» How to pay a fine for an administrative offense. How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank online

How to pay a fine for an administrative offense. How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank online

Administrative offenses are committed by citizens without causing especially large and grievous damage, as well as damage to other people. Usually this category includes ignoring the rules of the road, theft in small amounts, copyright infringement, smoking or drinking alcohol in the wrong place, and so on. If the subject was found guilty, he would be required to pay administrative penalty.

Where can I pay an administrative fine

There is no consensus on where exactly you can pay a fine for an administrative offense. This is due to the fact that today the citizens of Russia have a sufficient number of alternatives to carry out such a task.

You can get rid of fines in the following places:

  • traffic police;
  • banking organizations;
  • the Internet.

In the modern world, people increasingly prefer to use the Internet to make various kinds of payments, and fines are no exception. Services financial institutions are second in popularity.

How long does it take to pay a fine for an administrative offense

It contains the following data:

  • name of the banking organization to which the payment will go;
  • numbers of settlement and correspondent accounts;
  • TIN of the department that imposed the fine;
  • the size of the debt;
  • the reason for which the fine was imposed;
  • Full name of the violator;
  • payer's registration address.

If the payer has a bank account, the fine can be paid by bank transfer. In such a situation, all empty columns in the order are filled in by a bank employee.

How to pay an administrative fine without a receipt

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Log in to your virtual wallet, for example, in the Yandex. Money.
  2. Transfer money to the account in any suitable way.
  3. Go to the "Products and Services" section.
  4. Press the "Penalties" button. Its name may be different, it all depends on the specific service.
  5. Indicate the TIN or the name of the organization that will receive the funds.
  6. Enter information about the amount of the fine.
  7. Check if the details are entered correctly and confirm the operation.

How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online

The option of paying fines through the Sberbank Online application is the most popular among users, as it does not involve charging a percentage fee. To carry out this procedure, you must have a payment card issued by this bank, an installed application, as well as a receipt or a copy of the decision.

If the payer is not the owner of a Sberbank card, it can be obtained using instant issuance at any of the branches, and then connect to online banking through an ATM by entering the received ID.

How the fine is paid to the tax office through Sberbank Online (or to other departments: Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.):

How to pay an administrative fine through the State Services

To get rid of administrative fines online and without going through any registration, you should use the official portal "Payment for Public Services".

How to pay an administrative fine according to the issued decision through the State Services:

  1. Go to website address.
  2. At the top of the panel, find the desired section.
  3. Enter search operation parameters.
  4. Specify the relevant information in the columns that appear, click on the "Search" button.
  5. Press the "Payment" button.
  6. Choose the appropriate method. Most common– making Money from a payment card or from a virtual wallet.
  7. Specify the details that the service requests.
  8. Click "OK" and finish the work in the system.

After the implementation of these actions, the debt is considered liquidated. Information about this will appear in the information base within two days.

How to pay an administrative fine through an ATM

To pay administrative fines, special ATMs and terminals are often used, for example, devices belonging to Sberbank. The instructions below are the same for both terminals and ATMs.

What do we have to do:

  1. Enter the main menu of the device.
  2. Go to the "Taxes, fines, traffic police" section.
  3. Select the required department.
  4. Specify the amount of debt.
  5. Write information about the payer.
  6. Deposit money into the receiver (this happens when paying through terminals).
  7. Press the "OK" button and collect the issued receipt. If the payment was made through a Sberbank ATM, the payer will receive a message on the phone with a one-time code that must be entered in the device.

If the payer has a payment order with him, it is even easier to make a payment through an ATM:

  1. In the menu of the device, enter the section "Payments in my city".
  2. Click "Search for a recipient" - "By QR code". Search by last name is also possible, but not particularly convenient.
  3. Bring the order with a barcode to the reader.
  4. Confirm the operation.
  5. Deposit funds and complete the payment.

In practice, the last described option is not used very often.

Regardless of what administrative offense caused the fine, you still have to pay a fee for it - this procedure is valid not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus). Otherwise, the violator will face even greater fines, and sometimes even penalties of a completely different kind. In order not to aggravate the implementation of the procedure by standing in queues, it is better to do everything online. So the payer will save his time and money, because on the Internet a commission for paying a fine is not charged.

