» Alimony debt: where and how to find out the amount of debt? How to find out the debt (amount) for alimony by last name How to find out the balance of the debt for enforcement proceedings.

Alimony debt: where and how to find out the amount of debt? How to find out the debt (amount) for alimony by last name How to find out the balance of the debt for enforcement proceedings.

Alimony arrears are often formed not due to a conscientious attitude to the court decision, but due to the defendant's ignorance of the appointment monthly payments.

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There are several ways to find out your child support debt, and what responsibility will follow for the late payment.

Normative base

Alimony debt is regulated by the following Russian acts and laws:

  • - section 5 "Maintenance obligations of family members".
  • "On Enforcement Proceedings".

Depending on the situation, additional legislative norms and acts are included in the work.


The considered type of debt is formed due to the following reasons:

  • intentional non-compliance with obligations;
  • lack of financial ability;
  • making a mistake on the part of the accountant who deducts funds from the alimony's salary;
  • lack of data on the location of the debtor;
  • recipient's refusal to use Money;
  • other reasons.

If the debtor has good reasons regarding the monthly payments of alimony, it is necessary to notify the bailiffs about this.

It is required to write an application and submit documents and certificates of lack of earnings - an order to reduce the staff or liquidate the enterprise, a copy of the work book indicating the dismissal of one's own free will, and so on.

Responsibility and punishment for non-payment

All citizens who are entrusted with obligations for alimony need to know what threatens non-compliance with the terms of payment.

Here is the following responsibility and punishment:

  • Civil responsibility- entails the collection of a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the debt for each subsequent day of delay. To charge a penalty, you must apply to the court with a request to transfer a larger amount to the recipient's account.
  • Administrative punishment- occurs due to evasion of payment of alimony and entails the arrest of accounts, the mandatory payment of a fine. The work is carried out by bailiffs, therefore, often a citizen is denied permission to travel abroad, and a driver's license is additionally revoked.
  • Criminal liability- regulated, begins to operate due to malicious evasion of alimony payments - constant delays, as well as lack of cash receipts, leading to the arrest of a bank account. Often, criminal liability occurs in the absence of measures to influence the debtor.

The degree and type of punishment directly depends on the circumstances. The court will decide the punishment.

Alimony debt in 2020

To clarify the situation, it is necessary to consider in detail the features of the recovery of alimony.

How and where to find out the size?

You can find out the debt in two ways - contact the bailiffs personally or look at the amount of debt on the Internet on the available websites. this moment portals.

Through the Internet

You can check the availability of debt and its amount via the Internet in the following ways:

  • Website of the State Service- a single state portal containing all the information that is available on a citizen of the Russian Federation. On the site https://www.gosuslugi.ru/ you need to register, and then go to the tab "Providing information about the existence of enforcement proceedings" in the section "Security and law and order". Further, all information on the registered user regarding open enforcement proceedings is provided.
  • FSSP website- this is the portal of the bailiff service http://fssprus.ru/, where you do not have to register. To receive information, it is enough to enter your data and the region of residence.
  • In social networks - Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki at the moment, they offer to use the application "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings". They are installed on their own page, like any other game. Here you also need to enter your own data and get the necessary information.

The choice of method depends on the personal preferences of the debtor and the possibilities of the Internet.

At the bailiffs

To find out about the availability and amount of debt, you can simply go to the bailiff department in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits registration. All information is provided at the office.

Recipient's procedure

The recipient of alimony must know how to collect the debt from the debtor.

How to collect? Step-by-step instruction

If there are no contradictions between the parties - the spouse does not require an examination to determine paternity, and the son or daughter does not exclude the issue of assistance to the incapacitated parent - filing a lawsuit in court is not required.

To obtain it, you must go to court with an application for a court order, the process of which is based on.

The application must indicate the following:

  • the name of the court, the personal data of the recipient (the one who lives with the child), the child and the defendant, the place of work of the future alimony;
  • the requirement for the recovery of alimony, as well as the reasons and circumstances why the application is being submitted;
  • all documents proving the legality of the application by the applicant - a certificate of marriage and its dissolution, a birth certificate, if the application is submitted by an incapacitated parent, then it is necessary to submit a certificate of disability and other similar documents;
  • list of attached documents.

Application example:

The plaintiff may not pay the state duty - the defendant will do this for him in the amount of 300 rubles ().

What to do with the decision received?

With a court order or court order, you should immediately contact the bailiffs and give the document to the office.

