» Working under the import substitution program c. Best examples of import substitution in Russia

Working under the import substitution program c. Best examples of import substitution in Russia



Draft documents of the Foundation are posted on the Foundation's website and on our portal, defining:

The Fund is interested in the opinion of the expert community. You can send your comments and suggestions to us by e-mail [email protected] or to the address of the Foundation: [email protected]

We offer companies engaged in the production of equipment, goods, provision of services, software development that replace imported analogues or do not have imported analogues - to apply for inclusion in the list of import-substituting products, goods, works. Information can be sent to our email. In case of difficulties when filling out passports investment projects or if you need to develop a business plan according to the standards of federal ministries - please contact us.

Directions of the Fund's financial support - debt financing of projects aimed at:

  • import substitution and production of competitive civilian products;
  • completion of the development of a new civilian product and the development of a feasibility study for projects planned for implementation with the support of commercial banks; private investors, development institutions.

The Fund provides financial support for projects aimed at:

  • development and implementation at enterprises of promising technologies (including basic industry technologies) that take into account the principles of the best available technologies;
  • creation, completion of development and introduction into production of new high-tech competitive industrial products;
  • development of financial and economic, technical and economic, design and engineering and other types of analysis, expertise and justifications necessary for the further implementation of production and technological projects with the involvement of bank lending and funds from private investors;
  • implementation of technological and industrial projects carried out in priority areas of Russian industry and aimed at import substitution.

The financial support of the Fund's projects must meet the following requirements:

  • loan amount - from 50 to 700 million rubles;
  • loan term - from 5 to 7 years;
  • rate % (announced) 5-6% per annum;
  • the total budget of the project - from 100 million rubles;
  • the target sales volume of new products is at least 500 million rubles. per year, starting from the 2nd year of serial production;
  • availability of co-financing of the project by the applicant, private investors or bank loans in the amount of at least 30% of the project budget;
  • the proportion of financing for development work and engineering services in the total loan amount should be at least 50%.

Expansion of the numerical values ​​of the requirements for a project applying for financial support is possible by decision of the Supervisory Board of the Fund.

Criteria for selecting projects for financial support (projects are evaluated for compliance with the following criteria):

  • market prospects and potential for import substitution of the product;
  • scientific and technical prospects of the product and project, including compliance with the principles of the best available technologies;
  • industrial feasibility of the project and the strategic interest of the company in its implementation;
  • financial and economic efficiency and sustainability of the project;
  • financial viability of the borrower and sufficient collateral for the loan;
  • legal viability

To assess the compliance of the project with the criterion "Market prospects and the potential for import substitution of the product", in particular, an examination is carried out on the following parameters:

  • the presence of a market for the product;
  • positive dynamics of market development;
  • availability of competitive advantages relative to Russian analogues and foreign analogues presented on the Russian market;
  • classifying the product as import-substituting.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation prepared scrollpriority products for the formation of investment projects that promote import substitution, increase exports and technological development.

Enterprises planning to organize the production of products from this list can provide information on the planned investment project for submission to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan for the purpose of including information in the budget and subsequent receipt of state support on a competitive basis.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation collected the first information before 02/01/2015. This list is constantly expanding.

We offer companies engaged in the production of equipment, goods, services, software development, which replace imported analogues or have no imported analogues apply for inclusion in the list of import-substituting products, goods, works.

Information can be sent to our email. If you have any difficulties when filling out investment project passports, please contact us.

We will be happy to help you in solving your questions.

Employees of the Vernoye Reshenie company provide consulting support for projects, develop strategies and development programs, plans - action programs (roadmaps) for development, other necessary documentation, conduct research and advise on business issues.

We offer you to use the range of services of the Company:

  • consulting and information support for participants in state competitions for obtaining state support in the form of tax benefits, grants and subsidies, other types of support, support of the applicant's project in competitions of Ministries, departments, funds, other organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation,
  • development of a development concept (strategy), business plan, feasibility study (feasibility study), memorandum, presentation, project passport, preparation of a project documentation package,
  • conducting market research (marketing) - search for niches, market assessment
  • attraction of strategic and financial partners, investors in the project, business

Crisis is the best time for changes in economic strategy. Energy is no longer Russia's main source of income. It is necessary to develop domestic production, especially in sectors traditionally dependent on imports. For example, the share of imports in Russian mechanical engineering (especially machine tool building) reaches 60-80%, in oil and gas equipment - up to 70%, pharmaceuticals - up to 70-80%, and in electronics and light industry it reaches 90%. Unfortunately, it is impossible to solve this problem quickly: import substitution is a long and complicated process. However, the first "swallows" of future changes have already appeared.

We present to your attention the five best examples of import substitution in Russia in 2014-2015.

5. Oil and gas industry and oil engineering

One of the new projects of the Rosneft company is the new production complex Zvezda, which is engaged in the creation of a shipbuilding base. Russian Factoring Company, together with Surgutneftegaz, is building hydraulic fracturing equipment. Uralmash is developing a drive system for drilling rigs. The Perm machine-building company is testing a new set of rotary controlled systems.

OAO Gazprom approached the need for import substitution responsibly: it imposed a ban on the purchase of foreign equipment for all its divisions. In addition, the company has created a registry of used imported equipment so that any engineering company wishing to develop a new market knows what is requested. Gazprom is ready to test test samples live and, in case of a successful result, immediately purchase them.