How to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank Online? More and more people are using the option of repaying through a bank. This convenient way and it has a number of advantages:

  1. No need to go and waste extra time.
  2. The procedure takes several minutes.
  3. The most easy and comfortable.
  4. It is enough to enter the basic data to carry out the operation.
  5. Given the limited amount of free time most people have, paying online is the ideal solution.

How to carry out direct operation? You need to carefully understand the process and the intricacies in order to provide you with useful information for its further use.

The commission of such an operation through the worldwide network is in high demand. You can quickly carry out the steps of the procedure and significantly save time. Therefore, more and more people are using this method.

What you need:

  • Log in to the system.
  • Go to the payments section.
  • Please read the points provided carefully. Among them, find the payment of fines.
  • A form will appear for further filling.
  • You can choose a service. When connected to the system, it is possible to search for fines that have been imposed on you. If there is no information, then you need to immediately proceed to payment by receipt.
  • Enter the details in the form.
  • It is not always possible to pay by last name. If there is no information in the search section, then it is necessary to enter these decisions.
  • Check for correctness.
  • It remains to select the account from which the debit will occur, confirm the operation.
  • There is a direct translation.

Now you know how to pay a fine for an administrative offense. To do this online is as simple as possible, the procedure will take a minimum amount of time. You do not have to prepare for a long time and enter a lot of data.

If there is no receipt

Without a receipt, you have several options:

  1. Perform a search on the system. There is a chance that she will be able to detect a fine and you will immediately proceed to pay it.
  2. Where can I get a second order? You need to contact the authority that prepared it. You are given a copy.
  3. Without a receipt, you can come directly to the Sberbank branch and contact the cashier. He will check the information, try to find a fine and accept the money.

Why is it worth using Sberbank Online for payment?

Sberbank Online is a replacement for visiting a bank or terminal. The client receives a set of functions that can be fully used in the future. All operations are carried out through the service.

The advantage will be the absence of the need to go somewhere. You just need to go to the portal, find the appropriate column and enter the data. The procedure will take several minutes.

Payment can be made without commission. You will not have to pay additional fees for transferring funds. Paying fines has become not only easy, but also profitable.

Deadline for payment of a fine for an administrative offense

The standard term for depositing funds for administrative offenses is 60 days. During this period, the citizen is obliged to fully repay the amount. If he does not agree with the decision of the employees, he has the right to appeal in court.

Discounts are available for some traffic police fines. If you pay within 20 days, then 50 percent of the amount will be debited. This measure does not apply to serious violations and to people who constantly neglect traffic rules.

What happens if you refuse to pay? This is a short-sighted decision that will cause serious problems. If you follow the law, then after 60 days the FSSP will already deal with the recovery.

If you do not pay, the amount of the fine is doubled. In case of repeated refusal to deposit funds, a decision is made on administrative arrest for up to 15 days or sending to forced labor for up to 50 hours.

In practice, such strict measures are rarely applied. In most cases, bailiffs are limited to increasing the fine, reminding themselves at certain intervals. Additionally, travel abroad for the debtor is closed. Only malicious non-payers are sent to forced labor or under arrest.

Therefore, it is better to deposit funds and pay off the penalty. This money is clearly not worth the problems and nerves. Especially relevant for people who often travel abroad, because. bailiffs may restrict your travel.

Now you know how to quickly pay a fine through Sberbank Online. It's easier to do this if you have a receipt. Payment is also made using the Yandex Money system. Sberbank owns a stake in it, so it receives new and unique functions.

Publication date: 2014-03-13

It is impossible to put up with the imposed administrative fine. But if the appeal did not bring results, you should comply with the rules on the execution of this type of penalty, so as not to worsen your situation. In this article, we will tell you how to pay a fine and what negative consequences await non-payers.

Deadline for paying the fine

Once you receive a copy of the arraignment order, you have ten days to appeal it. You will not appeal - after this period the decision will come into force. You appeal, but to no avail - the decision will enter into force from the date of the issuance of the act of leaving it unchanged.

When the decision enters into force, a sixty-day period begins to run for the voluntary payment of the fine. This applies to fines imposed by the traffic police, and the court, and any other body.

Where and how to pay

Details for payment of the fine must be provided by the body that calls to account.

Pay through the bank to stay normal documentary confirmation. Save the receipt.

It is important to remember that multiple fines must be paid separately.

Currently, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for the obligation of the offender to send to the body that issued the decision, a copy or original of the payment receipt. For him, the relevant information must be provided by the bank that accepted the payment, other credit organisation or paying agent.