If there is disagreement

If there are disagreements between the parties - the spouse or children refuse to pay alimony to a minor child or an incapacitated parent even after a court order has been issued, it is necessary to file a lawsuit with the same court at the place of residence of the recipient ().

Applying to the court for the recovery of damages

To recover a debt from alimony with a penalty payment, you must perform the following steps:

  • Apply to the court with a claim, which indicates the amount of the debt and the penalty you want to pay. The actions presented must be supported by evidence - an extract from the bank, a certificate of debt from bailiffs is also provided, who during the whole time are engaged in monitoring payments and the fact that the alimony is complying with the law. Bailiffs work in accordance with the law, but the recipient may request payment of a larger amount as a penalty and moral compensation.
  • A claim for debt collection is registered in the district court at the place of residence of the recipient.
  • The next step is to wait for the court hearing. At this time, the court sends a copy of the statement of claim to the defendant and sets the time for the meeting.
  • At the appointed time and day, you must appear in court and submit documents again, proving the absence of cash receipts for the maintenance of children or themselves. Provided that it is additionally a penalty, it is necessary to provide evidence of persistent evasion of payments. You can also bring certificates from medical institutions about the need for expensive treatment and other actions in relation to the child or himself, if the alimony goes to the maintenance of an adult.
  • Wait for the decision of the court and transfer it to the bailiffs.

The collection of alimony debt through the court begins immediately from the moment the decision is transferred to the bailiffs.

If within 24 hours after the registration of enforcement proceedings the money is not credited to the beneficiary's account, penalties are charged for each overdue day.

The defendant, in turn, can file a counterclaim for cancellation of the debt if he could not make payments for good reasons - long-term treatment with hospitalization in a hospital during which he could not earn money, or a disability resulting from which he became unable to work.

How can you help a bailiff find a debtor?

If the bailiffs are unable to recover the child support debt, the recipient can help.

Often the reason for the lack of results lies in the search for a defendant.

If the recipient knows his place of residence or knows people who can help with information, it is necessary to inform the bailiffs about this.

Appealing against the actions of FSSP employees

Often there are situations when bailiffs do not work to collect debts.

This may be due to several reasons - the inexperience of the employee, unwillingness to work, or illegal actions to extort a bribe from the recipient.

Whatever the reason, the recipient must immediately respond to the lack of action on the part of the bailiff - write a statement to the head of the department describing the problem.

If there is evidence of extortion, you can immediately contact the prosecutor's office and the court to resolve the situation.

Features of calculating the amount of debt

In accordance with the situation that has arisen, the debt on alimony is calculated by a bailiff or an accountant of the enterprise where the debtor works.


The basis for the calculation is a court decision received or a settlement agreement signed between the parties at a notary.

When calculating, they use the articles of the current legislation, when choosing which they take into account the type of income available to the debtor.

From idle

Based on Art. 102 229-FZ and art. 113 of the RF IC, even a non-working citizen must pay accrued alimony. This happens taking into account the average earnings of the Russian Federation - in fact, regional indicators are used.

How to calculate based on living wage?

The repayment of debts may entail a revision of the amount of their accrual.

So, if the defendant has accumulated a debt, bailiffs calculate the debt on the basis of living wage a child, which is from 8 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the region.

The calculation of the debt in this case is simple - on the basis of a court decision, the bailiff calculates the debt, taking into account the subsistence level per child for those months for which no alimony was paid.

For the actions presented, the recipient submits an application for the recalculation of alimony arrears, a sample for downloading of which is offered below.

Minimum wage calculation

In these articles it is said that the calculation of alimony is carried out in mandatory shares - 25%, 33% and 50%, depending on how many children the alimony has (1, 2 or 3 or more, respectively).

If the defendant decided to cheat and get a job with a small white wage, the recipient has the right to demand payment of alimony based on the minimum wage.

Equity parts are also taken into account in this case, but the minimum wage for the region is taken as income.

Definition from amounts of income

If the alimony has an official income of more than the minimum wage, his determination of alimony is carried out on the basis of the above shares - 25%, 33% and 50%, depending on the number of children.

There is a hold from wages- as it accrues, the accountant makes the necessary calculations and transfers the funds immediately to the recipient's account.

If the payment is set in shares

The calculation of alimony by shares is carried out by the accountant of the enterprise where the alimony worker currently works.

In this case, the formation of debt is a rare phenomenon.

But if he has a debt, the bailiffs make a request to the accountant, trying to find out why the money did not arrive or did not arrive in full.

