» Problems of international tourism in the world. Problems and prospects for the development of international tourism services

Problems of international tourism in the world. Problems and prospects for the development of international tourism services

International tourism and tourist services have become an object of international regulation since the 1920s. XX century. In 1937, a definition of "international tourism" was recommended by the Council of the League of Nations. To date, the most common is the concept of "international tourism" formulated by the UN Statistical Commission in 1993.

In the 1980 Manila Declaration on World Tourism tourism is defined as an activity that is of great importance in the life of peoples due to its direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic area the life of states and their international relations.

International tourism is a special type of consumption of material and cultural goods, services and goods by temporary visitors to a given country with payment in foreign currency. We can say that this is the export of goods and services carried out within the country.

International tourism covers trips outside the country, which is associated with the observance of certain formalities (customs, currency, medical control). Distinguish between inbound and outbound tourism. Inbound tourism is travel within the country of persons who do not reside in the country permanently. Outbound tourism - travel of persons permanently residing in the country, but traveling for some purpose to another country.

Tourist exchanges are closely related to crossing the borders of various countries, the location and movement of tourists in the territories of foreign states, and this cannot but affect tourism itself and its development.

Today, international tourism is on a par with, and in some countries even surpasses, the oil industry and the automotive industry, which previously were a significant competitor to other industries and showed the highest results.

The distribution of tourist areas in the world is extremely uneven, this is primarily due to different levels of social economic development countries and regions.

The main factors that have a direct impact on the development of outbound tourism in highly developed countries are economic and social, primarily the growth of personal incomes of citizens (potential tourists) above the limits that are necessary to meet the necessary needs.

Subjective reasons include the activities of state bodies that regulate the procedure for entry and exit from the country and stay on its territory. foreign citizens and etc.

The development of international tourism in countries that predominantly receive tourists is due to the desire to increase the influx of foreign exchange and create new jobs. In addition, many countries through international tourism are trying to solve the problems of the balance of payments.

Worldwide, international tourism began to develop from the 60-70s of the twentieth century. As a result, a global tourism market was formed, in which almost all countries participate today.

The development of tourism is taking place at a significant pace and confirmation of this is the data of the UN World Tourism Organization - the largest intergovernmental organization, which is a specialized agency of the UN and includes 153 countries. According to reports, already in 2007, 846.0 million tourist arrivals were registered in the world, and receipts from international tourism amounted to 733 billion US dollars. And in 2008 this indicator was equal to 898 million tourist arrivals, which is 52 million or 6% more than in 2007.

Despite the fact that tourism has suffered less than many other industries, the crisis has affected the tourism industry in all countries. In general, if in 2008 international tourist arrivals increased by 2%, and in 2007 this growth was 6%, then in 2009 there was a decline of 2%. As far as 2008 is concerned, the main reason for a slight but still increase in the whole year was the high number of tourist arrivals in the first half of 2008. Between January and June 2008, an increase of 5% was recorded, but in the second half of the year, it gave way to a decline of 1%.

During the period from January to July 2009, there was a reduction in the number of tourists worldwide (7%), however, starting from the summer months, the rate of decline has slowed down. In total, 600 million visitors were registered worldwide, compared with 643 million tourists in the same period in 2008.

These results, as well as the latest economic development indicators, confirm the forecast originally made by the UNWTO, according to which in 2009 the world's tourist flow should fall by 5%. For 2010, the UNWTO was projected to grow moderately. Already today, we can say that this prediction is coming true, with international tourism steadily gaining momentum after an extremely difficult 2009. The number of international tourist arrivals increased by 7% in the first two months of 2010 worldwide, according to the latest World Tourism Barometer UNWTO. Particularly tangible growth rates were observed in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. But do not forget that Europe remains the most attractive region for travelers in the world.

According to UNWTO forecasts, the volume of international tourist arrivals in 2010 will increase by 3 - 4%.

But, despite a clear improvement in the situation compared to the negative results of 2009, experts evaluate this growth with caution, since it is compared with the weakest period of 2009? the worst months of the global economic crisis. Overall, during the first two months of 2010, international tourist arrivals totaled 119 million, up 7% from 2009 but still 2% below the record-breaking 2008.

