» Calculator for military personnel for the purchase of housing. Military housing allowance calculator

Calculator for military personnel for the purchase of housing. Military housing allowance calculator

Own housing can be obtained or acquired in completely different ways: buy, build, enter into inheritance rights or as a gift. As for the Russian military, until last year they had a chance to own a house or apartment thanks to the implementation of a program for targeted housing construction. However, at present this program is practically curtailed. It must be admitted that she had positive aspects. But how is the situation now with obtaining housing from the military personnel of the Russian Federation? Housing subsidies are now being used as a tool to promote housing.

Housing subsidies in 2016

At the beginning of 2016, the situation with military subsidies is as follows:

  • If you were on the waiting list for preferential housing before 2005, then the possibility of obtaining an apartment under the housing subsidy program for military conscripts remains;
  • For those who did not have time to do this, the possibility of mortgage lending on special favorable terms will be offered.

Mortgages for the military will allow you to buy apartments based on the income of each soldier, wherever they want. The issuance of housing built specifically for military personnel by special developers will end with the completion of the construction projects already started earlier. New residential facilities will not be launched, but those that were not commissioned before 2016 will eventually be completed and issued to the military who entered service before 2005.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: what is it

In fact, a housing subsidy for military personnel is a one-time cash benefit that is issued by the state as material assistance. Moreover, such a payment has a strict purpose: the purchase of ready-made housing or the construction of it with your own hands. Unlike the previously implemented program for the construction of housing for military personnel, this project has important positive points associated with the freedom to choose a place of residence, the absence of a long wait in line for an apartment. Of course, such an approach greatly facilitates the solution of domestic issues of military families, but in addition, it also raises the prestige of military professions.

Providing housing subsidy military personnel will be implemented in connection with previous agreements that were in effect during the implementation of the program for the provision of departmental housing. The first priority to receive a subsidy will go to the military, who were already in line, because they needed to improve living conditions, or officers who have retired or retired, but still do not have housing, or privileged categories of military personnel. For example, family members of deceased officers with more than 10 years of service will also have priority. Finally, those who have served at least three years in the ranks of the Russian army will be able to exercise the right to receive a housing subsidy for military personnel.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: how it is implemented

To become a participant in this new project, you must first of all write an application for a housing subsidy to servicemen and provide a package of documents confirming the composition of the family, the need to improve housing conditions, certifying the right to own existing housing by the serviceman himself or members of his family. In addition, the package must include extracts from house books for the previous five years, as well as a service agreement with any bank.

Housing subsidy 2014 for military personnel is a kind of alternative to the previously existing program. A one-time cash payment for the construction or purchase of housing is financed from the federal budget, but is paid only through a system of interaction with banking structures, which partly dictate the conditions for receiving the payment.

So, for example, a serviceman will receive funds for the purchase of housing in the amount of 80% of its value - this item is determined by the terms of bank mortgage agreements. 20% of the cost will be paid by the purchaser. Of course, among the points to be considered will be those related to the location of the future apartment or house, the personal merits of the acquirer, his rank and rank, being on the lists of applicants for departmental housing under the previously existing program.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: calculator 2016

Despite the seemingly perfect freedom in choosing the location and quality of future housing, however, a serviceman who has acquired the right to irrevocable and non-refundable material assistance will be limited by several points: the amount of the subsidy and the size of the acquired living space.

To understand how significant the housing allowance for military personnel will be, a calculator designed to simplify calculations will help anyone to do this. Use the services online calculator to calculate the housing subsidy for military personnel, you can visit the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Upon entering all the parameters, the calculator will give the amount of a lump sum cash payment, which you should count on.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: defining parameters

Among the parameters that will determine the amount of the subsidy, the main ones are the size and composition of the family. Families, as you know, are different: there may be children with disabilities, maybe it will be the large family etc., that is, those categories of the population that, among other things, also have the right to additional space.

Next, you must specify the size of the residential and total area, as well as the standard cost of one square meter of such housing (calculated annually). The calculator for calculating the housing subsidy for military personnel contains correction factors that directly depend on the length of service: the longer the term, the greater the amount of compensation.