If an error is found on the part of the accountant, he must recalculate and send the entire amount of money, deducting the alimony from the salary.

If the amount is large, they calculate taking into account the living wage - the debtor is left with only the living wage, and the rest is transferred to the plaintiff.


Having studied the procedure for payment, several illustrative examples of the calculation of alimony should be given.

Example 1:

The couple divorced, leaving their mother with two children. The father was assigned alimony in the amount of 33% of wages. At first, the funds came regularly, but then the defendant deliberately moved to another position in a company where they pay less than the minimum wage established in the region.

The amount of alimony decreased by 2.5 times. One child fell ill and required long-term treatment. The mother of the children sued for the recovery and recalculation of alimony from the subsistence minimum for the child, having previously issued a disability to the patient. In connection with the attached documents, the court decided to collect from the father the subsistence minimum for a healthy child (8,600 rubles) and for a disabled child (13,200 rubles).

Example 2

Alimony was assigned to the former spouse in the share of 25% of earnings, but he deliberately did not find a job on purpose. The child's mother sued mandatory payments for its content in the amount of the average salary in Russia.

The defendant submitted documents confirming the presence of an incompetent mother in his care. As a result, the court ordered to pay a fixed amount of alimony in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

Example 3

The woman left the family and filed for divorce, leaving her husband two children. The father filed for alimony, but the mother was not employed.

Adolescent children - one is studying at a technical school, which is paid for by the father. The woman was ordered to pay monthly average wages for the region for two children, which in this case amounted to 28,780 rubles.

From the above, it becomes clear that, to a greater extent, the court, when considering the issue of alimony, makes a decision individually according to the situation.


On the basis of Article 117 of the RF IC, only those alimony that are paid in the prescribed amount are subject to indexation.

Interest accruals are not indexed, since the salaries of employees of enterprises undergo mandatory indexation annually.

The recalculation of the amount is carried out by the bailiff or other employees to whom the court decision is sent - for example, the company's accountant.

property for payment

If there is a debt, bailiffs collect the property of the debtor, if he does not have financial income - earnings, as well as bank accounts or funds on a bank card.

Seizure of property is carried out in accordance with Article 104 of the RF IC.

Often, the alimony clerks themselves give their share in the apartment or other property as alimony for a child or an incapacitated parent.

This is one way to pay off debt in the absence of employment opportunities.

Established deadlines for collection and its necessity

When determining alimony through the court, one should take into account the statute of limitations, which determines the moment of divorce between the spouses. Here the law is followed.

Is it possible to get if the child is 18 years old?

On the basis of article 13 of the RF IC, child support for children over 18 years of age is not paid. This is due to the child's ability to earn independently.

The only clarification in this case is the obligation of the alimony after the age of majority to disabled children, incapacitated and in need of constant care and treatment.

If the debtor dies

If the child died

If a child support debtor has accumulated alimony debt, and the child has died, he can sue for debt cancellation.

The presented situation is not regulated by law, and the court makes a decision in accordance with the situation. When writing off, the court is guided by Article 120 of the RF IC.

Are debts inherited?

After the death of the debtor, the inheritance is divided among the legal heirs, and the obligations for alimony cease.

If there are several, the debt will be divided into equal parts. Payments can be made through the courts.

Methods of dealing with malicious non-payers

In Russia, there are many persistent defaulters on alimony, as a result of which it is often necessary to revise legislation on the issue of liability.

Contacting collectors

The recipient of alimony himself can contact the collectors without the knowledge of the bailiffs. Often, the use of the services of collection agencies occurs in the event of inaction of bailiffs.

This is legal, but only in compliance with the law by the agency employees themselves.

Otherwise, when a criminal case is initiated against the actions of collectors, the recipient may be involved as an accomplice.

There are two ways to contact collectors - selling the debt in full or paying for debt collection services.

In the first case, the recipient loses up to 30% of the debt. Recipients willingly agree to the conditions presented - it is better to get less than nothing. In the second case, you need to deposit your own funds to pay for the services of the agency.

Criminal liability

Most malicious defaulters are interested in whether they can be imprisoned for not paying the presented kind of debt.

Liability of a criminal nature is considered by the court, by the decision of which the defendant is charged with punishment in the form of corrective or forced labor for up to a year.

In the presence of a large debt, as well as due to repeated prosecution, an arrest is imposed for 3 months or a decision is made on imprisonment for a year.

Loss of driver's license

The law “On Enforcement Proceedings” has been amended since 2020 – now alimony debtors are deprived of their driver’s license.

