» The main advantages of tp advanced. Tinkoff RKO: tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

The main advantages of tp advanced. Tinkoff RKO: tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

For more than 3 years I have been active as a “self-employed”. That is, IP. For these 3 years, I have already searched for banks 3 times to service my IP. Today I’ll tell you why I decided in 2016 to close my account with Avangard Bank and move to Tinkoff.

So, now you have issued your IP, you need to find a bank to service the account. In most cases, the expectations from the bank of an individual entrepreneur are as follows:

  • Low service rates. Ideally, 500 rubles a month, and in months when there is no movement of funds on the account - to be completely free.
  • Low commission for cashing out. Ideally, none at all, or at least up to 1.5% - 2%.
  • Convenience of receiving money from the account. To go to the cashier for cash not far from home.
  • The reliability of the bank and the convenience of the service. Including a good, functional internet bank.


It was in this way, according to such criteria, that I was looking for my first bank for my IP at the end of 2012. Do not underestimate the importance of the fourth point, by the way. So, 3 years ago, having just organized an IP, having monitored the offers of most banks and a lot of reviews, I had a question: choose Bank24 or MosOblBank for the IP account, in the second at that moment I also had a contribution as an individual. All sorts of Alfabanks, not to mention Sberbanks and other VTBs, gave restrictive conditions on tariffs for servicing individual entrepreneurs, Tinkoff, by the way, individual entrepreneurs in those days, and even in 2014, when I changed banks, also categorically did not want to serve. I'm afraid to lie, but then account maintenance cost something under 3-4 thousand rubles a month! So, choosing between Bank24 and Mosoblbank 3 years ago, the alignment was something like this:

  • Bank24 offered a slightly more functional and convenient Internet bank (in MosOblBank, I had to use checkbooks in general)
  • Bank24 offered significantly lower fees for cashing out funds and maintaining an account
  • Bank24 on specialized forums had not the most pleasant reviews on service and maintenance, including such that “the bank’s audience is all kinds of shell people up to the homeless, and the bank’s reputation is like that of a money laundering point”

To be honest, all my activities as an IP are white and fluffy. I am one of those who prefer to pay taxes and sleep peacefully. For sim, I chose MosOblBank. And I didn't guess. Since Bank24 subsequently lost its license, and the accounts of individual entrepreneurs and the money stored on them, if I am not mistaken, in the third stage claim compensation for bankruptcy and the sale of the bank's property. In other words, there are no deposits of private individuals here, the state does not insure anything, and if the bank is closed, you can forget about the money that was in the account with a very high probability.

By the way, I highly recommend the text from my LiveJournal: “Opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur in MosOblBank. Why is it worth and not worth it! ” - dated November 2012. Tariffs and conditions, of course, are no longer relevant, but how to deal with the rudeness of branch managers is very interesting story described from personal experience. Then the security service of the bank called, apologized, promised to punish the manager (because the aunt was freaking out), but still. Read, informative, especially for beginners!

However, over time, problems awaited MosOblBank, although this bank was not deprived of its license, but sanitized, that is, left to live by connecting another bank. But during the rehabilitation, the conditions for the activity of the active settlement account of the IP became uninteresting, and I picked up another bank. Tinkoff was still capitally expensive then (although I already had a debit card of this bank, and I was happy with everything), and my choice fell on Avangard. For not very far from home, and the tariffs were all good.

Everything was fine at Vanguard, except for the Internet Bank. The “hello beginning of the 2000s” interface (to this day, by the way), all bill signing operations are done through Java, which the Chrome browser has not supported for a long time, I generally keep quiet about the mobile bank. Plus, in 2015, account maintenance became 2 times more expensive (900r instead of 450r), in general, there were no problems with the bank as such, everything works well, but I already wanted a little comfort and convenience for my individual entrepreneur. And then I noticed that since December 2015, bank Tinkoff tariffs for small businesses have changed, and the service of individual entrepreneurs has suddenly become very tasty and interesting.


There were several reasons for choosing Tinkoff Bank to transfer my IP account:

  • I am an active and old client of this bank. There is also a debit card (on which the money withdrawn through Avangard was still deposited in the nearest Euroset all the time), and a credit card. I wrote about the benefits of Tinkoff Bank for individuals in a separate very detailed article:. And when I found out about the new tariffs for individual entrepreneurs, of course, I became interested. He told about the new tariffs, by the way, one of his friends, who recently got himself an IP.
  • Service rates. There are two: for 490 rubles a month and 990 rubles, we will consider the difference later.
  • Free Internet banking, with an up-to-date interface. 24/7 support with a personal manager (included in the cost of service). Something, and the support service of Tinkoff Bank is just a standard in Russia.
  • Serviceability. No need to go to bank branches, all transactions are carried out via the Internet or by phone. If necessary, the bank sends a courier.
  • Cash withdrawal fees. Below, again, we will consider both tariffs, but the key feature: up to 400 thousand rubles per month can be withdrawn to a personal Tinkoff Black card (regular debit card) without any commission at all! That is, it's free. This amount will be enough for the absolute majority of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Ease of withdrawal. No need to go to a bank branch somewhere, order money, use scratch cards, etc. Pressed a couple of buttons - the money is on your debit card!
  • Potential integration with the online accounting service Kontur Elba, which I use and which does everything for me, including sending reports to inspections. By the way, who will need one - at this link you will be given 3 months of free service. Referral, but from the heart. The Internet bank in Avangard is extremely outdated, so once a quarter, under regular taxes, I had to drive all my money into Elba with pens. cash flows by account. Extremely tiring, to be honest. And here direct integration shines, where all my operations will be automatically exported to Elba. Conveniently!
  • There is no such thing, it seems, anywhere: from 6% to 8% per annum - accruals on the balance of your bank account! That is, if you keep a certain reserve amount on your account all the time, you will receive 6-8% per annum on it, from monthly payment percent on the same account. In other banks, your money lies - and lies.
  • Tinkoff has established itself as a reliable large bank. Although, in any case, I am not going to keep large amounts in the account, almost all incoming receipts will be immediately withdrawn to a bank card (but the funds on the debit card of an individual are already insured by the state as deposits).

In general, to leave Avangard Bank and move to Tinkoff with your own individual entrepreneur - there were enough arguments. Next, we study the tariffs and draw up an application.


Tariffs, as well as the benefits of a current account for individual entrepreneurs, are listed on the Tinkoff Bank website at this link. There are 2 rates in total. I recommend downloading the full description and comparing the options for each of them exactly for your needs, I will briefly describe the differences that are important to me. So:

