» How to calculate the insurance experience according to the work book. Insurance experience - what is included in it, how is it calculated

How to calculate the insurance experience according to the work book. Insurance experience - what is included in it, how is it calculated

In order to calculate the duration of labor or other socially useful activity of a person - him - it is necessary to have documents confirming this activity. The main one is a citizen in which the employer had to fix the dates of admission and work.

If any periods of work were not recorded in it, a person must find any other supporting documents: extracts from orders, archival certificates, employment contracts.

It is necessary to calculate according to entries in the work book or other documents in the following order:

  • Write down all the dates of employment (for ease of calculation, write in a column).
  • In the column opposite we put the dates of dismissal.
  • Calculate the number of days, months and years for each work period.
  • Add up the results in days.
  • Select from the received sum full months and from them years.

For example:

1. In accordance with the records in the documents, we write out the periods of work:

2. We calculate the number of working days for each period.

  • 01/18/2003–09/13/2001 = 6 days, 4 months, 1 year
  • 08/23/2008–02/01/2003 = 23 days, 6 months, 5 years
  • 04/23/2015–11/1/2008 = 23 days, 5 months, 6 years

3. We sum up and get 52 days, 15 months, 12 years.

4. Days are translated into months at the rate of 1 month = 30 days, 52 days is 1 month, 22 days. Add this month to 15 months and convert them to years. 1 year and 4 months. As a result, we get 13 years, 4 months and 22 days - seniority.

In addition to entries in the work book from places of work, other periods are also included in the length of service:

  • service in the army, in the internal affairs bodies;
  • after his birth;
  • time of receipt , ;
  • the periods during which the transfer was carried out according to the destination;
  • time spent on socially useful work;
  • time spent in places of deprivation of liberty with a subsequent acquittal;
  • the time of caring for a disabled person of the first group, as well as a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of eighty years and needs constant care.

If before and after these periods the citizen was employed and contributions to the Pension Fund were made for him, these periods are counted as seniority.

Online calculator

To simplify calculations and to avoid possible errors, you can use an online calculator. This program is designed in such a way that automatically every 30 days are converted into a month, and 12 months into a year.

Step 1

In the first window, indicate the date of employment in accordance with the entry in the documents that confirm employment. In the work book, usually the dates of employment are next to each other.

Hint: enter dates using the drop-down calendar.

Step 2

In the second window, enter the date of dismissal from work.

Step 3

If you need to add multiple work periods, click Add Period.

Step 4

Add as many periods consecutively as required (simply by repeating steps 1-3).

Step 5

Step 6

The result in years, months and days, which will be issued by the online insurance period calculator, is the desired value. The program automatically translates 30 days into a month, and 12 months into a year.

Note that the service is intended primarily to determine benefits for temporary disability and childbirth, although our online calculator of work experience on the work book will help calculate the period of employment, for example, for the appointment of pensions. But the result will be approximate, for reference.

What you need to know

Since 2001, the concept of "work experience" has been replaced by "insurance". It includes all periods of the employee's activity, when the employer paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from each transfer of funds in favor of the employee, which is confirmed by the work book. But if you intend to calculate the length of service according to the work book on the online calculator, please note that, based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 12, it includes periods:

  • passing military service or equivalent to it;
  • receiving unemployment or temporary disability benefits;
  • leave to care for each child up to 1.5 years (but not more than 6 years and only for one of the parents);
  • caring for a disabled person of the first group, a disabled child or a person over 80 years old;
  • unjustified detention or detention, proven later, etc.

Also keep in mind that:

  • if a person worked in two places in one period of time (for example, part-time), the calculation of the length of service by the online calculator according to the work book is carried out according to one of them - at the choice of the employee himself;
  • entries in the book that will be taken into account must be drawn up correctly and not contain errors, blots, corrections;
  • if the personal data of the owner of the book with information about work activities do not match the data from the passport, the fact of ownership is established on the basis of other documents, for example, a marriage certificate;
  • if only years of work are indicated, enter the date of July 1 of the corresponding year into the length of service calculator online. If only a month is specified (without a date), then we count from the 15th day of the specified month.