They do this if the debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

You can lose your rights when checking documents for a car at a traffic police post.

An authorized employee draws up a protocol, on the basis of which the driver must hand over the driver's license to the department on his own.

You can get permission to use a driver's license if you pay off 7% of the amount owed.

Deprivation of parental rights

The presented actions are carried out on the basis of a statement of claim from the second parent. This is due to the malicious evasion of the alimony from his duties, as well as at the recipient's own will.

When considering the case, the plaintiff must provide evidence that the alimony evades taxes and does not take part in the upbringing of the child.

The benefits of terminating parental rights are:

  • the ability to take the child abroad without the permission of the second parent;
  • permission to change the surname, name and patronymic;
  • an official ban on the participation of the parent in the upbringing of the child, influence in educational matters and other matters;
  • the possibility of adoption or adoption by a stepfather.

Only for alimony debt, the authorized bodies cannot deprive the debtor of parental rights.

Procedure for the payer

Alimony with debts has many questions like how not to pay or reduce the amount of payments.

What to do if the debt is large?

If a large debt has formed, and the debtor does not have the opportunity to quickly repay, he turns to the bailiff with a statement on the revision of payments.

At the same time, documents should be submitted that may become the basis for reducing the monthly debt amount - birth certificates of other children, incapacity of parents, lack of income at the moment.

Possibilities for exemption from the obligation to pay

According to Article 120 of the RF IC, the alimony is exempted from payments in the event of the death of children, deprivation of the debtor of parental rights, adoption or adoption of a child.

You can exempt yourself from child support payments by proving the absence of kinship with the child.

To do this, it is often necessary to file a counterclaim in order to conduct a genetic examination.

Is it possible and how to reduce the amount of debt?

There are two ways to reduce debt - by voluntarily signed agreement between the parties or through the court.

If we are talking about the interests of a minor, then the notary agreement is not signed - this is prohibited.

If it is necessary to sue, the plaintiff (alimony debtor) must submit certificates with a good reason for the impossibility of making payments - the alimony's illness or his non-employment in a certain period.

What to do if the employer is at fault?

Often the employer becomes the reason for the formation of alimony debt - it delays the payment of wages.

In this case, the debtor must do the following:

  • apply to the prosecutor's office for the purpose of proceedings on illegal deduction of wages;
  • contact the bailiff for alimony and apply for a forced collection - the bailiffs will arrest the organization's accounts and write off the debt forcibly;
  • go to court - here the calculation of the debt is contested, where evidence of the delay in wages is provided.

Lawyers are advised to apply to all instances at the same time.

Is installment payment possible?

Installment payment is provided upon application to the court or bailiff - depending on the situation and the amount of debt.

The application must be accompanied by documents indicating the presence of dependents in addition to the child for whom support is paid.

These may be children in a new marriage or disabled parents.

In this case, a recalculation is carried out taking into account the remaining living wage for the debtor and partly for dependents.

Where to turn if you do not agree with the actions of the FSSP and the recipient?

Tax debts can create a lot of problems for the taxpayer. You can find out the debt by last name without communicating with the tax authorities in various ways. But usually you also need to know the data on the TIN of the taxpayer. However, this number can be easily viewed online.

Any Internet user can find out tax debt by last name online. But for this the following conditions must be met:

  • At physical the person is in arrears in tax payments. It occurs only after the deadline for paying taxes is missed.
  • The Federal Tax Service Inspectorate handed over the debt to bailiffs for collection. This does not happen immediately, but only if the person did not pay at the request of the IFTS due amount within the stipulated time.
  • FSSP initiated enforcement proceedings. Usually it starts literally the next day, after receiving documents from the tax service.

Until the transfer of the debt to the FSSP, all information on tax payments is confidential. It can only be received by the taxpayer himself and in some cases by his authorized representatives who have duly executed powers of attorney.

To search for information about debt, you need to perform 3 steps:

  1. Go to the FSSP website.
  2. Enter your full name in the search form. taxpayer and complete the request.
  3. Confirm the request with the code from the picture.

More accurate results can be obtained by indicating the region, date of birth of the taxpayer.

Other ways to check your debt

There are a lot of services for checking information on checking tax debts on the Internet. The state has created 2 of them - the State Services portal and Personal Area taxpayer on the website of the Federal Tax Service. The rest of the resources are created by third-party developers, for example, they are often organized by banks for their clients or payment systems.

