» Program for compiling 4 fss. Electronic certificate of incapacity for work

Program for compiling 4 fss. Electronic certificate of incapacity for work

The Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation has developed a modern program for healthcare facilities, with the help of which it became possible to enter data on a temporary disability sheet. The utility allows you to fill out a disability certificate much faster and print it on a printer.

At the beginning of the summer of 2011, sick leave certificates of a new type with more advanced protection against fakes were introduced in Russia. Immediately after their release, a statement was made that disability sheets can be filled out both manually and on a computer. However, the FSS did not meet the deadline, and the program for filling sick leave wasn't ready. Complaints immediately began to come from doctors and employers, because now it took much more time to process and issue a sick leave. All words and letters had to be filled in by hand, any inaccuracy entailed rewriting a new sick leave.

The developers have provided two ways to operate the AWP LPU:

  • local;
  • network.

We suggest you download the program instructions for printing sick leave from the FSS.

It is worth noting that if you use the program from the server, you must install FireBird. During installation, the method of operation is automatically determined, the program independently copies the databases to the server. For the correct operation of the utility, it is necessary to assign database write rights to active users. The FireBird database management system must match the bitness of the OS.

The FSS program for printing sick leave is easy to install and does not differ in any significant features. Each stage of the installation is accompanied by pop-up information on the screen that corresponds to this stage. As information, parameters or data about the installation of the program are displayed. By default, the interface will be in Russian.

It is worth noting one important point during the installation of Firebird. If the database management system is installed on a server with more than one processor, and the estimated number of database users is more than ten, it is recommended to use the Classic Server program configuration.

Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to call the “new” form 4-FSS since 2018. Indeed, in the Order of the FSS of September 26, 2016 No. 381, which approved the form form, the last changes were made in June 2017 (Order of the FSS of June 7, 2017 No. 275). And the updated form 4-FSS should have been used by policyholders already from the report for 9 months of 2017 (FSS information dated 06/30/2017).

Recall that the June updates of the 4-FSS form provided for the following changes:

  • on the title page after the field "OKVED" the field "Budget organization" was added. In this field budget organizations must indicate the source of funding (1 - Federal budget, 2 - Budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, 3 - Budget of the municipality 4 - Mixed financing);
  • in table 2, a new line 1.1 "Debt for the reorganized insured and (or) deregistered separate subdivision of the legal entity" appeared. Accordingly, the summarized indicator of line 8 "Total" began to include the value reflected in line 1.1;
  • line 14.1 “Debt owed by the territorial body of the Fund to the insured and (or) deregistered separate subdivision of a legal entity” also appeared in table 2. On this line, the successor shows the debt owed to the territorial body of the FSS, which passed to it from the reorganized insured in connection with the succession, as well as the amount of debt owed to the territorial body of the FSS for the deregistered separate unit.

It is also clarified that in the field "Average number of employees" on the title page of the Calculation, the indicator is determined for the period from the beginning of the year. However, in fact, nothing has changed for insurers. Similarly, the number was considered before.

As for the procedure for filling out the new 4FSS form for the 1st quarter of 2018 and subsequent reporting periods, then no changes (except those due to the introduction of new lines) have occurred. The procedure for filling out the 4-FSS form is given in

PC "Taxpayer PRO"

PC "Taxpayer" - designed to maintain accounting, preparation of accounting and tax reporting to the Federal Tax Service, PFR, FSS, FSRAR in electronic form on magnetic or paper media in approved forms and formats, including for transmission via telecommunication channels (TCS) with an electronic digital signature (EDS).

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Implemented the functionality of checking reports on individuals in the PFR by the program "PO PD" recommended by the fund (IF IT IS INSTALLED ON A COMPUTER)

The format and form of SZV-TD (electronic work books) have been updated in accordance with the version of the album of formats 2.43d dated 12/23/2019

Implemented new formats: simplified forms financial statements, accounting (financial) reporting forms, corporate property tax declaration forms

Accounting: In standard operations of documents for write-off (realization) of goods and materials (invoices, UPD, requirements), the formula for calculating the amount of the posting "At average cost" has been added. The calculation is made automatically

Accounting: The document " Accounting information"

A DRAFT reporting in the form of SZV-TD - electronic work books has been implemented (the project has not yet been approved). Reporting is planned to be submitted to the FIU on a monthly basis starting from 2020

Accounting: In the Purchases-Sales section, a new "Analytical sales report" has been added for any time interval in the context of buyers and / or nomenclature (services) with a large number of settings

In the "Payroll" mode, the ability to print a list of payrolls has been added

In the setting on the "Taxation" tab for IT organizations (tariff 06), starting from 2019, the date of receipt of accreditation has been added. When filling out this date, the calculation of contributions at a reduced rate is made not from the beginning of the quarter, but from the month of receipt of accreditation

A new document has been added to printed forms for pay slips - a journal for issuing pay slips

Reporting to the FSS

All Russian entrepreneurs and legal entities are engaged in the calculation and submission of reports to the FSS. These obligations arise in order to solve the problems of medical, social and pension insurance.