In order to avoid the consequences of non-compliance with this rule by the bank, you can send a copy of the payment document to the body that brought to administrative responsibility. But even if this is not done, in case of an unfavorable scenario (enforcement proceedings have been initiated in connection with an allegedly unpaid fine), you will always have confirmation of proper payment in your hands.

Consequences of not paying the fine

If the fine is not paid within the specified sixty days, the decision for the enforcement of the enforcement will be transferred to the bailiff service. At the same time, the body that imposed the fine, or the bailiff (if the fine was imposed by the court) may draw up a protocol on an administrative offense under paragraph 1 of Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine evasion).

The issue of bringing to responsibility under this article is decided by the justice of the peace. You will be invited to the trial, where you can declare the groundlessness of the claims against you. Possible liability:

  • a fine in the amount of two times the amount of the unpaid fine, but not less than one thousand rubles (the upper limit for individuals amounts to five thousand rubles - we refer to paragraph 1 of Article 3.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); or
  • administrative arrest up to fifteen days; or
  • Compulsory work for up to fifty hours.

Restriction on traveling abroad

The bailiff, initiating enforcement proceedings for the recovery of a fine, provides a five-day period for its payment. If the fine is not paid, the bailiff begins to exercise the powers granted to him.

One of them is a temporary restriction on the departure of a debtor-citizen or individual entrepreneur from the Russian Federation.

According to Article 67 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", this measure is applicable only if the amount of debt is more than ten thousand rubles.

If the fine was imposed by the court, the restriction on exit is set by the bailiff. If another body - the bailiff applies for restriction to the court.

The adopted resolution is sent to the debtor, to the Federal Migration Service and to the border authorities.

The decision can be appealed to the court if you consider it illegal.

If there were grounds for restricting departure, you should pay a fine and apply to the bailiff for termination enforcement proceedings and removal of the imposed restriction.

Everyone needs to know how to pay an administrative fine. The thing is that even a conscientious resident of the Russian Federation may encounter administrative violations. And the fine that will be imposed on a person will have to be paid. Not everyone knows exactly how. Next, we will consider all the features of the payment of existing administrative fines. There are a lot of them, but there are no difficult to understand points in the topic being studied.


The first step is to understand in what terms you will have to meet the deposit of funds into the country's treasury. Otherwise, the person will have a delay. It entails additional responsibility.

Payment of the administrative fine of the traffic police must be made in strictly deadlines. Namely - 70 days from the date of issue of the receipt. Of these, 10 days are allotted for the review of the case, and 60 is the period of voluntary payment of the "debt".


In Russia, until 2019, the payment of an administrative fine can be made taking into account discounts - from 30 to 50%. In particular, if the punishment is imposed for violation of traffic rules.

With discounts, it is proposed to pay bills to those who decide to do this act no later than 20 days after receiving the payment order. Most often, a decrease in the amount of the fine is observed when paying through "Gosuslugi",

In any case, everyone has a chance to reduce the amount of the fine. And you can use it! The main thing is to understand the features of the process.

Where to pay?

Where to pay a fine for an administrative offense? There is no consensus. This is due to the fact that modern citizens are offered many alternatives during the implementation of the task.

To deal with fines, in short, is offered in the following places:

  • traffic police;
  • banks;
  • the Internet.

Increasingly, people use the Internet to make certain payments. Taxes and penalties are no exception. But banking services are still often used.

About tricks

How to pay an administrative fine? To do this, as we have already found out, is allowed in different places. There are also many ways to deposit money for taxes and fines.

Among them are the following layouts:

  • use of "Gosuslug";
  • work with the site "Payment for public services";
  • appeal to the cash desks of banks;
  • work with Internet banking;
  • payment by terminals or ATMs;
  • transfer of funds through virtual payment systems.

Next, we will consider each of the methods separately. Despite the fact that there are different types of administrative fines, the algorithm of actions will always be approximately the same. Every person should remember this.

What will be useful?

Before solving the problem, you need to stock up on some information. It will reduce the chance of failure when paying a fine to a minimum.

The offender will have to find out:

  • the amount of the fine;
  • details of the traffic police of the recipient.

The following documents and things may also be useful to him:

You can do without the latter. However, if the payer has a payment card, it will open access to a quick search for fine data when working with terminals and / or ATMs.