Important. The most complete and reliable information is contained in the Taxpayer's Personal Account on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

You can also check debt data without using online services. To do this, the taxpayer will have to visit the FTS inspection with a passport or contact one of the multifunctional centers.

public services

On the State Services portal, the user can find out the tax debt by TIN and last name. To do this, it is enough for him to register. Account verification is optional. Data on debts will be displayed on the main page of the service and in the "Find out the debt" section. If necessary, you can get detailed information on each accrual.

If a debt is found, then on a single portal you can immediately pay it off from a card, online wallet or mobile phone balance. Smartphone users can download the application and use it to access the State Service. It is available from the Apple and Google software stores.

Personal account of the taxpayer

Access to the personal account of the taxpayer is carried out through the website of the Federal Tax Service. To enter, you will need a confirmed ESIA (State Services) account or registration with the inspection with a password.

After the first authorization, the service will not immediately show information. It will generate the necessary requests and show the information only after collecting all the data. This usually happens within a few hours, but sometimes it takes up to 3 days.

In the taxpayer's personal account, the user can also use the following functions:

  • payment of debts from bank cards and other methods;
  • viewing taxes accrued for the current period and their payment;
  • request for certificates, reconciliation acts from the Federal Tax Service;
  • viewing data on property for which taxes are charged;
  • filing applications for clarification of data on property;
  • change tax returns 3-personal income tax;
  • viewing data on income certificates uploaded by the employer for previous years;
  • sending various applications to tax authorities and receive responses in a timely manner.

Liability for non-payment of taxes

If the taxpayer does not pay taxes in a timely manner, then he violates the law and for this he faces various liability. Late payments will incur penalties for each day of delay. Additionally, a person can also be fined 20% of the unpaid amount, or even 40% if it is considered that he deliberately did not pay taxes.

In case of a long non-payment, bailiffs will be engaged in debt collection. They can apply various measures to the debtor:

  • seize property (for example, prohibit the sale of an apartment or car);
  • to prohibit travel abroad of the Russian Federation;
  • write off money from accounts and send them to pay off debt to the Federal Tax Service;
  • seize property, sell it and send money to pay off debt.

With large debts, the debtor may be held criminally liable.

It is impossible to find out the debt by last name in the Federal Tax Service without knowing other data. But if you know a little more about a person, getting the necessary information is quite realistic.

Federal bailiff service - how to find out the debt by last name?

The reason for the alimony debt in most cases is the unwillingness of the parent to pay for the vital needs of children living separately. If the employment is illegal, then it is difficult to collect alimony, as in other cases - when the non-payer himself is dependent on another person, does not have property, earnings, is located in another city, etc.

In any case, the law is on the side of children - their upbringing, development, provision of material benefits should take place on the part of both parents, regardless of life circumstances. Consequently, debts accumulate every year. Where can I find out about the amount that was formed?

Ways to obtain information about the amount of debt

You can find out the amount of debt in several ways, both via the Internet and by contacting government agencies in person. How to find out the debt on alimony through the Internet? This can be done by visiting the websites:

You can also get information using a special application that is downloaded separately on a smartphone or tablet.

Finding out the amount of debt from bailiffs

An alternative to the Internet is a personal appeal to bailiffs for the necessary information. To find out about debt with bailiffs, you need:

  • Go to the FSSP website - www.fssprus.ru website.
  • Click on "Find out about your debts and pay them here", in the tab that appears, enter your full name and date of birth, as well as indicate the region of residence of the debtor, click on "find".
  • If the number of enforcement proceedings is known, then you can get information on it - "IP number" in the same tab.

If the data is entered correctly, your attention will be presented with information about the presence of enforcement proceedings in the person whose name you entered. It will also display:

  • when enforcement proceedings are initiated;
  • court decision: name of the court, date of issue;
  • the amount of debt;
  • Full name of the bailiff who directly conducts the case for the recovery of a specific amount, indicating the phone number.

It should be borne in mind that, despite the constant updating of the data presented on the site, sometimes there are cases when, for some reason (often technical), the amount of the debt is updated with a delay, so we recommend that you make sure that the information received from the site is correct.

To do this, you should personally visit the bailiffs, where it turns out that the information received corresponds to the actual debt for alimony. You can also call the bailiff who directly conducts enforcement proceedings for your alimony and confirm the amount of the debt with him (the phone number can be found on the website).

Make inquiries about debt on the public services portal

To obtain the necessary information, you can use the online public services service, where you can see the child support debt online.

