CHI policy in case of a temporary change of residence, in case of a short-term departure or in case of a long business trip. But in the event of a change in registration, obtaining a new insurance contract is a prerequisite.

Types of insurance documents

Section III of the Rules for Compulsory Medical Insurance contains uniform requirements for the execution of an insurance document, describes its types and information that must be provided in it. In 2020, citizens have several types in their hands:

  • on a blue A5 paper form;
  • in the form of a plastic card with a chip that contains information;
  • as part of a chipped universal electronic card (UEC).

From 01/01/2017, the issuance of UEC in the territory of the Russian Federation has been suspended. This card is no longer considered a mandatory tool for the provision of state and municipal services. Previously, when it was required to replace the contract, the insured person received new insurance as part of the UEC. This card can be additionally used when contacting government services, as bank card, as well as an electronic wallet and a travel ticket.

AT this moment On the territory of the Russian Federation, two types of policies are issued: paper and plastic. If we talk about durability and compactness, then the last option wins. However, given that many medical institutions still do not have special equipment to read information from the card, paper look more convenient to use.

The policy of the new sample and its features

The phrase "new sample" should be understood as two innovations:

  • an updated form for filling out a paper form, which was introduced in 2011;
  • electronic plastic card, which has been issued since 2014.

New contracts with the insurer on paper were issued with a validity period until 2014, so today they are no longer valid. Citizens can apply to the insurance organization for a new paper copy or for a chipped electronic card. Plastic cards, which have been issued since 2014 and issued by insurers, do not expire.


Medical insurance policies differ not only in type, but also in duration. In 2011, Russia began to issue new documents, but the old existing contracts are still valid. Duration of medical insurance:

  1. Most of the old insurance contracts were issued for a certain period. The end date is indicated on its front side. When it comes, the citizen receives a new type of contract.
  2. Contracts of a new uniform sample are termless. Of course, it is very convenient. However, there are a number of circumstances under which they are subject to mandatory replacement.

It is not worth delaying reissuing expired insurance, although health workers do not have the right to refuse to provide services in an emergency. As soon as the contract ends, you should select the appropriate insurance organization and draw up a new one. This service is provided free of charge.

Replacement procedure

If you have a valid old-style medical insurance, you do not need to replace it. However, in some cases it is required to re-register it. How to change the policy? The procedure is as follows:

  • The first stage and a very important aspect is the choice of an insurer. In this case, you need to be guided by the reputation of insurance companies and the reviews of its customers. When replacing a policy, the insured usually applies to the organization where he received the previous one;
  • then you need to visit the office of the insurer and fill out an application in which you should clearly articulate the reason for reissuing. In this case, you need to carefully monitor that there are no errors in it;
  • at the reception at the insurer, the client must present an identity card to the employee. As a rule, this is a civil passport;
  • the policyholder must present his personal account number;
  • after consideration and acceptance of papers, the applicant is issued a temporary certificate, which has the same force. Its validity period is not more than 30 days;
  • the policyholder must obtain new insurance within 30 days. At the appointed time, he comes to the insurance organization to receive it. Before picking up the paper, it is better to make sure that all the information is true.

Soon, citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy through public services. To date, the issuance of medical insurance online is being tested - a trial version is open to residents of St. Petersburg.

Required documents for obtaining

In order to replace the MHI policy, a citizen must provide the insurer with the following documents and information:

  • passport;
  • an application for a replacement stating the reason;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • old insurance, if it has not been lost;
  • the birth certificate of the child and the identity card of his legal representative, if the insurance is issued for a minor.

If compulsory medical insurance is issued for a child under the age of 14, then the presentation of SNILS is not a prerequisite for obtaining it. In the event that on behalf of the insured person is not a legal representative, but another person (for example, not a mother or father, but a grandmother, grandfather), a power of attorney will be required. This is regulated by the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

There is a possibility reissuance of CHI in online mode. On the EMIAS website, you can see the points of issuance and replacement of compulsory medical insurance policies that accept applications for a contract directly through this electronic resource.

Points for issuing and replacing medical insurance policies in different regions of the country can be found on this site.

Terms of registration

As a rule, the period for issuing insurance does not exceed 10 days. Insurance companies issue a new document within 1-1.5 weeks, depending on the workload.

Clause 50 of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance provides that the period for issuing an insurance contract cannot exceed the validity period of a temporary certificate issued at the time of receipt of documents. Thus, the maximum duration of the production of a new document is 30 days.