4. Agricultural engineering

Concern "Tractor Plants" invested 700 million rubles in the creation of wheeled tractors with an automatic control system. The potential demand for such tractors by 2020 is about 160 units. It is planned that by this time the profit will amount to 1.2 billion rubles.

3. Military industry

The import substitution rating included the program for the development of strategic nuclear forces, which refused the participation of manufacturers from Ukraine. Now the Topol-M, Yars and Bulava missile systems are made entirely from domestically produced components. The new missile "Sarmat" has already gone into production. Our own air-to-air missiles also appeared, and the powerful one began to receive the Moskva-1 electronic warfare systems created with the latest technology.

2. Software

Companies "1C" and Acronis are engaged in the production of software and successfully withstand many years of competition with foreign manufacturers. The 1C: Enterprise ERP system successfully competes with Microsoft, SAP and Oracle. At present, 1C has 30% of the Russian ERP market in cash. The number of installations of 1C in the Russian Federation is greater than that of SAP worldwide.

1. Agricultural and dairy products

Import substitution contributes to an increase in the share of domestic production, especially in such sectors as pig breeding, poultry farming, the production of cheese, butter and, to some extent, herring. According to the mayor of Moscow, 90% of the dairy products market in the city is already occupied by domestic products.

But, unfortunately, many manufacturers, in pursuit of a long ruble, fill store shelves with counterfeit products. For example, according to Rosstat, the import of palm oil and its derivatives to Russia has grown to 260 thousand tons, it is used to produce cheap and low-grade dairy products.

The best example of import substitution in the market
, which uses only domestic raw materials in production - Lianozovsky Dairy Plant. Recently, the plant launched a new workshop, which began to process whey obtained in the process of manufacturing dairy products into dry whey (it is used in the baking, confectionery and meat industries). 7.5 million euros were invested in the workshop, of which about a third was invested in Russian-made equipment. Another plant opened new line packaging and invested 21 million in the production of containers for bottling milk.

Sanctions imposed against Russia by a number of Western countries and retaliatory actions Russian government had a stimulating effect on import substitution in the economy. Everyone understands perfectly well why Western sanctions and the fall in oil prices have had such an impact on the Russian economy.

Import substitution in 2019 is within 30%, which means that all goods, products, and services produced in Russia make up only 30%, the rest has to be purchased abroad. By the end of the year, this figure may decrease, but not due to an increase in the production of domestic goods, but due to a decrease in imports, which will lead to a deficit in the country.
According to analysts' forecasts, the most promising industries for import substitution in this moment are:

  1. Machine tool building. According to preliminary estimates, its import is more than 90%.
  2. Heavy engineering.
  3. Textile production.
  4. Electronic industry.
  5. Medical production.
  6. Pharmaceutical production.

Import substitution in the above list is possible subject to good productive capacities and the creation of enterprises with the ability to compete, capable of producing a quality product at appropriate prices. In the future, a decrease in imports is possible if there is a development and stimulation of new technologies and additionally created production.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, when implementing the policy of import substitution by the twentieth year, one can count on a decrease in imports in various industries from 90% to 50%, and in some industries it is possible to achieve more significant indicators.

In conditions of direct dependence on imports, the consequences of sanctions have become more an opportunity for the rapid development of domestic production, rather than a threat.

The Russian government, as a reaction to foreign sanctions, has introduced a ban on certain products supplied from the United States, as well as EU countries. The list of prohibited foods includes the meat of cows and other cattle, poultry, pork, fish and some crustaceans, as well as sausages, cheese, vegetables and fruits.

As a result, farmers have an additional opportunity for successful development. The main areas of import substitution in agriculture were seed production, cow breeding (based on the method of embryo transplantation), fish processing, horticulture, and vegetable growing. Medium and small businesses have a chance to realize their potential. In the absence of foreign competition, entrepreneurs have unlimited opportunities.

Experts pin their hopes on small and medium-sized businesses, which under the circumstances will be able to realize themselves in areas with minimal competition. For example, product line manufacturers are enthusiastic as supermarket owners are now more accommodating to domestic producers. Are small companies ready to provide the necessary volume and quality of products?

The head of strategic consulting is less enthusiastic about the speedy implementation of the upcoming program. It is assumed that big business will want to cooperate with small companies. But things need to be looked at realistically. In the sector of small and medium enterprises, labor productivity is lower, and the quality does not always meet the standards, as well as insignificant production volumes.

More than 80% of operating enterprises are small companies that have yet to grow and grow to the status of a small business. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the growth of medium-sized enterprises in the shortest possible time and to help them develop at the federal level.

By tradition, all projects in Russia are focused on the sale of raw materials, trade and construction. Although the process of import substitution in agriculture was started a long time ago, an abundance of sausages and pineapples did not appear on the shelves. Are there concrete examples of import substitution?

Tula region

Agricultural land "JAK" supplies to today's market a significant amount of its products, such as potatoes, beets, cabbage. Over the course of eleven years of fruitful work, cultivated land has been increased from 40 to 11,000 hectares.

The farm has achieved a large production volume: more than 90 thousand tons of potatoes, up to 200 tons of meat products and within 6 thousand tons of dairy products. The storages are equipped according to the European standard, which allows you to save the results obtained in a quality manner. Experts note an increase in the yield of grain crops in this farm, it exceeds all average indicators.

