» What will happen to the money. What to do with money in the new year

What will happen to the money. What to do with money in the new year

The crisis continues to unfold, and we will have to learn to live in the new conditions. It is better to clearly assess the threats and be aware of the problems - this is the only way to live with dignity in this difficult time. The crisis severely punishes the unprepared.

Despite the optimistic forecasts of some economists, the crisis in Russia still continues to unfold. Apparently, we have to learn how to live in new conditions, while the clouds on the financial horizon are only gathering. We know that it is better to assess threats clearly, and not to become like an ostrich, especially since real events will not allow us to remain in blissful ignorance. Awareness of the problems will allow us to overcome confusion and take steps not only for survival, but also for a decent life in this difficult time.

What's happening

The West expanded economic sanctions, cutting off the largest Russian banks from capital markets. Fortunately, the accounts of Russian banks have not been frozen yet and there is no ban on trading in energy resources. But, on the other hand, such a possibility cannot be ruled out, since the political crisis is far from being resolved, and it is difficult to call the rhetoric of the parties peaceful.

It fell from $100 to $60 per barrel, and this fall is likely to continue, and hopes for price growth are very illusory (see ""). reached almost the same mark - 60 rubles for $1. A banking crisis unfolds. The Central Bank raised the discount rate to 17%, which will actually kill lending. Today, the rate, however, is slightly reduced - to 15%, but this cannot cause a revival in the credit market. Banks have raised deposit rates to 20-22%, which means that rates on loans will increase proportionally. At the end of last year, inflation, according to official data, was 12-13%, and next year it will exceed 15%. The projected fall in GDP in 2015 is from 2 to 5%.

The exchange rate of the ruble is more stable than ever and still does not exceed one hundred kopecks.

As a consolation, we can say that the crisis severely punishes the unprepared, but it can be useful for those who assess the dangers in time and act.

What to do

1. Crisis is easier to survive with money

Bad joke, for those who did not have time to stock up on cash. If it is still possible, try to provide for yourself for a rainy day. This money should be at hand not for buying currency or a profitable investment, but for the most urgent needs. Create a reserve, which can be very handy in the prevailing conditions. A financial cushion is your lifeline during an economic storm.

2. Pay off your loans first, expensive ones and don't take on new ones

In a crisis, all efforts should be aimed at creating personal financial security, and not at enriching bankers.

3. Foreign currency loans

If you have foreign currency loans, do your best to restructure them into rubles. This is especially true for mortgage loans.

4. Use free money to buy currency: dollars or euros

5. Forget the fridge

Prices for TVs, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, etc., which were enthusiastically swept from store shelves by compatriots, have already risen, so it’s too late to invest cash in household appliances.

6. Today the peak of deposit rates in banks has been reached

The government is most likely inclined to pursue a tight monetary policy, which allows us to hope for a relative stability of the ruble. The banking system is unhealthy and many banks are starting to run amok and some are already failing. The state will save the largest and socially significant banks through additional capitalization (refinancing). Under these conditions, we can recommend choosing one of the most reliable state-owned banks and placing a long-term deposit with maximum profitability in it.

7. Inflation will ramp up, and consumer goods will definitely rise in price

When sales of durable goods, even expensive cars, boomed at the end of the year, similar used goods also went up in price. But over time, the new prices will no longer shock, and trade will revive again. Along with this, the price of used goods will fall, which can now be sold very profitably. Therefore, take advantage of the moment, there is an opportunity to earn on it.

8. Real estate in ruble terms rose in price before the crisis

When the crisis struck, and the owners needed cash, prices collapsed. Economy-class apartments were at the peak of prices at the end of the year, and expensive properties are selling very poorly. Renting out space is becoming more and more difficult. It is currently possible to buy real estate, but in another six months prices will fall by 30 percent. The chances of getting discounts from cash holders are especially great.

Debt in an environment where you cannot be sure of a stable income is not the most fun thing. In any case, wait until the banks set a new mortgage rate.

10. Accounts in foreign banks

The political situation is developing in such a way that there is no certainty that accounts even in Swiss banks are absolutely reliable. Offshore companies today are also not the best option, since both the Russian authorities and Western sanctions put pressure on their owners. The requirements for the legitimacy of money and the cleanliness of taxation are becoming ever more stringent. Experts call this phenomenon “offshore discrimination” and measure it out in one or two years.