If the compulsory medical insurance is issued through the MFC, then the time it takes to receive it may increase by a couple of days. This is due to the document being sent by mail.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Here are the cases in which the renewal of medical insurance is mandatory:

  • loss of a valid document (loss, damage, theft);
  • change of personal data of the insured person: last name, first name, patronymic;
  • in connection with moving to another city or region of the country for the purpose of permanent or temporary (if there is a certificate of temporary registration) residence;
  • replacement of a civil passport or other identity document, information about which is provided in the contract;
  • when changing the insurance organization providing medical insurance;
  • the presence of inaccuracies and errors in the insurance contract.

The above circumstances oblige the insured person to notify the insurer of the changes within 30 days. As a rule, a new medical insurance is made and issued 10 days after the applicant's request. The service of issuing and replacing the MHI policy with a new model policy is free.


So, citizens of the Russian Federation can continue to use old-style CHI insurance until its validity period has come to an end. The document is subject to re-issuance when moving, when changing the last name, first name or patronymic, when changing the passport and in case of loss. Obtaining a new contract with the insurer does not entail any problems and costs: the procedure for reviewing and accepting documents is fast, and medical insurance is issued within 30 days from the date of application.

You can find out more about the new sample below.

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Compulsory medical insurance policies (hereinafter referred to as CHI) issued to persons insured under CHI before January 1, 2011 are valid until they are replaced with CHI policies of a single sample.

To obtain or exchange a CHI policy, you need to personally or through your representative (by proxy) contact the medical insurance organization.

Compulsory medical insurance for children from the date of birth until the expiration of thirty days from the date of state registration birth is carried out by an insurance medical organization in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured. After thirty days from the date of state registration of the birth of a child and until he reaches the age of majority or until he acquires legal capacity in full, compulsory medical insurance is carried out by an insurance medical organization chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The MHI policy is issued on the basis of with the relevant documents attached.

Reissuance of the CHI policy is carried out in the following cases:

1) change of surname, name, patronymic;

2) changes in the date of birth and sex of the insured person;

3) establishing the inaccuracy or erroneousness of the information contained in the policy;

4) the need to extend the validity of the policy for refugees, foreign citizens and stateless persons (permanently and temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation), workers of foreign citizens of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, while maintaining their right to compulsory medical insurance in the next calendar year.

Reissuance of the CHI policy is carried out upon and upon presentation of documents confirming the changes.

Issuance of a duplicate of the CHI policy carried out in the following cases:

1) dilapidation and unsuitability of the policy for further use (loss of parts of the document, breaks, partial or complete fading of the text, mechanical damage to the electronic policy, and others);

2) loss of the policy.

Issuance of a duplicate of the MHI policy is carried out according to

Applications may be submitted:

In writing - when submitting an application directly to an insurance medical organization (another organization);

In electronic form (for users who have the right to submit applications in electronic form) - through the official website of the Territorial CHI Fund in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (provided that the insured person or his legal representative passes the identification and authentication procedure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation ), or through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions).

Validity period of the CHI policy

Compulsory medical insurance policies (hereinafter referred to as CHI) issued to persons insured under CHI before January 1, 2011 are valid until they are replaced with CHI policies of a single sample.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are issued a CHI policy of a single sample without limitation of validity period.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year.

Persons entitled to receive medical care in accordance with federal law"On Refugees", a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the period of stay established in the documents specified in list of documents for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

The workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the term of the employment contract concluded with the worker of the EAEU member state.

Foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, belonging to the category of members of the Board of the Commission, officials and employees of the EAEU bodies, are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the term they exercise their respective powers.

Home service / house call

In SOGAZ-Med, to serve persons with disabilities, including the disabled, an individual service is organized for filling out applications, issuing temporary certificates and issuing compulsory medical insurance policies at home, in accordance with clause 70 of the Rules for Compulsory Medical Insurance, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 02/28/2019 No. 108n.

New type of insurance. Where to get them? What will be required for this? It is not so difficult to answer the questions posed. Especially if you prepare in advance for the process. CHI policies of a new type appeared in Russia relatively recently. But they are easier to use than the old model. Therefore, the population is increasingly thinking about how to produce new medical certificates. Not everyone understands where and how to get them. So what should every citizen know about the new policies? Where can you get them? What is required to issue paper?


What are new health insurance policies? Where to get them is another matter entirely. First you need to understand what kind of document, in principle, we are talking about.

This paper is a kind of certificate that allows you to receive medical care. The new sample is presented by a plastic card. It looks like bank plastic. Serves as an analogue of a paper MHI policy, helps to receive free medical care.

The advantage is the durability of the document. On it, as well as on the paper analogue, there is information about the owner. But data processing information technologies happens faster. Yes, and it is more difficult to spoil a plastic card. That is why it is best to use such a policy.

Insurance companies

Now a little about where and how to receive the specified document. The thing is that modern citizens have a certain freedom of choice. They may apply to several different organizations to bring the idea to life.

Where to get? The first and most common option is to contact the insurance company. That is, a citizen submits an application for the issuance of this document, then picks it up after some time.