Individual entrepreneurs are required to submit reports to the FSS in 2017 if they have employees working under an employment contract. In the event that the staff is hired on the basis of a temporary civil law contract, the businessman is not required to pay contributions.

The requirements for the formation of documents are the same for entities applying different tax regimes. Reporting to the FSS takes place every quarter.

On what basis is reporting to the FSS mandatory?

Since 2017, an updated form of mandatory reporting has been applied in accordance with the Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2016 No. 381 and the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of October 10, 2016 No. ММВ-7-11 / [email protected]

Missing the deadline for reporting to the FSS will be punished under the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ. The fine will be 5% of the amount of contributions, but not less than 1,000 rubles.

How to file a report in the FSS

The main reporting form in the FSS in 2017 is 4-FSS. It's rented on casualty contributions. For the remaining types of contributions, economic entities draw up and submit reports in the approved form to the tax inspectorate.

Submission of reports to the FSS in electronic form is mandatory for organizations with more than 25 employees. If the average number of personnel does not exceed this indicator, documents can be submitted on paper.

The rule on reporting to the FSS in electronic form has been established for newly created or reorganized legal entities. If business entities violate existing regulations and submit paper documents, they are fined 200 rubles.

How to fill out the reporting form 4-FSS

The document consists of a title page and 6 tables. The responsible person must enter the indicators in the appropriate windows. Empty lines are filled with a strikethrough.

At the top of each page, the registration number and subordination code of the organization are indicated. Each economic entity receives a unique 5-digit code upon registration with the FSS.

How to submit reports to the FSS

There are several ways to submit reports in the form 4-FSS to regulatory authorities, namely:

  • In person or through an authorized representative submit documents to the regional office insurance fund. The number of the branch serving a legal entity is reflected on the card that all organizations and entrepreneurs receive when state registration business.
    When submitting documents in person, the taxpayer can clarify with the FSS employee the questions of interest to him, give the necessary explanations regarding the completed papers. After receiving the documentation, the representative of the organization with a power of attorney will be given a copy of the calculation form with a stamp.
  • Send by mail. This option is suitable for legal entities with a staff of up to 25 people who are allowed to submit documents to paper form. The negative side of this reporting method is the possibility of errors when transferring information from the form to the database. Since the information is entered manually by the FSS employees, typos and distortion of numbers may occur. That is why sending by mail is considered the most convenient when filing zero reporting.
    The quarterly report is sent in the form of a registered letter with a description of the attachment. In response, the representative of the taxpayer is sent a mail notification of delivery of the documentation.
  • Send electronic reporting to the FSS through TCS. This is the safest, easiest and fastest option for submitting documents, which can be implemented at any time of the day.
    After the file is delivered, the sender will receive an electronic response from the operator about the delivery. You can submit a report via the Internet, subject to the existence of an agreement with the operator, a license for cryptoprotection software and an electronic digital signature.

How to submit reports to the FSS through the software products "Taxpayer"

The complex "Taxpayer PRO" and the service perform the function of sending documents. The program for reporting to the FSS allows you to speed up the compilation and verification of files. Information is entered into current forms, which are regularly updated in accordance with the latest amendments to the legislation.

A modern service with an intuitive interface guarantees a high level of security for legal entities and private entrepreneurs. The system offers users instructions for filling out 4-FSS and other types of reporting. With their help, the accountant will be able to quickly generate a quarterly report and submit it to the authorized structures in a timely manner.

Download program

A few videos with tips to help prepare 4 FSS reports in 2017 for legal entities:

Some features of the AWP FSS Program for reporting to the Social Insurance Fund.

We all should have gotten used to the fact that employees of various ministries and departments work out their salaries for a long time. Well, they can not sit idly on their knees, getting paid for it. They are very eager to show their work activity. With enviable regularity, they release new forms, make changes, remove some columns (columns, columns) and immediately add others. Well done, what more can I say. Do not let entrepreneurs get bored.

All kinds of changes and additions also periodically appear in the AWP FSS. They need to be monitored very regularly. We would advise before submitting reports to without fail check for updates. And if necessary, install them, so that later you do not have to re-do the reports.