  • There are two rates: Simple and Advanced.
  • Both plans include 2 free trial months of service. For tariff Simple- a free period can be up to 6 months if you have a new IP, which is not more than 6 months old.
  • Tariff account maintenance fee Simple490 rubles per month, Advanced990 rubles per month. In the tariff Simple, if there is no cash flow for the month (there are no incoming or outgoing payments to the account), the service fee is not charged. Those. for a month they did not receive money and did not spend it - for this month we do not pay anything to the bank. Conveniently. In the tariff Advanced- there is no such option, you need to pay every month, even if there is no movement of funds on the account.
  • Payment processing. In the tariff Simple the first 3 payments are processed free of charge, starting from the fourth (without resetting the counter every month) - payment of 49 rubles per payment. In the tariff Advanced- the first 10 payments are free, and starting from the 11th - 29 rubles for each payment, you can activate the option (only for Advanced) of unlimited payments for another 990 rubles per month - then make and accept at least hundreds of payments, at least thousands. For many individual entrepreneurs who do not conduct active commercial activities and are basically registered in order to legally receive fees for their services, in this regard, the tariff will be optimal Simple. If the activity of your individual entrepreneur involves a lot of payments, it makes sense to think about the tariff Advanced.
  • Commissions for money transfers. Intra-bank transfers, as well as payment of taxes in both tariffs - for free.
  • Cash withdrawal. The very point for which most IPs are organized. Everything is interesting here.
    In the tariff Simple, if there is a debit Tinkoff cards, get up to 150 000 rubles per month on the card you can do without commissions at all, and more 250 000 rubles can be sent without commission to a Tinkoff credit card if you actively use it. debit card Tinkoff, the following tariffs apply (that is, for owners of Tinkoff Black from 150,001 rubles per month, for those who do not have a card - from the first ruble). Up to 400,000 rubles per month (or from 150,000 to 550,000 rubles for Tinkoff Black debit card holders), the withdrawal fee will be 1.5% (minimum 99r); from 400,000 to 2,000,000 rubles per month(and from 550,000 to 2,150,000 for Tinkoff debit card holders) - the commission will be 5.0% (minimum 99r); and if you earn and withdraw from the account more than 2 million rubles per month- take me to work with you, the commission will already 10% (minimum 99r). It is immediately worthwhile to understand that transferring money from your current account for individual entrepreneurs to an account in another bank (except for a Tinkoff debit card) will also be a transfer with a commission.
    with tariff Advanced getting harder and trickier. Up to 100,000 rubles per month can be withdrawn from the current account of IP no commission both to an account in any bank, and using your corporate bank card, which is included with the account (you can withdraw money without commission at any ATM of any bank). The presence of a Tinkoff debit card does not affect anything here. But when withdrawing money in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles, commissions are included, similar to the Simple tariff. Those. up to 400,000 rubles (not counting 100,000, which we rent for free) - commission 1.5% (minimum 79 rubles), from 400,000 to 2,000,000 - commission 5% (minimum 79 rubles), over 2,000,000 rubles - commission 10% (minimum 79 rubles ).
    As a result, the rate Simple much more profitable for individual entrepreneurs with an income of no more than 150,000 rubles per month, provided that you use a Tinkoff debit card (and not using it is very stupid, because it is very profitable), or 400,000 rubles if you actively use a credit card. Rate Advanced more profitable for those who fundamentally do not want to use a Tinkoff debit bank card and have an income of up to 100,000 rubles per month. Otherwise, you will have to pay commissions. Although a 1.5% commission for withdrawing funds up to 400,000 rubles per month is a very low commission in general. When withdrawing more than 400 thousand, a commission of 5% is already quite large. Many banks for amounts up to a million rubles give an average commission of 2-3%.
  • Depositing cash into an account. If your individual entrepreneur is active in paying for orders, invoices - sometimes you may need to independently deposit funds into the account. I will say right away: incoming money from legal entities(your counterparties, partners) are free and without commissions in both tariffs. For most individual entrepreneurs, you can no longer read further. Independent deposit of money into the account in the tariff Simple costs 299 rubles for any amount, and in the tariff Advanced- the first 100,000 rubles per month are credited for free, and then - 1.0% from the deposit amount, not less than 99 rubles. Or for the tariff Advanced you can buy a subscription for unlimited top-ups for 1990 rubles per month.
  • Additional free options. Both tariffs include the issuance of a Corporate bank card for your account (in Simple - 1 card, in Advanced - 2 cards for free), allocation of an account for cash replenishment, as well as the right to sign payments (electronic signature). And free access to internet banking and a mobile app. The SMS-info function also works free of charge, with which you can confirm payments, for example. And here SMS bank, with all notifications, is free only for the first 2 months, and then on both tariffs it will cost 99 rub per month. Consider this moment. For free, you also get a personal manager assigned specifically to your individual entrepreneur, with the possibility of consultations 24/7. Ie around the clock and every day. Even at 2 o'clock in the morning on January 1st. It is very cool! By the way, change tariff maybe once a month for free! And it's very convenient for reporting periods when you need help...
  • Getting help. Sometimes various account statements and other references are required. For tariff Simple, obtaining most certificates in electronic form will cost 290 rubles per request 990 rubles. In the tariff Advanced- receiving most of the certificates in electronic form will be free, and getting help in paper form(or non-standard references in electronic) - 590 rubles.
  • Bonuses! At the beginning of the article, I said that the bank will accrue income on the balance of funds in your account. In the tariff Downtime is 6% per annum, in the tariff Advanced — up to 8% per annum! But even here there are conditions. Interest is accrued only if there are transactions initiated by the client during the billing month. Those. there are movements of funds on the account (outgoing or replenishment by you personally) for a month - you will receive interest on the balance. No movements on the account - there will be no interest. But if there is movement, then the tariff Simple give you 6% per annum on the balance, regardless of the amount. And in the tariff Advanced- a progressive line of bonuses, for a balance of up to 100,000 rubles - no interest is accrued at all, for a balance of 100,000 to 300,000 rubles - 3% per annum will be charged; from 300 thousand to 1 million - 5% per annum, from 1 to 10 million - 8% per annum.

It is also worth noting that all monthly limits are provided for a month. And if you have left the limit unused since last month (for example, you have withdrawn less than 400,000 rubles in the Simple tariff from your account) - the limit is not transferred to the next month, it burns out.


For most individual entrepreneurs, especially those focused only on receiving money (remuneration for services rendered, for example), it is best suited tariff Simple. In it, maintaining an account costs 490 rubles (or 580 if you forget to turn off the SMS-bank), up to 400,000 rubles can be withdrawn to a personal Tinkoff debit card without commissions at all, an excellent Internet bank, a mobile bank for a smartphone, are driven to the same 490 rubles, corporate card and electronic signature, 24/7 support. If for a month there was no movement of funds on the account, you do not pay anything.

If your activity in an individual entrepreneur involves teaching many types of certificates, frequent self-deposit of cash, a large number of outgoing payments - it makes sense to think and carefully study the terms of the tariff Advanced.

And interest on the balance of money on the account will be accrued only if there is a movement of funds on the account, in the Simple tariff it is just 6%, and in the Advanced tariff it is a progressive rate.


Everything is simple here. You fill out an application at the bank using this link: https://www.tinkoff.ru/business/ - the bank manager contacts you and explains everything in great detail, answers questions, and then sends you a questionnaire to fill out by e-mail, as well as a list of documents whose scans you need to send to the bank, and then, during registration, show the originals.

The questionnaire to fill out is quite simple, there are no difficult questions in it. You will also need the following documents:

  • Application form of the bank (will be sent by mail)
  • Certificate OGRNIP
  • TIN certificate
  • An identity document of an individual entrepreneur (for example, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation)
  • Licenses (if any)
  • SNILS (for EDS)

Also, for existing individual entrepreneurs, information (documents) on the financial situation will be required (one or more documents of your choice from the list below are provided):

  • Annual (or interim) financial statements ( balance sheet or report on financial result) for the last reporting period
  • Annual (or quarterly) tax return (for any tax) with tax authority marks of their acceptance or without such a mark, with either a copy of a receipt for sending a registered letter with a list of attachments (if sent by mail), or a copy of the confirmation of sending to paper media(when transmitted electronically
  • Certificate of execution by the taxpayer (payer of fees, tax agent) obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines, issued by the tax authority (at the time of submission to the Bank, the date of issue of the certificate should not exceed 6 months)
  • An extract from the book of income and expenses for the month (at the time of submission to the Bank, the date of execution of an extract from the book of income and expenses should not exceed 3 months)
  • A patent for the implementation of one of the types of entrepreneurial activity, in respect of which the patent system of taxation has been introduced by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation
  • Auditor's report on the annual report for the past year, which confirms the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements and compliance with the maintenance procedure accounting legislation Russian Federation

If you have a long-standing IP, then extracts from the book of income and expenses (should be kept by your accounting department, for example, Kontur.Elba service has this option), as well as a report to the Federal Tax Service for the past year, should be enough. For new IP, of course, such certificates will not be required.

The next process is simple. After contacting the manager, receiving the questionnaire, filling it out and sending it back by e-mail, along with scans of all the necessary documents and reporting files, we wait 3-7 working days while the bank considers your application. And, if everything goes well, the bank will open an account for you and bring all the necessary documents by courier (free of charge), which will arrange everything for you as expected, in any place convenient for you (at home, in the office, at work).

And that's it! You can start using! I hope the article will be useful for beginners and not only them.

P.S: I registered my IP with the help of JURVISTA, everything went smoothly and clearly. I like it.