11. Investing in a crisis can be both a super successful and extremely unsuccessful way to save money.

With a well-formed portfolio and a sound investment strategy that takes into account all the risks, the return on investment will allow you to feel confident. It is necessary to carefully select not only the assets in the portfolio, but also the place of their storage, and the intermediary in the auction.

12. Domestic securities in the eyes of foreign investors represent a concentration of political risks. On the one hand, there are excellent opportunities, especially given the prices of stocks and bonds. Russian shares fell by 45-65% and may continue to fall in price even more. But it will not be possible to sell them profitably soon, and this must be taken into account.

13. Precious metals

Now gold is getting cheaper all over the world, so it cannot be considered a good way to make money in the short term. If you have money that you can live without for a long time, this method of saving is reliable. Gold will be in demand when the dollar falters or the global economic crisis becomes real. Economists predict this, but so far there are no real prerequisites for this.

Everyone ends sometime. For now, we will have to live in the circumstances that are beyond our control, continuing to work and plan for the future in the new conditions. Whatever happens, we will raise children, educate them, buy housing - in a word, life will go on as usual. Make a personal financial plan and follow it, earn money, invest and save it to feel as confident as possible. In difficult times, your actions should be especially balanced and thoughtful.

First behavior pattern: man spends everything. On the one hand, with this approach, you do not need to control yourself - you go with the flow, you do not deny yourself anything.


Spending money, you get various goods (equipment, clothes, shoes, restaurants, taxis, recreation, etc.) for a comfortable life. All this gives positive emotions, the feeling "I can do everything, everything is available to me." Creates a positive life attitude.

But there is a downside to this approach to money. Any crisis or force majeure situation will adversely affect life: no one will guarantee that a person will always make good money, will not lose his job, that his salary will not be reduced, that the business will remain profitable.

In this situation, the family is on the verge of survival, since there is no "airbag" formed on the basis of the formula: monthly expenses multiplied by six months. "Airbag" should be stored in a reliable bank (top ten), on deposit - always with replenishment and partial withdrawal.

Now let's look at another option, when a person decides to save money. Of course, he has to limit himself in some way, to be financially disciplined (which does not mean being stingy at all). Some purchases can be postponed until you have earned (or accumulated) a sufficient amount, especially since it often turns out that what you really liked yesterday is no longer needed today.

Gradually, a person gets used to the idea of ​​the need to plan their expenses, begins to devote time to this issue, and, in the end, such a behavior pattern becomes a habit.

Over time, the accumulated assets increase. They allow you to create pension capital and receive passive income. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the required amount and develop a strategy for its accumulation - this is the biggest and most expensive goal. But there is a feeling of reliability, confidence in the future.

Turns out that fundraising option is beneficial. You should not turn off the right path, even referring to the difficult financial situation, instability in the country.

On the contrary, it is better to view the crisis as a period of new opportunities. This is the time to keep investing. But you need to be clear about what to do.

1. Don't keep all your assets in one place. Divide savings into dollars, euros and rubles.

2. Diversify (don't put all your eggs in one basket): by asset type ( stock market, real estate), by industries, currencies.

3. Follow downtrends and uptrends. Buy on a downtrend or the beginning of an uptrend. But this takes time and expertise.

4. Start/continue investing regularly using an averaging strategy. The latter involves buying an asset (such as stocks, mutual fund units, currencies, etc.) at regular intervals (such as a month) and for equal amounts. At the same time, there is no task to guess where the trend will go - up or down, since with the tactics of averaging the value of the asset tends to the minimum due to averaging. This strategy allows you to avoid investing all your money when prices are at their peak, but you keep investing when the markets "collapsed". This strategy is all about discipline.

5. Set yourself up for a long-term investment period. As a rule, the media give a short-term overview of the market (week, month). During the crisis, there is a lot of negative information: markets are falling, oil prices are falling too, the ruble is depreciating. Remove the noise, study the history of assets for 10, 15, 25, 40 years and you will see that after the crisis there is always growth. As it was after 2009. After winter comes spring. This is the law of nature and life.