Another good video with practical advice on the topic "New reporting forms in 2017: RSV and 4-FSS". In it, we will learn about the composition of the data in the new RSV, about its differences from the previous RSV-1 forms for the FIU. They will also show us exactly which section was removed from the old 4-FSS form. In this regard, the new form has become much smaller, simpler, although the order of filling in the rest of the part has not changed.

A few answers to frequently asked questions

Why do I need to install these same updates for AWP FSS?

If any number or letter is entered incorrectly in our report, then such a report will not be accepted. Well, if it is an outdated version, then there is nothing to talk about at all. Yes, the developers themselves also add headaches to us. Having released the next update, they may then discover their shortcomings. Release changes, fix bugs, errors. Therefore, always visit us and check for updates.

I made a report to 4 FSS, but KLADR does not have the address I need. What should be done?

The developers of the AWP FSS upload new KLADR FSS to the network for general use. Always download the latest version of KLADR. After downloading, add to the SBADDRESS folder in your program. It is located in the DataBase folder, which in turn is located in the root of the program itself. After replacing KLADR with a new one, all your new addresses will immediately become available. They will appear when you restart the program.

How can I find out the latest version of ARM FSS?

Having opened the program, we will immediately see the version number in the window header. By going to our website, you can compare its number with our latest version. if they match, then you have the last one. No updates required.

You can download the latest version of the program (as well as all add-ons, updates) by clicking on this link:

It is better to pay off tax debts before May 1. Otherwise, potential and existing counterparties will see information that the company owes the budget for a whole year.< … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Pension Fund finally put an end to the debate about the need to represent form SZV-M in relation to the head-single founder. So, for such persons you need to pass both SZV-M and SZV-STAZH!< … Налог на прибыль: перечень расходов расширен Подписан закон, который внес изменения в перечень расходов, относящихся к оплате труда. Так, работодатели смогут учитывать в «прибыльной» базе затраты на оплату услуг по организации туризма, санаторно-курортного лечения и отдыха на территории России для работников и членов их семей (родителей, супругов и детей). < …

The program "preparation of calculations for the FSS"


How to protect yourself when electronic reporting 4-FSS All electronic calculations 4-FSS pass the so-called input format-logical control. This means that if the calculation contains errors, the fund will immediately identify them and will not accept the report, but will return it for revision.

Accordingly, if the form was sent on the last day, there is a big risk that in case of any shortcomings, you will not have time to correct the original form and resubmit it on the same day. It turns out that you will answer the fund later. And some branches of the FSS interpret this as a delay in reporting.


And they can write out a fine all in the same minimum equal to 1000 rubles. We warn you: the fine in such a situation can be challenged in court.

Reason: liability is provided for by law for violation of the deadline for sending the calculation, and not for errors made in it.


The second step will be updating the AWP FSS. Check if there is a new version ARM FSS. Updates can be checked here. If you do not know how to update the FSS workstation, then read my article here.
We check the error again. If it reappears, let's move on to drastic measures. Error Access violation at address 005F2A9C in module 'arm_fss.exe'.

Read of address 445F4449. Radical elimination methods Before proceeding with this step, let's still protect ourselves and our data. Let's make a backup copy of our database. If you do not know how to do this, then read my article here.

Now we can break everything and are not afraid that our data will be lost. Download the AWP FSS installation file again. And install it, if you don’t know how to install AWP FSS, read my article here. But the installation will be carried out with minor edits.

Error 503 in the fss report (what does it mean and how to fix it)

If, in this case, a paper report is submitted instead of an electronic report, this will mean that the established method of presenting the calculation is not observed. For this, a fine of 200 rubles is provided. for the insured himself (Article 26.31 federal law dated 24.07.98 No. 125-FZ). And for officials - from 300 to 500 rubles. (Clause 3, Article 15.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). Organizations with a smaller staff have the opportunity to choose whether to submit settlements on paper or electronically (p.

1 st. 24 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ). 4-FSS: how to report electronically Without the Internet, you can report electronically on an external medium. It can be a floppy disk, CD, flash drive, etc. Only an electronic signature must be required. There is only one way to report via the Internet in accordance with the current legislation.

Error 508 in the fss report - what is it and how to fix it?

Let's install the program not in the default folder, but somewhere else, for example, on drive D. Let's just create a new folder on drive D and call it AWP FSS.

And in this folder we will install our new program. By the way, many errors in AWP FSS can be avoided if the program is installed in the NOT default folder. This decision was suggested to me by my reader Olga, for which a HUGE THANK YOU to her! She suggested that if you install AWP FSS in any other folder, you can get rid of the DM BASE error, I wrote about this error and how to get rid of it here.

