» Lost inn how to recover. Inn certificate recovery via the Internet

Lost inn how to recover. Inn certificate recovery via the Internet

The abbreviation TIN stands for an identification number taxpayer, that is, this is the code, consisting of 12 digits, which streamlines the accounting of all citizens of our country who pay taxes.

For individuals, it is a certificate, an A4 form, where, in addition to the code, the full name and passport data of the taxpayer are indicated.

The presence of a TIN is mandatory for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity , and for individuals it is necessary for employment. But often there are situations when it needs to be restored, for example, in case of loss.

TIN recovery procedure

You can restore the TIN in two ways:

  1. Apply in person to the Federal Tax Service or to the post office.
  2. Through the Internet.

Recovery of TIN through the tax authority and mail

In the first case, you need:

  1. Come to the tax authority at the place of permanent or temporary registration or to that department, where you previously received a TIN, bring your passport with you, a copy of its spread with a photo.
  2. Take the application form for the issuance of a certificate and fill it out. It's not that difficult, as you'll find a filling sample at the booth.
  3. Next, you need to pay the state fee for issuing a TIN certificate.
  4. Then you turn to a tax specialist, who will once again carefully check your application and take it from you, as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty, a copy of your passport and a certificate of temporary registration (if the actual and permanent address of registration do not match).
  5. On a pre-arranged day, you come to the tax authority and upon presentation of the passport receive a certificate.

Get a TIN certificate by mail:

  • Download from the official website of the tax service application(form 2-2), fill in and print it, make a photocopy of 2-3 and 4-5 pages of the passport.
  • Go to notary office, certify the completed application and a copy of the passport.
  • Pay the state fee and get a receipt.
  • Contact the nearest post office and send to the Federal Tax Service this package of documents.
  • The TIN certificate will be sent to your mail.

You can restore the TIN in the case when you temporarily left the city or you need to get it at the previous address of permanent registration, or if you live in one city and the place of registration is in another.

You can also restore the certificate through your legal representative at the place of permanent registration.

The representative needs to contact the tax authority with the following package of documents:

  • Completed application form №2-2;
  • The passport legal representative;
  • Certificate of temporary registration(if the actual and permanent registration address do not match);
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Notarized Power of Attorney+ its copy.

You can pay the state duty and get a receipt in any branch of Sberbank.

To do this, you need to know the exact details of the territorial tax office where the application will be submitted.

If they are incorrect, your application will not be accepted, and You will need to return the amount paid when you personally submit an application to the central body of the tax service.

TIN recovery via the Internet

If you want to save time, you can restore the TIN without leaving your home - via the Internet. But you will need to get it at the tax office.

At the moment, you can apply for the restoration of a certificate on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

To quickly obtain a repeated TIN you need to register or log in to the site.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and select the section "Individuals".
  2. Follow the link "TIN" (get or find out).
  3. At the bottom of the page, select "Obtaining a certificate of registration (TIN) again." The service will open a page where you can download form No. 2-2, recommendations for filling out an application and also go to the payment of state duty.
  4. Fill out the application and pay the state fee online.

A huge advantage of this service, in addition to saving time, is the ability to track the status of application processing.

How much does it cost to restore the TIN in case of loss?

How much does it cost to restore a TIN?

The amount of the state fee for the reissuance of a TIN certificate in case of loss is:

  • 300 rubles(including when applying online);
  • 600 rubles for urgent recovery.

How to restore the TIN of an individual in the territorial inspection?

The procedure for restoring the TIN certificate at the branch of the Federal Tax Service (territorial inspection) was discussed above.

The most important point in this case is filling out an application for reissuing a certificate.

Consider the procedure for filling out the form No. 2-2.

Page 1

  • Above is the TIN code, consisting of 12 digits;
  • In the column "code tax authority» — code of the territorial inspection where the application is submitted;
  • In the appropriate columns, the full name is written, according to the passport;
  • In the section "I confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information specified in this Application" put 5 if the application is submitted by an individual, 6 - if his legal representative;
  • The following is a contact phone number and email address. and signed and dated.

Page 2

  • Above is also indicated TIN number, surname and initials;
  • If after September 1, 1996 the full name changed, then they must be indicated together with the year of their replacement;
  • in the gender column 1 is indicated - if male, 2 - if female;
  • Next, fill in the passport data, namely - series, number, who issued the document, address of the place of residence or temporary stay, citizenship;
  • The accuracy of the information is also confirmed below. applicant's signature.

Page 3

  • At the top, indicate the TIN and surname with initials, similar to the second page;
  • In the data column of the document confirming registration, the type of this document is indicated, as well as its details;
  • The accuracy and completeness of the information must be confirmed by the signature of the applicant.