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  • The invoice is issued within 1-3 working days, you will receive the details immediately after the application is made.
  • You can issue an account anytime and anywhere - the manager will come to your office
  • Free service for the first 2 months
  • Up to 6% per annum is charged on the account balance depending on the tariff
  • Convenient and functional online banking with support for popular online accounting systems
  • Additional accounts in three currencies - US dollars, euros and pounds sterling
  • Free corporate and salary cards
  • Prompt customer support and personal manager services
  • Extended business day - from 01:00 to 20:00 Moscow time
  • The bank will help to issue a qualified electronic signature

When opening an account, Tinkoff offers all new customers:

  • Free service for the first 2 months for all new users
  • Up to 10,000 rubles for advertising in Yandex.Direct
  • Up to 50,000 rubles for advertising from myTagret in Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte
  • 3,000 rubles for the first advertising campaign in Google AdWords and Youtube
  • 3 months of using the Kontur.Elba service for free
  • 30 days of free placement on hh.ru
  • 3 months of using the amoCRM system for free
  • Up to 10,000 rubles for advertising from Seopult
  • 45 days of using "1C: Entrepreneur" for free
  • 3 months of using the My Business service for free

Benefits of a bank for an individual entrepreneur

  • Assistance in registering a business - the bank will prepare required documents and all you have to do is submit an application to the tax office
  • Free service within 6 months after registration of IP
  • Free withdrawal of money to a personal Tinkoff card - up to 1,000,000 rubles per month
  • Free corporate card for account replenishment and cash withdrawal
  • Built-in online accounting for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system and UTII
  • For individual entrepreneurs, the same services and functions are available as for LLCs (acquiring, salary cards, currency accounts, and others)

Benefits of a bank for an LLC

  • Registration of an account according to the minimum package of documents (passport, PSRN, TIN, constituent documents)
  • Salary project with free service and transfers to any banks without commission
  • Free counterparty verification service
  • Bank guarantees for participation in procurement (including under 44-FZ)
  • Services for companies engaged in foreign economic activity - currency accounts, currency control, consultations
  • Various types of acquiring and lending to buyers

Video presentation


Simple Advanced Professional
Opening for free for free for free
Service 490 rub 1 990 RUB 4 990 rub
Stock 2 months free 2 months free 2 months free
Details If you have no turnover for a month, we do not charge a monthly fee. It will help those who rarely make payments, test the idea of ​​a business and take care of their expenses. The bank credits your account with 4% of the minimum balance for the month. More freedom: 10 free payments per month and the ability to connect unlimited options. Part of transactions without commission: 100,000 ₽ each for issuing, depositing cash and transferring individuals. The bank charges up to 6% on the account balance. For an actively growing business: unlimited options for payments and transfers to individuals. Corporate and salary cards for the needs of your company. The bank charges up to 1.5% on the account balance from 200,000 to 1,000,000 rubles, 3% on the balance from 1,000,000 to 4,000,000 rubles and 6% on the balance from 4,000,000 to 10,000,000 rubles.
Payments 49 rubles (3 first payments - free), 490 rubles - unlimited 29 rubles (10 first payments - free of charge), 990 rubles - unlimited for a month, 9,900 rubles - unlimited for 12 months 19 rubles, 1 990 rubles - unlimited
Cash withdrawal 1.5% plus 99 rubles up to 400,000 rubles, 5% plus 99 rubles from 400,000 to 2,000,000 rubles, 10% plus 99 rubles from 1,000,000 rubles. 1% plus 79 rubles up to 400,000 rubles, 5% plus 79 rubles from 400,000 to 2,000,000 rubles, 15% plus 79 rubles from 1,000,000 rubles. 1% plus 59 rubles up to 800,000 rubles, 5% plus 59 rubles up to 2,000,000 rubles, 15% plus 59 rubles from 2,000,000 rubles.
Cash 0.15%, min. 99 rubles for any amount
Cards One corporate card Two corporate and salary cards From three corporate and salary cards
Merchant acquiring (percentage of turnover package)

Commission - 2.69%

The minimum monthly fee is 1,990 rubles

Commission - 2.29%

The minimum monthly fee is 2,690 rubles

Commission - 1.79%

The minimum monthly fee is 3,990 rubles

Merchant acquiring (turnover prepayment package)

Package size - 100,000 rubles

Package fee - 1,990 rubles

Package size - 150,000 rubles

Package fee - 2,690 rubles

Package size - 250,000 rubles

Package fee - 3,990 rubles

Tariffs for the product "Small Business Package" - "Simple"

Article / Tariff name Fare rate
1.1. One user with ES issue FOR FREE
1.2. Starting from the second user with the release of the ES 990 rub.
1.3. Without EP release FOR FREE
2. Opening a current account FOR FREE
3. Tariff plan change FOR FREE
4. Interest accrued on the balance of funds on the Current Account, per annum:
5. Service charge:

5.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month (inclusive)

5.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Settlement Account 5.2.1. When paying per calendar month 490 rub.
5.2.2. When paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 4900 rub.
5.3. Settlement accounts opened in foreign currency FOR FREE
opening of the first Settlement Account FOR FREE
6. Transfer fees:
6.1. Intrabank FOR FREE
FREE first 3 (three) transfers, subsequent 49 rubles.
0.2% of the transfer amount, minimum 49 US dollars, euros, pounds sterling
490 rub.

7.1. By intra-bank transfer, from the Settlement Account of an individual entrepreneur, to your own Card Account with the Bank (except for transfers made within the framework of the Bank's salary project), up to 150,000 rubles.

7.2. Using the Card, including debit transactions in other credit institutions, cash withdrawals and transfers to individuals:

7.2.1. Up to 400,000 rubles. inclusive in excess of the amount specified in clause 7.1 1.5% plus 99 rubles.
7.2.2. From 400 000 rub. up to 1,000,000 rubles inclusive in excess of the amount specified in clause 7.1 5.0% plus 99 rubles.
7.2.3. From 1,000,000 rubles. in excess of the amount specified in clause 7.1 15.0% plus RUB 99
8.1. Received from legal entities FOR FREE

8.2. Received from individuals, with the exception of receipts under clause 8.3

8.3. Received from individuals - Clients of the Bank from an Account Agreement that has

Tariff plan “Current account. TPS 7.2 (Rubles of the Russian Federation)" 0.3%, minimum 99 rubles.
9. Card maintenance fee:

9.1. One Card

9.2. Starting from the second:

9.2.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month FOR FREE
9.2.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Settlement Account 99 rub.
10.1. At the initiative of the client 490 rub.
10.2. At the end of the validity period / at the discretion of the Bank FOR FREE

11.1. "SMS info"

11.2. "SMS-bank", for one mobile number:

11.2.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Current Account when paying for a calendar month 99 rub.
12.1. In electronic form, the list of which is indicated in personal account 290 rub.
12.2. In electronic form, the list of which is indicated in the personal account, or certificates in paper form 990 rub.
13. Fee for consideration of documents submitted in connection with the change in access to the services of "Internet-Bank" and " Mobile Bank» (including changes in constituent documents, change
Subscriber number, extension of authority), for 1 change 290 rub.

Explanations for the Tariff plan:

  • 4. Calculated on the minimum incoming balance on the Settlement Account for a calendar month and paid once on the last day of the calendar month. In the month in which the Current Account is opened, interest is calculated starting from the day following the day of the first receipt of funds to the Current Account.
  • 5. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month. In the event that in the previous and current calendar month there were no debit or receipt transactions on the Current Account, except for the debiting of Commissions or Fees, the Fee
  • 5.2.1. Not charged. If an outgoing or incoming transaction was completed within a month, the Fee will be charged in full. 5.2.1. Not charged starting from the third to the sixth calendar month (inclusive) from the moment of opening the first Current Account, if the Client was registered as an individual entrepreneur less than 6 months before the date of opening the first Current Account. Further, the fee is charged in accordance with paragraphs. 5.2.
  • 6.3. The commission is charged at the moment the transaction is processed by the Bank. Three transfers are provided one-time, for the entire period of servicing the Client in the Bank.
  • 7.1. The amount of 150,000 rubles / 400,000 rubles / 2,000,000 rubles is provided for a calendar month and is not transferred to the next calendar month. If at the time of processing the transaction the amount of all processed write-off transactions exceeds the amount of 150,000 rubles / 400,000 rubles / 2,000,000 rubles. per calendar month, then the commission is charged only on the amount exceeding 150,000 rubles / 400,000 rubles / 2,000,000 rubles. Commission for transfers to individuals is charged in addition to the Commission calculated in accordance with clause 6. When transferring in a foreign currency, the commission is calculated at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the operation. The Bank has the right to change the above limits depending on the number and nature of transactions performed by the Client. Transfers to individuals' accounts within the framework of non-cash payments include, but are not limited to, transfers of funds in the form of settlements by collection orders. In the case of transfers of funds in the form of settlements by collection orders, the Fee is accrued after the full execution of such instructions. The Bank is entitled to charge a Commission/Fee on any opened Settlement Account.
  • 8.3. Charged at the time the transaction is processed by the Bank.
  • 9.2.2. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 11.2. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 12, 13. Charged at the time of provision of the service by the Bank.