An integral part for the development of international tourism is its legal regulation and, first of all, with regard to the multilateral basis, it takes place within the framework of the UN, which is entrusted with the main task of establishing international cooperation in solving problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature. It was within the framework of the UN that the main international conventions on issues of legal regulation international tourism.

Among the multilateral international treaties regulating relations in the field of tourism are the following:

Convention on Customs Preferences for Tourism of July 4, 1954 and the corresponding Protocol thereto (Additional Protocol to the Convention on Customs Preferences for Tourists, Relating to the Importation of Tourism Information Documents and Materials (New York, June 4, 1954));

In addition, there are international bilateral agreements that serve to protect rights and develop the tourism industry. For example, with the participation Russian Federation there are more than 40 intergovernmental bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism, including with Italy, Bulgaria, France, Cyprus, Austria, Spain, China, Cuba, Tunisia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Thailand.

The general trend is the distribution of tourist preferences, on the one hand, this is characterized by the strengthening of the position of mass tourism in developed tourist countries, and on the other hand, an increase in demand for an individual or specialized tourist product. This requires constant active action on the part of countries that develop tourism, aimed at identifying priority types of tourism products and creating conditions for achieving an acceptable ratio of their price and quality.

In order to increase international tourist arrivals, the world tourism community, represented by UNWTO, has formulated the following main tasks facing countries for the next decade:

increasing the overall responsibility and role of coordination on the part of the governments of countries that rely on the development of tourism;

ensuring security measures and timely provision of tourists with the necessary information;

increasing the role of state policy in the field of tourism;

strengthening the role of public-private partnerships;

the need for public investment in the development of tourism, primarily in the promotion of the tourist product and the development of tourism infrastructure.

When conducting state policy in the field of tourism, the national tourism administrations of most countries take into account the forecast for the development of tourism in the world, compiled by the World Tourism Organization. "Tourism - panorama 2020" is a long-term forecast and assessment of tourism development in the first 20 years of the new millennium. The forecast covers a period of 25 years, starting from 1995, it is the baseline, and forecasts for 2010 and 2020 Although tourism development has been sporadic over the last decade, UNWTO maintains its long-term outlook for the moment. The main structural trends of the forecast have not changed significantly. According to the UNWTO Tourism Panorama 2020 study, the increase in world tourist arrivals between 2000 and 2020 more than doubled (Appendix 1).

The forecast shows that by 2020 the number of international tourist arrivals should reach 1.56 billion people, of which 1.18 billion people. will travel within their regions (meaning Europe, America, Africa, etc.), and only 377 million people. will make long journeys to other regions of the world.

However, in general, during the period under review, long-distance travel to other regions of the world will grow faster than travel within their regions. At the same time, the following distribution of tourists by region is expected: the leading place will remain with Europe - 717 million tourists, the second place will be taken by East Asia / the Pacific region - 397 million tourists, the third will be occupied by America - 282 million tourists, followed by Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. This forecast assumes that by 2020 Russia will take the ninth place in the world in terms of the number of tourist visits.

Based on the foregoing, we see that international tourism today plays a huge role for the world as a whole, for each country separately, for a person in particular. As you know, everything in the world is interconnected, and with regard to tourism, there are no exceptions. Huge incomes of countries hosting tourists, additional jobs, the constant development of industries related to tourism, improving the quality of life, in addition, international tourism contributes to the educational sphere (for example, communication with foreigners helps to strengthen language skills) and much more belongs to the merits of tourism . Today, tourism is considered the fastest growing sector of the economy, and this is confirmed by the profitability indicators and the indicators of international tourist arrivals. Both are constantly increasing, tourism is developing and will continue to develop, and this cannot be denied.

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Despite its active development, international tourism, like any other industry, is experiencing a number of problems related primarily to security, terrorism, political instability, the global crisis (economic situation), changes in the parity of the currency, the scale of investment in tourism infrastructure, natural disasters and climate change, man-made accidents, crime rates, etc.