Another important point that is included in the calculation of housing subsidies for military personnel: the availability of housing in one's own possession on this moment and living space standards for the region. So, for example, if a soldier owns 40 square meters of living space, and he is entitled to, say, 60, then the missing 20 meters will be included in the calculation for compensation. The amount of the subsidy is calculated at the time of issuance of a certificate certifying the right to use this type of subsidy.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: the procedure for providing

How will the provision of housing subsidies to servicemen be implemented in practice? The procedure for granting subsidies, unfortunately, has not yet been determined. The Ministry of Defense has not yet made public the procedure for issuing subsidies, but, nevertheless, has already determined the preferential categories of military personnel and members of their families, who must first receive certificates. For the current 2014, more than 10,000 military personnel are already in line for a lump sum payment.

A reliable and strong rear determines not only the degree of defense capability of a state, but also the effectiveness of the participation in this matter of each of those responsible for defense capability. Therefore, the family and life of every serviceman are decisive moments in creating a reliable defense of any state. It is the state that should help the military personnel in solving the most pressing everyday issues, including the issues of finding their own housing.

At the legislative level, a privilege is provided for military personnel - a housing subsidy. The state is ready to fully or partially pay for the purchase of housing for a military family. In this article we have posted all necessary information, military subsidy calculator for 2020. We considered who is entitled to a subsidy and in what amount, what documents and certificates are needed.

Subsidy calculator for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017-2018

Allows you to calculate the estimated amount of a one-time cash payment to military personnel for the purchase or construction of housing - a housing subsidy
(The calculator is based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 No. 76)

Number of family members (N) ...choose 1 person 2 people 3 people 4 people 5 people 6 people 7 people 8 people 9 people 10 people
Right to additional space (D) yes no
Available living space (L)
Total living area, sq.m. (O)
Cost standard for 1 sq.m., rub. (WITH)
Length of service, years *
10 to 16 years old 16 to 20 years old 20 to 21 years old 21 years old 22 years old 23 years old 24 years old 25 years old or more

Correction factor (Kc) manual input

Amount of housing subsidy, rub. (P):

* - Servicemen, total duration military service which is from 10 years to 20 years and which are specified in paragraph 13 of article 15 of the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel", the correction factor increases to 2.375 (as with length of service from 20 years to 21 years)

Legislative acts

Of course, in practice, such actions take a lot of time and effort, but every year thousands of military men manage to get the keys to the coveted living space.

Now the subsidy for military personnel for the purchase of housing is regulated by the following laws:

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. According to the norms of this act, an employee of a military unit must be transferred to the reserve only on the condition that he has his own housing;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 where the procedure for granting such a privilege to the needy is determined;
  3. Federal Law No. 76 which regulates the procedure for recognizing a military as needy;
  4. Decree of the Government, which guarantees the possibility of obtaining housing for employees, if they have a length of service of 10 years or more.

Basic conditions for obtaining housing

The provision of housing subsidies is carried out in a manner strictly regulated by regulatory enactments. So, in order to receive funds for the purchase of housing, a soldier must contact the department and submit supporting documents.

The package of documents for obtaining a housing subsidy, which is due to employees if they have 10 years of experience, is as follows:

  1. A copy of the passport of the person called up for service and members of his family;
  2. Certificate for the child;
  3. Marriage certificate;
  4. A document confirming that the family has no other living space;
  5. Bank statement for the last 5 years on cash receipts to the account;
  6. A copy of the certificate confirming the existence of other grounds for obtaining such benefits;
  7. Contract for military service or other document that confirms the length of service of the applicant.

These rules apply to all soldiers, contract soldiers, employees of the National Guard and other military personnel who need to improve their living conditions, all depending on which region Russian Federation they are.

For the period of waiting for their turn, a soldier and an officer can exercise the right to receive official housing. The conditions for obtaining such a dwelling under a social tenancy agreement are determined at the level of federal legislation.

Employees have the right to receive housing, regardless of their military rank. However, the requirement for square meters of living space does not apply to such types of real estate.


According to the norms Russian legislation, a soldier, in order to apply for a subsidy for the purchase of housing, must adhere to certain rules.

