» Houses built under the renovation program. Demolition of housing under the renovation program: when will it start and how to find out about it from official sources? How is the renovation going?

Houses built under the renovation program. Demolition of housing under the renovation program: when will it start and how to find out about it from official sources? How is the renovation going?

On February 21 of this year, the president of the state officially sent an instruction to the mayor of the capital to activate new program demolition of five-story buildings. And two months later, the first regulations regulating this issue were prepared. But, given the speed of decision-making on the demolition of Khrushchev in Moscow, Muscovites have more questions than answers. And while the final lists of houses for demolition in Moscow in 2017 are being formed and their addresses are being determined, and the government is painstakingly working to eliminate contradictions in papers and by-laws.

In the Soviet Union, every family that faithfully worked at state-owned enterprises could rightly count on receiving personal housing. This is undoubtedly good program, thanks to which Moscow is dotted with five-story buildings, among which Khrushchevs prevail. These houses became the lifeline of the city authorities, which made it possible to provide housing for thousands of Russian families. But time goes by, houses fall into disrepair, threaten their disrepair, and hundreds of families dream of changing their impractical layout to a spacious new apartment in a modern high-rise. This is one of the main reasons that provoked the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017.

The renovation plan was launched back in 1998 and was expected to be completed by 2011. But, due to financial and other government difficulties, the plan for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow was extended for several more years. According to the most favorable forecasts, the Khrushchev demolition plan should be completed in 2019. But these terms are approximate, therefore they are not limited only to these dates, and can be extended.

The law on the demolition of five-story buildings in 2017 became the basis for compiling a preliminary list of applicants for dismantling. In particular, more than 4.5 houses were included in the demolition list, for the salvation or dismantling of which the owners voted.


In practice, the renovation project has received a more favorable name - the "Housing" program. The emphasis is on the fact that the work is not aimed at destroying the housing stock of the capital, but at improving the living conditions of Moscow families. According to the theoretical foundations, it was indicated that the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings for 2017 will depend solely on the opinion of the property owners in the applicant houses. And the voting lines were already closing on June 15th.

Now, until July, the votes will be counted and the final lists of five-story buildings for demolition will be drawn up. As you get acquainted with the results and compile statistics, all the addresses of the five-story buildings that took part in the survey, as well as the schedule for the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow in 2017, are put on public display on the Internet.

It should be noted that the final list will be published only in August, but for now, the demolition map of five-story buildings includes 115 structures, among which there are not only Khrushchevs, but also other dilapidated or emergency houses.

Practical stage

It will be possible to start the implementation of the practical stage only after the formation complete list demolished five-story buildings. Tentatively, at the end of August, Muscovites will learn about which houses will be dismantled. But, for now, you can follow the trend on the site in the Active Citizen section.

Attention! The counting of opinions will take place in two stages and requires the obligatory overcoming of the 70% barrier of votes in order for the house to be dismantled.

The rules for forming a list of five-story buildings, as well as drawing up a demolition order, imply the following algorithm of actions:

  • taking into account the opinions of owners / tenants of real estate in the houses-applicants separately for each apartment;
  • total calculation for each house separately.

In this case, a positive answer will be counted if:

  • all residents of the apartment voted for dismantling;
  • if the opinions of the residents of one apartment differ, but the majority looks at the solution of the issue positively;
  • if not a single vote was received from the apartment

Thus, only a unanimous refusal will count towards the "no" vote.

When determining the first list of houses that can be demolished, the period of construction and its condition were taken into account. For example, municipal utilities of the city carried out inspections in order to establish the accident rate of dwellings.


The renovation project was launched in 2017, and it is for this period that the bulk of the work is planned. So, as already mentioned, before the end of the summer, the addresses of Moscow five-story buildings will be formed, which ones will be demolished. Further, it will take about two months to draw up notices to residents, to provide enough free apartments in new buildings for the resettlement of citizens, as well as to draw up all the necessary papers.

If, after looking through the lists of houses for demolition in Moscow 2017 and found your addresses, you should contact the city's housing stock. They will provide a form to familiarize themselves with the new housing. With this document, the family goes to new apartment, inspects it and makes a decision on accepting the dwelling in exchange. In this case, an exchange agreement is drawn up, according to which the state owns the Khrushchevs, and the migrants acquire housing in a new building. A month and a half was allotted for the preparation of all these papers. Another 30 calendar days are allocated to complete the move.

In addition, by the end of 2017, it is planned to begin the demolition of five-story buildings in Moscow. The city authorities hope that in 2018 the renovation project will be successfully completed. But, as practice shows, the country may face exorbitant financial costs, due to which, perhaps, the demolition of Khrushchevs in Moscow, which began in 2017, may last until 2020 inclusive.