Let's start with the oldest and proven, but not very convenient solution. How to pay an administrative fine? Go to the cash desk of any bank. Sberbank, for example, does not charge a commission for such services. Therefore, it is recommended to go here.

  1. The client gives the payment to the cashier.
  2. An identity card is presented.
  3. Money is given for a fine.
  4. Check and change issued.

The disadvantage of the reception is its time consumption. Because of this, the population prefers self-service systems for making payments on certain accounts.

ATM terminals

Issued an administrative fine? The Code of Administrative Offenses indicates in which cases a citizen is brought to administrative responsibility. And so you can always check the legality of the issued fine.

It turned out that the person was fined legally? In this case, you need to get rid of the "debt" as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be another liability.

Quite often, people use ATMs and payment terminals to make payments on their bills. Consider the operation on the example of Sberbank. The instruction is equally suitable for both terminals and ATMs.

It looks like this:

  1. Open the main menu of the selected machine.
  2. Go to the section "Fine, taxes" - "traffic police".
  3. Select the appropriate traffic police department.
  4. Enter the amount of the fine.
  5. Specify information about who transfers the funds.
  6. Insert banknotes into a special receiver. This step is relevant only when working with terminals.
  7. Click on "OK" and pick up the issued check. In the case of Sberbank, the client will receive a message with a 4-digit code on their phone. It will need to be entered at the ATM before issuing a payment receipt.

As we have already said, if the payer has a payment order, you can act differently. Information about the fine is looked up much faster.

Codes and receipts

We are talking about searching for information about the recipient by barcode. This technique is used when working with terminals, as well as when using ATMs at the time of making payments.

What to do? Necessary:

  1. In the main menu of the selected machine, open "Payments in my city".
  2. Go to "Search for a recipient" - "By barcode". You can also find fines by last name, but it’s better not to do this. This technique works perfectly on the network.
  3. Present the receipt with a barcode to a special reader.
  4. Perform payment confirmation.
  5. Deposit money towards the fine and complete the procedure.

As practice shows, this technique is not used very often in real life. After all, there are many other ways to pay taxes, fees and fines.

"Payment of public services" and fines

It is really possible to find and “close” fines by last name on the net. Typically, this service is offered by third-party services. It's better to ignore her.

To deal with administrative fines without registration and fears, it is proposed to get acquainted with the website "Payment of State Services". It is officially recognized as safe.

For trouble-free work with it you need:

  1. Go to the portal address in the browser.
  2. Click on the desired item on the top panel. For example, "GAI fines".
  3. Specify information search options.
  4. Enter certain data in the selected fields, and then click on "Search".
  5. Click on the "Pay" button.
  6. Choose a payment method. Usually, it is offered to deposit funds into the account by card or electronic wallet.
  7. Dial the details requested by the system.
  8. Click on "OK" and complete the service.

Payment systems

The last interesting trick is working with online wallets. How to pay an administrative fine in this case?

  1. Open a virtual wallet. For example, Yandex.
  2. Top up your account by any available method.
  3. Open the item "Goods and services".
  4. Click on "Fines" or "Receipts". It all depends on the payment system used.
  5. Enter the TIN or the name of the recipient organization.
  6. Specify payment details.
  7. Check with the available details and confirm the transfer.

Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation has faced punishment in the form of a monetary penalty at least once, since a fine can be received for such common violations as smoking on the street, driving a dirty car. In the event of a debt, the most convenient way to “get rid” of it is remotely. Therefore, the question of how to pay an administrative fine through Sberbank online is quite relevant. Especially considering the fact that 25% of Russians use the services of this bank.

The convenience of making various payments through Sberbank terminals was noted by many bank customers

All of the options that you can resort to paying off debt:

  • Sberbank online (official website of the bank);
  • mobile application of the same name;
  • cash desk in a branch of Sberbank;
  • self-service device (ATM).

A bank client can independently come to any branch of a financial organization and pay a fine with the help of an employee (manager) of the bank. To do this, it is enough to indicate the amount of the debt and present a decision on an administrative offense (it is usually issued “on the spot”). At the end of the procedure, the manager will provide the client with a check, which in the future, in the event of ambiguous situations, can act as evidence of payment of a fine.

Important! Information that a person transferred money to pay off a debt will in any case remain in the history of transfers and will be available to both the client and the organization to which the funds were sent.