You need to start your participation in this program by collecting and submitting the necessary package of documents, which includes:

  1. Copies of identity documents of all family members (passports, birth certificates, if there are young children in the family);
  2. Certificate from the military unit, which is a confirmation of the number of years of service (report, order);
  3. A copy of the marriage registration certificate;
  4. A copy of the certificate confirming that the serviceman and his family have other benefits that give them the right to improve their living conditions;
  5. Application for a subsidy for the purchase of real estate.

The provision of housing for military personnel takes place on a first-come, first-served basis, therefore, after submitting all documents to the administration of their city, the officer and his wife should expect a positive decision and notification of the allocation of a subsidy.

Subsidy Calculation

The procedure for calculating the amount of subsidies for military personnel for the acquisition real estate in 2020 is determined by the relevant regulations. You can make a more detailed calculation using our calculator below.

Calculation formula:

Subsidy \u003d living space that is due to the employee and his family (calculated based on the number of people in the family) * standard cost of one square meter, determined at the legislative level (currently about 40,000 rubles) * for an adjustment factor that directly depends on length of service military.

At first glance, it may seem that you can calculate the amount of such a payment yourself, using the above formula. But, as practice shows, inexperienced citizens quite often make mistakes in calculations, so it is recommended to contact specialists who are involved in calculating the amount of the subsidy. Well, we decided to make your life easier and posted a subsidy calculator that will do everything quickly and clearly.

How can the certificate be used

The procedure for granting subsidies for the purchase of housing for military personnel is regulated at the level of federal legislation. According to regulations, the recipient of such a certificate has the right to spend the payment on the purchase of housing or its independent construction, if possible, expanding the existing property.

By law, the subsidy received cannot be spent on the purchase of maintained housing, material aid applies only to properties purchased directly from the developer.

In 2020, there are several advantages to using this type of privilege:

  1. The military has the right to independently choose the place of residence. This is an innovation, previously an officer had the right to choose an apartment or other housing only at the place of service;
  2. The serviceman has the right to independently choose how to dispose of the received funds. For example, if he already has an apartment bought with a mortgage, he can pay off part of the debt or carry out repairs with subsidy money;
  3. The timing of the payment of such assistance is much less than if the officer stood in line for an apartment in a house that can be completed in a few years;
  4. If the military has his own savings, he can add them to the subsidy received and purchase decent housing.

For FSB officers

In early 2013, housing subsidies were introduced for FSB officers. Previously, providing a subsidy to military personnel for the purchase of housing, if they are part of this department, was not possible.

Thanks to such innovations, FSB officers have the opportunity to improve their living conditions by purchasing an apartment in a new building or building their own residential building.

The procedure by which a citizen can take part in the preferential program "Housing" is simplified as much as possible. To do this, the FSB officer needs to contact the bank to open an account, and, together with all members of his family, write an application for a housing subsidy. Use the calculator to make a detailed calculation.

After checking the correctness of filling out the documents, the bank employees transfer the received application and all related papers to the Ministry of Defense.

In the Russian Federation, military personnel are entitled to a subsidy that is allocated for the purchase of residential real estate, that is, the state allocates to this category of citizens an amount that they can only spend on an apartment or house.

Funds are issued in the form of a certificate, which is presented to the bank or gives the right to transfer money to the seller of the residential premises selected by the army officer.

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With a mortgage, the subsidy can be used to repay part of the loan, both the first and last, as well as intermediate payments.

Basic conditions for obtaining housing

The concept of a subsidy means material assistance to people who need something, financed from the budget of the state or local authorities.

The military can also be recipients of such funds, they are provided to improve their living conditions, but if sometimes they are given housing from the state, then money can also be allocated for purchase.

There are some features that relate to contracted military personnel who need housing, among them:

Not only the military themselves, but also family members, for example, a widow whose husband died in the line of duty, have the right to a subsidy.

If there is no personal living space, then the state provides assistance, and the share of the deceased spouse is also taken into account in the calculations.

All the features of providing support for the acquisition of housing are indicated in the laws of the Russian Federation, for example, in the regulatory act “On the Status of a Serviceman in the Russian Federation” and its article 15.

There is also the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Defense 510 of 2014 and some other legal documents.

In addition, they have the opportunity to receive an additional 15 sq. m. meters of housing, this was introduced in 2014.

