» Need a loan for 10 years. Which banks issue a consumer loan for ten years? What do you need to get a loan

Need a loan for 10 years. Which banks issue a consumer loan for ten years? What do you need to get a loan

Difficult situations they rarely become hopeless, and any problem of a financial nature has several solutions. No opportunity to take a large sum with friends or relatives? Take a loan of 1000000 for 10 years through our service! We accept applications for long-term loans via the Internet.

How the site works

When lending, the data specified by the client in the electronic questionnaire are taken into account. A special form contains basic information about a potential borrower and the desired parameters of the transaction (limit for disbursed funds, term, method of receipt). Website visitors have the opportunity to request a loan without collateral (guarantee and pledge of property). An income statement will not be required when considering an application.

Any solvent network user with a stable income can take out a loan of 2,000,000 for 10 years. When considering an application, the presence of negative episodes in the client's credit history does not matter - loan processing is available to all site visitors. After sending the questionnaire through a special service, it is automatically processed, and the borrower gets access to the list of financial companies that provide borrowed funds population at a low interest rate for the required period.

Network users have the opportunity to significantly reduce the time for processing a credit transaction. To do this, it is enough to confirm your desire by sending an application simultaneously to all selected banks in your city. The service is available to site visitors at any time of the day.

To take a loan of 2 million rubles for 10 years at a minimum percentage, it is not necessary to search for a suitable financial company on your own. We will help you take the first step!

The interest rate is the first thing customers pay attention to when choosing a loan product. This is the most significant factor that determines the total amount of the loan and the level of overpayment for the entire term. The lower the interest rate, the better the offer. A loan at 10 percent per annum is one of the most attractive banking products due to a small overpayment. Most banks have such offers, however, most often the minimum rate is indicated, and the final interest is calculated for each client separately, taking into account his financial characteristics.

Loan conditions at low interest

The following categories of citizens can apply for loans at a reduced rate:

  • salary customers of the bank;
  • pensioners;
  • bank depositors;
  • persons who have repaid loans in this bank without delinquency.

The final interest rate in most cases is calculated individually, taking into account the client's solvency, availability of collateral, amount, term and other conditions. Clients with a good credit history, without debts and violations can count on a trusting attitude and loyal lending conditions.

Where can I get a loan at 10% per annum?

The table below shows a list of banks where you can take a loan at 10% per annum for up to 20 million rubles for up to 3 years without a guarantee, but with proof of income:

To approve the loan, you will need to provide certificates confirming a sufficient level of income, and several additional documents (at the request of the lender). Without certificates, you can get a loan at a low interest rate only in a few banks.

How to calculate a loan at 10 per annum?

You can calculate a loan at 10 percent per annum using the built-in loan calculator on the page of a specific banking product. In the "Loan calculation" field, you must enter the value of the amount and term, and then click on the "Show calculation by month" button. A table will open showing the amount of monthly payments, the balance of the loan and the amount of the total overpayment. You can find out in advance how much you will pay per month, and easily choose the most convenient option by changing the term or amount of the loan.

Loan procedure

You can find offers from banks and apply for a consumer loan at 10 percent per annum on our website:

  1. In the fields of the search form, enter the value of the amount and term of the loan. To specify specific conditions, click the "More Options" button. In the advanced search mode, you can mark additional conditions for issuing a loan: age, availability of collateral, length of service, etc.
  2. Among the offers selected by the system, choose the most convenient for you and click on its name. A product card will open with detailed conditions and requirements for obtaining a loan. To apply online for a loan, click on the appropriate button.
  3. The application form will open in a new window. Carefully fill in all required fields and provide up-to-date contact information.
  4. Wait for a call from a loan officer. He will give you a preliminary decision and instruct you on the next steps.

In case of a positive decision, you will be invited to the office to complete the transaction.

The list of available options for obtaining and repaying a loan is indicated in the card of a specific loan product.

Applying to a bank for a consumer loan today is no surprise to anyone, because. This is a very popular service for individuals. But sometimes there are situations when you need to borrow cash, but there is no way to quickly pay it back. And the question arises: are there banks that can issue funds not for the standard 5 years, but for 10? Let's try to answer it.