The TIN certificate renewal period is:

I would also like to note a few more important points:

  1. Sample of filling out an application for re-issuance of TIN available on the official website;
  2. If the passport settings have changed due to marriage- TIN can not be changed; in the case when this is necessary, it is enough to contact the tax office, where they will make a new certificate with you - you do not need to pay the state duty;
  3. It is not necessary to re-obtain a certificate also when changing the full name, gender or places of permanent registration;
  4. You can find out the TIN number on the website of the Federal Tax Service or on the Public Services Portal- for this, it is enough to enter the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the passport number.

The TIN recovery process is not so long and complicated. But still, it is better not to lose such an important document at all.

TIN - an individual taxpayer number that every working citizen of our country must receive. It is by this number that our tax deductions are recorded, which we pay from our salary and other sources of income, as well as from property. The document itself is valid throughout a person's life.

There are situations when the evidence is lost, because no one is immune from various troubles. In this case, you need to restore the document. How to do this correctly, we will consider further.

How to get a duplicate TIN for an individual

In order to restore a certificate of assignment of a TIN, you can act in various ways.

Visit to the inspection

The easiest way that comes to mind in the first place is to go to the tax office at the place of residence. There you can consult about the necessary documents and other points.

But all this will take a lot of time, because first you have to go for a consultation, then bring Required documents and issue a duplicate TIN, and only some time after the second visit you will be able to get it.

Agree, it is long and not very pleasant, besides, you may encounter queues at the tax office. That is why you should pay attention to the second way to restore an individual taxpayer number.

Through the Internet

Online application became available to citizens Russian Federation relatively recent, but already in great demand. In this case, people can significantly reduce time costs by limiting themselves to two, and in some cases even one visit to the tax office. Next, you can learn about all the nuances of how to issue a duplicate TIN via the Internet. This can be done both on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, and by analogy on the public services portal.

How to recover online

If you decide to restore an individual taxpayer number via the Internet, then first of all you need to go to the website of the tax office (LINK).

1. Enter the query "TIN" in the "Search" field and you will see several results returned. One of them will be the "Get TIN" service.

Click on this inscription, and you will find yourself on the page "Registration of an individual with a tax authority on the territory of the Russian Federation."

2. Once on the page "Settings of an individual ..." you will see a field on the side of the main text with the possibility of registering or entering your data to enter the site under your account.

If you have not previously registered in this service, then click on the inscription "Registration" and enter your personal data in the window that appears.

3. After that, you must wait for the confirmation of registration, which will be sent to the specified e-mail.

After you have seen the letter, you can activate the link and start restoring the TIN.

4. The first step is to fill in the basic information about the applicant, which is entered at the first stage of the application. Be careful when filling out and be sure to enter data in those fields that are marked with asterisks. Unmarked fields can be left blank.

5. The next step involves entering information about the document that you will provide to the tax office. Carefully check all the information you enter to avoid mistakes. At this stage, it is necessary to indicate the series and number of the document, the date of issue and the organization that carried out this procedure. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the new surname, name and patronymic, if they were changed after 1996.

6. Now enter in the marked fields additional information about the past place of residence / stay, if they have changed.

To do this quickly, click on the ellipsis at the end of each field. You will have a new sign.

The scheme for entering address data is as follows - first the street, then the settlement, then the district and region. At some stage, you will have an automatic determination of the address and it will be enough just to confirm it and enter the number of the house and apartment just below.

7. After completing all these steps, you will be taken to the "Sending to the IFTS" page. At this stage, you can return to the previous pages of the application in order to correct them if you did not provide all the data or did it inaccurately.

In addition, you can download here a receipt for paying the state duty for issuing a duplicate certificate, which you can pay at any branch of Sberbank. Currently, the state duty is three hundred rubles.

8. In order to send an application for consideration, you must lower the page down and click on the inscription "Register an application and send it to the Federal Tax Service".

Write down the registration number of the application, as it may be useful to check its status on the site.

10. Within 24 hours, a response should be received from the tax office by e-mail. In addition, you can check the status of processing the application on the site, for this you will need to enter its number and your full name.

This completes the procedure for restoring the TIN via the Internet. Next, you will need to wait for the tax response, which will indicate the address of the branch where you need to contact to take further action.

At this time, you can pay the fee. Next, during the specified hours of work, you need to appear at the tax office in order to complete the paperwork there. Just do not forget the receipt of payment of the fee, because without it you will not be able to prove the fact of payment and you will have to pay again.

In order to limit yourself to one visit to the tax office, you can issue it by mail, or choose a second visit and personally receive the document from tax officials.