Tariffs for the product "Service package for small business - "Advanced"

Article / Tariff name Fare rate
1. Fee for connecting and providing access to the services of "Internet Bank" and "Mobile Bank":
1.1. Two users with ES issue FOR FREE
1.2. Starting from the third user with the release of the ES 1 990 rub.
1.3. Without EP release FOR FREE
2. Opening a current account FOR FREE
3. Tariff plan change FOR FREE
4.1. If there are transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client 4,0%
4.2. If there are no transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client 0%
5. Service charge:
1990 rub.
6. Transfer fees:
6.1. Intrabank FOR FREE
6.2. Tax and budget payments FOR FREE
6.3. External transfers in Russian rubles FREE 10 (ten) transfers, subsequent 29 rubles.
6.4. External transfers in foreign currency 0.15% of the transfer amount, min. 29 US dollars, euros, pounds sterling
7. Fee for the package "Interbanks - no commission"
7.1. when paying per month 990 rub.
7.2. when paying for 12 months 9 900 rub.

Fee for each operation of withdrawal of funds from the Settlement Account:

8.1. Intra-bank and external transfers to individuals (with the exception of transfers made within the framework of the Bank's salary project), within the limit of 400,000 rubles.

8.2. Using the Card, including debit transactions in other credit institutions, within the limits of 400,000 rubles. FOR FREE
8.3.1. Up to 400,000 rubles. inclusive in excess of the amount specified in paragraphs. 8.1 or 8.2 1.0% plus 79 rubles.
8.3.2. From 400 000 rub. up to 2,000,000 rubles inclusive in excess of the amount specified in paragraphs. 8.1 or 8.2 5.0% plus 79 rubles.
8.3.3. From 2,000,000 rubles in excess of the amount specified in paragraphs. 8.1 or 8.2 15.0% plus 79 rubles.
9. Commission for replenishment in Russian Rubles:

9.2. Received from individuals, with the exception of receipts under clauses 9.3 and 9.4


9.3. Received from individuals - Clients of the Bank with an Account Agreement that has the Tariff Plan “Current Account. SCC 7.2 (Rubles of the Russian Federation)" for the amount of a single credit of less than 100,000 rubles.

An account up to 300,000 rubles can be replenished without commission, for replenishment over this amount, 0.1% is charged (min. 79 rubles)
10. Fee for the package "3 top-ups without commission"
10.1. When paying per month 990 rub.
10.2. Paying for 12 months 9 900 rub.
11. Card maintenance fee:

11.1. In the amount of two pieces

11.2. Starting from the third:

11.2.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month FOR FREE
11.2.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Settlement Account 99 rub.
12. Card reissuance fee:
12.1. At the initiative of the client 490 rub.
12.2. At the end of the validity period / at the discretion of the Bank FOR FREE
13. Service fee:

13.1. "SMS info"

13.2. "SMS-bank", for one mobile number:

13.2.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month FOR FREE
13.2.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Settlement Account 99 rub.
14. Referral fee:

14.1. In electronic form, the list of which is indicated in the personal account

14.2. In electronic form, the list of which is NOT indicated in the personal account, or any certificates in paper form 590 rub.

Explanations for the Tariff plan:

  • 1.2. Charged at a time at the time of connection and provision of access.
  • 4. Calculated on the minimum incoming balance on Settlement Accounts opened in Russian rubles for a calendar month and paid once on the last day of a calendar month. In the month in which the Current Account is opened, interest is calculated starting from the day following the day of the first receipt of funds to the Current Account. The maximum amount of interest that can be accrued for a calendar month is not more than 5,000 rubles.
  • 5.2. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 6.3. The commission is charged at the moment the transaction is processed by the Bank. Ten transfers are provided once per calendar month, the unused balance is not transferred to the next calendar month.
  • 7, 10. If the turnover on the Client's accounts with the Bank exceeds 30,000,000 rubles. in a calendar month for each subsequent replenishment and / or transfer, a Commission is charged in accordance with clause 6.3. and p. 9. The fee is charged monthly, for the first time at the moment of connecting the package, then on the first day of the calendar month, if the package is connected. Connection and disconnection of the package is made at the initiative of the Client through the channels of Remote Service.
  • 8. Amount RUB 300,000 / RUB 400,000 / RUB 2,000,000 is provided for a calendar month and is not transferred to the next calendar month. If at the time of transaction processing the sum of all processed withdrawal transactions exceeds 300,000 rubles / 400,000 rubles / 2,000,000 rubles. per calendar month, the Commission is charged only on the amount exceeding RUB 300,000/RUB 400,000/RUB 2,000,000. Commission for transfers to individuals is charged in addition to the Commission calculated in accordance with clause 6. When transferring in a foreign currency, the Commission is calculated at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the operation. The Bank has the right to change the above limits depending on the number and nature of transactions performed by the Client. Transfers to accounts of individuals in the framework of non-cash payments include, but are not limited to, transfers of funds in the form of settlements by collection orders. In case of funds transfer in the form of settlements by collection orders, the Fee is accrued after the full execution of such orders, the Bank has the right to charge a Commission/Fee on any of the opened Settlement Accounts.
  • 9.4. Charged at the time the transaction is processed by the Bank.
  • 9.4.1. Amount 100,000 rubles. is granted once per calendar month and is not carried over to the next calendar month.
  • 9.4.2. Amount 300,000 rubles. provided automatically, in case of exceeding the amount of funds, in accordance with clause 9.4.1, or the previously provided and spent amount of funds in the amount of 300,000 rubles. When the package "Replenishment - all inclusive" is connected, the amount is 300,000 rubles. is not provided.
  • 10. The package includes 3 deposits of the Settlement Account per month received from individuals - Clients of the Bank under an agreement that has a Tariff Plan "Special account for deposits" or using the Card through ATMs of other credit organizations. When the package is connected, the Fee established by clause 9.3 is not charged. If the provided package is exceeded within a month, a new package is provided automatically with a fee specified in clause 10.1. A package not used during the month is not transferred to the next month.
  • 11.2.2. If the second and subsequent Cards were issued after the second calendar month from the opening of the first Current Account, the Fee is charged at the moment of issuing the Card. Further, the fee is charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 13. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 14.2. Charged at the time of provision of the service by the Bank.

Tariffs for the product "Service package for small business - "Professional"