You need to contact the insurance company that issued the old-style CHI policy. But if you wish, you can, in principle, change the organization serving the citizen for insurance once a year.

"Public Services"

But this is only the first scenario. In fact, there are several places to obtain these documents. Where can I get a new health insurance policy? It is proposed to choose the exact place of receipt on the portal "Gosuslugi". There, when applying for the production of a document, you will be asked to select an organization (depending on registration) that will issue a card.

In each city it is proposed to take a document:

  • in the MFC that serves a particular area;
  • at the insurance company that originally makes the plastic.

The exact address of the place of receipt will be indicated at the end of the application. Or a citizen will be able to see it after he receives a notification of a successful application for a policy.


It is not so difficult to guess what other organizations you can contact in this or that case. Where can I get new health insurance policies? In Russia, it is proposed to apply for this service to multifunctional centers. They are in every city.

You can either use "State Services", or go to the MFC of the district in which the citizen is registered. In the first case, it is enough to submit an electronic application for the production of a new policy, in the second - to make such a request personally through the multifunctional center. The process is no different from contacting an insurance company.


And now a little about where exactly to apply in some cities to bring the idea to life. The policy of the new sample is a kind of innovation. It has not yet spread to all insurance companies. And this fact should be taken into account by every citizen. It is likely that in a particular locality, certain insurance companies have not yet produced new-type policies. Then it is best to implement the idea through the MFC.

But where can I get new type compulsory medical insurance policies in Moscow? At the moment, it is worth paying attention to some insurance companies offering a similar service. Namely:

  • "Sogaz-MED".
  • UralSib.
  • "Consent-M".
  • "Ingosstrakh-M".
  • "Spassky Gate-M".
  • "MSK Medstrakh".
  • "RGS-Medicine".

This is not the whole list of organizations that offer residents of the capital to get new health insurance policies. But they are most often used by citizens. Of course, do not forget about multifunctional centers. The exact addresses of these companies can be found on the official websites of the MFC. There are a lot of them. Therefore, it is clearly not worth listing everything.


Where can I get new MHI policies in the Moscow region? Exactly in the same place as in the capital. More precisely, it is proposed to apply to similar insurance companies, as well as to multifunctional centers.

Residents of the Moscow region are more interested in the second type of organizations. Indeed, in them it is often easier to issue a card for further free medical care. Where exactly to apply? Accurate information should be clarified for each settlement. For example:

  • Svirskaya street, 2a, Shchelkovo - MFC No. 50.
  • Lenina, 96A, Orekhovo-Zuevo - MKU MFC.
  • 190 Oktyabrsky Avenue, Lyubertsy - Lyubertsy MFC.
  • Sovetskaya, 4, Balashikha - a multifunctional center in Balashikha.

Quite often in the regions of the Moscow region there are several multifunctional centers. Accordingly, you can apply to any of them. Preferably one that serves a particular area of ​​the city.


Now a little about other settlements in Russia. Where can I get new-type health insurance policies in Yekaterinburg? In this city, as in all others, you can use the MFC. And what about insurance companies? What organizations currently issue plastic card-policies?

Among the most common options are:

  • "Ural Recipe M".
  • "VSK-Mercy".
  • "Astra-Metal".
  • "Sogaz", Yekaterinburg branch.
  • "Astramed-MS".

Is not complete list. It's just that these companies are in great demand for the manufacture of new-style policies.


And what about the residents of other cities? Similar principles remain in all cities of the Russian Federation. Either a person applies to an insurance company, or he embodies the idea through the MFC.

Where can I get new health insurance policies? Rostov-on-Don is not such a small city. In it, unlike all previously listed regions of the country, it is insurance companies that are in great demand. Namely:

  • "MSK-Maximus".
  • "Spassky Gate".
  • "MSK-Panacea".
  • "RGS-Medicine".
  • "AsStra".
  • "Sogaz-Med".

In general, almost all modern insurance companies are already issuing CHI policies of a new type. There shouldn't be any problems with this task.


Where can I get new health insurance policies? Kirov invites the population of the area to contact:

  • "ROSNO-MS".
  • Alpha Insurance.
  • "Sogaz".
  • "Max-M".
  • "Mercy".
  • VTB MS.


And what exactly is required in order to obtain the specified document? To date, the MHI policy of the old and new sample is issued according to similar principles. A citizen must bring a certain package of documents with him.

Among them are:

  • application for the issuance of a policy;
  • old CHI policy (if any);
  • identification;
  • birth certificate (if we are talking about a child);
  • registration certificate (optional);
  • SNILS of the applicant.

If we are talking about a foreign citizen, then he will have to provide additionally:

  • migration card;
  • other evidence of legal stay in the country;
  • visa (if any).