For this you need:

  • Go to the website of public services (updated version);
  • In the "Popular Services" section, select the "Judicial Debt" tab or enter the department (bailiffs) in the window;
  • Select the service "provision of information on production";
  • Find out the debt for alimony by putting down the last name, first name and patronymic of the non-payer.

Other ways to get reliable information about maintenance debt

Using special applications, you can find out for free about the availability of maintenance debts. This can be done through social networks, where you can subscribe to the "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" application.

You can also use a separate official application of the FSSP (with a yellow-green coat of arms), which not only provides complete information on enforcement proceedings, but also provides for the possibility of subscribing to any changes in the debt of interest. Such an application can be downloaded to a tablet or phone, it is convenient not only for the debtors themselves, but also for those parents with whom the child lives, in whose name payments should be received.

According to statistics, no more than a quarter of divorced men pay alimony in good faith. The rest of the payers have to apply coercive measures of recovery, but not always successfully.

Some payers deliberately “dodge” their parental responsibilities for an extended period of time. Others do not pay alimony due to the lack of a court decision and a writ of execution. The reasons for non-payment of alimony can be both job loss and illness.

Whatever the reason for non-payment, child support debt accumulates. And then the payer has a reasonable question - how to find out and check the amount of alimony debt?

Where and how can I find out the amount of debt for alimony?

You have the following ways to view this information:

  1. Through the Internet:
  • in the database of enforcement proceedings posted on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • on the Unified portal of state and municipal services (Gosuslugi);
  • through a dedicated social networking application.
  1. Through the department of bailiffs at the place of residence:
  • with direct contact;
  • in writing / by mail;
  • by phone.

How can I find out my child support debt online?

The state meets the debtors halfway by offering a simple and convenient way to check and view alimony arrears via the Internet.

At any time, you can find out your alimony arrears online - on the website of the bailiff service and on the Unified Portal of Public Services.

By the way, you can do this both through a computer and via mobile device. Owners of mobile devices with iPhone and Windows Phone, Android operating systems can install a special application to display information about alimony arrears. To find the application, type in the search bar "FSSP" about it online service will be discussed below.

By last name on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service

The FSSP website contains information on current enforcement proceedings and the amount of debt. Including, there the opportunity to find out the debt for alimony by last name!

To find out the alimony arrears on the FSSP website online, you need ...

  • Open the official website of the Service.
  • To search for alimony debt by last name, enter your personal data (full name and date of birth) in the "Search data" field and click the "Find" button.

  • Enter the code from the picture in a special field. If you cannot distinguish the symbols visually, press the yellow button with the loudspeaker - you will hear them. After the characters are entered, you need to click on the "Submit" button (see below).

  • If the database contains data on open enforcement proceedings for the recovery of alimony, the system will provide the necessary information: full name and data on the debtor, number of enforcement proceedings with the date of initiation, details executive document, the date of termination / expiration of the IP, for which violation in the list of debtors (for example, alimony arrears), the full name of the bailiff in charge, as well as the name and address of the joint venture service.

  • Below will be a search in several directions:


Legal entities

By number of enforcement proceedings (IP)

... or executive document (ID)

Select the tab you are interested in and enter data to search for results. Both debtors and alimony recipients can use the FSSP service.

On the website of the Unified Portal of Public Services

In addition to data on alimony arrears, the Unified Public Services Portal provides various services and information.

To view your child support debt, follow these steps:

  • Register on the site (or log in using your existing username and password);
  • Go to the "Services" section;

  • Go to the subsection "Authorities";

  • Find in the list of bodies of the FSSP of Russia (second column);
  • Select the section "Providing information on enforcement proceedings in progress against an individual and a legal entity";

  • Enter the required data in the empty lines and click "Get service".

The service is provided free of charge. The waiting time will be about 17 days, after which you will find out about the presence / absence of alimony proceedings against the selected person.

In social networks

Regulars of social networks "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" will be very convenient to check the debt on alimony through a special application - "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings". It is enough just to subscribe to updates to always be aware of the dynamics of the amount of your debt.

How to find out the debt for alimony through the bailiff?

Finding out child support debt via the Internet is very convenient. But the most complete information about the amount of debt can be obtained directly from the bailiff, who is in charge of the enforcement proceedings for the recovery of alimony.

Personal contact - the most efficient way to get information. You should only come to an appointment with the bailiff during office hours, and in order to avoid queues, you should make an appointment in advance. You can also find out the alimony debt by phone - it's simple, but not always informative.