According to the laws, the following can count on an increase in living space:

This list is exhaustive and no adjustments can be made to it. But it is important not only to know who is eligible for a subsidy, but also how to get it, because this requires certain documents and actions, and the final amount of assistance can be calculated independently.

Required package of documents

Before sending a request for assistance from the budget, a whole list of documents should be prepared, they will be studied by representatives of the federal authorities to determine whether the military really needs help.

All papers can be submitted directly at the place of service, but first you need to study the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, article 51 of which stipulates the features of recognizing a person in need of better living conditions:

When applying for a subsidy, the following list of documents may be required:

  1. Statement.
  2. Copies of the passport of the applicant, as well as all family members.
  3. Birth certificates of children.
  4. Document of marriage or its dissolution.
  5. Papers confirming the absence of own living space.
  6. An account statement for the last five years for each of the family members, income statements are also suitable.
  7. An extract made from the house book for the last five years.

Sometimes there are situations when it is simply impossible to obtain certificates, and in this case it is necessary to write a statement stating the reason for the absence of these documents.

If you managed to collect everything, you can submit the package at the place of service. In some cases, it may take about 30 days to consider and form a response, and it can be both positive and negative.

When approval is received, an application should also be submitted to the Life Support Department, indicating one of the following goals:

  • purchase of an apartment;
  • construction of a private house;
  • improvement of existing conditions.

During the time that, according to the results of the application, payments are made to a separate account, the military needs to draw up a contract of sale, or document the construction.

In such a paper, there should be clauses where it is stated that the entire amount or part of it is repaid by the certificate. In the absence of such information, the contract will not be accepted, and the subsidy will not be assigned.

It is also necessary to take into account the norms currently in force for living space per family member, because it is precisely the tightness in the existing housing that also gives the right to request a housing subsidy.

So, the standards are as follows:

If a person belongs to the above categories of citizens who are entitled to additional living space, then he can add it to these minimum indicators.

Funds under the certificate can be spent not only on new buildings, but also on secondary housing, as well as an individual house.

If you wish, you can apply a subsidy to real estate under construction, and you only need to conclude an agreement with developers.

How to calculate it correctly

The correct calculation of the subsidy is a task for civil servants, for whom this is an official task.

But in some cases, you need to find out for yourself what amount of assistance he can count on when requesting from the authorities.

The easiest method is to use the official calculator of the Ministry of Defense on the official website of the department, where, after entering the basic data, an approximate but close to reality result is provided.

There is also a special formula, using which you can get a result close to reality.

To do this, you need to prepare, collect the necessary information, after which the calculations will be as accurate and close to reality as possible.

Video: on this topic

Using a calculator

The 2020 military housing subsidy calculator can be used to easily calculate the amount.

As a result, it will be shown what approximate amount the state's assistance in buying a home will have, but you need to know some features of entering information.

The form of the calculator itself consists of several columns in which you need to enter the existing data:

Number of family members The indicator is available from one to 16 people
Right to additional square meters It is only indicated whether there is such a right or not, based on this information the result will be adjusted
Residential area Which is available at the moment, it means exactly the space that is considered a place for life
total area It is indicated in square meters, and if zero is indicated in the previous paragraph, then there is no need to enter any information here either
Standard cost of "square" Installed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it has already been entered by default at the level of 37848 rubles, but if necessary, you can enter your own value
Service duration The initial indicator will be 10-16 years old, but for old-timers there is an option with 25 years or more

As a result, the introduction of data will give a result that a contract employee who meets these conditions can expect.

Photo: military subsidy calculator

Of course, the calculations are made individually and may differ, but special discrepancies should not be expected.

Calculation formula

In the same calculator, which is listed on the website of the Ministry of Defense, there is also a formula used to calculate the amount of assistance.

She looks like:


The ratio of the coefficient to the length of service has the following progression:

With each subsequent year, the size of the coefficient increases by 0.075, but in the end it cannot be more than 2.75.

By entering a small list of information, you can get acquainted with the final result in the form of an approximate amount that can be paid to the military as assistance for the purchase of housing, but it is advisable to use the formula that is on the official website of the department.