Pros and cons of long term loans

The current pace and style of life, the abundance of advertising, development social networks lead to the fact that many of us want to have a standard of living higher than it is on this moment. Get an education at a prestigious university, make a fresh renovation in your apartment, update your wardrobe, or go on vacation to an expensive resort.

The reasons may be very different, but if there is no work with sufficient income to realize all your desires, then there is only one way out - contacting banking organizations. And this is where problems can begin, because lenders do not give large sums to anyone who wants it. The higher the amount you request, the higher your income should be.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17% - this is a clear robbery. Look for the best deals. They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Oriental is more likelyFrom 9.9%Checkout
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 9.9%Checkout
Home loan worth a try too From 9.9%Checkout
Alfa-bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Svyaznoy: installment card Conscience credit cardfrom 10% per annumApplication
Home Credit: installment card Freedom credit cardfrom 12% per annumApplication
Sovcombank if everyone refused From 12%Checkout

What to do if the official earnings are relatively small, but you need a large loan? There are several options for the bank to still approve your application:

  • bring or a co-borrower so that your total income is taken into account,
  • arrange a pledge in the form or so that the bank has collateral that can be sold in case of non-payment,
  • request a maximum loan term in order to “stretch” payments over time, and thereby reduce their size.

For many borrowers, obtaining a loan for a long time is the only way to get the required amount from the bank with a small salary. In this case, the monthly payment becomes very small in size and does not cause much damage to the family budget.

Of the significant disadvantages, it is worth noting the big one. After all, it has long been known that the longer you pay the bank, the more you will have to give in the end.

That is why the practice of borrowing is so common in Russia, which allows you to save at least a little on banking services.

Loan secured by property for 10-20 years

Most often, banks issue loans for such a long period secured by real estate. In this case, the company receives reliable security and a guarantee that the borrower will regularly pay the borrowed funds throughout the term of the contract. cash.

We will look at some examples where individuals long-term loan will be available:

  1. Vostochny Express Bank - it offers the issuance of a general purpose loan secured by housing in the amount of up to 30 million. The minimum rate is 9.9%, credit for a period of up to 20 years. More information ;
  2. - in this company, you can get an amount from 200 thousand to 15 million rubles for any purpose. The interest varies from 9.9% to 14.9% per annum, the repayment period is from 3 months to 15 years. Only an apartment in an apartment building on the territory of the Russian Federation can act as security;
  3. In Sberbank of Russia, under a similar program, you can also receive up to 10 million rubles at a rate of at least 12%. Refunds must be returned within 20 years, more information in this article;
  4. there is a similar program with collateral, where the owners of the property can be credited for 15 years. They will have access to an amount of no more than 30 million rubles, the minimum percentage is 12.4%;
  5. The Housing Finance Bank operates a non-targeted loan secured by housing. It is issued for up to 8 million rubles. with a repayment period of up to 20 years. The rate will start from 12.89%, on the Banki.ru website you can get a special promotional code that will lower the percentage. Get more information in this review;
  6. Zenith Bank offers servicemen who are members of the NIS to receive funds up to 3 million for a long period of up to 15 liters. At the same time, the interest starts from 12.5% ​​per year, it is noteworthy that no collateral is required. The application will be processed within 2 days. You can find out more at this link;
  7. Bank Saint Petersburg will give you up to 10 million rubles for any purpose with a repayment period of up to 180 months. The percentage starts from 12.5%, and collateral is required. Actual data is indicated

At the same time, it is worth remembering that in addition to the costs of repaying the loan itself, you will also need to pay for the assessment of your property, and then annually, for the entire period of the loan agreement, pay for collateral insurance. You have the right to refuse personal insurance, more details.

You can make preliminary calculations for a loan using an online calculator:

Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

Where can I get a loan for 10 years without collateral?

In Russia, there is only one banking organization that allows you to get loans without collateral for a long period of up to 15 years - this is. Moreover, according to some of its programs, it is possible to obtain a loan even without proof of income.

To date, there are 4 offers here that allow you to receive money for different purposes - cash spending or refinancing existing debt from another company. At the same time, the conditions will vary for clients, depending on their belonging to one or another category of borrowers:

You can get a loan from the ICB already from the age of 18, but there is a condition - you must live in Moscow or the Moscow region, and your employer must be registered here. It is noteworthy that for all programs there is a single period for consideration of an application - no more than 3 days, and the execution of personal insurance is a prerequisite for obtaining a loan.