Accordingly, these documents must be submitted either to the insurance company or to the MFC. The application must indicate that a new sample of the policy is required. After some time (usually about 30 days), a citizen will be able to present an identity card and receive a new policy. A similar principle is relevant for all cities of the Russian Federation.

A compulsory medical insurance policy is an opportunity to receive free qualified assistance at any state medical institution in Russia. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in person by contacting the selected insurance company, or through online public services. In the article, we will consider how to obtain, change or restore this important document.

What is an OMS policy and why is it needed?

Free medicine for citizens in the Russian Federation is provided through the allocation of budgetary funds for each person attached to a particular medical institution. To receive free medical care, it is enough to get a compulsory medical insurance policy.

This document is a guarantee that when applying to any state medical institution in the country, a citizen of the Russian Federation will be provided with the necessary medical services free of charge. They treat under the policy of adults, as well as newborns and young children as part of health insurance.

How and where to apply for an OMS policy?

You can apply for a CHI insurance policy for an adult or a child in Moscow during a personal visit to the insurance company, through the MFC or via the Internet.


Adult citizens can take out free medical insurance on their own or get the necessary document at the place of employment. You will need the following papers to get it:

  • self-filled;
  • identity document;
  • SNILS.

When if the insurance foreign citizen , you will need to additionally submit a residence permit.

An application for obtaining a Moscow policy can be filled out online on the Mos.ru website:

Important! The service is available to users who have passed the full registration procedure.(personal identification through gosuslugi.ru, MFC, EIRC or departments of housing subsidies).

To kid

The Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund allows parents to independently choose an insurance company for their baby. To get a new plastic MHI policy (electronic policy) you need:

  1. Document your parental rights.
  2. Write the appropriate letter to the selected insurance company issuing the CHI policy.
  3. Provide required documents(your passport, birth certificate of the baby, SNILS of the child and parent).

You can get an electronic CHI policy on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow. This will require prior go through the registration procedure and check the parental rights of the applicant.

How to change or restore the CHI policy?

Replacing or obtaining a duplicate policy is a standard procedure carried out for the following reasons:

  • change in passport data (full name, place of residence, etc.);
  • damage or loss of the document;
  • errors in the information specified in the insurance;
  • replacement of an old document with a new or electronic one.

To replace or restore a document, you will need to contact your insurance company, write an application and submit the necessary papers. The document is produced within 1 month, therefore, a temporary policy is issued to the applicant for this line.

Where to check the CHI policy?

If you have not used medical services for a long time and there are doubts about the relevance of insurance, you can use the help of the CHI verification service.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • go to the verification site http://www.mgfoms.ru/chastnye-lica/proverka-polisa;
  • select the type of document (old (1) or new sample (2));
  • enter the series and number (there are tips on the page that will help you correctly determine which numbers to enter where);
  • press the button " Check».

If the policy has not expired, and it is issued and registered in accordance with all the rules, the system will provide information about the citizen and the insurance company in which he is insured.

Points of issue of CHI policies in Moscow

After submitting an application for free medical insurance, the applicant can independently choose (- xlsx file), where and how to receive the finished document:

  • with home delivery (many companies practice this, for example, SOGAZ-MED);
  • in person (issue a CHI policy of a new sample can be issued by employees of points of issue).

The latter option is the most popular, as there are a large number of pickup points. Finding the address of the nearest one in Moscow is quite simple even for a non-resident applicant, if you have access to the Internet at hand:

  1. Follow the link http://www.mgfoms.ru/spravochniki/punkti-vidachi.
  2. Select the required insurance company (Rosno, REKO, VTB, Max-m, Rosgosstrakh, etc.).
  3. Enter the desired district of the capital (for example, for those living in Mitino - SZAO, in Domodedovo - South Administrative District, etc.).

List of medical services that you can get for free

To once again emphasize the importance of this medical document, we will compose list of free services that are available to insured citizens.

Under the OMS policy

CHI allows insured citizens to receive free services in medical institutions:

  • Ambulance;
  • outpatient type;
  • polyclinics;
  • hospitals.

The list of services includes:

  • diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases (except for HIV, AIDS, STDs, tuberculosis);
  • management of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period;
  • any pathologies and diseases in newborns;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the main vital systems;
  • birth defects and pathologies, etc.

Important! The list of available services may vary depending on the region of residence, so it is better to check with your insurance company.

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy

If a citizen does not have health insurance, he will be provided emergency medical care free of charge. All other services, including examinations and treatment, will be provided for a fee.

Why else would you need a policy?

In addition to direct presentation in medical institutions, a document on the availability of medical insurance will be needed in the following situations:

  • when placing children in a preschool or educational institution;
  • to make an appointment with a doctor;
  • to join the clinic.