Families of servicemen who have served more than 10 years are entitled to free housing from the state. If earlier the military were given apartments, then since 2014 new rules have come into force and instead of ready-made apartments, the military receive money to buy housing. It may not be so easy to figure out how to get this money, how much is due in a particular case.

You can try to figure it out on your own, contact the housing authorities, or even hire a lawyer.

On our website you can get a free round-the-clock consultation on obtaining a housing subsidy for military personnel and their families.

Ask your question in the form located in the lower right corner, and qualified lawyers will answer you in detail.

The order was introduced in August last year. He defined new order housing for military personnel. Instead of previously received apartments in 2017, there is a housing subsidy for military personnel, which can only be spent on the purchase of a house or apartment. The amount of the payment is determined by the number of members of the military family and his length of service. The funds received can be spent on the purchase of housing throughout Russia or invest in housing under construction.

Receipt Money military personnel in 2017 is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • length of service must be at least 10 years;
  • a military family should not have their own apartment or the housing they own should be smaller than what is required by the standards for a family of this size.

Receiving funds is possible if you stand in line in the region for the improvement of living conditions. It is much faster and easier to receive money, unlike an apartment, in such a queue - usually about a month after the application is submitted. The procedure for this is as follows:

  1. Conclude an agreement with any bank to open an account. This is necessary in order to transfer money.
  2. Bring to the local housing authorities an application for the transfer of a subsidy and the details of the account opened for this purpose indicated in it.
  3. Get money into a bank account.
  4. Money can be spent on the purchase of a finished apartment or invested in an apartment in a house under construction.

The money is credited to the serviceman's bank account within a month after the application is submitted to the relevant authorities.

The application for the transfer of funds must be supported by some documents:

  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • passports of all family members over the age of 14;
  • birth certificates for children under 14;
  • an extract from a personal file confirming military service;
  • in the presence of adopted children - a certificate of adoption;
  • additional documents confirming the relationship with the applicant.

After providing required documents it remains only to wait for the funds to arrive, which is much easier than waiting for an apartment, as it was before.

If you already have an apartment?

If a serviceman or members of his family already have their own apartment, and there is a right to receive an apartment payment, this does not mean that this right cannot be used. A housing subsidy for military personnel can be spent not only on the purchase of an apartment or house in their absence, but also on the purchase of housing that meets the standards: that is, if a military family lives in a small apartment that does not meet the standards for such a number of people, the allotted money can be spent on acquiring more housing. Of course, in this case, the serviceman will receive less than his colleagues who do not have housing at all.

The calculation of this amount depends both on the prescribed meters and on those already available.

So, if the military man lives on the territory of 36 square meters, and has the right to purchase 42, then the amount of the subsidy will be equal to the cost of 6 square meters of housing.

How can I find out the amount of the subsidy?

There are two ways to find out the amount of a subsidy that is due to a soldier. The first special calculator on the website of the Ministry of Defense, which itself calculates according to the necessary data. In this calculator, you need to enter information about the size of the family, the length of service of the military, the available area and other data. You can calculate its size yourself.

To do this, you need a regular calculator. The calculation of the amount of the subsidy in 2017 is done according to the following formula:

P \u003d O * C * Ks

P is the estimated amount of the subsidy, H is the area of ​​the apartment that a family of this size is entitled to, C is the cost of 1 sq.m. living space in the Russian Federation, Kc - the coefficient of the duration of military service. All this information must be entered into a calculator and multiplied.

The figure that determines the cost of a meter of housing is determined by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services. According to 2017 data, this figure is approximately 35,915 rubles.

The procedure for determining the correction factor depends on the length of service and is 1.85 for military service of less than 16 years (but more than 10 - otherwise the subsidy is not allowed at all), 2.25 for service of less than two decades, 2.375 for a period of 20 years, 2.45 - military personnel with a service life of 21 years. For each subsequent year adds 0.075, but it maximum size leaves 2.75. The calculation of the coefficient for the families of military personnel who died in the course of service is carried out according to a coefficient of 2.75.

Calculation of the required area

The calculation of the total area for which funds are issued is even simpler - you don’t even need a calculator for it:

O is the number of square meters that a family of this size is entitled to, D is the bonus area that is due to certain categories of the military, L is the area that the family already has.