Education loan

There is another option - obtaining an educational loan. As the name implies, the money can be spent solely on paying for your education at a higher education institution. In this case, the rates will be as follows:

  • The interest is 14.9% per year,
  • the amount is from 50 thousand to 2 million rubles,
  • the repayment period can last up to 150 months,
  • without commissions and security,
  • if you refuse personal insurance, an increase of + 13% applies to your interest,
  • once a year, you can change the date of making monthly payments, the service is paid, its cost is 300 rubles.

Registration is also possible from the age of 18, work experience of 3 months and proof of income is required. Russian citizenship and permanent registration in one of the regions of the Russian Federation are required. From the documents you will need an application form, a passport, an agreement with the university and an invoice from the educational institution and / or a certificate of continuing education.

Thus, there are several possibilities for obtaining a consumer loan for a long term of 10 years, but in this case, in most cases, you will have to provide real estate as collateral.

Long-term lending to a client within the framework of one agreement is possible if several conditions are met at once, the main of which is to ensure the risks of the bank. It is too risky to give even a small amount for a decade for only one word of honor about returning on time. Where can you get such a loan?

First of all, it should be said that yes, such loans do exist - money is issued for non-targeted needs and for 10 , and on 15 years, and for a longer period, as long as the borrower is not of retirement age by the time the contract is closed.

On the other hand, getting money for such a long time is quite difficult - banks do not agree to issue them without collateral, which is reasonable. So, what needs to be done in order for the client to get a consumer loan for 10 years?

Bank risks

The Bank is subject to the law, it is obliged to minimize and ensure its risks. In practice, this means that it cannot issue loans to all applicants on any terms - such a credit institution will simply go bankrupt, or it needs huge reserve funds that not every company can afford.

A guarantee acts as a security - the guarantor becomes a co-borrower together with the client, and if he does not fulfill his obligations, it is the guarantor who will have to pay the balance of the debt.

This is one of the guarantees that the bank will get their money back.

Another type of collateral is a pledge. Real estate, including commercial property, or movable property such as a vehicle can act as collateral.

For a bank, collateral is a weighty argument in favor of the client, unless, of course, the property is in a liquid state and, if necessary, it can be profitably sold - for this, it is evaluated. In any case, the approval of a secured loan is given much more willingly than without collateral.

Among other things, a bank issuing a consumer loan for such a long period is obliged to verify the client's solvency, which requires confirmation of a stable income. Some banks even refuse to lend in this way. individual entrepreneurs because of their precarious position.

Types of loans

It is quite natural that not any consumer loan can be stretched for a decade.

Most of them have a maximum loan repayment period of 3–5 years, so there must be weighty arguments to increase the term - for example, when a consumer loan is required for education or the client is ready to provide the bank with property on security.


The main feature of an educational loan is that it is issued completely optionally on 10 years, but for the entire period of study, and the conditions are quite different for those who still study, and for those who stopped their studies during the repayment period due to various reasons. But where does a decade come from?

At the moment, studying at a higher educational institution for obtaining the status of a bachelor of science is 4 years, and a master's degree takes another two or three years, depending on the form of education. Then most of those who devote themselves to science go to graduate school - and all this costs money.

Or the option of entering a college, then a university is possible - even without postgraduate and master's programs it will take at least 8 years. However, there is nothing shameful in reaching out for knowledge - unless, of course, if you have the financial ability to pay for tuition or repay the loan on time all this time.

secured by real estate

Non-purpose mortgage in this regard is somewhat simpler. A citizen pledges his property to receive funds that he will return within a few years - 7–10 and more.

No one requires him to report on expenses, he can build a bath for himself with this money, he can go on a trip abroad or spend money on medicines and operations.

Bank offers

Such offers among banking loan products are rare, but still occur. They have different requirements, but almost always a very large list of documents, especially when it comes to mortgages.


Sberbank offers two consumer long-term loans: for education and secured by real estate.

He positions the first as especially beneficial for students:

  • without a fixed credit limit - how much does training cost, this is the maximum possible amount;
  • extremely low interest rate 7,06% per annum, if the refinancing rate is held at 8,25% – if it changes, the contract will be renegotiated;
  • The maximum loan term is 10 years, so that you can get all the education available to the client;
  • for all forms of education;
  • without commissions, insurances and security.