Thus, at present, we can restore the TIN certificate via the Internet, while saving our time. Unfortunately, at present this process has not been perfected and in most cases it is impossible to carry out this procedure without visiting the tax office. But progress in virtual paperwork has already appeared, so maybe in a couple of years their restoration will become even easier and faster.

Citizens are already accustomed to the fact that the fact of their existence in our state must be supported by various documents. If in the recent Soviet past such documents could be counted on the fingers of one hand, now everything looks much more serious. Every year, the system of accounting for taxpayers, their work, deductions made, compliance with declared incomes and much more is being improved.

One of the main documents in recent times can be called a TIN, which must be assigned to every citizen. Now I would like to fully cover all the nuances associated with its receipt. It is also worth talking about how to get the necessary certificate in hand if the number is already there, and the document is lost or not received for personal use.

Why is it needed

The last decade of the 20th century was quite difficult for the population, in social and economic terms. Government bodies created an internal accounting structure, adopting experience from European countries and adapting it to our conditions of development. It was in 1993 that the concept of TIN was introduced for private entrepreneurs, a little later in 1995 for legal entities, and already on the eve of 2000 for individuals.

The main task of assigning a TIN was to track the correct deduction of money to the state treasury by the tax authorities. Naturally, a personal number greatly speeds up the process of recording data, checking and searching for information on each specific request.

For legal entities, the TIN is a ten-digit mandatory number that is assigned during registration. TIN for an individual has the form of a twelve-digit number, and according to the law is assigned on a voluntary basis. But if a citizen decides to get a job, then the number is assigned automatically. So the state takes care that deductions to tax service, PFR and others social funds produced on time and in the right amount. Commendable, prudent and comprehensive - this is how this scheme for assigning a personal number can be characterized.

Summarizing the information, we can say that you will have to get a number if:

  • a citizen gets an official job;
  • there is a need for a loan;
  • you need to confirm the right to receive benefits;
  • you need to start your own business.

These are the main life milestones that will require the provision of this document, but, of course, the list cannot be called complete. The certificate issued by the tax authority is quite simple to obtain, and there are several eligible options for claiming the necessary document.

Where to get and where to go

You can get a TIN for individuals using three methods, choosing the best option for yourself. Let's talk about each in detail:

  • for those who are used to doing everything on their own, without relying on third-party persons or technical means, we advise you to contact the department of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. You will have to visit an organization where, upon request, they will be registered with the tax authorities, and within 5 days they will issue a certificate certifying this fact;
  • you can get the document online. There are two options to do this properly: go to the tax service portal or use the special State Services website. The processing of personal data takes about 15 days, after which the TIN number itself is received by the citizen in paper or electronic form. The certificate on the State Services website must be sought by going to the section on taxes and fees. If you fill in all the proposed columns correctly, you can get it after the same period of time;
  • the third option is even more prosaic, in which case you will have to use the services of the mail. It is only necessary to comply with some requirements, namely: attach a copy of the passport certified by the current notary, and send the request by registered mail, indicating the return address exactly. It is not necessary that it correspond to the place of registration, the main thing is that the certificate be received in person, at the actual address of residence.

The TIN assignment certificate is issued by the tax authority based on a minimum package of documents. Those who have a passport must submit an application drawn up in a specific form “2-2-Accounting” and a photocopy of an identity document. If a document is required for a citizen who is under 14 years old, then the list of necessary certificates is somewhat longer:

  • a statement drawn up by the parent of a minor citizen;
  • a copy of the document confirming the identity of the parent;
  • a photocopy of the certificate issued at the birth of the child;
  • a copy of the registration issued in the passport office.

Loss is not a cause for concern

The number that is entered in the TIN certificate does not change during life, even if a citizen changes his surname, status or place of residence and registration.

In Moscow, many try to use the Internet to obtain a certificate. It is also important that many working Muscovites already have electronic signatures that help to receive documents without a personal presence on the spot, using registered letters. The only inconvenience is that in case of loss of the document, recovery via the Internet is excluded.

You can get a certificate for the first time absolutely free of charge, re-applying requires paying a state duty of 300 rubles. By the way, a duplicate should be issued, which is completely identical to the original document, but not a copy or photocopy. Pay attention to this when restoring the certificate.

Often there is a situation of such a plan, when the citizen himself did not apply to the tax service on the issue of assigning a personal number, but has it, since he is officially employed. The tax office assigns a number automatically, as mentioned earlier, for more accurate accounting of tax deductions. Therefore, take the trouble to find out in advance on the website of the Federal Tax Service whether the number is really present in the system. If you find one, but do not have paper confirmation on hand, contact the inspection, and your application should be responded to within 5 days, handing it over.