Article / Tariff name Fare rate
1. Fee for connecting and providing access to the services of "Internet Bank" and "Mobile Bank":
1.1. Three users with the release of ES FOR FREE
1.2. Starting from the fourth user with the release of the ES 990 rub.
1.3. Without EP release FOR FREE
2. Opening a current account FOR FREE
3. Tariff plan change FOR FREE
4. Interest accrued on the balance of funds on the Settlement Account, per annum: 4.1. if there are transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client 6,0%
4.1. If there are transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client
4.2. If there are no transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client 0%
5. Service charge:
5.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month (inclusive) FOR FREE
5.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Current Account when paying for a calendar month 4 990 rub.
5.3. Settlement accounts opened in foreign currency when paying for a calendar month FOR FREE
6. Transfer fees:
6.1. Intrabank FOR FREE
6.2. Tax and budget payments FOR FREE
6.3. External transfers in Russian rubles 19 rub.
6.4. External transfers in foreign currency 0.15% of the transfer amount, min. 19 USD/EUR/GBP, up to a maximum of 99 USD/EUR/GBP
7. Fee for the package "Interbanks - no commission" when paying for a calendar month 1990 rub.
8. Fee for each operation of withdrawal of funds from the Settlement Account:
8.1. Intra-bank and external transfers to individuals (with the exception of transfers made within the framework of the Bank's salary project), within the limit of 500,000 rubles. FOR FREE
8.2. Using the Card, including debit transactions in other credit institutions, within the limits of 500,000 rubles. FOR FREE
8.3. Using the Card, including debit transactions in other credit institutions, cash withdrawals and transfers to individuals: FOR FREE
8.3.1. Up to 800,000 rubles. inclusive in excess of the amount specified in paragraphs. 7.1 or 7.2 1.0% plus 59 rubles.
8.3.2. From 800 000 rub. up to 2,000,000 rubles inclusive in excess of the amount specified in paragraphs. 7.1 or 7.2 5.0% plus 59 rubles.
8.3.3. From 2,000,000 rubles in excess of the amount specified in paragraphs. 7.1 or 7.2 15.0% plus 59 rubles.
9. Commission for replenishment in Russian Rubles:
9.1. Received from legal entities FOR FREE
9.2. Received from individuals, with the exception of receipts under clauses 9.3 and 9.4 FOR FREE
9.3 received from individuals - Clients of the Bank from the Account Agreement, which has the Tariff Plan “Current Account. SCC 7.2 (Russian rubles)" for a one-time credit of less than 100,000 rubles. An account up to 1,000,000 rubles can be replenished without commission, for replenishment over this amount, 0.1% is charged (min. 59 rubles)
10. Card maintenance fee:
10.1. In the amount of two pieces FOR FREE
10.2. Starting from the third:
10.2.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month FOR FREE
10.2.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Settlement Account 99 rub.
11. Card reissuance fee:
11.1. At the initiative of the client 490 rub.
11.2. At the end of the validity period / at the discretion of the Bank FOR FREE
12. Service fee:
12.1. "SMS info" FOR FREE
12.2. "SMS-bank", for one mobile number:
12.2.1. In the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month FOR FREE
12.2.2. Starting from the third calendar month from the moment of opening the first Settlement Account 99 rub.
13. Referral fee:
13.1. In electronic form, the list of which is indicated in the personal account FOR FREE
13.2. In electronic form, the list of which is NOT indicated in the personal account, or any certificates in paper form FOR FREE

Explanations for the Tariff plan:

  • 1.2. Charged at a time at the time of connection and provision of access.
  • 4. Calculated daily on the incoming balance on the Current Account. If the balance of funds exceeds 10,000,000 rubles. interest in the amount of 6% per annum is accrued in the amount of 10,000,000 rubles. Interest is paid once on the last day of the calendar month.
  • 5.2. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month. If no transactions have been made since the date of opening the first Settlement Account in Russian rubles or foreign currency, the Fee is not charged.
  • 6.3. The commission is charged at the moment the transaction is processed by the Bank.
  • 7. The package includes external transfers, unlimited in number and amount, made in a calendar month from the Settlement Account.
  • 7. If the turnover on the Client's accounts with the Bank exceeds 30,000,000 rubles. in a calendar month for each subsequent replenishment and / or transfer, a Commission is charged in accordance with clause 6.3. The fee is charged monthly, the first time at the moment of connecting the package, then on the first day of the calendar month, if the package is connected. Connection and disconnection of the package is made at the initiative of the Client through the channels of Remote Service.
  • 8.1, 8.2. Amount 100,000 rubles. is provided for a calendar month and is not transferred to the next calendar month. If, as a result of processing the transaction, the amount of all processed withdrawal transactions exceeds 100,000 rubles. per calendar month, then the commission is charged only on the amount exceeding 100,000 rubles.
  • 8.3. Commission for transfers to individuals is charged in addition to the Commission calculated in accordance with clause 6.
  • 9.3. The commission is charged at the time the transaction is processed by the Bank, regardless of the presence of the connected "Unlimited replenishment" package and the amount of funds provided in accordance with clause
  • 9. Amount RUB 500,000 / RUB 800,000 / RUB 2,000,000 is provided for a calendar month and is not transferred to the next calendar month. If at the time of transaction processing the sum of all processed withdrawal transactions exceeds 500,000 rubles / 800,000 rubles / 2,000,000 rubles. per calendar month, the Commission is charged only on the amount exceeding RUB 500,000 / RUB 800,000 / RUB 2,000,000. Commission for transfers to individuals is charged in addition to the Commission calculated in accordance with clause 6. When transferring in a foreign currency, the Commission is calculated at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the operation. The Bank has the right to change the above limits depending on the number and nature of transactions performed by the Client. Transfers to accounts of individuals in the framework of non-cash payments include, but are not limited to, transfers of funds in the form of settlements by collection orders. In the case of transfer of funds in the form of settlements by collection orders, the fee is accrued after the full execution of such orders. The Bank has the right to charge a Commission/Fee on any of the opened Settlement Accounts
  • 10.2.2. If the second and subsequent Cards were issued after the second calendar month from the opening of the first Current Account, the Fee is charged at the moment of issuing the Card. Further, the fee is charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 12. Charged monthly on the first calendar day of the month.
  • 13.2. Charged at the time of provision of the service by the Bank.

How to open an account

Opening a bank account at Tinkoff Bank is quite simple. For this, an individual entrepreneur will only need an application, a passport and a TIN registration certificate.

For executives, Black Edition cards with high status and additional privileges are available - concierge service, medical insurance, access to airport business lounges and others. You can get such a card after connecting 100 employees to the salary project.

If your employee wants to receive a salary on the card of his bank, you can easily transfer it. For transferring salaries to another bank, Tinkoff does not charge a commission within an individually set limit.

The Tinkoff Internet Bank has a built-in online accounting service for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system and UTII. With it, you can automatically calculate and pay taxes and fees, send and receive payments, fill out and submit tax returns follow the reporting schedule. The built-in document designer will allow you to create legally competent documents from more than 1,400 templates. All these features are available both in the desktop Internet bank and in the Tinkoff mobile app.

When connecting to online accounting, the bank will issue a qualified electronic signature for you free of charge. This signature is required for online interaction with tax authorities. CEP is issued within one day.

For individual entrepreneurs and LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII and patent, accounting outsourcing is available. In this case, remote specialists will keep the report for you - you will only need to check and sign the reports before sending them. Also, experts will advise you free of charge on any accounting issues.

Accounting outsourcing fees:

In addition, the Internet bank is fully compatible with popular online accounting services - 1C, My Business, Button and others. Integration into an existing accounting system is completely free.

Tinkoff corporate cards

When registering a current account, the bank will provide a debit corporate card free of charge. This card will be useful for you to pay some of the company's expenses, replenish your account and withdraw cash.

A corporate card is linked to a current account and uses money from it. If necessary, separate limits and restrictions on operations can be configured for it. You can manage the card in the Internet bank or mobile application.

With active spending on corporate cards, account maintenance will become free. The minimum amount of spending for this condition depends on the account tariff: "Simple" - 50,000 rubles per month, "Advanced" - 200,000 rubles per month.

Collection in Tinkoff

Together with the large cash collection service Inkahran Tinkoff launched a cash collection service for its clients. Any individual entrepreneur or legal entity that opened a current account with this bank can use it. Cash collection will help you if you need to transport a large sum to the bank to be credited to the account. The service is available in all cities where Inkahran has a presence.

You can apply for collection and agree on the terms at any time in the Internet Bank. You can order one-time or regular rides to one or more points. Commission for collection - from 0.3% of the amount, negotiation of conditions and provision of safe packages - free of charge. The transported money is insured: in case of loss of the amount during delivery, the bank will reimburse it.

Bank guarantees in Tinkoff

Together with several large banks - Sovcombank, Loko-Bank, TKB and others - Tinkoff provides clients with guarantees for participation in public procurement and execution of contracts. Guarantees fully comply with the requirements of 44-FZ and 223-FZ. Additionally, Tinkoff will open a special account for participation in tenders - its maintenance is included in the cost of the current account.

Guarantees are issued for amounts up to 200,000 rubles and for a period of up to 1,500 days. The issuance fee is from 1,000 rubles, depending on the terms of the contract. Security for its issuance is not required. The guarantee is issued within a day, all the necessary documents can be submitted electronically through your personal account. You can sign the application with an SMS code or an electronic signature.

Cash transactions at Tinkoff

Sometimes an entrepreneur, especially at the beginning of a business, needs to replenish an account with cash or withdraw money from it. Tinkoff allows you to do this - you only need to have a corporate card linked to your account. Next, you will learn how and where you can replenish your account or withdraw money from it.