6. In a crisis, the best thing is to make a personal financial plan and keep investing.

The question of what to do with money in 2019 is of interest not only to business entities and investors, but also to ordinary citizens who do not want inflation to “eat up” their savings. At the same time, some owners of free financial resources plan to just save their money and another category individuals is actively looking for a variety of commercial projects to increase its capital. In the presented article, you will find practical recommendations on how best to manage your savings so that they do not lie “under the mattress”, gradually losing their real value, but bring profit to their owners. This information will be useful for everyone who is interested in the profitable placement of free capital. After reading the article, you will be able to independently choose a promising investment option this year, learn how to protect money from inflation and why bank deposits often do not bring profit at all.

What to do with money in 2019 - the basic principles of investing

For a detailed analysis of the question of what to do with money, in order not only to protect them from inflation, but also to increase the size of their own savings, it is necessary to study the principles of investment, which are universal in nature and are relevant to any sector of the economy.

    Increase your capital gradually, start investing with a small amount. If the project is successful, repeat the operation, but you do not need to invest all your money in one thing. Make your own reserve fund so that in case of loss of your investment, you have the opportunity to take part in another commercial project.

    Use your money wisely. Don't skimp on essential goods and services, but always think carefully about purchasing expensive items.

    Engaging in investment activities is possible only if you have free cash. It means that you have savings and everything you need for a normal life. Only in this case, you can think about how to increase your own capital. It is not worth investing free money in a promising commercial project when your child's last shoes are torn. In addition, do not forget about the "financial cushion", it should help you get through difficult times without loss. The sum of the "cushion" is equal to the two-month budget of your family.

    The choice of the optimal project, which will allow you to earn good money with minimal risk of losing everything, should be done calmly, without haste, with the obligatory study of alternative areas of investment.

    When investing, carefully plan where and how much money you will invest. It is advisable to always have spare commercial projects in case you have free funds.

    Diversify your investments, you do not need to invest all your money in one project. Even the most reliable companies can go bankrupt or be on the verge of survival for a long time. If all your savings were invested in such a company, you will also find yourself in an unenviable position, and investors who have distributed their savings between different commercial projects will be insured against such force majeure.

    Many novice investors, after the first successful operations, may have a desire to spend profits on some expensive thing. Don't do this, send the money you earn to others investment projects. Ideally, you need to reach the level when there will be a sufficiently large amount in circulation, bringing a stable and high income. In this case, you can engage in expensive purchases without negative consequences for the business.

If you decide to engage in investment activities, remember one of the most important rules of this business - you need to invest money only in those areas of business that you are well versed in. This will allow you to independently determine the possible risks and prospects for the development of the object of interest.

Analysis of promising areas for investment activities

Many readers who have never been interested in economics believe that there is no need to come up with some kind of investment schemes, it is quite enough to put money on a bank deposit and calmly receive your interest. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple. If you have signed an agreement with a representative of a financial and credit institution to open a deposit for a certain period (one, two or five years), you will not be able to withdraw your money ahead of schedule, and if this moment stipulated by the contract, then they will give you the money, but without the interest earned (the type of "punishment" is indicated in the contract).

But even if all the conditions of cooperation with the bank are met, you will earn a penny or simply block inflation. That is, a bank deposit is a good way to save your money, but it does not allow you to earn anything.

Do not invest in one bank an amount that exceeds 1 million 400 thousand rubles. In the event of bankruptcy of a financial and credit institution, the money will be returned to you, but not more than the specified amount. Conclusion - a bank deposit allows you to save your savings, the risk of losing money is almost always zero, but this option is not suitable for those who decide to earn money using their own capital.

Today, almost all citizens of the Russian Federation know that it is not profitable to keep their money at home. For example, remember how many different things you could buy five years ago with half a million rubles, and in 2019 you can’t even buy 50% (of purchases in 2012) with this money. Economic crisis and inflation hit hard on the national currency. Economists advise keeping at home only money for unforeseen expenses (loss of a job, illness, car breakdown, etc.).

Many readers are interested in what to do with money during a devaluation so as not to lose their savings. The easiest way is to purchase the world's major currencies. By the way, currency transactions are a popular business all over the world, if you are at least a little versed in this topic, then you can make this activity the main source of funds. As for the prospects for this year, even well-known analysts do not give accurate forecasts.

In the near future, it makes sense to monitor the "behavior" of the cost of precious metals. If you buy gold, platinum, etc. this year, then in a year and a half you will be able to sell them and earn good money. The main disadvantage of the presented method is the need to wait for the right moment when the cost of precious metals rises significantly. Sometimes this period is delayed for a year or two. If you have never dealt with precious metals, then pay attention to the next point. Gold can be bought in bars, modern jewelry and antiques.