Tourism is one of the most vulnerable sectors of the economy. Like any activity, it is constantly changing and subject to risk. The gradual normalization of the situation in the Middle East, for example, has contributed to increasing the attention of tourism companies to the region, but so far its potential has not been fully used.

The security issue on this moment is one of the essential for international tourism. In June 1995, in the Swedish city of Östersund, under the auspices of the WTO, the first international conference was held on the issue of tourism security and travel risk reduction. This conference was attended by representatives of national tourism administrations in many countries of the world, research and educational institutions in the field of tourism, Interpol, tourism security services, ministries of internal affairs, etc. The conference participants noted that the problem of tourism security and risk reduction when traveling concerns an extremely wide range of issues . The issue of security should include the problems of accidents, diseases, infectious diseases and epidemics, terrorism, military complications and conflicts, piracy, the criminal situation and crime, the spread of drugs, radioactive and other contamination of the area, prostitution, vandalism and all forms of violence, a comprehensive consideration all kinds of risks related to tourists, local residents, travel companies and the tourism industry as a whole. In our time, the problem of international terrorism is especially relevant. Terror attacks cause direct damage to the development of international tourism, complicate the process of registration and making tourist trips abroad. Here it should be noted the significant role of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), which is actively engaged in solving this problem. The WTO conducts a number of activities aimed at combating the problem of terrorism: it gives recommendations on almost every aspect of tourism, it established the Committee on the Quality of Tourism Services in 1994, which is directly responsible for developing measures for the safety of tourists, reducing the risk of travel and protecting tourists. Also, it should be noted that government agencies and national tourism administrations play a significant role in ensuring the safety of tourism and reducing the risk of travel, which, in turn, must ensure an appropriate level of interaction and coordination with all participants in the tourism process. The urgent need for timely and constant exchange of information between countries, national tourism administrations and other institutions in the tourism sector, high-quality mutual assistance and coordination, the responsibility of governments and states in eliminating problems that complicate the development of international tourism are noted, the role of the media in improving its safety is shown. The safety of tourism should be based on a carefully thought-out, purposeful complex system of measures in order to create such conditions under which any incident with a tourist could certainly not happen. At the same time, the introduced security measures should not adversely affect the interests, rights and freedoms of the tourists themselves and local residents.

As already noted, in the post-industrial era, tourism becomes one of the leading sectors of the economy. In this regard, tourism is often considered as a factor of increasing anthropogenic pressure on natural geosystems as the recreational load increases. There are many studies on the anthropogenic load on ecosystems in recreational areas both abroad and in Russia. The impact of tourism on the environment is complex and very diverse: air pollution from transport, tourist transportation, depletion and pollution of water resources, and an increase in the mass of household waste. The development of tourism has caused environmental difficulties due to the additional construction of roads, laying tourist routes. It has the strongest negative impact on the center of international tourism - the Mediterranean: there is a significant modification of the natural landscape, wild fauna and flora are under strong anthropogenic impact, and the problem of destruction and processing of liquid and solid waste has become more acute. The number of forest fires has sharply increased. Many species of Mediterranean vegetation and animals are under threat of destruction. On the coast between Sicily and Gibraltar, 3/4 of the sand dunes, which are of high recreational and ecological value, have disappeared. In the Himalayas, an increase in the number of travelers has led to deforestation, fires, destruction of vegetation, and air pollution. In Tunisia, the excessive flow of tourists has led to the depletion of groundwater resources. There is a destruction of coral reefs in Kenya, Tanzania, Malaysia, Thailand, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles. Also, tourism plays a major role in air pollution, because. Tourism accounts for 60% of all air travel. In the current situation, many established tourist centers, such as the Costa Brava in Spain, which annually serve huge masses of visitors, are forced to reorient their activities. In no way denying the general validity of most claims to the negative impact of tourism on natural geosystems, it would be unfair to ignore the other side of the coin: tourism is simultaneously becoming the locomotive of the greening of life in vast areas, one of the branches of ecology. This is achieved subject to the calculation and observance of the maximum allowable recreational load, which, according to the experience of developed countries, is real.