How to withdraw money from a checking account

You can withdraw money from your account using a corporate card. This can be done at any ATM - both at Tinkoff and other banks. Cash withdrawals are limited by monthly limits - if they are exceeded, the commission increases. The amount of the commission depends on the rate of your account.

An individual entrepreneur can withdraw money to a Tinkoff debit card in order to withdraw it from an ATM or spend it for personal purposes. In the same way, you can replenish a Tinkoff credit card. The amount of free withdrawal available each month also depends on the tariff.

The same restrictions apply to transfers from an account to individuals (except for salary payments). When connecting the "Individuals - no commission" package, transfers become free. Please note that this package does not apply to cash withdrawals.

Cash withdrawal rates:





First cash withdrawal limit

Up to 400,000 rubles, commission 1.5% plus 99 rubles

Up to 400,000 rubles, commission 1% plus 79 rubles

Up to 800,000 rubles, commission 1% plus 59 rubles

Second cash withdrawal limit

Up to 1,000,000 rubles, commission 5% plus 99 rubles

Up to 2,000,000 rubles, commission 5% plus 79 rubles

Up to 2,000,000 rubles, commission 5% plus 59 rubles

Third cash withdrawal limit

From 1,000,000 rubles, commission 15% plus 99 rubles

From 2,000,000 rubles, commission 15% plus 79 rubles

From 2,000,000 rubles, commission 15% plus 59 rubles

Limit on withdrawal to Tinkoff card without commission

For debit - 150,000 rubles

For credit - 250,000 rubles

For debit - 300,000 rubles

On credit - 400,000 rubles

For any card - 500,000 rubles

Package "Individuals - no commission"

Not available

2,990 rubles per month or 29,900 rubles per year

4,990 rubles per month or 49,900 rubles per year

How and where to replenish the current account

You can replenish your account, as well as withdraw cash, at an ATM of any bank. Tinkoff charges a small commission for each replenishment operation. The amount of limits and commissions depends on your tariff.

On the "Advanced" and "Professional" tariffs, you can activate a package with free top-up. When connected, you can deposit money into your account without commission several times a month. The cost of the package and the number of top-ups are also determined by the tariff.

You can also transfer money to an account in Tinkoff from an individual account or a current account in another bank. In the first case, you will need to pay a standard transfer fee, and in the second, you will need to correctly draw up a payment order.

Cash replenishment rates:





Replenishment at Tinkoff ATMs

Commission 0.15%, minimum 99 rubles

Up to 300,000 rubles - free of charge

From 300,000 rubles - commission 0.1%, minimum 79 rubles

Up to 1,000,000 rubles - free of charge

From 1,000,000 rubles - commission 0.1%, minimum 59 rubles

Replenishment at other ATMs

Commission 0.3%, minimum 290 rubles

Commission 0.25%, minimum 290 rubles

Commission 0.15%, minimum 290 rubles

Package "Replenishment - no commission"

Not available

3 top-ups per month

Cost - 990 rubles per month or 9,900 rubles per year

5 top-ups per month

Cost - 1,490 rubles per month or 14,900 rubles per year

Bank electronic services

Tinkoff allows you to manage your current account using an Internet bank and a mobile application. Since the bank focuses on online services in its work, it constantly takes care of their convenience and functionality.

Internet bank

The login and password for accessing your personal account will be sent to you via SMS within a few hours after meeting with the manager:

For security, all important actions in the Internet Bank are accompanied by SMS authorization.

The main page of your personal account displays information about your account (available balance, receipts and debits for the current month), payment history and other information.

To activate the account, you need to sign the client questionnaire:

For security reasons, you must specify two security questions and answers to them:

Within a few hours after the activation of the account, a personal assistant will call you to get acquainted and activate the bank card.

Overview of the Tinkoff Business app

First page of the application:

To apply for opening a current account, you must specify your phone number, full name and email address:

After entering the login and password, you need to enter the code from SMS or Push notifications.

In order not to enter a login and password every time you log in, you need to set a four-digit numeric access code:

The main page of the application displays the amount of funds in the account and execution, the history of processed payments and the search string:

On the "New payment" page, you can create a payment to the budget, pay taxes, or send money to a counterparty. You can also recognize the payment by photo:

For payment, the counterparty must specify its name, TIN and KPP:

On the "Support" page, you can call a personal assistant via the Internet or ask a question in the chat:

New Chat Dialog Page:

The "More" page displays information about your tariff:

Website builder

Tinkoff provides clients with a simple website builder that can be used to easily assemble an informational website or landing page. The constructor provides the user with up to 150 template blocks and allows you to add your own code. It supports all the necessary tools for managing a site and working with clients - from chatting with a company to integrating with web analytics systems.

Website builder and hosting are provided free of charge at any RKO tariff. The user will also have access to a free CRM system for working with applications.

1. Opening a Settlement Account in Russian rubles and foreign currency FREE OF CHARGE

2. Tariff plan change FREE OF CHARGE

3. Interest accrued on the balance of funds on all Settlement Accounts, per annum:

3.1. if there are transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client 8.0%

3.2. in the absence of transactions for the calendar month initiated by the Client 0%

4. Service fee:

4.1. in the month of opening the first Settlement Account in Russian rubles and in the second calendar month FREE OF CHARGE

4.2. at the end of the period specified in clause 4.1.:

4.2.1. when paying for a calendar month 990 rubles.

4.2.2. when paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 9900 rubles.

4.3. Settlement accounts opened in foreign currency

4.3.1. when paying for a calendar month 990 rubles.

4.3.2. when paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 9900 rubles.

5. Fee for connecting and providing access to the services of "Internet Bank" and "Mobile Bank":

5.1. two users with the issuance of ES FREE OF CHARGE

5.2. starting from the third user with the release of ES 990 rubles.

5.3. without issuing ES FREE OF CHARGE

6. Commission for transfers:

6.1. intrabank FREE OF CHARGE

6.2. tax and budget payments FREE OF CHARGE

6.3. external transfers in Russian rubles FREE OF CHARGE the first 10 (ten) transfers, the next 29 rubles.

6.4. external transfers in foreign currency 0.15% of the transfer amount, min. 29 US dollars, euros, pounds sterling

7. Acting as a currency control agent 0.15% of the transfer amount, min. 290 rubles, max. 29 000 rub.

8. Registration/re-issuance of the transaction passport FREE OF CHARGE

9. Commission/Fee for each operation of debiting funds from the Settlement Account:

9.1. by intra-bank transfer, from the settlement account of an individual entrepreneur, to their own payment card agreement, up to 300,000 rubles. FOR FREE

9.2. by intrabank transfer, from the Settlement Account of an individual entrepreneur, to your own Agreement credit card, up to 350,000 rubles. FOR FREE

9.3. by purchase using the Card FREE OF CHARGE

9.4. by withdrawing cash from ATMs, withdrawing cash and debit transactions in other credit institutions, as well as transactions equivalent to them, the list of which is posted on the Bank's website; transfers to accounts of individuals, including transfers to a Credit Card Agreement:

9.4.1. up to 400,000 rubles inclusive in excess of the amount specified in clause 9.1 or clause 9.2 1.0% plus 79 rubles.

9.4.2. from 400 000 rub. up to 2,000,000 rubles inclusive, in excess of the amount specified in clause 9.1 or clause 9.2 5.0% plus 79 rubles.

9.4.3. from 2,000,000 rubles in excess of the amount specified in clause 9.1 or clause 9.2 10.0% plus 79 rubles.

10. Fee for the package "Transfers to individuals - all inclusive":

10.1. when paying for a calendar month 2990 rubles.

10.2. when paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 29,990 rubles.

11. Fee for the package "External transfers - all inclusive"

11.1. when paying for a calendar month 990 rubles.

11.2. when paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 9900 rubles.

12. Fee for replenishment:

12.1. received from legal entities FREE OF CHARGE

12.2. received from individuals, with the exception of receipts under clauses 12.3 and 12.4 FREE OF CHARGE

12.3. received from individuals - Clients of the Bank from the Account Agreement having the Tariff Plan “Current Account. SCC 7.2 (Russian rubles)" for a one-time credit of less than 100,000 rubles. 1.0%, minimum 99 rubles.