You can invest free money either in gold bars or in antiques (the latter option is doubly interesting). Jewelry made of precious metal is of no interest, you will buy them as a product (the price includes the work of the master), and you will be able to sell them only as scrap. In order to make money on such operations, you need to wait for gold to rise in price by two or three times, and this (if we take the real value in rubles) is almost unrealistic.

Buying real estate as an option for the rational use of free Money, refers to prospective investments. But this is if we consider the issue in general, without delving into the details. In fact, you need to analyze each individual case. For example, an apartment in a house where the roof has not been repaired for a long time, the water and sewer pipes are in disrepair, and the neighbors are not decent citizens, is unlikely to be in demand. This property will be sold for a very long time, and it will not be possible to earn normal money on it.

In addition, in order to accurately assess the prospects for investment in apartments, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis:

    the state of the house;

    infrastructure facilities;


Before buying an apartment, it is necessary to trace the dynamics of price changes for similar objects over the past five years. One of the options for additional income is renting an apartment. A good form of passive income, but only if you find normal tenants.

Organization and development of your business with the right approach can be the best option for using free cash. In this case, certain rules must be followed. For example, you need to create a company in an industry that you know well, you cannot start entrepreneurial activity without conducting detailed marketing research, etc.

An incorrect assessment of the market situation can cause the loss of all your savings. And most importantly, a business will be successful if you work hard and hard, the stereotype that businessmen only spend money, to put it mildly, does not correspond to the real state of things.

If you are interested in the question of what to do with money now, you can recommend buying securities. But even in this case, certain skills and knowledge are needed. It is necessary to understand how specialists in this industry work, to be able to make forecasts of the value of securities based on political and economic news, to have good intuition, and also to perfectly know the definitions, characteristics and functions of all securities existing in the market. If you do not have the appropriate education, use the help of mutual funds.

Buying antiques is of interest only to specialists. This way of using free money can end very badly - instead of a painting by a famous artist who lived three hundred years ago, you can buy a fake that was made a week ago in the basement of a neighboring house (as a rule, it happens with amateurs).

If the above methods of rational use of free money do not interest you, invite your friends to take a loan on mutually beneficial terms. Important point! Even if you lend money to good friends, be sure to formalize this transaction with a notary. Feel free to make such offers, otherwise you can lose your money, and without documents, no one will prove that you provided a loan to someone.

The presented article will be incomplete if you do not pay attention to the Internet, which today is an integral part of the lives of many citizens of our country.

On the web you can:

  • Buy a variety of accounts, develop them, and then sell them. For example, a freelance account on one of the well-known exchanges (age 6 months, 2-3 positive reviews) costs about $20, in a year and a half it will cost $100, and if you manage to get 4-6 more positive reviews - $150. The main disadvantages are that you have to wait a long time and you need to act very carefully and carefully. Each profile must be "attached" to a separate mail, no ads should be left by which site moderators can figure you out, etc.
  • On the web, you can also organize your business or come up with something new and original. You can invest in creating a web resource, take part in an interesting project, create a universal exchange for the exchange of game currencies, etc.

There are also highly profitable Internet projects (most of them work on the principle of financial pyramids), which are associated with great risk, but usually the one who is among the first participants earns good money.

Summing up, we can say that if you do not know what to do with free money in 2019, first assess your potential, decide what goal you are pursuing (save money or increase your savings), and then, based on the options listed, choose the most promising line of business.

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Olga Lukinskaya

When student years with irregular part-time jobs are over, and income has become more or less stable, we begin to think about how to “save and increase” the money we have. Perhaps you were given a bonus, you inherited from your grandmother or received a round sum as a birthday present - such that you cannot buy an apartment, but you would like to invest wisely. We have compiled a guide that will help you manage your money consciously and feel confident in the next financial crisis.

Stop living in debt

First of all, distribute all debts and close loans. The habit of borrowing to paycheck and using credit cards does not always lead to catastrophic debt - especially since there are now credit cards on which you can pay back the money within a couple of months without interest. But still, this practice is reminiscent of running on the spot - you always miss a little, and a month after receiving a salary begins with the return of debts. Perhaps, to get out of this situation, it is enough to avoid a month or two and - just set yourself the task of not buying anything until you break even.