There are also limitations - the loan is provided only for secondary and higher vocational education, only for those students who enter institutions that have the appropriate license and have passed accreditation.

Why such favorable conditions for the provision of the product? Most of the interest rate is subsidized by the state, which allows you to keep the rate for customers as low as possible.

At the same time, Sberbank does not even take into account the solvency of customers and issues such loans to people from the age of 14, if parents and guardianship authorities do not mind.

Moreover, he considered the similar experience of foreign credit organizations and provides a deferral for the payment of principal and part of the interest for the first years for the entire period of study and for another 3 months more than that.

To obtain such a loan, you need:

  • questionnaire;
  • an agreement on paid education with an educational institution;
  • passport or passports of parents, permission of guardianship and guardianship authorities for minors;
  • certificate of temporary registration of the borrower, if he does not live at the place of residence.

The application will be considered within 4 days, after which the money will be transferred to the account of the educational institution in parts or at a time. If the client wishes to repay the loan ahead of schedule, he can do this on any business day upon application without paying a fine or commission.

But the sanctions for delay are very tough - up to 20% per annum.

As for a consumer loan secured by Sberbank, it is provided for only 7 years, up to 10 million rubles under 15% per annum and above.

Is it true that loans are only for working and young people? Find out which banks issue.

How to apply for a consumer loan at Sberbank? The subtleties are discussed.

About the obligations that he imposed on bankers new law on consumer loans, written in.


Rosselkhozbank has a fairly wide range of consumer loans, but most of them are issued for a period 3–5 years.

As an exception, you can pay attention to the "Educational" loan. It is also, as in Sberbank, issued from 14 years for study expenses, however, it can also be used to obtain a second higher education or professional retraining.

The restrictions are almost the same:

  • training only in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education in any form of education;
  • issued only in rubles, the limit is 350 000 rubles and should not exceed the full cost of training;
  • maturity 5 years and grace period 5 years, that is, the maximum period is not more than 10 years;
  • provided only under the guarantee of individuals or legal entities, and can also be provided on the security of property.

After submitting the application-questionnaire, the bank considers the application within 5 working days, approval is valid 45 days. Repayment is possible by differentiated or annuity payments, early repayment is possible without penalty from the bank.

Also, before applying for a loan, you should pay attention to such documents as the borrower's memo and the mandatory full cost of the loan.


This bank has its own consumer lending program "Premium", which, in fact, is a non-purpose mortgage. Loan expenses can even include business development, which is very convenient.

The borrower is required to:

  • be a citizen Russian Federation with permanent residence;
  • reach 23 years and at the time of closing the contract to be younger than the retirement age;
  • work at least six months at the last place of work.

So there is no restriction for individual entrepreneurs or their employees which is very convenient.

A guarantee is not required, a mortgage is enough for a bank, and all types of real estate are accepted as collateral. In addition, the bank is ready to take into account the unofficial income of the borrower if it provides a relevant certificate in the form of the bank.

The conditions are quite favorable: the period from 6 months before 10 years inclusive, the amount of monthly payments is adjusted by the client independently, early repayment with recalculation of payments without commission is possible.

A loan can be provided in foreign currency or rubles, in the amount of 300 000 before 20 000 000 rubles. You can lower the interest rate, it's worth it 1,5% from the loan amount, it is from 14,5% before 16% depending on the type of property, if the borrower refuses insurance, it rises.

All the required documents are a very large list, but a questionnaire and a certificate of income in the form of a bank are required.

Bank of Moscow

One of the largest lenders in Russia, the Bank of Moscow is ready to issue loans at a rate of 13,45% per annum for the amount of 490 000 rubles and up to the maximum value provided as a pledge of real estate, which must be insured.

The repayment period is record long - from one to twenty years! Special conditions are provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and payroll clients. There are no commissions.

But the interest rate is low only at first glance - when you refuse insurance, it rises by 3% , for loyal customers (salary and platinum) is reduced by 0,3% .

The requirements for the borrower are simple - citizenship of the Russian Federation, age at least 20 years and not older 70 , work in Russia for at least 3 months in the last place, and at least a year in general.