12.4. received from individuals - Clients of the Bank from the Account Agreement having the Tariff Plan “Current Account. TPS 7.2 (Russian rubles)" for the amount of a one-time credit of 100,000 rubles. and more, for every 300,000 rubles. 749 rub.

12.5. using the Card through ATMs of third-party credit institutions 1.0% of the replenishment amount

13. Fee for the package "Replenishment - all inclusive"

13.1. when paying for a calendar month 1990 rubles.

13.2. when paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 19,900 rubles.

14. Card issuance fee:

14.1. on the date of opening a Settlement Account in Russian rubles FREE OF CHARGE

14.2. after the date of opening the Settlement Account in Russian rubles 490 rubles.

15. Commission for reissuing the Card:

15.1. at the initiative of the Client 490 rub.

15.2. upon expiration / at the discretion of the Bank FREE OF CHARGE

16. Permitted overdraft fee RUB 490

17. Penalty for late repayment of the Authorized overdraft 1990 rubles.

18. Fee for the provision of services:

18.1. «SMS-info» FREE OF CHARGE

18.2. "SMS-bank", for one mobile number:

18.2.1.in the month of opening the first Current Account and in the second calendar month FREE OF CHARGE

18.2.2. at the end of the period specified in clause 18.2.1. when paying for a calendar month 99 rubles. when paying for 12 (twelve) calendar months 990 rubles.

19. Fee for issuing a certificate:

19.1. in electronic form, from the list specified in the personal account FREE OF CHARGE

19.2. in electronic form, not from the list specified in the personal account, or a certificate or other certified document in paper form 590 rubles.

20. Closing of Current Account FREE OF CHARGE

21. Fee for issuing a certificate, extract or other document on banking operations after termination of the settlement account agreement 2990 rubles.

22. Fee for the Merchant Acquiring service

22.1. with an interest accrual scheme of 2.0%

22.2. with a batch accrual scheme from 1.79% 2690 rubles.

23. Salary project

23.1. Connection and maintenance FREE OF CHARGE

23.2. Transfer of funds to the Employee's payment card agreement FREE OF CHARGE

Tinkoff Bank provides settlement and cash services for small and medium-sized businesses. According to the international magazine "The Banker", it is the most profitable in Central and Eastern Europe in the 3rd quarter of 2017, which is why it is in demand among customers.

How to conclude a contract for settlement and cash services

The procedure for concluding a settlement agreement with Tinkoff differs from opening an account with another financial institution, since interaction with the client is carried out online.

The business owner is provided with 2 options for formalizing contractual relations: simple and accelerated.

Simple Accelerated
provides exclusively for filling out a virtual questionnaire on the bank's website, which is located in the "Business" section. Further, the client manager contacts the owner to assist in the selection of a package of services and agree on the date and place of signing the documents. The account is considered opened from the moment of providing a full package of documents and filling out an application for accession to the conditions. involves filling out a questionnaire and directly attaching scans of constituent documents in your personal account. In this case, you can get the details of the current account on the day of the application (sent by e-mail).

Registration of cash settlement services in Tinkoff for individual entrepreneurs is carried out according to 3 documents:

  • OGRIP;
  • passports of an individual entrepreneur.

The package of documents for concluding an agreement on settlement and cash services for a commercial and non-commercial organization is standard. It includes the following documents:

  • charter;
  • protocol/decision on the establishment of the organization;
  • order to appoint a director / general director / president, etc.;
  • manager's passport;
  • constituent documents of a legal entity (TIN, OGRN).

Registration of RKO

Tariff plans

Tariffs for cash settlement services in Tinkoff are among the lowest, since the bank does not incur additional financial costs (for rent, salaries of maintenance personnel, real estate tax, etc.).

Business owners are provided with 3 tariff plans to choose from: simple, advanced and professional. Change of tariffs for settlement services in Tinkoff Bank is carried out through a personal account.

A simple RKO tariff in Tinkoff is ideal for individual entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business. entrepreneurial activity. Its distinctive feature is the absence of a subscription fee in the first 2 months of service. In the future, it is 490 rubles per month. 6% per annum is accrued on the account balance.

Tariff "Advanced" also provides free settlement and cash services for the first 2 months. In the future, the subscription fee is 990 rubles. 8% per annum is accrued on the balance of funds.

Tariff "Professional" is intended for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs making a large number of payments or transfers to debit cards. Its cost is 4990 rubles (there is no monthly fee for the first 2 months). Up to 8% per annum is also charged on the current account balance. A more detailed analysis of tariffs is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Comparative analysis of tariff plans for business

Criterion Simple Advanced Professional
Payment order cost First 3 pcs. - free, the rest for 49 rubles. First 10 pcs. – free of charge, over 10 pcs. - 29 rubles each. for free
Commission for cashing out funds from a current account 1.5% of the amount, minimum 99 rubles 0% up to 100 thousand rubles; over - 1% of the withdrawal amount 0% up to 2 million rubles
Transfer of funds to a card (amount up to 400 thousand rubles) 0% 0% 0%
Transfer of funds to the card (amount from 400 thousand to 2 million rubles) 1% of the amount 1% of the amount 0%

Advantages of cash settlement services in Tinkoff Bank

  1. Flexible pricing policy. RKO tariffs in Tinkoff for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs fully take into account the needs of business in banking services. The conditions are transparent and understandable for customers.
  2. Personal service. Each client is assigned a personal manager who is competent in various areas: banking, tax, legal, etc.
  3. Receiving additional income on the balance of funds in the account. 6-8% (depending on the tariff plan) is charged automatically, no additional agreements are required.
  4. Extended mode of processing payment receipts. The operating day lasts from 7:00 to 21:00, which distinguishes the bank from its competitors.
  5. Providing additional services depending on business needs. Along with opening a current account, you can issue a business card, Internet acquiring, a salary project, and purchase Evotor online cash desks.

Tariffs for settlement services in Tinkoff Bank are market-based and competitive. They fully take into account the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. In 2016, the bank took 2nd place in the list of the most profitable banking organizations in the Russian Federation serving legal entities (according to the Markswebb Rank & Report analytical agency). Positive feedback from business owners about RKO in Tinkoff only confirms the results of the study.

There are many banks in the Russian Federation where you can open a current account for servicing individual entrepreneurs. Each of them offers many opportunities, but along with them, all banks have their drawbacks.

Bank "Tinkoff"

A current account for an individual entrepreneur in this financial institution meets many requirements of an individual entrepreneur. The main ones are always considered low tariffs and commission. A commission suitable for an individual is 1-2 percent when withdrawing funds from an account. Ideally, many would like to see the commission completely absent, but this is impossible.

Another requirement of the individual entrepreneur to the bank is low tariffs for servicing the account (no more than five hundred rubles per month when funds are flowing, and the complete absence of tariffs in months when there is no such movement). Also, many people need convenient and highly functional Internet banking. All this is provided by Tinkoff Bank when opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs.

About bank

Several years ago, many financial institutions The Russian Federation refused to service the accounts of private entrepreneurs. "Tinkoff" was also one of them. In 2014, maintaining a current account for an individual entrepreneur at Tinkoff Bank cost about four thousand rubles every month. This forced private entrepreneurs to turn to other institutions.

Tinkoff is the first bank on the territory of the Russian Federation, which decided to abandon branches and conduct all activities on the Internet. In an interview, Oleg Tinkov said that he did not understand why others Russian banks spend a lot of money on opening branches if you can work on the Internet. It is much more convenient and less costly. The bank also uses ATMs of its partners. This allows you to save a lot of money compared to other institutions of the Russian Federation. Tinkoff increases its profits due to the fact that it does not have to pay for offices, ATMs and wages employees.

The institution's call centers employ 1,200 employees. The response time is less than two minutes. According to representatives of the bank, about 95 percent of all problems with which customers apply are resolved at the first contact with Tinkoff by phone or via Internet banking.

Bank advantages

Opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank gives customers a number of advantages. The main one for most private entrepreneurs is the low cost of maintaining an account. There are three tariffs: 490 rubles per month, 990 rubles per month and 4,990 rubles per month. Another advantage of opening a current account with Tinkoff Bank is convenient Internet banking, where the client can use all the services provided by the institution. This service from Tinkoff is the highest quality among all that are provided by other banks in the territory of the Russian Federation.