If it is not possible to visit the bailiff, you can request the information of interest in writing. The request will be considered within the time limits stipulated by law, and the answer will be provided.

How to find out the amount of alimony debt through the MFC?

There are multifunctional centers (MFCs) in every city or district. If you prefer this option for finding information about child support debts, contact the nearest office. But call first. Practice shows that not all MFCs provide a service called "providing information on debts in the framework of enforcement proceedings." If your MFC has it in the list of available ones, you can go to an appointment with a specialist. Take your passport and search information with you, for example, your IP or ID number.

Is it possible and how to pay the debt?

If you find out that you have a child support debt, you can immediately pay it off. Previously, you had to go to the bailiffs, take a receipt, then go to the bank and wait in line at the cashier. Information Technology simplified the calculation process. Now it is enough to have access to the Internet and a bank card number at hand.

Options for paying child support debts:

  1. On the FSSP website. To do this, go to the "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" section, enter the information you are looking for and find the decision. The system will prompt you to make a payment, for example − through a bank card, Webmoney, QIWI or Yandex wallet. Choose the appropriate option, enter the payment wallet number and pay the child support debt. The information will go to the account of the bailiffs. After that, the responsible officer of the SSP will send you a resolution on the completion of enforcement proceedings by mail. Changes to the site will take place within a week. Make sure you are excluded from the list of debtors or not. If your last name is still listed there, and the debt has not been reduced, call the bailiff and check the current data, because. there may be delays.
  2. According to the details of the receipt. The name of the addressee and the account for the transfer of funds can be taken from the bailiffs. Usually, the details are indicated in the decision to initiate proceedings - it comes to your mail. Pay convenient way: at the bank's cash desk, through the online or mobile application of Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank and others. The payment receipt must be certified by the bank.
  3. On the State Service website. Open the State Services website, go to the "Payment" tab, select what you will pay for - and pay off the bailiffs. It is most convenient to search for a debt by details. To do this, you can drive the number into the UIN and find the production. Or upload a bank receipt to the State Services service via e-mail. Payment is made using Yandex.Money, Webmoney, ELPLAT, by bank cards or mobile phone (with restrictions).

Please note that in case of delay

If the family broke up, then the parent with whom the children remain has the right to receive money from the former spouse for the maintenance of children living with him.

Some ex-spouses simply agree among themselves, others sign an agreement on payments for the maintenance of children at a notary, but the vast majority of parents left with children are forced to file a claim for alimony in favor of minor children.

Often, payments for children are delayed for reasons beyond the control of the payer, or he is not able to transfer the required amount on time: there is no physical opportunity to do this, or he is in a hard-to-reach place, or there is neither a bank nor a post office nearby, with the help of which the payer alimony could transfer the money.

For such cases, there are several ways to find out about the debt. For example, with bailiffs or in several ways on the Internet.

Since maintenance obligations under the writ of execution are controlled by the bailiff who conducts this enforcement proceedings, the person making payments can contact him at any time.

When contacting such a person, the bailiff is obliged to name the amount of delay, if any, as well as to announce the payment period and responsibility for the late transfer of money.

You can find out the amount from the bailiff in different modes:

  • personally visit the bailiff;
  • make a written request;
  • call the FSSP service;
  • check whether there are overdue maintenance obligations on the websites of the FSSP or State Services;
  • through the application in social networks;
  • use a special program in a mobile phone.

By last name

Currently, the Russian Federation has created a Data Bank of enforcement proceedings (Regulations of the Federal Law "On enforcement proceedings").

Data on all legal entities and individuals who have debts in enforcement proceedings are entered there. Therefore, the question of how to find out alimony arrears by last name is no longer put at the forefront.

As soon as financial obligations to cover the debt are fulfilled, information about the debtor is deleted, or, if the debt is not repaid in full, corrected.

Data on the debtor contain the following information about enforcement proceedings:

  • number and date of initiation of court proceedings;
  • details of the court ruling;
  • a brief note about the subject of execution;
  • the amount of the debt;
  • data of the bailiff who is engaged in production.


There are two ways to view child support arrears:

  1. On the FSSP website.
  2. On the Unified Portal of Public Services.

In the first option, it is enough to go to the fssp.ru website and find the inscription “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” there. By clicking on this inscription, the user is taken to a page with information and a search form. You do not need to register to enter the site.

To find the information you need, just fill in the following information:

  • the region in which enforcement proceedings are open, to do this, go to the tab "Territorial authorities" and select the appropriate names there;
  • the surname and initials of the alleged debtor;
  • date of birth.