Tourism can be attributed to the branches of the economy in which the relationship between man and nature, with a rational organization, is built on the principle of "preservation is a condition for use, use is a condition for conservation." Tourism can be considered as one of the effective means of nature protection. With the competent organization of the tourism business, the income received from the recreational exploitation of the territories allows for environmental protection activities, which, in turn, to a large extent contributes to an increase in income.

Technological hazards are also important. Transport accidents, accidents and disasters remain one of the most serious risks in tourism. Many problems are caused by major accidents at nuclear power plants, chemical plants, and military installations. Accidents and fires at the facilities of the tourism industry annually lead to injuries and deaths among tourists.

There are also cultural conflicts that are quite widespread in tourism, the difference in cultures and customs of peoples and countries often leads to mutual misunderstanding, sometimes tragic.

Despite the fact that the characteristic features of international tourism in recent decades are its active development, the ever-increasing influence on the world economy and international relations, the legal regulation of international tourism relations still lags behind the requirements of life. This can be explained by the following circumstances:

The active growth of international tourism, primarily in terms of the number of people visiting foreign countries, which in many respects outstrips its formation as a subject of international legal regulation, as well as the slowness of a number of states in solving practical issues of developing and stimulating foreign tourism;

The development of international tourism in different countries at different levels, whereby the national tourism authorities there have different rights and powers;

The absence in the countries of the world of unified homogeneous national governments in charge of general tourism policy. In some countries it is a purely state body, in others it is a public organization. Their competence, tasks and functions are different, and the level of government control over them is also different, so there are almost no identical organizations in the states that are in charge of general tourism policy. All this gives rise to a different national approach to solving the problems and challenges facing international tourism.

Tourist exchanges are associated with crossing the borders of states, finding and moving tourists through the territory of a foreign state, and these issues are regulated not so much by international law as by national laws and administrative rules. Each country has special conditions that characterize tourism, has its own national legislation governing the entry and exit of tourists, the placement and use of foreign currency, etc. For these reasons, organizational problems in the field of international tourism are quite complex. Until now, they have not been completely resolved, although today they are considered at the international level and are the object of attention of states, governments and international organizations.

In 137 countries of the world, important issues of tourism development are resolved at the state level (development of a long-term strategy for the development of tourism, taking into account the characteristics of regions and industries, coordination of these plans at the economic level and within the framework of international cooperation). World practice shows an increase in the joint efforts of the governments of many countries aimed at stimulating tourism activities. In March 1995, in Cadiz (Spain), the WTO held an international forum, which was attended by 300 parliamentarians from 52 countries. The purpose of the forum was to draw the attention of governments, parliaments and local authorities to the economic importance of tourism. In connection with the expected tourism boom and doubling of the tourist flow in the next 20 years, the forum emphasized that the functioning of tourist centers and regions will depend on specific border, customs, medical, police and other regulatory formalities that do not interfere with international tourism. The forum established that the state should be responsible for the following areas of importance for tourism:

Development of tourism infrastructure, especially transport and communications;

Creation of conditions for training management personnel and employees of tourism enterprises;

Compliance with environmental standards at tourist sites;

Protection of the rights of local and foreign tourists;

Ensuring preferential taxes and administrative regime;

The introduction of economic and statistical methods that will allow for correct observations and objective control over the state and development of tourism;

Promoting tourism to foreign markets, allocating the necessary funds from the budget for advertising and information work to show the image of your country as favorable for tourism.

Many of these tasks are carried out very effectively by national tourism organizations. However, the role and resources allocated to these government departments are almost never sufficient. The vulnerability of tourism in the face of external factors (tourist safety, environmental damage, sharp currency fluctuations) requires a coordinated, necessarily interdepartmental state policy. This necessitates the development of mechanisms for coordinating the actions of ministries and departments associated with the national tourism administration.


by discipline

Fundamentals of foreign economic activity

International tourism: potential, problems and prospects

development in Russia



Chapter 1. General characteristics of tourism: concept, forms and types

1.1. The essence and economic content of tourism………………….5

1.2. Forms, types and varieties of tourism…………………………….8

Chapter 2. Analysis of the development of international tourism in Russia

2.1. The current state of inbound tourism……………………….16

2.2. Tourism potential………..…………………………………21

2.3. Prospects for the development of tourism…………………………………….25


List of used literature…………...…………………………………34


The importance of tourism in the world is constantly increasing, which is associated with the increased influence of tourism on the economy of a particular country.