Moscow region

Recently, a new cheese factory called "Russian Parmesan" appeared on the territory of the Moscow Region, created on the basis of Russian equipment. During the year of its existence, the cheese production shop has succeeded and is ready to offer the Russian market yoghurts and parmesan corresponding to European quality. A kilogram of finished cheese is planned to be sold at a price of 650 rubles. The main goal of the creator of the cheese-making workshop is to compete with the best producers in Italy and Switzerland and to return to their homeland the traditions of cheese-making, lost many years ago.

Penza region

She became famous for the production of Dutch roses in Russia. At the moment, the Greenhouse Complex company has a network of greenhouses and is ready to supply 23 million roses of seventy different varieties to the Russian market. The creation of the organization happened long before the sanctions, about 10 years ago.

To increase the productivity of their organization, the company sent its specialists to Holland for training. The company plans to master the cultivation of other flowers that will decorate the holidays of Russian buyers.

Krasnodar region

Founded back in the USSR, the Adler Tea company grows and processes its own raw materials. In addition to tea, the company grows eggplants, persimmons, hazelnuts and other crops grown in the climate of the Krasnodar Territory.

Despite being active in many areas, the company cannot demonstrate a large profit, the company's income is approximately 21.2 million rubles. In the near future, it is planned to increase the area of ​​subtropical crops grown to 100 hectares and build a new greenhouse complex.

Leningrad region

The Velle company is a good example of how Western technologies work in the Russian economy, bringing worthy results. The company is engaged in the production and sale of products for a healthy lifestyle based on oatmeal. The assortment offered to the consumer includes yoghurts, desserts, cocktails, ready-made breakfasts, etc. The company has been operating in the market for 9 years with a revenue of 43.8 million rubles per year, which is a 100% capital gain.

An ostrich farm has also appeared in the Leningrad Region, which is engaged in the cultivation and sale of ostrich eggs, poultry meat, leather, feathers and souvenirs made on the farm. The popularity of ostrich meat in Russia is evidenced by the fact that a pre-registration is established for the purchase of ostrich meat. On average, the cost of one kilogram of meat reaches 1,690 rubles, and an egg - about 1,500 rubles. a piece. Despite the harsh conditions for growing ostriches, their population is growing. Ostrich meat is widely demanded in Russia, thanks to which the farm is doing well.

Penza region

Agrofirm "Razdolie" has chosen such an import substitution project as the production of strawberries. 4 new varieties have appeared on the Russian market at a price of 160 rubles, which is much cheaper than foreign analogues. Consumers liked the value for money of the product. Despite the fact that only 1.5 hectares of land are allocated for growing berries, the Razdolie agricultural company receives about half a million in net profit.

The difficult political situation in the world in recent years has led to the fact that we are increasingly hearing such a word as import substitution. This is the term that appeared in our everyday speech in connection with a certain list of sanctions imposed against our country by the United States and the European Union. We will not discuss how legitimate and effective these actions were. Today our article is devoted specifically to the topic of import substitution in Russia.

Term meaning

According to the theory of economics, import substitution is the replacement of imported goods with services and goods of a domestic manufacturer. This process is accompanied by the emergence of new jobs and the influx of Money received from taxes to the treasury of the state.

History of import substitution in Russia

For the first time in the country they started talking about import substitution in 1998. In connection with the collapse of the USSR, the links between the industry base and production were completely destroyed in the country. Until 1998, Russia was still somehow coping with the problems of industry and trying to raise the economy to its previous level. But the collapse of the ruble led to absolutely unexpected results. Import substitution in Russia during this period led to the takeoff of the economy due to the absence of foreign competitors and the increased consumer interest in domestic goods.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, import substitution was already active state support, which was received by large companies involved in nanotechnology, mechanical engineering and nuclear energy. Such a program allowed the industry to develop as much as possible, and the profits received as a result of the work were redirected as support to other enterprises that had previously been deprived of state assistance and subsidies.

Two years ago, many Western countries imposed a number of sanctions against our state, in response, Russia announced a food embargo, which greatly stimulated agriculture. At the moment, the import substitution program has proven to be the most effective in this area. Last year, a record minimum of foreign-made food was imported into the country. We can say that our state fully provides itself with all the necessary food. This significantly worsened the economies of countries that support anti-Russian sanctions.

Import substitution program in Russia

Russia has been thinking about import substitution for a long time, but the imposed sanctions forced economists to take measures in a short time to preserve the food independence of the state.

As a result, an import substitution program was created, it includes a number of measures until 2020. Perhaps in the future the government will provide for the extension of this program and develop a number of measures to introduce its ideas into agriculture and industry.

The program itself does not involve a number of measures and steps, it only determines the directions and areas of import substitution in Russia. The purpose of this process is to create a competitive production in Russia that meets all the needs of the country and is aimed at new markets. Also, this program involves the introduction of innovative technologies and a complete change of outdated approaches to production processes.

The program limits the timing and highlights the stages of implementation of all items. We have already passed the first stage, it lasted from 2012 to 2015. At the moment, import substitution is a new round of the program, from 2016 to 2020.

The text of the document also indicates the price of this process - ten trillion rubles. But the end result of this costly activity will take Russia to a whole new level. economic development.