How to calculate manually

Depending on the purpose of the calculations, different methods are used:

  • for sickness and childbirth benefits, the rules approved;
  • to determine pensions, it is necessary to refer to the norms set forth in federal laws dated December 15, 2001 No. 166 and dated December 28, 2013 No. 400.

The basic principle that both the calculation program and the specialist use when manually counting from a book is the summation of documented time periods of a person’s work activity. In the absence of a work book or the presence of inaccurate or incomplete information in it, it is permissible to calculate the length of service with an online calculator based on other supporting documents:

  • written contracts;
  • certificates issued by the employer or government agency;
  • extracts from orders;
  • personal accounts or statements for the issuance of salaries.

The difference lies in the fact that when calculating benefits, they take as a basis insurance periods, where breaks do not matter, and for calculating pensions - information about work for a lifetime.

  1. We consider the number of full calendar years for the period of interest.
  2. We consider the number of full calendar months that are not included in the year.
  3. Calculate the number of days left.
  4. We translate days into months at the rate of 30 days in one month, which did not fit - we brush aside.
  5. Converting 12 months into 1 year.
  6. We count the total number of years and the remaining number of months.

The formula and the calculations themselves are quite laborious, so it is easier to calculate the duration of work on an online calculator.

I won't need it...

The duration of an employee's employment of interest can be calculated manually using the proposed algorithm, but the probability of making a mistake is high. And since the cost of a mistake for employers is high - up to 50,000 rubles, we recommend using the online workbook length calculator in your work. At least check the result that was obtained during manual calculations, and the one that a special program produces.

When paying sick leave An employee of an enterprise must take into account many factors. One of the important indicators is the length of service. All this is calculated by the accountant of the enterprise. However, the calculation is not as simple as one might think. It has its own nuances.

By law, an employee is entitled to receive paid sick leave in the following cases:

  • the person is sick or injured;
  • is in quarantine;
  • forced to care for a disabled relative;
  • is on sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • undergoing prosthesis surgery.

What types of experience exist

An ignorant person may think that there is only one type of seniority - general. This is not true. In fact, experience is divided into several types:

  1. Actually the total work experience. Here it is necessary to count all periods of a person’s work, including under work contracts and labor contracts. It is calculated based on the contracts in hand and records in the work book;
  2. Special experience. Here such work is considered that was carried out in special conditions (for example, in hazardous industries, in the north, etc.);
  3. Continuous experience. The main distinguishing feature of this type of experience is the total period of work in one or more organizations without a break. However, since 2007 it has not been taken into account when calculating payments for temporary disability;
  4. Insurance experience. It is this type of experience that is taken to calculate the sick leave. It includes all periods of labor activity with mandatory insurance transfers, as well as public service and military service.

We calculate the length of service for the sick leave: the main points

As mentioned above, to calculate sick leave payments, you need to take into account only those periods of work of the employee for which payments were made in the corresponding insurance funds. In particular, periods of work are considered for:

  • work contracts;
  • work book;
  • employment contracts;
  • individual entrepreneurship;
  • public service.

In addition, in the calculation of the insurance period, one cannot exclude military service under a contract and military service.

An example of calculating the length of service (according to the work book):

  1. we take all periods of work according to labor dates, from hiring to dismissal;
  2. add them up, separately counting days, months and years;
  3. Now you need to convert days to months, and months to years.

For example, the amount of insurance experience according to the work book turned out to be 8 years 14 months 35 days. We translate months into years, we get: 1 year and two months, we do the same with days, as a result we have: 1 month 5 days. Now we sum everything up and we have the following result:
8 years + 1 year 2 months + 1 month 5 days = 9 years 3 months and 5 days.

It is not necessary to include the time of study at a university or other professional educational institutions in the calculation of sick leave payment.