Undoubtedly, the Internet version of requests for obtaining a TIN greatly simplifies the procedure for obtaining it, and also helps to reduce queues at the territorial tax offices.

Tax identification number- a digital code streamlining the accounting of taxpayers in the Russian Federation. Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. A sequence of 12 Arabic numerals, of which the first two represent the code of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 65 of the Constitution, the next two are the number of the local tax office, the next six are the number of the taxpayer's tax record, and the last two are the so-called "control digits" to verify the correctness of the record.

TIN individual entrepreneur - assigned when registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur, if this person didn't have it before. Otherwise, the existing TIN is used.

TIN legal entity - a sequence of 10 Arabic numerals, of which the first two represent the code of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 65 of the Constitution (or "99" for the interregional inspection of the Federal Tax Service), the next two are the number of the local tax office, the next five are the number of the taxpayer's tax record in the territorial section EGRN and the last one is a check digit. TIN together with KPP allow you to identify each separate division of a legal entity, so often both of these codes are displayed and used together, for example, when specifying the payment details of organizations.

An application for a TIN can be submitted using online service and the Federal Tax Service - registration of an individual with a tax authority on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Also, an application can be submitted to the tax authority at the place of residence in person or through an authorized representative by a notarized power of attorney by filling out a form - an application from an individual for registration with a tax authority according to Form 2-2-Accounting. A sample of filling out an application for obtaining a TIN will help you with this - a sample of filling out an application form 2-2-Accounting with explanations.

The tax authority is obliged to register an individual on the basis of the application of this individual within five days from the date of receipt of the specified application by the tax authority and within the same period issue him a certificate of registration with the tax authority (if the previously indicated certificate was not issued).

If the application of an individual is sent by registered mail or transmitted in electronic form via telecommunication channels to the tax authority, the tax authority shall register the individual on the basis of such an application within five days from the date of receipt from the authorities specified in paragraph 3 and 8 st. 85 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, confirmation of the information contained in this application and within the same period issues (sends) to the individual a certificate of registration with the tax authority (if the previously indicated certificate was not issued).

When submitting an Application for registration with the tax authority at the place of residence, an individual simultaneously with the specified Application submits a document (documents) proving the identity of the individual and confirming his registration at the place of residence.

If there is no information in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers (EGRN) about registration with the tax authorities of an individual who applied for registration, registration is carried out by the tax authority at the place of residence of the individual on the basis of this Application within five working days. days from the date of its receipt, and within the same period the tax authority is obliged to issue (send by registered mail) to an individual a Certificate in the form established by the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The date of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence on the basis of the Application is the date of entering information into the USRN about his registration.

In order to find out your TIN you need:

Fill out the request form for the availability of registration with the assignment of TIN;

Submit a request;

If you are registered with the tax authorities with a TIN assigned, your TIN will appear in the result line.

Attention! If you changed your passport, but received the TIN from the old passport, then enter the data of the old passport into the form, marked on the page of previously issued passports.

Re-issuance of the certificate is carried out in case of its loss (loss).

You can restore the TIN certificate in the following ways:

1. Personally contact the tax office at the place of registration.

Submit the following documents to the tax office:

2. Apply to the tax office at the place of registration through a representative of an individual.

The representative of an individual sends the following documents to the tax office:
- an application in any form for issuing a duplicate of the TIN certificate (an application for re-issuing a TIN - a sample);
- a document (documents) proving the identity of an individual;
- a document confirming registration at the place of residence;
- receipt of payment of the state fee for the re-issuance of a certificate (300 rubles);
- a representative of an individual shall attach to the application a copy of the document confirming his authority.

The following documents must be submitted to the inspection at the place of registration by mail with acknowledgment of receipt:
- an application in any form for issuing a duplicate of the TIN certificate (an application for re-issuing a TIN - a sample);
- a certified copy of the document (documents) proving the identity of an individual;
- a certified copy of the document confirming registration at the place of residence;
- a receipt for payment of the state fee for the re-issuance of a certificate (300 rubles).

To issue and pay the state duty for the re-issuance of a certificate, use the online service of the Federal Tax Service -.

You can get a certificate personally by contacting the tax office or through a representative by a notarized power of attorney. On the basis of an Application in any form for issuing a duplicate of the TIN certificate, within five working days from the date of its receipt, the tax authority is obliged to issue a Certificate to an individual. If the taxpayer or his representative is not present for the Certificate, the tax authority sends the Certificate by registered mail.

A certificate issued by a tax authority to an individual, in the event of a change in his place of residence, is not subject to replacement.