Tourism is one of the most highly profitable and dynamic sectors of the world economy. The tourism sector, influencing such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, trade, construction, agriculture, consumer goods production, education, culture and much more, is a catalyst for the socio-economic development of countries. In almost 40% of countries, tourism is the main source of foreign exchange earnings.

In many countries of the world, tourism is developing as a system that provides all the opportunities to get acquainted with the history, culture, customs, spiritual and religious values ​​​​of a given country and its people, and generates income for the treasury. Not to mention the fact that this system "feeds" a lot of individuals and legal entities, one way or another connected with the provision of tourist services. In addition to a significant source of income, tourism is also one of the powerful factors in strengthening the prestige of the country, increasing its importance in the eyes of the world community and ordinary citizens. Tourism activity in developed countries is an important source of improving the welfare of the state.

The high rates of its development, large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. The tourism sector accounts for about 6% of the world's gross domestic product, 7% of global investment, every 16th job, 11% of global consumer spending. Thus, today it is impossible not to notice the huge impact that the tourism industry has on the world economy.

In general, in the economy of a particular country, international tourism performs a number of important functions:

1. International tourism is a source of foreign exchange earnings for the country and a means of providing employment.

2. International tourism expands contributions to the balance of payments and the country's GNP.

3. International tourism contributes to the diversification of the economy by creating industries that serve the tourism industry.

4. With the growth of employment in the field of tourism, the income of the population is growing and the level of well-being of the nation is increasing.

International tourism is one of the top three export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry.

The above aspects predetermined the choice of the topic of this course work and proved its relevance.

The purpose of the course work is to study international tourism as a form of economic relations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

consider general characteristics tourism;

· analyze the current state of tourism in Russia;

· determine the prospects for the development of tourism in Russia.

This course work consists of two chapters. The first chapter is theoretical. It discusses the basic concepts of international tourism, its essence, forms, types and varieties.

The second chapter is analytical. Here is an analysis of the development of tourism in Russia. The current state of tourism, the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the country and the quality of the organization of international tourism in Russia are studied.

When performing this course work, materials from educational and additional literature, as well as Internet resources were used.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of tourism: concept, forms and types

1.1. Essence and economic content of tourism

Tourism today is a sphere of the socio-economic complex, which in many countries has become a booming industry. Currently, every 7th job in the world is in the tourism business. According to WTO forecasts, by 2020 the number of international tourist arrivals will be 1.6 billion, i.e. 3 times higher than in 2000. Daily expenses of tourists, excluding air travel, will grow to 5 billion dollars a day.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation", tourism is temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence in recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary residence.

Tourism as a commodity is sold in the form of services. A tourism service, like a service in general, is the action of a certain consumer value, expressed in a beneficial effect that satisfies one or another human need. In this case, the service can be provided either by a thing, that is, with the help of a commodity, or in the process of functioning of living labor itself. These two methods of production of services also determine two types of services themselves: material (production), mediated by a thing, and intangible (non-production), not associated with material products, the production of which is inseparable from their consumption.

The tour is a complex of various services (accommodation, meals, transport services, household, tourist, excursion, etc.), combined on the basis of main goal travel and provided on a specific route at a specific time. In addition to services, tourists can buy tourist goods. The totality of services and goods for tourism purposes forms the concept of "tourist product". Tourist product includes:

Tours united by purpose (educational, health-improving, etc.);

tourist and excursion services of various types (accommodation, meals, transport services, etc.);

tourist and souvenir goods (cards, postcards, souvenirs, etc.).

Tourism can be imported into and exported from a country. The expenditures of tourists from other regions represent contributions to the economy of the host region. So, tourists from Japan, traveling in Russia, receive their income mainly in their homeland. And spending money in Russia, they invest it in the economy of our country. Thus, the expenses of foreigners in the country for tourism purposes represent tourism exports for Russia. Entering this country, tourists acquire tourist experience and take away with them unforgettable impressions from the trip.