After you install FSS in a new folder, we need to return our database to its place again. We launch the FSS workstation from disk D. And we restore the database.

How to restore the database in the AWP FSS Open the program and go to the menu item "Service", then select "Database", then "Restore database".

Error 508 in fss report

It is used by organizations not participating in the Pilot Project. You should check the settings of the organization for which the file is uploaded. Samarin Sergey, FIREPLACE The topic is locked. Thank you said: Andrey Lanshin, BukhService Loading error in AWP FSS 6 months. 2 weeks back#3


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I understood what was the matter. We have several branches, one in the Belgorod region. I had to make a small revision for them (there are no pilot projects in the rest of the organization’s branches) and, in particular, remove the Firm.Do Not PostBLFSS Amount AND Date = Firm.EntermentDatePilotProject everywhere. Instead, I wrote the appropriate functions in my module and, depending on which employee of which branch I return the necessary data.

Form 4-fss: download the form

The insurer will need to correct the mistake. As a rule, the reasons for assigning error code 508 in the FSS report are as follows:

  • not fully uploaded data from the 1C program;
  • the program with which the report was generated is out of date for the current date.

If this error cannot be resolved, we recommend using the electronic portal on the official website of the FSS http://portal.fss.ru.

It always contains up-to-date information, and there is no doubt about its indicators. The specified portal allows both uploading the completed form and sending the form through the portal after passing the pre-registration procedure. Liability for violation of the deadline If the errors in the calculation of 4-FSS are eliminated before the expiration date for its submission, then no liability will follow for the insured.
General data group Probable inaccuracies Syntax errors Presence of incorrect characters - spaces, commas, hyphens Name of the company Indicator of the occupational risk class The risk class must correspond to the indicator assigned annually by the fund on the basis of the documents of the enterprise Subordination code indicator Subordination code must be present on the title page Format of sum indicators In order to submit reports, you must contact the official website of the FSS.

Error 508 program arm fss version 4 0 2 50

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we will look at the error in the AWS “Preparing calculations for the FSS”, which sounds like this: Access violation at address 005F2A9C in module 'arm_fss.exe'. Read of address 445F4449. Error in AWP FSS. Access violation at address 005F2A9C in module 'arm_fss.exe'.


Read of address 445F4449 One of the readers told me about this error. While unloading a report in .xml format, she had this error.

Together we tried to solve it. Until the end, it is not clear where this error came from and what needs to be done so that it definitely disappears. But I will tell you what we did to get around the error. The first step is to restart the program. Save all your data and exit completely from the FSS workstation. For best results, restart your computer completely. Then try again to work in the program, if the error has not disappeared, let's move on to the next step.

Error 508 program arm fss version 4 0 2 50.2

Loading error in AWP FSS 6 months. 2 weeks back#1

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The enterprise uploads a file from the sick leave register (see attachment, the file is archived), an error occurs when trying to upload it to the FSS workstation (see attachment). How can we upload information? Investments:

  • E_3646406428_2017_10_18_01.zip (1KB)
  • Error.jpg (124KB)

The topic is locked. Loading error in AWP FSS 6 months. 2 weeks back#2

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Good afternoon! The attached file is the ELN registry file.

If an error is found, the policyholder should make the necessary corrections to the report. An independent check of the 4-FSS form can be carried out on the official website http://portal.fss.ru by uploading the appropriate file with the calculation or by filling out the form on the electronic portal.

Such a check will identify and correct possible errors at the stage of preparation for submitting the calculation to the regulatory authority. If, however, when submitting a 4-FSS report, error 508 was detected, then the code of the indicated error will indicate that the report could not overcome the format-logical control procedure.

The fact of detection of the corresponding error by the controlling body must be accompanied by sending the policyholder a notice of the detected error with a breakdown of its causes. The submission of a report with an error cannot be recognized by the social insurance authority as the proper fulfillment of the relevant obligation established by law.

The portal contains a section and regularly publishes news about electronic reporting. The reason for the appearance of a negative protocol with error 503 The official website of the FSS recognizes error 503 as "The calculation XML file did not pass format control."

The error indicates that the XSD cannot read the information due to the presence of inaccuracies in the file, incorrect entries from the point of view of the programming language. The program also recognizes an error in the absence or inaccuracy of data (for example, the absence of the name of the enterprise, its inconsistency with the register), if the format for entering information is not followed (the presence of gaps, extra characters, etc.) or the cipher section I or II is filled incorrectly.