As for the documents, you will need a certificate in the form of a bank or 2-NDFL, documents on military service for men, application form, passport, education document and TIN. If there is a marriage contract, it is also required. You can also provide documents on additional income of the client.

MTS Bank

MTS Bank provides non-purpose loans for a period of 3 months before 10 years inclusive, for the amount of 300 000 rubles to 25 million. To do this, you will have to mortgage real estate - the available credit limit is a maximum 70% from its value.

As for the interest rate, it consists of several parts: depending on the size and term of the loan from 16,50% before 17,50% , 4% adds no personal insurance and 1% adds no title insurance.

But the rate can be reduced - there is an option "Pay less", which, with a one-time payment from 1.5% to 5% of the loan amount, reduces from 0.5% to 2% per annum.

To confirm your income, you will need a certificate in the form of a bank and a certificate of 2-NDFL. The borrower must be an adult citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent registration. He must have a source of permanent income and work at the last place of work for at least 3 months with a total experience of at least a year.

It is possible to attract co-borrowers. Individual entrepreneurs can also be credited if their business has been in existence for a year.

What you need to get a loan:

  1. Documents for the borrower according to the list.
  2. List of required documents for an apartment or house.
  3. Questionnaire.
  4. Help in the form of a bank.

comparison table

Bid, % Size, rub. Special Requirements Advantages
Sberbank - For education
From 7.06 individually Permission of guardianship and guardianship authorities, not possible for minors under guardianship Lowest interest rate, deferred
Rosselkhozbank - Educational
individual Up to 350,000 No Deferral of 5 years for a term of 5 years
Investtorgbank - Premium
14.5 to 16 from 300,000 to 20,000,000 secured by real estate Term from 6 months, rate reduction is possible
Bank of Moscow - Consumer
13,45 from 490 000 rubles secured by real estate Opportunity to reduce the rate, special conditions for regular customers
MTS Bank - Consumer
From 16.50 to 17.50 From 300,000 to 25,000,000 secured by real estate From 3 months

Advantages and disadvantages

After the entry into force of the new law on consumer loans, banks have become more cautious in assessing their risks and raising rates. Separately, it should be said about the interest rate - now it is transparent, but it does not become lower because of this.

Lack of insurance by the client entails an increase in the annual rate by an amount of approx. 5% per annum on the entire loan amount.

Loans for education, although they are called consumer loans, in essence remain targeted - they are sent non-cash to the account of a training organization. Among the minuses, it is also worth noting the stringent requirements for this organization.

On the other hand, the requirements for the client have softened unprecedentedly, and the loan from Sberbank is the most profitable in the line due to the extremely low interest rate.

As for non-target mortgages, practically nothing has changed here - the term is long and can even exceed 10 years, but the age of the borrower must be taken into account.

Among the advantages, it is worth noting the possibility of attracting up to 8 co-borrowers under the agreement, which makes the burden of debt not so heavy.

There are also a large number of ways to reduce the interest rate, even with the help of lump sum payments. In the end, the client pays once, and receives a discount for the entire duration of the contract.

Life in our country is arranged in such a way that people need to regularly spend large sums of money. This is especially true of large cities, where everything costs an order of magnitude more expensive. Money may be needed for a variety of needs: repairing a private house, buying a new car, paying for treatment or surgery, going on vacation abroad, to repair household appliances. Also, there are often urgent unforeseen expenses that require large amount cash. For example, dental services or the purchase of expensive medicines are required. In all such situations, it is worth taking a consumer loan for 10 years. It will eliminate the need to borrow money from relatives, friends, work colleagues or neighbors.

Thousands of residents of the country resort to such a service every year, since it is profitable and affordable. There are many in Moscow financial institutions issues loans for consumer needs. To obtain them, it is not always necessary to leave a deposit, confirm the source of income, and many different documents. From a large number of proposals, each person will be able to choose the optimal loan conditions for himself and arrange it for 10-15 years. Payments over such a long period are made in small amounts, which is very important for people with low incomes in a difficult financial situation.

If you resort to such a service for the first time, our experienced specialists will provide all the necessary consultations for free. They will help you to correctly apply to the bank in order to pay the minimum interest on the loan. The resulting loan can be invested in real estate, buy a private house or apartment. The cash can also be used for other purposes. Only with our service you will have access to the lowest interest rate on a loan.