When calculating the length of service, only those periods of work are taken into account when the employer deducted all due payments to extra-budgetary funds for the employee.

Important! If at the same time an employee worked in two places at once, then to calculate the length of service for sick leave, you need to take only one of them.

Why is it important to know the general insurance experience. The fact is that the percentage of payment from the salary of a sick employee directly depends on it.

The amount of payments depending on the experience

According to the law, the final amount of sick leave directly depends on the length of service of the employee. That is, if:

  • the length of service is less than 5 years, then the employee receives 60% of income for one working day missed due to illness;
  • experience from 5 to 8 years, then here the amount already reaches 80%;
  • experience of 8 years or more - a person can count on 100% payment.

In those situations where the experience is less than six months, payments are made at the expense of state budget. The amount for a sick leave is calculated based on the minimum wage (minimum wage) for one month (according to the calendar).

The average daily minimum wage can be calculated using the following formula:

Minimum wage × 24 months / 730 days

Important! If an illness or injury occurred to an employee at the workplace during the performance of his labor duties, then the sick leave payment is made to him in 100% of the amount.

Nuance! When calculating the payment for sick leaves, one should not forget that the payment for one month cannot exceed four monthly insurance payments.

Rules for calculating the insurance period

The method for calculating sick leave was introduced by Federal Law No. 255-FZ. Prior to this law, benefits were calculated according to the total length of service, observing the condition of its continuity. Since 2007, the calculation of this experience and related issues have been regulated by the Rules approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development (Order No. 91).

Insurance experience - the period of time when the worker was insured.

And to be insured against accidents, illnesses and other forms of disability is to regularly pay contributions to the accounts of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, these payments are made not by the employee himself, but by his employer.

The length of service until the day the disability begins is calculated.

With this calculation, the calendar system is taken as the basis: 12 months - a year, 30 days - a month. When counting days, 30 of them are converted as a unit of the month, and 12 of the months - as a unit of the year (Rules, Section III).

As the FSS explains (answer dated 10/30/12), such a transfer is provided only for incomplete years or months. In case the employee has fully worked out the calendar time (year, month) in full, then the transfer is not needed.

EXAMPLE: The insurance experience of Boborykin V.Z. is as follows:

  1. Raketa LLC - from 02/11/2003 to 10/26/2006.
  2. ZAO Sadovod - from 14.01.2009 to 14.01.2017.

Boborykin V.Z.

Boborykin's experience will include work at Raketa LLC, equal to 3 years 8 months. and 17 days. and in Sadovod CJSC, which was exactly 8 years.

Here all the numbers - both the number of months and the number of days are incomplete, so no translation is needed. Therefore, the entire insurance experience of 11 years 8 months. and 17 days.

On the basis of Federal Law No. 255-FZ (Article 17), if the calculated insurance period up to 01/01/07 is less than continuous, it is equated to continuous experience.

Part-time workers: the procedure for paying sick leave

Part-time employees are a headache for many accountants. Young specialists in accounting departments do not always know how to pay for sick leave for this category of workers. This is not surprising: there are some subtleties here too.

For example, if a person is officially employed at several enterprises at once, upon receipt of a sick leave at a polyclinic, he should notify the attending physician or registrar about this. In this case, he is entitled to as many sick leave sheets as in how many companies he works for. However, it is important to make a note about which of their positions is the main one, since it is here that he can count on additional material support.

Important! If an employee officially works in different places for more than one year, then each employer is obliged to pay his sick leave.

How long can sick leave last?

Sometimes situations that are extremely unpleasant for the employer occur when an employee from one sick leave immediately goes to another. A reasonable question arises: how many people can be on sick leave without violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? By law, this period is strictly regulated and is limited to 12 months. However, it should be noted that the attending physician can issue a disability certificate only for half a month, a dentist for 10 days, and if the employee is on sick leave for more than 15 days, then its extension is possible only by decision of a specially convened medical commission.