Is it possible to pay off the debt without having a receipt/decree in hand? Yes, since the bank can receive information from the state information system. Therefore, with the help of a financial organization, you can pay off the fine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the traffic police, having only a passport or, for example, a driver's license. Bank employees, if necessary, will themselves check the presence or absence of debt with a particular client.

In order to pay the traffic police fine, you need to bring your driver's license and registration certificate with you. vehicle(STS). If a pedestrian committed an administrative violation (for example, crossing the road in the wrong place), he will only need to have a passport with him.

Data on committed offenses are not immediately entered into the database, therefore, do not worry or, on the contrary, rejoice if the system does not contain information about a specific fine. It is likely that the information will come later and, accordingly, it will be possible to pay the debt at Sberbank after some time.

How to pay a fine through Sberbank Online

Payment through the official website of the bank

The easiest way to pay is online. because it doesn't even require visiting a bank branch. To get started, a client of a financial institution will need to go to the website - https://online.sberbank.ru. After that, you need to enter a password and login or go through the registration procedure. To create a new account, you must use the card number and the main mobile phone. Subsequently, various SMS notifications will be sent to the cell phone, but at the very beginning, a password and login will be sent to the current number.

After logging into the account, the client will see a list of all active accounts registered in his name. Next to each account number is the amount of funds available. To start the operation, you need to select the account from which the payment will be made. In the future, you must follow the instructions:

  • in the window that appears with a list of all possible operations, you need to select the "pay" function;
  • in the next section “Payments and transfers” there is a subsection “Payment for goods and services”, in which you should click on “traffic police, taxes, duties, budget payments” (hereinafter referred to as GNPBP);
  • then you need to select a specific organization from which the fine was imposed.

Further actions can be considered on the example of paying debts for traffic violations. After clicking on "GNBP" you need to select the traffic police. After that, a new list will open, in which you should click on "Penalties". Next, the system will offer 2 options: search for debts or payment by details.

Payment of debt for an administrative violation can be made only from the card.
In the first case, it will be necessary to indicate the number of the driver's license or the number of the STS, in the second - to enter the details from the resolution (receipt) on the fine.

When searching for fines on a driver's license or STS, the history of the client's debts to a specific organization (in this case, the traffic police) will be displayed. Accordingly, if a person has committed offenses several times, then in addition to the main, “fresh” debt, old fines will also be highlighted. Next, you need to select the desired resolution and simply pay for it. The code to confirm the payment will be sent to the phone number linked to the card.

Important! You can find and pay a fine to another organization (not the traffic police) by TIN.

Paying an administrative fine online through the bank's website is a quick and free procedure. In case of debt repayment through the terminal or cash desk of Sberbank, the client pays an additional commission.

The procedure through the applications is absolutely identical, therefore, in the case of paying a fine through the phone, you can use the above instructions. There is also no fee for this payment method.

Payment of fines through Sberbank Online is made without commissions

Payment via ATM

How to pay through the Sberbank terminal? For this procedure, you will need to have bank card, cash (in the event that the funds in the account are not enough to pay the fine) and a receipt (decree). The customer will need to find the nearest ATM and perform the following steps:

  • insert the card and enter the security code;
  • in the menu that appears, select "Transfers and payments";
  • then you need to click on "GNPBP";
  • in the list that appears, you need to select the "supplier", for example - the traffic police;
  • then click on "Penalties";
  • choose a service (search for debts or payment by order - receipts);
  • enter the order number or data of another document to search for a fine;
  • enter the amount of the debt (it will subsequently be debited from the card);
  • click on "Pay" and take a check.

The commission in this case will be 2%. This must be taken into account even before paying the fine, since the total amount on the card must cover the commission fee + debt.

Payment through the cashier

Naturally, the procedure for paying off a fine can be done "the old fashioned way". To do this, you need to come to the Sberbank branch, stand in line and contact the teller. The client must have a resolution and the required amount with him, covering the fine + commission from the bank (in this case, about 50 rubles). Money can be on the card or on hand in the form of cash. The very procedure for repaying the debt is carried out by an employee of a financial institution.

Don't be too hasty with paying fines. By law, a person must pay off the administrative debt within 60 days, otherwise he will be forced to pay the amount of double size. If the payment is ignored for a long time, the offender can be arrested for 15 days or sentenced to 50 hours of corrective labor.


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