The norm of living space for 1 person in 2017 is 33 meters, if the military man lives alone, 42 - if he lives with his wife without children or without a wife, but with one child. If the number of family members exceeds 3, then each of them is assigned 18 meters of living space.

The additional area entered into the calculator is a kind of encouragement that relies on special categories of the military. The procedure for granting subsidies assumes that the presence of several grounds for obtaining additional space does not increase its size - only one of them is counted.

What housing can be purchased with a subsidy?

After receiving funds, the housing subsidy for military personnel can be spent on the purchase of housing. In this case, the acquisition can be made in the primary or secondary market, from legal entity or individuals. An apartment or house purchased with subsidy money must comply with technical and sanitary standards, be landscaped in accordance with the conditions of the locality in which they are located.

The area of ​​the purchased housing may be more than the required, but not less.

The proceeds can also be used to pay off the mortgage.

The Russian Federation assumes additional responsibilities for providing regular officers with housing. One of the ways of such provision, in accordance with the Federal Law N 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel" as amended on 02/03/2014. At the same time, of course, the subsidy is not the only way to support officers in the "housing issue", but it plays a very important role. For many military personnel, the housing subsidy is a more attractive way to purchase their own housing than, for example, a military mortgage. What is it, a housing subsidy for the military in 2015? Where to start decorating? And how fast will the result be? Let's deal with everything in order.

What is a housing subsidy for the military?

The housing subsidy to the military is non-cash monetary. Issued at a time and once. It was introduced as an alternative to the priority order for the provision of permanent housing for regular officers and military personnel transferred to the reserve. The subsidy is social payment issued by a certificate that entitles you to a preferential purchase of housing.

A housing subsidy for the military is a certificate for a certain amount. This amount is allocated by the state at the expense of the federal budget for housing for the family of a particular officer. Having such a certificate in hand, an officer can use it to purchase an apartment or house. In addition, these funds can be invested in their construction. At the same time, there are no restrictions on what kind of housing - primary or secondary, housing subsidy funds will be spent.

A housing subsidy for the military allows you to significantly save time on obtaining your housing, is provided without a queue and allows you to invest in any housing. The main thing is to prove your right and arrange everything correctly.

Who can apply for a housing subsidy?

The Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2010 No. 510 states that the following can apply for support for the purchase of housing or the improvement of living conditions:

Officers and warrant officers who signed a contract for military service before January 01, 1998 (except for cadets of military universities), if they and their families are recognized as needing housing;

Officers and warrant officers dismissed from military service for health reasons or for downsizing, as well as when they reach the age limit. Provided that they managed to serve under the contract for 10 years or more. Only if they are recognized as in need of better housing conditions. Or if they used service housing;

Officers and warrant officers who served 20 years, who used service housing.

It must be said that Federal Law 360-FZ of 11/24/2014 amended the procedure for obtaining a subsidy. The amendments touched on Article 15 "On the status of military personnel" on the right to choose the type of housing. In particular, the subject composition has been adjusted to receive subsidies to the military for the purchase of housing. In particular, for the category “dismissed from military service and in need of better housing conditions” for citizens recognized as needing housing before January 1, 2005 or recognized after January 1, 2005, if this was due to forced relocation, the requirement to mandatory service life of 10 years. But the corresponding changes to the Order of the Minister of Defense No. 510 have not yet been made.

Benefits of Housing Grant for the Military

The housing subsidy has a lot of advantages in comparison with other methods of targeted housing support for the military:

1. You can buy ready-made or under construction housing in an apartment building or a private house;

2. The right to a subsidy arises immediately after the officer reaches the conditions determined by law;

3. Other concessional capital can be used along with the subsidy to purchase new housing;

4. The housing subsidy is progressive.

As for the possibility use other capital along with the subsidy , then it should be clarified that this applies to any other subsidies or benefits due to the soldier or his family. Namely, maternity capital, preferential obtaining a mortgage. After all, a housing subsidy to the military is their legal right, therefore, they can use it at their discretion, provided that they comply with the norms of the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 510 of 07/21/2014. To achieve the service under the contract of the required length of service or after entering the reserve. At the same time, the amount of the subsidy will increase with the duration of military service.