Important! If an employee’s illness or injury occurred while he was at work and performing his work tasks, then the duration of the sick leave in this case is not limited by law. The Fund pays for such sick leaves in 100% of the amount social insurance.

As can be seen from the above information, the calculation of the length of service for paying sick leave has its own nuances. For the correct calculation of sick leave, only the employee's insurance experience should be taken into account, since it is he who determines the final amount of payment on a temporary disability certificate.

Documents confirming the insurance experience

Only a work book is the basis of all calculations, proof of the reality of labor periods. But some records may be missing in it, there may be inaccuracies and errors, therefore, for additional confirmation, the following are presented:

  • employment contracts (written), drawn up in accordance with the Labor Code, corresponding in time;
  • certificates drawn up by employers or the necessary state bodies;
  • extracts from instructions and orders;
  • statements and personal accounts related to the employee.

And if the book is not wound up at all for the employee? Then the labor periods are ascertained by the labor contract. All this is done in writing in accordance with the Labor Code and must correspond in time.

The Rules (section II) contain a list of the employee's documents. According to them, it is possible to testify the reliability of experience for different situations.

Example: The head of the company demanded that the new employee bring a certificate and a copy of the insurance payment documents at the previous place of work. Here the actions of the employer are illegal: in the Rules (section II) such documents are not named in the list of documents.

What to do if the dates are not specified in the documents

The rules prescribe:

  • if there is no number, then conditionally take the 15th number;
  • if a month is missing, assume July 1st.

Periods of insurance experience for sick leave

Federal Law No. 255-FZ established the following periods for the insurance period:

  • all work carried out by the employment contract;
  • services in state bodies, municipal institutions;
  • other work, if the condition of payment of insurances is met. For example, periods:
  • work as an entrepreneur in his own enterprise;
  • being in an honorary (but unpaid) position - being a local deputy or a priest;
  • service in the army and law enforcement agencies;
  • when the employee was unemployed and received benefits;
  • being on maternity leave;
  • caring for the elderly and the disabled;
  • living with a spouse, a contract soldier, where it was not possible to work;
  • other nature provided by law.

For the following periods of work, the employee is not entitled to sick leave when he:

  • got a job without an employment contract.
  • being an entrepreneur, evaded the enrollment of insurance.
  • took a vacation at his own expense.

What periods are considered non-insurance?

As a general rule, sickness benefit is paid for all calendar days (including weekends and non-working holidays) that are indicated in the sick leave. But there may be exceptions.

Thus, an employee of an organization is an insured person, however, upon presentation of a certificate of incapacity for work, some periods may not be included in the length of service.

These are the moments:

  • suspension from work, for example, in case of evasion from passing
  • compulsory medical examination;
  • arrest;
  • participation in court.med. expertise;
  • just me;
  • exemption from work, for example, when you are on leave at your own expense or on study leave.

But you need to keep in mind that in case of illness during the annual leave, the sick leave is paid.

In addition, the sick leave is not paid to persons who intentionally harmed their health, as well as in the event of a suicide attempt (intention must be established by the court).

You cannot count on receiving benefits even if the incapacity for work occurred due to the commission of an intentional crime by the insured employee.

How the amount of sick leave depends on the length of service in 2018 (table)

Our table provides information on how the amount of benefits depends on the length of service. The larger it is, the greater the benefit.

Reason for disability
Worker experiencePercentage of sick pay depending on length of service (% 2018)
Illness of the worker8 years or more100%
5 to 8 years80%
up to 5 years*60%
Occupational disease or accident at workAny100%
Caring for a sick child (under 15 years of age) on an outpatient basis8 years or more100% for the first 10 days and 50% for subsequent days of incapacity for work
5 to 8 years80% for the first 10 days and 50% for the following days of disability
up to 5 years*60% for the first 10 days and 50% for subsequent days of disability
Care of a sick child (under 15 years of age) in a hospital and care of an adult family member (including a child over 15 years of age) on an outpatient basis8 years or more100%
5 to 8 years80%
up to 5 years*60%

* The amount of the allowance for employees who have worked less than 6 months is limited to the minimum wage calculated for a full calendar month (taking into account the regional coefficient, if it is applied in the given locality). This is spelled out in paragraph 6 of Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ.