All account transactions are carried out online, so customers do not need to visit the bank. However, in some cases, the institution may send a courier to its client. Also, when opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank, positive reviews were deserved by the fact that there is no commission when withdrawing less than 400 thousand rubles.

Withdrawals are made to a previously linked debit card or credit card. This means that an individual entrepreneur does not have to visit bank branches and order a withdrawal of funds. The procedure for transferring money from a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank takes a little time. It is carried out in a few clicks with a computer mouse.

A unique offer when opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank is the accrual of annual interest on the funds that remain on the account. The interest rate is six to eight percent per year. Therefore, many individual entrepreneurs always keep a certain amount of cash and receive 6-8 percent per year. They are paid once a month.


For several years, two tariffs have been applied to the settlement account at Tinkoff Bank. The first tariff is called "Simple", and its cost was 490 rubles per month. The cost of the second tariff is 990 rubles, it is called "Advanced".

Recently, the bank began to provide a third tariff - "Professional", the cost of which is 4,990 rubles per month. You have to pay for the use from the second month. Also, in the event that the client does not like the service of the bank, he can familiarize himself with how to close a current account with Tinkoff Bank. Closing is free of charge.

Tariff "Simple"

As already mentioned, the cost of the tariff is 490 rubles per month. Its advantage lies in the fact that if funds were not credited to the account and if money was not withdrawn from it, then there is no commission.

In this plan, the first three payments are processed free of charge. After that, you need to pay the bank 49 rubles for each subsequent payment. This may be an advantage for those individual entrepreneurs who do not conduct such an active commercial activity.

Paying taxes does not require any commission. You can also transfer funds within Tinkoff Bank free of charge.

Tariff "Simple". Withdrawal of funds and replenishment of the current account

Another reason for the positive feedback on the current account at Tinkoff Bank is the well-thought-out cash withdrawal system. There are two cards to which you can transfer funds from your current account. These are Tinkoff Black and Tinkoff Platinum cards - debit and credit cards, respectively.

Without paying commissions, a private entrepreneur can transfer up to 150 thousand rubles to a debit card, and up to 250 thousand rubles to a credit card. If you withdraw more funds, the commission will be one and a half percent for every 400 thousand rubles over 150 thousand and 250 thousand rubles for debit and credit cards, respectively ( minimum amount commission is 99 rubles).

Opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank attracts many clients because no commission is charged when transferring money from partners and counterparties. This is a great advantage over other institutions that operate in the Russian Federation, and perhaps the main reason why individual entrepreneurs choose Tinkoff.

The client needs to familiarize himself in detail with how to replenish a current account with Tinkoff Bank. When depositing money to the current account on your own, you will need to pay 299 rubles for any amount deposited.

Tariff "Advanced"

The first month of using this tariff is also free. Then the entrepreneur will have to pay 99 rubles every month. Unlike the “Simple” tariff plan, the “Advanced” tariff makes it possible to make the first ten payments free of charge, after which it will be necessary to pay 29 rubles for each subsequent payment. But it should be noted that the owners of the "Advanced" tariff are given the opportunity to activate the service of unlimited payments. Its cost is another 990 rubles per month.

The disadvantage of this plan is that the individual entrepreneur needs to pay almost a thousand rubles a month, regardless of whether there is cash flow in the account. This tariff is suitable for those individual entrepreneurs who make many payments in the course of their activities. As in the "Simple" tariff, in this tariff plan without commissions, you can pay taxes and transfer cash to the accounts of other clients of Tinkoff Bank.

Tariff "Advanced". Withdrawals

The commission for withdrawing funds in this tariff also depends on which card it will be carried out on. You can withdraw no more than 300 thousand rubles a month to a debit card for free, and up to 350 thousand rubles every month to a credit card.

If a individual transfers more than 350 thousand rubles to a credit card and more than 300 thousand rubles to a debit card, then he will have to pay another interest on amounts of 400 thousand rubles.

This tariff will be beneficial to those persons who have opened a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank, who have an income of up to 350 thousand rubles and do not want to use a bank debit card. It is also possible to activate the option of unlimited withdrawal to individuals. The cost of the service is 2,990 rubles per month. If the turnover exceeds three million rubles, then the package is not provided.

Tariff "Advanced". Refill

Commission in the amount of 99 rubles when replenishing an account in the amount of less than 100 thousand rubles is a one-time fee. If the amount of replenishment of the account is from one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles, then the amount of the commission is 749 rubles.

Also, for 1,990 rubles, a bank client can purchase a package that allows unlimited replenishment of a current account. But, again, it must be taken into account that this service is not provided to those individual entrepreneurs whose turnover exceeds three million rubles.

Tariff "Professional"

If the previous two tariffs for a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank are not able to provide all the services and options that an individual entrepreneur needs, then he can use the third tariff plan called "Professional". Its monthly cost is 4 thousand 990 rubles per month.

For each payment made within the framework of using the “Professional” tariff, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay 19 rubles to the bank. It is cheaper by 30 rubles than in the "Simple" tariff plan and by 10 rubles than in the "Advanced" tariff plan. But we must remember that in the first two tariff plans, the debut 3 and 10 payments, respectively, are processed for free. In addition, for 1,990 rubles per month, you can activate the ability to make unlimited payments. And if in the “Advanced” tariff this service was not provided to individual entrepreneurs with a turnover of more than three million rubles, then in this tariff plan there is no such restriction.

Tariff "Professional". Withdrawal of funds and replenishment of the account

In this tariff plan, the limits for transfers to credit and debit cards without commission have been increased. Thus, an individual entrepreneur can withdraw up to half a million rubles to his credit card without paying a commission. The withdrawal amount to a debit card with zero commission is also 500 thousand rubles. In the event that the amount of money transferred to any of the cards exceeds the established limit by 800 thousand rubles, the commission amount will be equal to one percent of 800 thousand rubles plus 59 rudders. For 4,990 rubles, an individual can purchase a package for unlimited withdrawal of funds.

When replenishing an account in the amount of one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles, a commission of 749 rubles is charged, as in the "Advanced" tariff plan. Also, the commission for replenishing an account with less than 100 thousand rubles is 99 rubles. But unlike the "Advanced" plan, the "Professional" tariff does not imply the possibility of purchasing a package for providing unlimited deposits to a current account.

Additional features

After it was possible to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Tinkoff Bank, the client is provided with several free opportunities. Firstly, he will get free access to the mobile application and internet banking. Secondly, a free function will be provided, which involves free confirmation of payment by SMS.

As for the SMS bank, the client can use this option for free only for the first two months. Then you have to pay 99 rubles a month. Also, a manager is assigned to the individual entrepreneur, who can provide advice 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Once a month, the client is able to change the tariff for free.

Applying for a current account at Tinkoff Bank

An individual entrepreneur needs to submit an application before starting to use all the features of the service. You can do this on the bank's website. After that, a representative of the institution will contact the client to clarify all the details. Then the entrepreneur will be sent a questionnaire to fill out and a list of documents that need to be sent to the bank by e-mail. Also, when applying, you will need to provide the original documents sent. An application for opening a current account with Tinkoff Bank includes the following documents:

  • identification code of the taxpayer;
  • available licenses;
  • a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document that can confirm the identity of a bank client;
  • SNILS;
  • OGRNIP certificate;
  • questionnaire previously sent by the bank by e-mail.

Operating individual entrepreneurs must provide information about their financial situation. It may be one or more documents. An individual entrepreneur can use the following documents as confirmation of his financial situation:

  • financial statements for a year or another period;
  • the entrepreneur's annual or quarterly tax return;
  • certificate of payment of taxes;
  • a patent for entrepreneurial activity;
  • conclusion of the audit company in relation to the annual report for the past year, which should include confirmation of the reliability of financial and accounting reports.

There are cases when it is enough for the bank to provide extracts from the book of income and expenses, as well as a report from the IFTS. This applies more to those individual entrepreneurs who have been registered for a long time.

After the client contacted the manager of Tinkoff Bank, received the questionnaire, filled it out and provided all the necessary documents, you should wait a few days. Typically, the procedure for considering an application is from three days to a week. If this procedure ends positively for the client, the bank will open a current account for him, as well as provide all the necessary documents. They will be delivered to the client by a courier who will help arrange everything in any convenient place. After that, you can start using your current account and all the benefits of working with Tinkoff Bank.