Importance of import substitution in Russia

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the state policy in the field of replacing imported goods with Russian ones. After all, import substitution is not only about new jobs and independence from foreign suppliers. In general, it can be said with confidence that due to import substitution, a new round of economic development has begun in the country. First of all, agriculture provides its consumer with high quality products that meet quality standards. But such growth requires the parallel development of many related industries, which, in turn, stimulates industry and small businesses. As a result, the population gets new jobs, and industrialists get innovative technologies that provide great opportunities for further business development.

Import substitution strategy

In the context of import substitution, there are several strategies that make it possible to translate into reality all the points of the government's program. In general, analysts distinguish two main categories:

  • basic;
  • specific.

The basic strategy includes several points:

  • price leadership - businesses must create products and provide services that can successfully compete on price and attract a consumer looking for products in a low price category;
  • work on government orders - this strategy is suitable for large companies that have all the prerequisites for participating in a tender for the production of certain goods;
  • cooperation with foreign partners - successful cooperation with foreign companies in certain areas contributes to the growth of production capacity and the rapid introduction of innovations.

Specific import substitution strategies are not always suitable for small companies and require a wide customer base and the ability to work in an ever-changing environment.

In what areas is import substitution most important?

First of all, for the Russian economy, import substitution is the implementation of a program to fill the market with domestically produced products. Therefore, the importance of this industry is in the first place for the government. Equally important are the fields of mechanical engineering and information technologies. So far, the import substitution program in these areas has been very successful and promises good economic growth in the coming years. Let's look at each industry in more detail.


We will not repeat how import substitution in this area is a priority for the state. By the end of the program, Russia should be 90% self-sufficient in basic food products. As an addition, it should arrange the export of many products to foreign markets.

The list of main products includes:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • a fish;
  • corn;
  • potato;
  • milk products;
  • meat products.

Despite the fact that the state is taking a set of measures to support farming, there are a lot of problems in this area. Of course, the import substitution program is in place, but still the stages of its implementation in agriculture look a little blurry.

mechanical engineering

In this area, import substitution began more than ten years ago. The government actively supported domestic automobile concerns, which led to a powerful flow of investments into the industry from foreign partners. The import substitution policy has already borne fruit - production capacities are constantly expanding, thanks to investments, new factories are being opened, and innovative methods of work are being introduced. In addition, it has become profitable for the manufacturer to invest in research and development.

Information Technology

This area is the most difficult for import substitution in Russia. We are significantly behind Western companies in terms of developing our own software. More than 90% of all our equipment works on the platform of foreign developments. Even Russian banks are serviced by foreign payment system. Some analysts argue that in the coming years, Russian information companies will not be able to get a significant share of the market. But in the plans of the state there is still a similar item.

It should be noted that such large-scale tasks were not set before the Russian manufacturer before. After all, the Russian defense industry fully provides itself with software that has a high level of quality and compares favorably with foreign analogues.

The import substitution program in the field of information technology has set a number of tasks for domestic companies, the solution of which will be the fulfillment of all points of this program.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note that import substitution in Russia is already a running process that has brought a number of fruits, regardless of experts' assessments. Let's hope that economists and analysts were not mistaken in their forecasts, and the activity to saturate the Russian market with domestic goods will be crowned with a resounding success.

Larin FROM. H. 1 , Sokolov H. BUT. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0001-5296-5865, Ph.D., Leading Researcher,

2 ORCID: 0000-0002-2273-4705, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading Researcher,

FGBUN Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 16-02-50036a(f) “Development of the Russian economy under sanctions: impact assessments, protective countermeasures, forecast scenarios”



The article substantiates the need to revise the program for the development of the Russian economy and transition to its implementation based on the development of the concept of import substitution, primarily in key sectors, which include the Russian military-industrial complex. Regulatory support provided implementation of the import substitution program in the Russianmilitary-industrial complex (DIC). A number of problems are revealed that impede the implementation of the import substitution program in relation to the production activities of Russian defense industry enterprises. The essence of the costinnovation strategy is revealed and a conclusion is made about the expediency of expanding the areas of using effective solutions from related fields of knowledge, which allow minimizing the time and resources spent on the production of modern and competitive types of weapons and military equipment. The importance of the successful implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry is shown and the conclusion is made that it can become the main driver for the accelerated development of the entire Russian defense industry.

Keywords: Russian military-industrial complex, import substitution program, implementation problems, development driver.

Larin S.N. 1, Sokolov N.A. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0001-5296-5865, PhD in Engineering, Leading Researcher

2 ORCID: 0000-0002-2273-4705, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher

FGBUS Central Economical and Mathematical Institute RAS

This paper was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 16-02-50036a (f) “Development of the Russian Economy under Sanctions: Assessments of Impact, Protective Countermeasures, Forecast Scenarios”.



The article substantiates the need to review the program for the development of the Russian economy and proceed to its implementation based on the development of the concept of import substitution, primarily in key industries, including the Russian defense industry complex. The normative and legal support for the implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry complex (DIC) is presented in the paper. A number of problems, impeding the implementation of the import substitution program in relation to the production activities of Russian defense enterprises were revealed. The essence of the cost-innovation strategy is disclosed and a conclusion is made about the expediency of expanding the spheres of use of effective solutions from adjacent areas of knowledge, allowing to minimize the time and resources spent on the production of modern and competitive weapons and military equipment. The significance of the successful implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry was shown, it was concluded that this program could become the main driver for the accelerated development of the entire defense industry complex in Russia.

keywords: Russian defense industry complex, import substitution program, implementation problems, driver of development.