If the employee opened a sick leave within 30 days after the dismissal, the employer is also obliged to pay him benefits.

When calculating, the following main points should be taken into account:

  • labor activity was carried out with the payment of insurance;
  • experience is listed by months;
  • The average salary is calculated for the previous 2 years.

Example: An employee who has been working in a company since 06/08/2015 fell ill and took sick leave from 04/22/2016. Prior to that, in 02/01/2010 - 06/04/2014, he worked in another company. There is a record of this in the work book.

Calculation: in 2011-2014, at the same place, he worked 4 years, 4 months. and 4 days.

He worked for 10 months at the new enterprise. and 14 days.

Total - 4 years, 14 months. and 18 days. 14 months equals 1 year plus 3 months. After the transfer, the insurance period is 4 years, 3 months. and 18 days. The employee has the right to claim a benefit of 60% of the average salary.

Calculation example

To calculate the allowance, it is necessary to calculate the insurance period for the worker Yuri Panin. The sick leave was discharged on 08/10/2016.

Workbook entries:

  • from 12/05/2011 to 07/19/2013 Panin worked at ZAO Kvant;
  • from 07/22/2013 to 08/24/2015 - at Zarya CJSC;
  • from 08/26/2015 to 08/30/2015 - at Mechta CJSC;
  • from 08/31/2015 to this day - LLC Vector.

The insurance period must be calculated on the day preceding the day of illness (accident), i.e. August 09:

  • from 12/05/2011 to 07/19/2013 - 1 year 7 months 15 days;
  • from 07/22/2013 to 08/24/2015 - 2 years 1 month 3 days;
  • from 08/26/2015 to 08/30/2015 - 0 year 0 month 5 days;
  • from 09/31/2015 to 08/09/2016 - 0 11 months 10 days

We get: 3 years 19 months. 33 days and translate.

As a result: 4 years 8 months. 3 days

The insurance experience of Yuri Panin is only 4 years 8 months. 4 days He can count on an allowance of 60% of the average salary.

At first glance, this calculation seems complicated, but in fact there is no difficulty in it. Calculations are greatly facilitated, and the allowance is increased if all documents are properly drawn up and submitted on time.

Sick leave payment in 2018, percentage of the length of service, taking into account changes

Everyone knows that temporary disability benefits are assigned and paid to employees only on the basis of a sick leave issued by a medical institution. Now sick leave can also be electronic.

It must be understood that if a person works under a civil law contract (GPC), then sick leave during this period will not be paid to him. The GPC agreement is not an employment contract, and the employee is not socially insured under it.

Payment of not all periods of incapacity for work depends on the length of service. For example, sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (decree), as well as sick leave due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, is calculated based on 100% of average earnings.

In other situations, the percentage of sick leave payment depends on the length of service and is:

  • 60% of the average daily earnings with an experience of 6 months to 5 years;
  • 80% of the average daily earnings with an experience of 5 to 8 years;
  • 100% of the average daily earnings with an experience of 8 years or more.

And if the employee has an insurance period of less than six months? Then, according to the legislation, the allowance is paid to him in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage for a full calendar month, and in districts and localities in which district coefficients are applied in the prescribed manner to wages, in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage, taking into account these coefficients (since January 1, 2018, the minimum wage in Russia is 9,489 rubles).

A sick leave certificate may also be issued to an employee for caring for a sick child or other family member. This procedure is provided for by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 624n of 06/29/2011. Legislation allows you to issue it not only to the mother, but also to the father, grandmother, grandfather or other family member.

If the employee was on sick leave due to the fact that he was caring for a sick member of his family, then sick leave payment will depend not only on the length of service, but also on who was cared for (parts 3, 4 of article 7 of the Law of December 29 .2006 N 255-FZ).