In general, if you have extra money in addition to your salary, immediately return everything that you owe. This is especially true for small consumer loans and credit card spending - if the mortgage is paying off steadily and there are many more years ahead, leave it alone. Try to form the habit of not borrowing and not agreeing to bank loan offers - let the convenience of a credit card be limited to renting cars on trips when the amount of collateral is blocked on the account.

Take care of your health

Health, unfortunately, can fail at the most unexpected moment - but it is in our power to insure ourselves against at least part of the sudden spending on it. Quality fresh food and a conveniently located gym is something you shouldn't skimp on as you're investing in your own health and wellness. Save money on cigarettes by quitting smoking.

Consider whether you need voluntary health insurance- perhaps, for routine examinations and sick leave due to a cold, it is quite possible to get by with a district clinic. But a good one in case of dangerous diseases can greatly help out if something serious happens. Finally, invest in professional teeth cleaning every six months - good hygiene remains the only working way to prevent caries and other dental diseases that are expensive to treat.

Upgrade your work tools

This item applies primarily to freelancers: the more efficiently and quickly you do your job, the higher the income. This means that you cannot afford to spend time endlessly restarting a frozen computer. If your eyes get tired of the old monitor, and your shoulders, back and arms get tired of the fact that you have an uncomfortable keyboard and desk, then it would be good to invest the money that has appeared in updating the workplace. Shopping time for pleasure will come later, when, due to more efficient work, you will simply earn more.

Protect your home from surprises

If a pipe sometimes leaks somewhere in the bathroom, sooner or later an accident may occur with the neighbors flooding, and it is better to take action in advance. Sparking wires, shelves leaning under books or plugs flying out of the vacuum cleaner are reasons for minor repairs. While there is money, try to repair everything that is “on snot” in order to protect yourself from a situation where the repair can no longer be postponed, but there is nothing to pay for it. Look into home insurance - although there is a perception that insurance companies don't pay anyone anything, this is not the case. Insurance is useful not only if you still flood the neighbors below the floor, but also in milder cases when other people's apartments were not damaged.

Finally, where you live also affects your health. We're talking about Sick Building Syndrome and how to make your home and workplace healthier. Even if you live in a rented apartment, it makes sense to invest in a good vacuum cleaner that captures allergens, several potted plants and a quality mattress - it will contribute to sound sleep and a healthy back.

start saving

When you have distributed debts, put your health, home and workplace in order, you can think about savings. It is easier and best to save money as soon as they appear - that is, immediately after the salary. If you do the opposite, according to the residual principle, then with a high probability there will be no money to save at the end of the month. Choose a fixed share (five, ten, twenty percent) of any income that you will not spend. The task is to accumulate an amount for at least six months of a comfortable life, in case you find yourself without a job. This airbag will give you confidence and peace of mind, even if it doesn't come in handy in the short term.

Any savings should be made in foreign currency, no matter how attractive the stabilization of the ruble may seem. As experience shows, since the nineties, when we first encountered the concept of currency exchange, the dollar is still becoming more expensive and the ruble cheaper, although there are reverse fluctuations. Now most of the major Russian banks offer options for deposits in different currencies- and if in euros only fractions of interest per year are accrued on them, then in dollars it is quite realistic to find a contribution at 1.5–2%.

Look for investment options

Keeping eggs in different baskets is not a new idea, but a valuable one. Especially if you are afraid of banking instability, it makes sense to set aside some of the money in cash (again, in dollars) in a safe deposit box or simply “under the mattress”. Another investment option is securities; they are not easy to understand, but you can find a consultant who will help in this matter. Again, almost all banks offer investment services in mutual funds or precious metals - usually this information is available directly in the Internet bank.

The option of investing in real estate for rent can also be considered, but it is not suitable for all cities and countries; in Russia, the cost of rent is relatively low. It makes sense to make a down payment, take an apartment on a mortgage and rent it out where the rent is higher than the mortgage payments - then in twenty or thirty years you will have a property that practically paid for itself. Places with expensive rent and high demand for it are primarily European cities that have a lot of students all year round, like Berlin or Lisbon.

Photo: pterwort - stock.adobe.com, neirfy - stock.adobe.com

The well-being of millions of Russians directly depends on the exchange rate of the national currency. It is in rubles that most citizens of the country keep their savings. Approximately one third of all deposits in Russian banks are in rubles.