As for the queue, much depends on the availability of empty apartments for resettlement and the dilapidation of the building. The most reliable buildings will be dismantled last. The list of demolished houses touched on almost all districts of Moscow, including Kapotnya.

What can settlers expect?

Muscovites are anxiously awaiting the official presentation of the list of houses to be demolished, which will soon be published in the media and on the pages of Internet resources. If a house is on the list of the five-story building demolition program in Moscow in 2017, then the owners will certainly have to move. And that's what scares me the most. And in vain, since the city administration guarantees the provision of all kinds of assistance related to the move.

As mentioned above, the demolition of houses is possible only when there are enough empty square meters for the resettlement of migrants. Therefore, active work is now underway on the construction of new buildings. The layout of the new housing will be similar to the usual dilapidated housing. And, if you look at the house on the map, then the location promises to be profitable. The presence of kindergartens and schools, as well as other citizen service centers, will be taken into account.

Residents of the five-story building being demolished can be calm, as the municipal authorities undertake to provide free services to transport things to a new place of residence.

Legal self-defense

The procedure for implementing this reform has already been approved, as well as the mechanisms for legal influence on citizens who do not want to move. In particular, this applies to the judicial resolution of disputes. Case studies show that the courts take the side of the state because the city authorities act on the basis of official law. Also, the owner will not be able to influence the queue for dismantling houses for demolition in 2017.

The only court decision that can be made in favor of the owner is the provision of a choice of a new dwelling.

Program and list of houses for demolition in Moscow until 2020

The list of houses for demolition in Moscow until 2020 includes more than 350 thousand apartments, in which 1 million people live. The renovation program was approved by Moscow Mayor S. Sobyanin on August 1, 2017. What will the new apartments look like? What houses are on the list? How will the face of the city change? Let's consider these and other questions worrying Muscovites.

Time for a change

Active construction of Khrushchev houses in Moscow lasted from 1957 to 1969. The very first apartments were without balconies, tiny, with low ceilings, adjacent rooms and shared bathrooms. They were built at an accelerated pace to solve the housing problem for the next 25 years. In the early 1960s, house designs were improved; the service life of brick Khrushchevs was calculated for 100 years. But due to the unsatisfactory quality of construction, some of them fell into disrepair much earlier.

It's time for a change: the authorities decided to replace panel five-story buildings of the 1-515 series, block buildings - 1-510 and brick buildings -1-511, as well as their modifications, with modern comfortable houses with parking lots under them, new utilities, landscaped courtyards. In addition to Khrushchev, the list for demolition included houses with 2-3 floors, as well as about 100 nine-story panel buildings. Demolition plan for five-story buildings in Moscow 2020-2025 most of all affects the Eastern Administrative District (Bogorodskoye, Metrogorodok, Sokolinaya Gora, Preobrazhenskoye), the North-Western (Khoroshevo-Mnevniki and Shchukino) and the South-Western (Cheryomushki). In total, there are 560 quarters in Moscow with old five-story buildings.

More than 200 buildings were excluded from the list, because, according to the definition of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage, they are the architectural heritage of constructivism.

If residents are against, there will be no resettlement

Until June 15, 2017, homeowners voted on the draft renovation program. The results of the apartment voting are available for verification. If 1/3 of the inhabitants were against it, there will be no resettlement and dismantling. There were 452 such houses. They were mostly built of brick. And, on the contrary, residents of 297 houses not included in the preliminary plans voted for demolition at the general meeting. Residents of quarters 79-81 Khoroshevo-Mnevnikov, Marshal Zhukov Avenue, dilapidated houses of Novozavodskaya Street addressed with requests for resettlement. The demolition priority is given to houses located near highways under construction.

The program is attractive in that residents will move to new homes in the same or neighboring area. In total, 5144 houses are planned for demolition in Moscow until 2020. People will receive turnkey apartments of equal size, at least 30% more expensive than the previous ones, or monetary compensation. This also applies to businesses located on the ground floors of Khrushchev. Owners of rooms in communal apartments will also receive apartments. The Moscow authorities have named the cost of finishing: for 1 m² - 11 thousand rubles. It includes plastic windows with baskets for air conditioning, energy-efficient batteries, water and electricity meters, the readings from which will be transmitted automatically, an intercom, separate bathrooms, ceramic toilets and metal bathtubs. Each apartment will have a balcony or loggia. According to preliminary data, about 25 million m² of new housing will be built, which will require 1.5 trillion. rubles.

Wave building method

The mass resettlement of residents from Khrushchev will begin no earlier than the second half of 2019. The first district will be Beskudnikovo. The method of wave building is already known to Muscovites. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Construction of a new house.
  2. Relocation of residents.
  3. Demolition of the old building and erection of a new one.
  4. Creation of infrastructure and strengthening of capacities in terms of communications.