Receiving stable income from the sale of domestic hydrocarbons on international markets, Russia in 2000-2014 thoughtlessly increased the volume of supplies of foreign-made products, which, on average, grew 8.4 times over this period in all sectors of the Russian economy. At the same time, the share of foreign-made components in the final output of products was constantly increasing, in the branches of the Russian defense industry there was a significant dependence on the supply of Ukrainian-made products, the value of the coefficient of structural independence of domestic engineering products, including military ones, was steadily decreasing. The introduction by the United States, the EU countries and their partners precisely at this moment of sanctions restrictions on the purchase of imported equipment and components led to the fact that the security of the existence of the entire country was in jeopardy [ 2 ].

In this situation, the Government of the Russian Federation was faced with the need to urgently review the program for the development of the Russian economy and move to the development and implementation of the concept of import substitution in Russia until 2020. The basis of this concept was a series of programs to replace imported equipment and components with analogues made in Russia. Thus, the main goal of the concept was to gradually abandon imports of certain groups of goods by replacing them with similar domestically produced goods. Naturally, for this it was necessary to put these production facilities into operation and ensure the production of domestic analogues of the substituted goods in sufficient volumes and in full compliance with the quality characteristics. The solution of this problem has become one of the priorities in the activities of the Russian Government.

Main part

  1. Import substitution program in the Russian defense industry and its regulatory support

The introduction of sanctions restrictions by the US, the EU and other Western countries has accelerated the process of formation of sectoral import substitution programs in the Russian economy. By 2015, a number of import substitution programs had been developed in key sectors of the Russian economy. Under the Government of the Russian Federation, a commission was formed on the problems of import substitution, which included two subcommittees on sectoral problems of the defense industry and civilian sectors of the economy. The import substitution program in the defense industry also consisted of two parts. The first considered ways to solve the problem of replacing products and components supplied from Ukraine with domestic counterparts, the second considered ways to solve the problem of replacing supplies of products and components from NATO countries with domestic analogues. In addition, the program justified measures aimed at stimulating the development of national industry, as well as restrictive measures for the supply of imported products to Russia. The result of the implementation of this program should be a reduction in import dependence in various sectors of the Russian defense industry by 2020 from 70-90% to 50-60%. A limit was also set for the purchase of goods by the state and state-owned companies, according to which the volume of purchases of domestic products at the end of 2017 should be at least 80%. Another result of the implementation of the import substitution program should be the achievement of annual industrial growth in various sectors of the Russian defense industry in the range of 10-15%. Programs for the implementation of various import substitution measures were developed by leading state corporations - Gazprom, Rosneft, Rosatom, Roskosmos, Rostec and a number of others. Each of them determined a specific list of equipment, components and materials for their replacement with Russian-made analogues, as well as set specific deadlines and volumes for reducing dependence on imported supplies of equipment and components by 2020-2025.

The basis for the implementation of import substitution programs in various sectors of the Russian defense industry was the inclusion of the replaced equipment, components and materials in the State Defense Order (SDO). To participate in the State Defense Order, defense industry enterprises must be included in the consolidated register, which is formed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Minpromtorg) of the Russian Federation. Today, this register includes almost 1.5 thousand enterprises of various industries in the Russian defense industry. Of great importance is the state register of the only suppliers of Russian weapons and military equipment (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2013 No. 826), as well as the list of strategic enterprises and joint-stock companies, which at the time of its formation in August 2004 included about 500 enterprises. Today, less than 60 enterprises remain on this list. The President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Military-Industrial Commission, the subcommittee on military-industrial complex issues under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation and the Federal Antimonopoly Service are directly involved in the regulation and management of the implementation of the import substitution program in the defense industry. The military-industrial commission is headed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, who is its chairman. The permanent body of the Military-Industrial Commission is the Collegium, which is headed by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.O. Rogozin.

The regulatory framework for the implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry are: the federal law on industrial policy of the Russian Federation; the federal law on the State Defense Order, which operates jointly with the federal law on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs; state program for the development of the defense industry; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; orders and orders of the sectoral level of management. Participation in the implementation of the State Defense Order is a kind of state support for defense industry enterprises, which guarantees a certain stability to the enterprise.

The state program "Development of the military-industrial complex until 2020" was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in May2016. It is planned to allocate about 35 billion rubles for its implementation. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is responsible for the implementation of this state program. The main tasks to be solved during the implementation of the program are:

1) development in Russia of the production of modern models of weapons and military equipment and ensuring their subsequent promotion to the world arms markets;

2) ensuring the growth of industrial production in the sectors of the Russian defense industry;

3) creation of conditions for the development of personnel and intellectual potential at the enterprises of the Russian defense industry.

As a priority result of the implementation of this state program, the expected growth in industrial production in the sectors of the Russian defense industry by 1.8 times compared to the level of 2014, as well as an increase in the competitiveness of weapons and military equipment produced by enterprises of the Russian defense industry in the domestic and foreign markets, is announced.