Every employee should take their papers seriously, especially the work book and its records. Be demanding in paperwork at the time of hiring and dismissal. Do not be lazy and make copies and extracts in a timely manner. Find out in the accounting department whether his insurance premiums are listed on time.

Video to help

To be sure that the sick leave will be paid, you need to ask about the number of years of your insurance experience. After all, the amount of disability benefits depends on it today.

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What periods of work will be included in the insurance experience? How much can you expect in case of illness? This article will provide answers to these and other questions.

What periods are included in the calculation?

The insurance period includes:

  1. Work that was carried out in accordance with the employment contract.
  2. Time spent at the state service (civil or municipal).
  3. Military, as well as fire and law enforcement service.
  4. Individual entrepreneurship, in the case when the individual entrepreneur voluntarily paid contributions to the FS for himself.
  5. Activities of notaries, private security guards, detectives.
  6. The work of lawyers.
  7. The work of members of a peasant (farm) economy or a production cooperative, subject to the payment of social insurance contributions.
  8. The activities of deputies of different levels of government, working on a permanent basis (Federation Council, State Duma, regional authorities).
  9. Periods of pregnancy and motherhood (until the child reaches 3 years of age), time spent on sick leave.
  10. The work of convicted persons in places of detention.
  11. Other activities in the implementation of which payments to the FSS were deducted.

What periods are considered non-insurance?

As a general rule, sickness benefit is paid for all calendar days (including weekends and non-working holidays) that are indicated in the sick leave. But there may be exceptions.

Thus, an employee of an organization is an insured person, however, upon presentation of a certificate of incapacity for work, some periods may not be included in the length of service.

These are the moments:

  • suspension from work, for example, in case of evasion from passing
  • compulsory medical examination;
  • arrest;
  • participation in court.med. expertise;
  • just me;
  • exemption from work, for example, when you are on leave at your own expense or on study leave.

But you need to keep in mind that in case of illness during the annual leave, the sick leave is paid.

In addition, the sick leave is not paid to persons who intentionally harmed their health, as well as in the event of a suicide attempt (intention must be established by the court).

You cannot count on receiving benefits even if the incapacity for work occurred due to the commission of an intentional crime by the insured employee.

Documents that can confirm the insurance experience

The main document is, of course, a work book.

In the absence of a work book, an employment contract can be considered a supporting document.

If the entries in the book are erroneous or inaccurate, you can confirm the periods of work with a certificate issued by the employer, as well as an extract from the order or accounting documents on wages.

The time of military service is confirmed by entries in the military ID, certificates issued by military commissariats, archival documents.

How to count and mark?

As a rule, the calculation of the length of service for sick leave is carried out by a personnel officer.

You need to be careful, since the time of continuous work in the organization does not matter for calculating the benefit, but it is the insurance period that is taken into account, i.e. the period when the employee performed his labor function and was insured by the FSS.

The calculated insurance experience is indicated by the personnel officer on the form of the sick leave.

Components for calculating benefits

Insurance experience

Since the sick leave payment depends on the length of the insurance period, it means that regardless of whether there were breaks in work activity or not, all periods of work will be summed up.

Every 30 calendar days, work is translated into months, and 12 months, respectively, into a year. Such a rule, as insurers explain, is applicable for periods (months and years) that have not been fully worked out. If the month or year is worked out completely, no transfers are required.

It is important to take into account non-standard situations! For example, only years (without dates and months) of work or service can be indicated in documents.

If there is only a month and a year, without a specific date, then the 15th day of the corresponding month is automatically recorded.

Average earnings per month

Sick leave is paid on the basis of average earnings per month.

The calculation takes into account the last two years of work.

Therefore, to determine the size of the average daily earnings, it is necessary to divide the sum of all payments for 2 years by 730 (730 \u003d 24 months * 30 calendar days).


The so-called coefficient used to determine the amount of benefits depends on the length of service:

It is defined as the product of the average earnings per day, the coefficient and all days of disability.