So, tourist export is the export of tourist impressions from the country, which is accompanied by the simultaneous import of money by the tourist into this country. Tourist import is the importation of tourist experiences into the country, which is accompanied by the simultaneous export of money by the tourist from this country. Rice. 1.1. clearly illustrates this approach. When tourists from Russia make a trip to Japan, it becomes a tourist import to the Russian economy. Japanese tourists' money spent in Russia is a tourist import for the Japanese economy.

For tourist exports, the direction of the cash flow coincides with the direction of the flow of tourists, while for the export of goods, these flows are directed in the opposite direction (see Fig. 1.1). When the flow of payments goes to Russia, it means that something has been exported: tourist experience or goods. Cash flows in both cases go in the same direction.

Rice. 1.1. Economic comparison of commodity and tourist flows

At present, the old concept of "industry" is gradually being eroded. For market economy characteristic is not so much the development of separate industries as the functioning of diversified intersectoral complexes. Since tourism produces both consumer goods (food) and services (hotel accommodation), we can conclude that tourism is a diversified intersectoral complex of social infrastructure that has production and non-production functions and is a tourism industry. The economic process in the tourism industry is a production and service process.

The tourism industry is a combination of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, catering establishments, entertainment facilities, educational, business, recreational and other facilities, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as institutions providing excursion services and guide services - translators. It is necessary to ensure the provision of quality tourism services to tourists, as well as the further development of the tourism industry. That is why the search for a more efficient use of relatively limited resources becomes a priority in tourism, which is one of the tasks of economic science.

The tourism economy is a system of relations that arise in the field of tourism in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of the results of tourism activities.


by discipline

Fundamentals of foreign economic activity

International tourism: potential, problems and prospects

development in Russia



Chapter 1. General characteristics of tourism: concept, forms and types

1.1. The essence and economic content of tourism………………….5

1.2. Forms, types and varieties of tourism…………………………….8

Chapter 2. Analysis of the development of international tourism in Russia

2.1. The current state of inbound tourism……………………….16

2.2. Tourism potential………..…………………………………21

2.3. Prospects for the development of tourism…………………………………….25


List of used literature…………...…………………………………34


The importance of tourism in the world is constantly increasing, which is associated with the increased influence of tourism on the economy of a particular country.

Tourism is one of the most highly profitable and dynamic sectors of the world economy. The tourism sector, influencing such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, trade, construction, agriculture, consumer goods production, education, culture and much more, is a catalyst for the socio-economic development of countries. In almost 40% of countries, tourism is the main source of foreign exchange earnings.

In many countries of the world, tourism is developing as a system that provides all the opportunities to get acquainted with the history, culture, customs, spiritual and religious values ​​​​of a given country and its people, and generates income for the treasury. Not to mention the fact that this system "feeds" a lot of individuals and legal entities, one way or another connected with the provision of tourist services. In addition to a significant source of income, tourism is also one of the powerful factors in strengthening the prestige of the country, increasing its importance in the eyes of the world community and ordinary citizens. Tourism activity in developed countries is an important source of improving the welfare of the state.

The high rates of its development, large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of its own tourism industry. The tourism sector accounts for about 6% of the world's gross domestic product, 7% of global investment, every 16th job, 11% of global consumer spending. Thus, today it is impossible not to notice the huge impact that the tourism industry has on the world economy.

In general, in the economy of a particular country, international tourism performs a number of important functions:

1. International tourism is a source of foreign exchange earnings for the country and a means of providing employment.

2. International tourism expands contributions to the balance of payments and the country's GNP.

3. International tourism contributes to the diversification of the economy by creating industries that serve the tourism industry.

4. With the growth of employment in the field of tourism, the income of the population is growing and the level of well-being of the nation is increasing.

International tourism is one of the top three export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry.

The above aspects predetermined the choice of the topic of this course work and proved its relevance.

The purpose of the course work is to study international tourism as a form of economic relations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    consider the general characteristics of tourism;

    analyze the current state of tourism in Russia;

    determine the prospects for the development of tourism in Russia.

This course work consists of two chapters. The first chapter is theoretical. It discusses the basic concepts of international tourism, its essence, forms, types and varieties.