In addition to the above goals, objectives and results, the state program for the development of the defense industry provides for some measures to support domestic producers. These measures include: granting subsidies to enterprises to reimburse part of the costs of the state defense order on loans, providing subsidies to enterprises to prevent their bankruptcy, as well as the provision of state guarantees. The amount of subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs of the State Defense Order on loans is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The allocation of subsidies to prevent bankruptcy of strategic enterprises is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Decisions on the provision of state guarantees are made by the Government of the Russian Federation. By decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, in some cases, budgetary investments in the form of subsidies from the federal budget, as well as repayable state loans, can be provided to defense industry enterprises as forms of additional state financial support.

However, the most effective way to support defense industry enterprises is to conclude contracts with them for the implementation of the state defense order, which specify the mandatory volumes of supply of weapons and military equipment, as well as components for them to ensure the defense capability and security of the state. The amount of financial support for the state defense order is annually approved by the federal law on the federal budget.

Thus, in our country, at the state level, as a first approximation, a system of incentive measures and financial instruments has been created to support the implementation of import substitution programs in the Russian defense industry. This means that the transition to the concept of import substitution turned out to be not just another political slogan, but a long-term and well-founded policy for the development of the Russian economy in general and its leading industries, which include the Russian defense industry in particular. However, during the implementation of import substitution programs, a number of factors were identified that created certain problems for their practical implementation.

  1. Implementation Issues import substitution programs at the enterprises of the Russian defense industry

These kinds of problems arose in a variety of areas. First of all, it is necessary to note the weak legislative support for the procedures governing the holding of competitions, tenders and auctions. As it turned out, in many cases, the competitive procedures were not properly organized and did not contribute to ensuring priority in the purchase of domestic products. Similar problems include the lack of information about the producers of domestic products. It was the result of a weak elaboration of communication relations between producers and consumers of these products at the regional, state and international levels. Among the top-priority problems is also the weak promotion of brands of leading manufacturers of domestic products both in Russia and abroad. Modern potential consumers of military products should know how effective Russian military equipment and weapons are compared to their foreign competitors, the prospects for further development of the market niche occupied by Russian defense industry enterprises, the presence and trends in demand from potential buyers for Russian-made military equipment and weapons, etc. d.

In Russia, clear regulations for the passage of competitive procedures have not been worked out. Practice shows that in most cases, filing an application for a tender (competition) involves a fairly significant advance work by the interested contractor. Today, this circumstance automatically puts Russian suppliers in unequal conditions with Western partners. Financial support for filing an application sometimes translates into carrying out up to 30% of the cost of the contract at its own expense. Naturally, in order to participate in the tender, a Russian supplier must receive a loan from a bank at a certain percentage. Of course, this will affect the total cost of the work under the contract, which must be determined in the application. Foreign competitors of Russian manufacturers have the opportunity to obtain virtually interest-free loans at 0.1 or 3% per annum through interested banks. Russian producers can get a loan at 10-12% per annum at best. Of course, in such conditions they often turn out to be uncompetitive in comparison with foreign manufacturers of military equipment. Additional difficulties are caused by the inability to take into account the credit line in the market value of contract products. Usually, the amount of the loan received is artificially “distributed” among other cost items, which in the future can lead to additional problems in the event of financial audits.

Therefore, to ensure the effective implementation of the state program for the development of the defense industry and the import substitution program, it is not enough to produce modern types of weapons and military equipment of the highest quality, it is also necessary to seriously develop regulations for the passage of competitive procedures so that when submitting relevant applications, Russian manufacturers are on equal financial terms with foreign competitors . It is also necessary to develop appropriate regulations for the correct preparation of tender documentation, which is exhibited for the passage of competitive procedures, so as not to initially create advantages on secondary grounds for foreign competitors.

Today, the level of market positioning and branding of military equipment and weapons produced by Russian manufacturers is underdeveloped. Unfortunately, many Russian manufacturers are not yet striving to present their products in a modern form. The divisions responsible for sales of products work on technologies of the last century, which do not provide for the possibility of operational interaction between suppliers and consumers. As a result, to make even minor changes, a huge number of approvals are required, which stretch over time for weeks and months. It is on such trifles that Russian manufacturers lose the competition to foreign manufacturers. At most domestic enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the work of marketing departments, promotion and branding of their products is poorly organized, and at a number of enterprises such departments are completely absent. Due to the presence of this problem, competitive domestic products do not find their consumers. The subdivisions that provide communication links between Russian manufacturers and domestic and foreign consumers also do not work well enough.

The above factors should be correctly taken into account and promptly corrected in order to timely solve the problems associated with them in the implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry. As one of the promising directions for solving these problems, one can use a combination of market and administrative approaches to taking into account the influence of these factors. At the same time, it should be taken into account that only a market approach involves the production of domestic military products, new models of weapons and components for them, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies in conditions of real competition with foreign manufacturers. This approach ensures a natural market selection of products, when a potential consumer gives preference to those military products, new models of weapons and components for them, which have the best price-quality ratio.

In modern conditions, it becomes extremely important for Russian defense industry enterprises to reduce the cost of manufacturing military products, new models of weapons and components for them, which will have tactical, technical and quality characteristics that are superior to foreign-made counterparts. Only by solving the problems of introducing advanced innovative technologies to develop weapons models with the best qualities at the best price, Russian defense industry enterprises can maintain their competitiveness in the domestic and global arms markets. In the event that such tasks are not successfully solved in the foreseeable future, the Russian army and navy will receive military products, the quality characteristics of which will be inferior to foreign counterparts. Therefore, Russia has the only way to develop the domestic defense industry through the implementation of an import substitution program and the introduction into production of military products, new models of weapons and components for them, as well as innovative technologies.