This calculation is made by the accounting department of the enterprise.

The table shows the dependence of this indicator on the length of service:

If the length of service is less than six months, or the sick leave is issued for a disease that has arisen as a result of alcohol, narcotic, toxic intoxication, then the allowance will not exceed minimum size wages for a full month.

It is important to take into account that the amount of payments for pregnancy and childbirth is 100% of the average earnings if a woman has worked for at least 6 months. Also, the average salary is paid on sick leave related to injuries at work, veterans of the Second World War and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident.

An example of calculating the length of service and determining the coefficient:

The insured employee of the Proton plant was on sick leave from February 10 to February 20, 2020. He has been working at Proton since March 1, 2012. Prior to that, he was an employee of the Progress enterprise from August 17, 2010 to February 18, 2012.

We will first determine the length of service for sick leave for each organization separately.

  • work in Progress lasted 1 year (fully completed 2011) 5 months (from September to December 2010 plus January 2012) 32 days (consists of segments 18-31 August 2010 and 1-18 February 2012);
  • at the Proton plant, an employee works 2 full years (2013 and 2020) 10 months (April - December 2012, January 2020) 40 days (from March 1 to March 31, 2012 and from February 1 to February 9, 2020).

The insurance period for a sick leave seems to us to be a very important designation, because its value has a direct impact on what kind of material maintenance in connection with an illness will be issued to a citizen working in one organization or another as compensation for the period during which his disability took place .

Let's find out what is included in this experience, how it is used to calculate the amount of payment, and other important nuances that will be useful to all officially employed Russians.

What is work experience and how does it happen

  • seniority;
  • insurance experience.

They are often confused with each other, while these terms have fundamentally different meanings.. Further in the table, we will consider what is their difference.

Table 1. The difference in the concepts of work and insurance experience

Seniority The length of service is understood as the entire period of the working life of a citizen, during which he worked on the basis of any organization, or, for example, performed work under contract agreements. In addition, it can also be attributed to pension terminology, since this length of service is also used when calculating the size of the material maintenance of pensioners who began working before the onset of 2002, that is, until the next pension reform, carried out in our country, came into force. country
Insurance experience The insurance period is those terms of a person's work during which the employer paid insurance premiums for him to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund.

Nevertheless, there are cases in which a citizen does not work, but he is still credited with the insurance period of interest to us. We list them further in the list.

So, this is possible provided that the citizen has become disabled due to the following circumstances:

  • he fell ill or was injured during production, as a result of which he temporarily lost the ability to work;
  • woman got pregnant and went on a well-deserved rest before giving birth to a baby, with the onset of a certain week of pregnancy (BIR);
  • woman does not go to work because she caring for a newborn baby(according to the law, she has the right to stay at home until he is one and a half years old);
  • the employee is forced to take a temporary vacation due to the the need to provide all possible assistance to a sick family member, a native person who has an officially established disability, an old relative (80 years and older);
  • the person is exercising military service due to receiving a call;
  • face doing civil service and so on.

You can learn more about situations in which a person does not work, but continues to accumulate experience, by reading Law No. 4461-I of February 12, 1993.

All cases listed above, as well as those that you will read additionally in the mentioned legislative act, belong to the category of non-insurance experience. In other words, during this period of time, the employer did not make any additional payments to the FSS and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for you.

What length of service is taken into account when determining the amount of sick leave benefits in the current year

It is important to understand that the correct definition of the experience you have accumulated will help you with accuracy. calculate the amount of disability benefits paid after the provision of a sick leave to work. Unfortunately, even if you are only one day wrong, you can already notice a significant difference between expectation and reality.

For the accrual assigned when providing a sick leave, the calculation will take into account insurance experience, but at the same time, non-insurance periods will also be added to it. It will be necessary to carry out the calculation by calendar days and months. Thus, all incomplete time periods will be converted to complete ones, according to the presented method:

  • 30 days- full calendar month;
  • 12 months- a calendar year.