The second chapter is analytical. Here is an analysis of the development of tourism in Russia. The current state of tourism, the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the country and the quality of the organization of international tourism in Russia are studied.

When performing this course work, materials from educational and additional literature, as well as Internet resources were used.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of tourism: concept, forms and types

1.1. Essence and economic content of tourism

Tourism today is a sphere of the socio-economic complex, which in many countries has become a booming industry. Currently, every 7th job in the world is in the tourism business. According to WTO forecasts, by 2020 the number of international tourist arrivals will be 1.6 billion, i.e. 3 times higher than in 2000. Daily expenses of tourists, excluding air travel, will grow to 5 billion dollars a day.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" tourism- these are temporary trips (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary residence.

Tourism as a commodity is sold in the form of services. A tourism service, like a service in general, is the action of a certain consumer value, expressed in a beneficial effect that satisfies one or another human need. In this case, the service can be provided either by a thing, that is, with the help of a commodity, or in the process of functioning of living labor itself. These two methods of production of services also determine two types of services themselves: material (production), mediated by a thing, and intangible (non-production), not associated with material products, the production of which is inseparable from their consumption.

The tour is a complex of various services (accommodation, meals, transport services, household, tourist, excursion, etc.), combined on the basis of the main purpose of the trip and provided on a specific route at a specific time. In addition to services, tourists can buy tourist goods. The totality of services and goods for tourism purposes forms the concept of "tourist product". Tourist product includes:

    tours united by purpose (educational, health-improving, etc.);

    tourist and excursion services of various types (accommodation, meals, transport services, etc.);

    tourist and souvenir goods (cards, postcards, souvenirs, etc.).

Tourism can be imported into and exported from a country. The expenditures of tourists from other regions represent contributions to the economy of the host region. So, tourists from Japan, traveling in Russia, receive their income mainly in their homeland. And spending money in Russia, they invest it in the economy of our country. Thus, the expenses of foreigners in the country for tourism purposes represent tourism exports for Russia. Entering this country, tourists acquire tourist experience and take away with them unforgettable impressions from the trip.

So, tourist export is the export of tourist impressions from the country, which is accompanied by the simultaneous import of money by the tourist into this country. Tourist import is the importation of tourist experiences into the country, which is accompanied by the simultaneous export of money by the tourist from this country. Rice. 1.1. clearly illustrates this approach. When tourists from Russia make a trip to Japan, it becomes a tourist import to the Russian economy. Japanese tourists' money spent in Russia is a tourist import for the Japanese economy.

For tourist exports, the direction of the cash flow coincides with the direction of the flow of tourists, while for the export of goods, these flows are directed in the opposite direction (see Fig. 1.1). When the flow of payments goes to Russia, it means that something has been exported: tourist experience or goods. Cash flows in both cases go in the same direction.

Rice. 1.1. Economic comparison of commodity and tourist flows

At present, the old concept of "industry" is gradually being eroded. A market economy is characterized not so much by the development of separate industries as by the functioning of diversified intersectoral complexes. Since tourism produces both consumer goods (food) and services (hotel accommodation), we can conclude that tourism is a diversified intersectoral complex of social infrastructure, which has production and non-production functions and is a tourism industry. The economic process in the tourism industry is a production and service process.

tourism industry- this is a set of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, public catering establishments, entertainment facilities, educational, business, recreational and other facilities, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as institutions providing excursion services and services of guides-translators. It is necessary to ensure the provision of quality tourism services to tourists, as well as the further development of the tourism industry. That is why the search for a more efficient use of relatively limited resources becomes a priority in tourism, which is one of the tasks of economic science.

Tourism economics is a system of relations that arise in the field of tourism in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of the results of tourism activities.

Tourism business economics- this is a set of factors of production, circulation funds and intangible assets, income (profit) received as a result of the sale of a tourist product and the provision of various other services (works performed). The valuation of the assets and income of a travel company characterizes the level and scale of its development. The latter depends on the ability to find the optimal ratio between the resources used, the quantity and quality of the sold tourist product, on the one hand, and the volume of sales of the tourist product and the profit from its sale, on the other.