Usually, the technology for the production of military products and new models of weapons has a number of successive stages. For creating the latest sample weapon, surpassing in its tactical, technical and qualitative characteristics the analogues known to date in the world, it is necessary to identify the best of them and determine ways to improve its tactical, technical and qualitative characteristics. At the next stage, a conceptual justification is formed for the production of an analogue sample with more advanced performance and quality characteristics. The most important stage in the creation of the latest weapon model is the development of innovative technologies that provide the product with the best performance and quality characteristics. At the same stage, the necessary steps should be taken to ensure appropriate protection of the intellectual property of the latest weapons. At the next stage, a working prototype is developed and its comprehensive tests are carried out, the results of which should confirm (or refute) the assertion that this sample really has the best performance and quality characteristics. Upon receipt of positive results, the technology enters the final stage of the industrial production of the latest type of weapons, surpassing in its tactical, technical and quality characteristics the analogues known to date in the world.

Most enterprises of the Russian defense industry today do not have structural divisions that would be responsible for the creation of promising models of weapons using innovative technologies. Most often, the entire responsibility for the development of modern and competitive models of weapons and military equipment on the world markets is borne directly by the heads of defense industry enterprises or chief designers. At the same time, the implementation of the program for the development of the Russian defense industry provides for the creation of such structural units. But today they are available only at the level of large state corporations and enterprises of the Russian defense industry. At the same time, the very practice of developing modern and globally competitive models of weapons and military equipment provides for the implementation of an interconnected set of works coordinated at all stages by specialists from the research department, the marketing department and the information systems department. However, for economic reasons, far from all enterprises of the Russian defense industry can ensure the maintenance and loading of these departments. At insufficiently large enterprises of the Russian defense industry, it is practically impossible today to organize in a short time the full industrial production of weapons and military equipment with better tactical, technological and quality characteristics compared to foreign counterparts, while ensuring their acceptable cost. Including for reasons of insufficient funding, as well as the need for technological modernization of production.

Referring to the experience of developed Western countries, which are our direct competitors in the world arms markets, we can see that for many companies that create modern models of weapons and military equipment, in a number of cases it turns out to be economically more profitable to involve third-party organizations in their developments. As a rule, these organizations specialize in solving individual problems as part of the development of outsourcing and costinnovation strategies. If the essence of the first of these strategies is well known and understandable to Russian specialists, then the essence of the second strategy requires a brief explanation. So, the strategy of costinnovation involves the involvement of specialized companies in the development of modern types of weapons and military equipment, which at a highly professional level possess the skills of practical application of innovative technologies, including in the production of weapons and military equipment. Of course, such companies can solve various problems much faster in time, with high quality and efficiency. In our country, the practice of applying the costinnovation strategy is currently not developed due to the lack of supply and demand, as well as the market for this type of service itself. In this regard, it seems to us that in order to accelerate the implementation of import substitution programs in industries and enterprises of the Russian defense industry, it is necessary to expand the scope of using proven solutions from related fields of knowledge, which will minimize the time and resources spent on the production of modern and competitive models of weapons and military equipment.

  1. Importance of successful implementation of the import substitution program for the accelerated development of the Russian defense industry

According to many experts, the real process of import substitution began in Russia in late 2014 - early 2015. The first results of the implementation of import substitution programs obtained in 2015 turned out to be successful. They were especially outstanding in the food production industry - 88.5% of meat and 99.8% of grain in the domestic market were produced by Russian producers. No less significant were the results of the implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry.

The solution of priority tasks within the framework of the import substitution program affects not only the country's economy, it is directly related to ensuring national security. The main problem of the Russian defense industry today is the poor development of the domestic element-component base (ECB), the production of the very components that are part of the electronic components of any modern military products. Previously, these electronic components were purchased in the EU and NATO countries, but after the United States, most of the EU countries and their partners imposed sanctions restrictions on the supply of military electronic components (for the production of military equipment and weapons) and space (radiation-resistant components for the production of space satellites). ), the Russian defense industry found itself in a very difficult position.

To characterize it, let's turn to the activities of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, which was engaged in the purchase of lamps installed in the top lights of the ships of the Russian Navy. When passing the technical regulatory check, one of these lamps showed unsatisfactory magnetic compatibility. Specialists-technologists of the domestic state corporation "Svetlana-Optoelectronics", which produces similar LED light sources, dismantled the lamp and found an abnormal element in it, which turned out to be a GPS sensor. This sensor was installed inside the LED matrix and showed the exact coordinates of the ship of the Russian Navy, in the top lights of which the lamp was installed. For 20 years, lamps for mast lights installed on ships of the Russian Navy have been purchased in Norway. Thus, any Russian warship or any civilian vessel, which was equipped with lamps with sensors of this type, were visible on the radar screens of surface ships and coast guards of countries unfriendly to us.

A modern LED lamp has a complex "stuffing" of various microelectronic components, including sensors. At the same time, in the volume of not only one lamp, but also any sensor located in it, there is enough space for installing a non-standard chip that has a specific direction of its work. What will be its functions is a matter of technology. Such an LED lamp with a non-standard element can be found at any strategically important facility, for example, from a Russian Navy ship to a nuclear power plant control room. This is what the price of switching to the implementation of the import substitution program actually turns out to be.