In addition, the soldier himself may not even be asked if he needs a subsidy and assign it without his consent. For example, if a soldier refused housing offered to him at the place of service or at his chosen place of residence after being transferred to the reserve. Or if a serviceman expressed a desire to change his place of residence after being transferred to the reserve and handed over the housing allocated to him.

How is a soldier recognized as in need of housing

According to the norm federal law N 76-FZ, a serviceman may be recognized as needing housing by the executive authorities at their place of service. The basis for this is Article 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 512.

To obtain a status requiring housing a serviceman must write a statement of the established form and send it to the housing department under the executive power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, along with additional documents:

1. A copy of the personal passport and a copy of the passport of the spouse and birth certificates of the children of the serviceman;

2. Extract from the track record and certificates of the duration of military service;

3. A copy of the marriage certificate or a copy of the divorce certificate;

4. Extract from the house book at the place of residence, copies of personal accounts for 5 years preceding the submission of documents;

5. Copies of other documents confirming the right to improve housing conditions.

A decision on the issue of recognition of a serviceman in housing is made within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. The result is reported in writing to the address of residence.

How is housing subsidy calculated for the military

It is noteworthy that there are two decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation at once, which determine how to calculate the housing subsidy. The first of them - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2014 No. 76 establishes the procedure for calculating housing subsidies in accordance with the standard for total living space and the norm for housing per person.

The second - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2013 N 942 provides for the rules for calculating housing subsidies for the military who need housing in excess of the established living space standard.

To calculate the housing subsidy according to the standard, there is a certain formula:

P \u003d H x C x Ks

In this formula:

H - standard for the total area of ​​​​residential premises

С - cost per square meter according to the norm in the Russian Federation

Kc - correction factor indicating the length of service of an officer

Example: An applicant for a subsidy has a family of four. The standard cost established by the order of the State Construction Committee of July 18, 2013 No. 269 is 34,350 rubles per 1 sq. km. meter. The service life of an officer is 18 years. For officers with such a period, a correction factor of 2.25 is set. At the same time, the standard of living space for each family member is 18 square meters. meters.

Thus: P \u003d (18 x 4) x 34350 x 2.25 \u003d 5,564,700 rubles.

This amount can be further increased by 15-25 square meters. meters, provided that the officer falls under one of the categories established in Federal Law N 76-FZ:

Has a military rank above colonel

Has an honorary title of the Russian Federation

Engaged in teaching or research activities

His health deteriorated while serving in the Armed Forces.

At the same time, officers who have several reasons at once can use only one.

However, it also provides reduction in the total standard of living space . This can be done when a serviceman or members of his family make civil law transactions while living in a residential area, if they are aimed at alienating part of the housing into ownership or transferring its part occupied under a social contract of employment back.

If a soldier died in the line of duty or died after reaching the age limit for service, then the calculated correction factor for his family will be increased.

If a serviceman wants to purchase housing, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich exceeds the standards established in Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen", then a different formula applies. Or rather, two whole formulas:

1. P2 \u003d O - H - D - Tk - when the size of the total area is exceeded

2. P \u003d P2 x C - the amount of payment for the excess area

For example, an officer with the rank of colonel wants to increase the area of ​​​​future housing to 100 square meters. meters (O in the formula). In this case, the value of H is the standard living space. The law defines the maximum additional area for this title at 15 sq. meters (the value of M in the formula).

T is the maximum size of the area, taking into account the design features of the house or apartment. In this case, T \u003d 9 sq. M. meters.

Total: P2= 100 - 72 - 15 - 9 Total 4 square meters. meters will be the excess of the area over the standard.

According to the second formula, P = P2 x C, in which C is the residual price or the price established by the state contract for 1 sq. m. square meter, you can get the size to pay 4 square meters. meters received in excess of the norm. If the price of 1 sq. meter is 34,350 rubles, then the amount of the surcharge will be 137,400 rubles.

But you need to know that providing an officer with housing, a larger area than according to the standards, is voluntary and notifying. This means that the decision is made at the command level, and the applicant is notified in writing of such a possibility in each specific region of the Russian Federation during military service. In such a notice, all calculations of the cost of housing are indicated, taking into account the excess area. The serviceman must pay for the excess of the area within 20 days from the moment he signs the agreement on exceeding the standard area under the subsidy.