When changing the last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth to an individual who has a Certificate, a new Certificate indicating the previously assigned TIN is issued (sent) free of charge. At the same time, it is reported that obtaining a new Certificate indicating in it the previously assigned TIN in case of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth of an individual is not mandatory.

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According to the current legislation, individuals must pay obligatory payments in the form of taxes, report on certain forms, etc. In the tax office, each person is assigned a unique identification number, according to which he is in it as a taxpayer. How to get a TIN for an individual? For the first time, you can get a TIN via the Internet, or by directly contacting the IFTS or MFC.

TIN is the identification number of taxpayers, which is assigned to them by the relevant authority, and is reflected in the certificate issued to them in their hands.

At present, it is assigned to every citizen, and this is carried out even in early childhood, if children become payers of such mandatory payments.

The initiator of the appropriation can be both the citizens themselves or their representatives, and the tax authorities.

This identification number for an individual consists of twelve digits:

  • The first two reflect the number of the region in which the certificate is issued, the next - the number of the tax authority that issued it.
  • The numbers 5-10 reflect the immediate number of the taxpayer.
  • The remaining two last digits reflect the checksum by which the TIN is checked.

Attention! Since 2017 Registration is carried out in any tax office.

TIN is affixed in all payment documents for which taxes are paid by an individual. According to this number, the tax authorities keep records, accrue and receive mandatory payments.

Individuals can get information about property taxes, personal income tax, only if they know their TIN.

Despite the fact that the TIN certificate is not in the mandatory list, its copy is often asked to be given by the personnel of the company.

Important! TIN must have not only citizens of our country, but also foreigners. This obligation has been imposed on them since 2016. Now they will not be able to obtain a patent for work if they do not first register.

What documents are needed for TIN

Regardless of how to make a TIN - via the Internet, mail or in person, you must submit a certain package of documents.

  • An application (in the form 2-2-Accounting) can be printed from the IFTS website or taken directly from the tax office. If a certificate is issued for a person under the age of 14, then the application is drawn up from one of his parents.

Important! When applying to the IFTS for issuing a TIN, such an application is filled out by the inspector on his own (in most cases), based on the documents submitted.

  • A copy of the taxpayer's passport or other similar document identifying the person. For a minor who is not yet 14 years old, a copy of the birth certificate is submitted.
  • A copy of the applicant's passport - must be presented to the parents of minors when they apply for a TIN.
  • A copy of the certificate of registration at the address of residence - is required for minors who do not have a passport and there is no such mark in the birth certificate.

Read also:

Replacement of PTS, STS, Driver's license and OSAGO when changing a surname

Where to get a TIN for an individual

It is possible to obtain a TIN in the general manner at the IFTS at the place of permanent residence. To do this, you can order a TIN via the Internet, apply by mail, or bring a package of documents to the tax or MFC in person.

When sending documents by mail, copies of documents must first be certified by a notary.

If, at the time of obtaining this certificate, the person does not have permanent residence, then the certificate is issued at the address of his temporary location or at the location of his property.

Is it possible to get a TIN at a place of residence

Attention! Since 2017, you can get a TIN at any tax office, but you will be registered at the place of registration. The basis is the federal law No. 243-FZ of July 03, 2017. The amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 83, p. 7. How to find out the TIN number from a passport or other document, if you have already received it, read here.

How to get a TIN for an individual

An individual can obtain a TIN in various ways.

How to get a TIN via the Internet

This method makes it possible not to stand in line, and send an application for extradition at any time of the day or night. Currently, there are two ways to issue a TIN using the Internet - on or through the State Services portal.

These options differ in design and procedure, but in practice they provide two opportunities to apply and receive a form:

  • If a citizen does not have an enhanced one, you must register on the site using an email address (or SNILS) and a password. For the Gosulugi portal, it will still be necessary to pass an identity confirmation in the manner prescribed by it. After that in personal account you will need to specify personal data, information about the passport and registration, contacts. The generated application for extradition can be sent to the Federal Tax Service in this way, but it will be possible to receive it only in person with the provision of original documents.
  • If a citizen has an enhanced electronic signature, then it is necessary to prepare an encrypted request using a special program and send it to the Federal Tax Service. The completed form can be received by registered mail or in a PDF electronic file certified by a qualified electronic signature of the tax service.

Obtaining a TIN at the MFC

Recently, it has become available to issue a TIN through the multifunctional centers (MFC) "My Documents". At the same time, you can contact the institution both personally and through your authorized representative. The process of obtaining the form is included in the "One window" mode - this means that all the necessary procedures can be performed on the spot with one operator.