After filling out the search request, the payer clicks on the "Search" button and receives a list of debtors with the announced case numbers, an order to open enforcement proceedings, etc.

Based on this information, you can find a record about a particular person. Here you can find out the amount of the debt, and, if necessary, pay it online.

Both payers and recipients can use the search system. It is necessary to take into account one nuance: when searching, you need to select the tab “Search by individuals", since only natural persons can have maintenance obligations.

The second way to find out about maintenance debts via the Internet is to search on the State Services website, which can be accessed at the link www.gosuslugi.ru. The difference from the search on the FSSP portal is that registration is required here.

This is quite simple to do, you only need to enter the first and last name and, to choose from, a mobile phone number or email address. After registering, the user immediately gets into his personal account.

To find out about the problem online, on the main page of the site we find the tab "Authorities", then select and mark Federal Service bailiffs, then from the list of services select "Provision of information on ongoing proceedings."

In social networks

The amount of debt on a writ of execution can also be found in such popular social networks, like Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, you just need to download the Database of Alimony Enforcement Proceedings application and subscribe to regular updates.

By subscribing to updates, the user will receive information such as:

  • notification if there is a debt for alimony;
  • data on changes in debt, such as an increase or decrease in the partial repayment or notice of the full repayment of debt obligations;

This method of obtaining information is the best option for parents who do not remember the last time they paid money or viewed the Data Bank, or generally forget to check their debts.

How is alimony arrears calculated by bailiffs

If a citizen has obligations under a writ of execution, but does not know how and how much he should pay, it is necessary to check the alimony debts with the bailiffs and find out how the amounts of payments for his enforcement proceedings will be calculated.

There are three types of calculation:

  1. By the subsistence level in the region.
  2. Based on the amount of the debtor's income from alimony.
  3. In accordance with minimum size wages (minimum wage) in the country.

The first calculation method is applied if the payer has no official income. The amount of payments is calculated in proportion to the subsistence minimum (PM) for the region, a multiple of this minimum specified in the writ of execution. When changing the PM, the amount of maintenance obligations is recalculated

The second method is used if the debtor works officially and it is possible to trace his income or salary. According to the provisions, 25% is paid for one child, 33% for two children, and 50% of the payer's income for three or more children.

If the non-payer works, but is not officially registered at work and there is no way to find out the size of his salary, then the third method is used when calculating payments, based on the minimum wage indicator.

For the calculation, the average salary in the region is used, then the calculation is carried out according to the second method, in shares of the average salary.

How to pay the debt on alimony to bailiffs

The debt collection process consists of the following steps:

In any case, the bailiffs will force the debtor to pay the entire debt, so it would be more correct to find out the amount yourself and voluntarily pay it off by transferring it to the recipient's account, by postal order, or in any other way, while necessarily indicating that the money goes to pay off the debt.

The FSSP website shows all the ways to pay the debt

Liability for non-payment

If a citizen evades payments under a writ of execution, then three types of liability may arise for him:

  1. Civil. Payment of a penalty for late payment, it is 0.5% of the debt amount for each day of delay in payments, while it is charged only if the delay occurred due to the fault of the payer.
  2. Administrative. Fine, seizure of property or bank accounts, deprivation of a driver's license, ban on leaving the country.
  3. Criminal. In the presence of malicious evasion from the payment of alimony in accordance with Art. there is a criminal article. There are several options for punishment: corrective or forced labor for up to one year, arrest for up to three months, or, in the case of particularly unyielding debtors, imprisonment for up to one year.

Therefore, if the court has already ruled on the recovery, then it is better not to accumulate alimony debt, but by any means find out your debt and try to pay it off in as soon as possible, because in any case, the FSSP will find a way to recover them.

Can alimony be written off?

There are cases when a debtor cannot pay child benefits for good reasons, a complete list of reasons why a debtor can be exempted from payment of a writ of execution is indicated in Art. .

In any case, whether the debtor has the ability to pay the required amounts at the present time or not, it would be useful to find out the alimony arrears from the bailiffs so that over time, when the financial situation or health of the debtor improves, the amount of accumulated debt does not become a blow to him.


A huge number of payers on a writ of execution, not knowing the exact amount of the debt, not being able to talk with the alimony collector, have a lot of problems with fulfilling their obligations.

At the same time, for a number of reasons, not all alimony debtors can visit the FSSP. Therefore, services were developed through which, even without leaving home, you can find out the amount of debt and pay off the debt.

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