However, today the confidence of Russians in domestic money has somewhat decreased, which is explained by the depreciation, the geopolitical situation on the planet and the state of the Russian economy.

You will find answers to these and other questions in the new article of our magazine. Denis Kuderin is in touch - a full-time expert on financial topics at HeatherBober.

Analytics, forecasts, expert opinions - only useful and up-to-date information!

1. What awaits the ruble in the future - positive and negative trends

In the recent history of the ruble, everything has happened, including “black Tuesdays”, collapses and devaluations. The chart of the currency of the Russian Federation moves after the economic and political changes in the country and in the world.

Stability is only temporary. Therefore, keeping all savings in RUB, especially outside a banking institution, is risky and impractical. Financially literate people don't do that. They distribute money between multiple currencies and put it into a deal. At a minimum, they put it on a bank deposit.

It is even better if they invest in more efficient banking instruments - securities, metal deposits, mutual funds, reliable investment projects. In this case, the fall of some money and the rise of others will not be catastrophic for your assets.

But this does not mean that forecasts should not interest you: every civilized citizen follows the quotes and acts in accordance with their changes.

However, not all forecasts should be taken on faith, and even more so as a guide to action. Most of these forecasts are empty air shaking. Even competent financial analysts and economic observers are often wrong. The reason is simple: too many factors influence the situation.

Our task is to find a rational grain in such forecasts in order to create the most objective picture of the situation and draw appropriate conclusions.

Forecasts are needed to:

  • know in what money it is more expedient to keep most of the savings;
  • earn on fluctuations in quotes;
  • save their assets in the event of a sharp fall in one of the currencies.

The collapses of the exchange rate always occur rapidly - that's why they are collapses. And yet, it is quite possible to catch a trend towards a sharp change in quotes. Experienced people do this.

Changes in quotes can be predicted if you are aware of the latest news

Another question - who to believe? Surely you have a friend who likes to make forecasts and knows exactly what will happen to the ruble in a month, a week, at the end of the year (underline as necessary). And another friend predicts the opposite. One of them will eventually be right. Is it worth believing such predictions?

As for official forecasts for 2019, there are, as usual, two trends - negative and positive.

Yes, Ministry Economic Development The Russian Federation assumes that the weakening of the national currency will continue, but this will have almost no effect on the country's economy. GDP, the ministers believe, will grow, while inflation rates will fall.

The head of the department, Maxim Oreshkin, names indicative indicators by the middle of the year: no more than 67-68 rubles. per dollar.

But representatives of Bank of America think otherwise. Sanctions against Russian banks and financial assets abroad, in their opinion, will significantly limit the Russian economy. Companies will have less credit funds, which will negatively affect growth and development. It is assumed that the Russian currency will fall to 70 rubles. for a buck.

2. Why the ruble is falling - the main factors that negatively affect the exchange rate

In fact, there are several dozen factors influencing the fall of the ruble against the euro and the dollar. A significant part of them is beyond the control of the government. This means that there are no guarantees of stability. The Russians, as always, should be prepared for any scenario.

Consider the main reasons for the depreciation of the ruble exchange rate.

Outflow of Russian capital

Geopolitical events and sanctions imposed by the West against the Russian economy continue to stimulate the movement of financial assets to foreign countries.

Large investors prefer not to keep their money in rubles or securities representing the Russian economy. Ordinary citizens do the same. By not trusting Russian money, we thereby work for the stability of other countries.

The owners of assets cannot be blamed for this, but the fact remains that capital is being withdrawn from the Russian economy. This leads to a drop in production, a decrease in GDP, an increase in unemployment and other "charms" of the crisis.

Game of the population with exchange rates

As soon as the position of the ruble weakens, the population begins to panic and buy dollars in huge quantities. Such behavior is a manifestation of financial illiteracy, but again, ordinary citizens cannot be blamed for this: they perfectly remember the crises and collapses of the last decades.

However, the panic in the market leads to an even greater increase in the value of foreign money. There is an avalanche effect. On panic fluctuations in the rate, professional stock players earn decent money. But the majority of depositors simply buy up the currency at an artificially high price, changing the quotes in a direction unfavorable for the ruble.

Central Bank Measures

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation switched to a floating exchange rate in 2015. In practice, this means that the main bank of the country no longer supports the national money during a crisis. In other words, if earlier gold and foreign exchange reserves were spent on artificially holding the exchange rate state budget, then today National currency must support itself.