In the event that a citizen works during the same period not in one, but in several companies, then it will be possible to receive funds with a restriction, that is only in one of them. Your choice will need to be supported by an official statement drawn up on your behalf.

note on the following fact: when carrying out the procedure for calculating the number of length of service for issuing sick leave benefits, all periods of the insurance type will be taken into account, regardless of whether you had any breaks in work.

In order to correctly calculate the length of service of the insurance type for a particular employee, and to understand how much money for sick leave you are supposed to, employers use special databases that are responsible not only for recording information, but also for summing it up and performing other actions.

An example of calculating the insurance period

To better understand how the value of the insurance period is determined, let's look at an example.

Imagine that Maria Ivanova, an employee of your organization, submitted a disability form to the accounting department. She was on sick leave 14 days, beginning from February 6 to February 19. Ivanova works directly in your company 20 months and 5 days. At the same time, the following periods of work appear in her work book:

  • 07.2016-31.03.2017 - Alliance LLC;
  • 01.2015-16.07.2016 – Finance LLC.

To determine the insurance experience of a given citizen, it is necessary to add up all the periods of her work according to the entries in the work book, and you will get the following expression: 1.5 years + 8 months and 14 days + 1 year and 8 months and 5 days. In total it will 2 years, 22 months, 19 days.

Now, using the method mentioned earlier, we convert months to years, and we get 3 years, 10 months, 19 days.

Since 19 days cannot be rounded up to a month, it means that they are not taken into account, as a result, the insurance experience of citizen Ivanova equals 3 years and 10 months.

What documents do you need to collect in order to calculate the experience

Employers can only determine the insurance period of a citizen by reading the records according to the employee's work book. This paper will be taken into account only if it is drawn up in accordance with all the rules and contains only correct data.

If something is wrong with the book, then in order to receive necessary information can also be used:

  • employment agreements that were drawn up in accordance with all legal requirements;
  • certificates received at the place of employment;
  • personal accounts;
  • statements made on the basis of orders.

Wherein, so that information from the papers is counted, it is necessary that each of them contains:

  • individual assigned number;
  • date of issue;
  • full name of the citizen;
  • name of the place of employment;
  • the name of the employee's position;
  • his tenure in the position in question.

In this case, the papers are transferred directly to the accounting department of the employer organization in which the insured person works.

Provided that the employee has an insured event, but he cannot provide the papers necessary to determine the length of service, then all data on his salary and the issue of interest to us will need to be officially requested in Pension Fund Russian Federation.

How does seniority affect the amount of benefits?

According to current legislation, the amount of the benefit is directly dependent on the length of the employee's insurance period. The more experience, the higher average earnings for one business day.

Table 2. How does the amount of benefits depend on the duration of the insurance period of citizens

Cause of disabilityThe amount of the benefit as a percentage of average daily earnings citizen, changing according to seniority
Up to 5 years of experience 5 to 8 years of experience More than 8 years of experience
The employee fell ill, was forced to leave work in order to care for a sick offspring or other relative.0.6 0.8 1
Injury obtained directly in the midst of a working production process1 1 1
Child care on an outpatient basis60% for the first 10 days of the period of incapacity for work and 50% for the following80% - 10 days and 50% after100% - 10 days and 50% - all the following days of illness
The woman went on vacation pregnancy and childbirth1 1 1
The woman is on maternity leave until her baby reaches the age of one and a half years0.4 0.4 0.4
Citizen receives benefits fell ill within a month of quitting 0.6 0.6 0.6

Provided that the value of the insurance period of a citizen will be equal to less than 6 months, then the due payment will be determined in accordance with the established in the country on this moment SMIC.

Summing up

The insurance experience has a predetermining value for the sick leave. Its value allows you to count on the subsequent receipt of a more impressive amount of benefits.

You can get an idea of ​​how much you are owed by taking into account the percentage of the payment to the total amount of your earnings, based on the length of your insurance period. Information from the employer, as well as the table presented above in the article, will help you calculate it.