For this and a number of other reasons, import substitution in the defense industry needs to be increased to 100%, since in the current geopolitical situation, Russia will have to do without the use of foreign components and technologies for the production of military products. The production of such products at the enterprises of the Russian defense industry should have a closed cycle - only if this condition is met, Russian manufacturers will be able to create unique military equipment, ensuring its worthy positioning in the global arms market.

To get out of the unfavorable situation with electronic components, the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry for 2013-2025" was developed and approved. Since the beginning of 2016, the implementation of such a program-target tool of this Program as a subprogram "Development of electronic component base and radio electronics for the period up to 2025" has started. At present, it is being successfully implemented, mainly, at the enterprises of the Russian defense industry. The program is based on the application of a project approach, which provides not only the development of specific analogues of radio-electronic components, but also their introduction to the Russian and world markets as competitive mass-market products with clear positioning, a set of documentation for potential consumers, certificates of conformity, etc. Implementation of the program is designed for ten years, and its budget will be about 120 billion rubles. Part of these funds will be allocated as subsidies intended to compensate for the costs of developing and bringing to the market analogs of Russian-made radio-electronic components, as well as to pay interest on loans. As part of this program, 4.35 billion rubles were allocated. to conduct development work (R&D) in order to create domestic analogues of radio-electronic components for the products of the Russian defense industry, which were previously purchased from foreign manufacturers.

The program also defines the main directions for the development of the domestic radio-electronic industry, namely: telecommunications equipment; Computer Engineering; electronic engineering; intelligent control systems. As the main result of the implementation of this program, by the end of 2025, it is planned to increase the share of radio-electronic components of domestic production for the needs of the country's economy - up to 35%, and for the needs of the Russian defense industry - up to 60%. At present, the enterprises of the Russian defense industry are already producing individual samples of weapons and military equipment, in which the base of electronic components is fully represented by products of domestic production.

The practical implementation of these provisions led to the fact that the volume of military products produced by the enterprises of the Russian defense industry in 2016 increased by 10.7%. Compared to 2015, production volumes increased in almost all sectors of the defense industry. Thus, in the radio-electronic industry, the growth in volumes was 18.5%, in the industry of ammunition and special chemicals - 14.5%, in the industry of conventional weapons - 10.4%, in the aviation industry - 9%, in the shipbuilding industry - 4%. At the same time, the growth rate of labor productivity at defense industry enterprises averaged 8.8%, outpacing the growth rate of the level wages , .

The state defense order in 2016 was completed by 99%. In the aviation industry, 30 civil and 109 military aircraft, 22 civil and 186 military helicopters were built in 2016. In shipbuilding, six warships were commissioned during the year,. All this allows us to assert that the successful implementation of sectoral import substitution programs at the enterprises of the Russian defense industry has become, in essence, the main driver for the accelerated development of the entire Russian defense industry.

Products and components supplied from Ukraine for the Russian defense industry will be replaced in almost the entire range by the end of 2017. The most difficult position, which required a lot of time and effort to replace, was the ship gas turbine engines manufactured by the Nikolaev state enterprise NPKG Zorya - Mashproekt. But to date, a power plant of this type has been created in Rybinsk, which, in terms of its technological and quality characteristics, surpasses similar products of Ukrainian production. A new and more advanced ship gas turbine engine of domestic production is undergoing acceptance tests. In the very near future, it will be put into serial production with subsequent delivery to shipyards for installation on ships of the Navy. According to import substitution plans, already in 2018 the Russian defense industry will completely abandon equipment and components previously supplied by Ukrainian enterprises.

In recent years, the Rosoboronexport company has also refused to import ready-made samples of weapons and military equipment from abroad and switched to purchasing only those components that have no analogues in Russia yet. At the same time, Belarus, Kazakhstan, India, France, China and some other countries were the main suppliers of imported weapons and military equipment. And in Bulgaria, the repair of some series of ships of the Russian Navy is still ongoing.


The results obtained in the course of the research allowed us to formulate the following conclusions:

  1. The presence of a high level of technological dependence on foreign-made equipment and components, as well as the introduction by the United States, the EU countries and their partners of a set of sanctions restrictions aimed at strangling the Russian economy, has led to the fact that the security of the existence of the entire country has been threatened. In the current geopolitical conditions, the leadership of Russia realized the need to revise the program for the development of the Russian economy and move to its implementation based on the development of the concept of import substitution, primarily in key industries.
  2. To do this, it was necessary to develop not only sectoral import substitution programs, but also to create a regulatory framework for their successful implementation as part of a number of federal laws, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the sectoral management level.
  3. An analysis of the production activities of Russian defense industry enterprises made it possible to identify a number of problems that impede the implementation of the import substitution program, and to formulate proposals for solving them using modern methods of strategic management, such as a project approach, outsourcing and costinnovation. For their practical implementation, it is expedient to expand the scope of using proven solutions from related fields of knowledge, which will minimize the time and resources spent on the production of modern and competitive models of weapons and military equipment.
  4. The results of the implementation of the import substitution program in the Russian defense industry, obtained during 2015-2016, give every reason to assert that the successful implementation of sectoral import substitution programs at the enterprises of the Russian defense industry can become the main driver for the accelerated development of the entire Russian defense industry.

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