The Central Bank has other levers of influence on quotes, both in plus and minus:

  • additional issue of banknotes - more money is printed, which leads to inflation;
  • foreign exchange interventions - buying / selling foreign money on an "industrial scale";
  • issuance of bonds - the massive purchase of securities strengthens the currency;
  • reduction of the refinancing rate - the lower it is, the more stable the exchange rate of the national currency.

It would be naive to think that only the Central Bank influences the quotes. The US also has a national bank, the Federal Reserve System. The decisions that this organization makes directly affect the status of the dollar. All other money in the world depends on this currency.

Economic stagnation

The main export item to the Russian Federation is raw materials: oil, gas, and other energy resources. Due to high oil prices, the Russian economy is still afloat.

The rest of the industries in our country are poorly developed or are in a state of stagnation. This means that there is no development, and our sectoral enterprises cannot compete seriously with foreign companies.

Economic sanctions have deprived Russia of a significant share of imports, but this situation cannot be called unambiguously negative. No import means that the market needs to be saturated from within. Against the backdrop of external pressure in some sectors of the economy, there has been an upsurge - in particular, in the agricultural sector.

At the same time, a significant share of consumer goods (70-80%) is supplied to Russia from China. This is cheaper than producing your own products, but does not stimulate economic development.

And some more negativity. Most of the large factories in the Russian Federation operate on outdated equipment. Industry is not expanding, new technologies are not being developed, and the income from enterprises is barely enough to pay the wages of workers. Machine tools have to be bought from abroad, and this, again, means injections into the foreign economy.

I can confirm by my own example. A few years ago I worked for a major publishing house. Under him, there was a printing house, on which out of 50 machines there was not a single Russian production - only German, Japanese and Chinese.

By the way, this printing house, the largest in Siberia, has almost stopped by now. The staff was reduced by 80%, some shops were closed forever.

Comparative table of influence factors

3. What can affect the growth of the national currency

Most analysts do not believe in the growth of the ruble in the next few years. However, such a scenario cannot be completely ruled out.

What needs to happen for the ruble to rise?

Investment of Western partners in Russian securities

This will happen if stocks, bonds and other securities of Russian origin begin to show a steady upward trend. Which, in turn, is possible in the event of an economic recovery in the country.

Rising oil prices

So far, there is so much oil in Russia that we export it abroad on an industrial scale. The state of the Russian, and before that the Soviet economy, has always depended on oil prices. More than half of all budget revenues are oil money. The rest is accounted for by other fossils.

Should oil fall by a couple of dollars per barrel, and we will miss billions of rubles in the budget. If the price falls by 10 USD, the Russian economy will fall into the abyss. Fortunately, there is no downward trend so far. If the prices for "black gold" continue to slowly creep up, this will strengthen the ruble in the second half of 2019.

Increasing the rate of national production

Everything is simple here - more exports, good and different, more revenues to the treasury.

So far, economic ties with foreign countries have mostly been broken, not improved.

The ratio of the population to the national currency

If people again begin to trust the Russian currency, as they did 5-10 years ago, this will automatically raise its status.

More deposits of the population in national money - the more stable its quotes on the stock exchange.

4. Is it worth exchanging rubles for dollars and euros - expert opinion

Experts believe that it is short-sighted and inexpedient to buy foreign money en masse. At all times it is better to keep savings in several currencies at once. Banks have special multi-currency deposits for these purposes - far-sighted investors use them.

Do not forget that more interest is charged on ruble deposits than on foreign currency deposits. During the period of economic stabilization, it is even more profitable to keep savings in Russian money.

But taking long-term loans in USD is definitely not worth it. After all, you also have to pay in bucks. Even a slight appreciation of the dollar will turn into a serious debt burden.

6. Conclusion

Let's draw conclusions. Analysts predict the course based on an ideal situation. And there are almost no ideal situations in nature. Something always goes wrong, which is why even brilliant economic experts make mistakes in their forecasts.

If you want to protect your savings, distribute them among three currencies. Then economic shocks will affect you to a minimal extent.

Question for readers:

And what forecasts regarding the ruble do you personally give?

We wish you financial well-being, regardless of the choice of currency! We will be glad to comments, reviews, stories from life. See you soon!