Khrushchev houses will be replaced by houses built from panels of a new generation and as a monolith. Facade decoration will be bright, non-standard. The city authorities promise round-the-clock video surveillance in the houses, modern elevators, adapt entrances for the disabled and baby carriages. If premium-class buildings are built on the site of the Khrushchevs, the number of apartments in new houses will more than double, and their total area will increase by more than 5 once. For each site, the issue of construction will be decided individually. On the site of a mass accumulation of five-story buildings, it is logical to build large blocks. The best architectural bureaus of the capital will participate in the project. After 2020, it will be possible to make plans for the resettlement of residents in the Moscow region.

Due to the fact that in almost every city and region there are dilapidated houses that have exhausted their resource, the issue of resettling residents in new buildings remains relevant. Innovations concern all regions, but are most actively implemented in Moscow. Therefore, residents have a question: when will the construction of houses under the renovation program begin? Many buildings for demolition were built in the 1960s and are beyond repair. Residents of the capital are offered an adequate replacement in terms of the number of rooms in modern new buildings built using a monolithic or panel technology of a new energy-saving type.

Benefits of renovation

The legal protection of Muscovites is regulated by Federal Law No. 141-FZ, which was adopted in July 2018. It prescribes the main stages of design and phased implementation of the adopted program. The website of the Moscow City Hall mos.ru contains schedules of when they will start building houses under the renovation program. First of all, completely dilapidated housing is subject to demolition. The advantages and features of innovations are indisputable:

  1. The number of rooms in the new apartment is maintained, and the total area is increased due to the spacious kitchen, bathroom and corridor.
  2. If desired, the owner has the right to receive monetary compensation.
  3. Owners of communal apartments will move to separate apartments.
  4. The materials used have a long service life, have increased energy saving and low thermal conductivity. This will significantly save on heating.
  5. Housing is provided in the same county and area. The owner is offered three options to choose from for moving.

Attention! Some citizens living in demolished houses need additional legal protection, which will be provided to them:

  • owners of apartments that are registered at a different address;

  • Muscovites who need to change and improve their living conditions;

  • the apartment was purchased on a mortgage and is pledged;

  • wishing to change their place of residence.

Only tenants registered in a house recognized as unfit for habitation and in disrepair can use the resettlement.

Read also: Residential quarter "Yaroslavsky" in Mytishchi - new prices from PIK Group

Conditions for granting a new apartment

Under the renovation program, standards for Muscovites have been developed. Housing must meet the following requirements:

Important! Owners should be provided with new apartments, regardless of the place of registration.

Resettlement schedule

The renovation program has been actively developed since 2017. The final schedule for the introduction of new built houses will be completed only at the end of 2019. All relevant information on changing the status of houses can be found on the official website of the mayor's office of the capital, which also contains the addresses of objects excluded from the resettlement procedure. To date, the number of objects for renovation is 5177 houses. Correction of input schedules is not excluded. The website of the Mayor of Moscow has already announced the first inhabited houses, their addresses are indicated.

Features of new buildings

Houses built under the renovation program have several distinctive features. The project documentation contains the following changes:

  • enlarged kitchen area;
  • on the balcony there is a special basket on the side of the facade for fixing the air conditioner;
  • separate bathrooms;
  • the presence of a niche that allows you to combine the kitchen with the living room;
  • spacious entrance hall and separate dressing room.

It is planned to make three-room apartments with isolated rooms.

The following changes are planned for the houses:

  1. Increased security measures will be provided by video cameras at the entrance to the entrance.
  2. The presence of two elevators: freight and passenger.
  3. In the hall on the ground floor there is a space for storing wheelchairs, the walls are finished with ceramic tiles, intercoms and letter boxes.
  4. The lower floors and basement will be used for retail outlets, pharmacies, banks, commercial real estate, gaming centers.
  5. Insulation of the facade will provide energy saving and good sound insulation, which will save on utility bills.
  6. The heating system will operate automatically.

In 2017, the implementation of the renovation program for old housing in Moscow began. During the demolition program, they plan to destroy about 4.5 thousand houses built during the Khrushchev period.

It should be noted that this is not the first attempt to update the housing stock in the capital. In the 1990s, the first stage of demolition of five-story buildings began to be implemented. Despite the fact that the scale of the old project was much more modest, the work has not been completed to this day. In this regard, many people have a question about how many years the renovation program of five-story buildings in 2017 is designed for.

Results of the first demolition wave

Houses built in the Khrushchev period began to become obsolete already in the 80s. It was at this time that the Moscow authorities first thought about the need to renovate the housing stock. The deputies actively developed the bill, but the implementation of the plans was prevented by the perestroika that began in the country.

They returned to the consideration of the renovation program only at the end of the 90s. At this time, the first wave of the five-story building demolition program began to be implemented. The Decree of the Government of the capital consolidated the information that by the end of 2010, new apartments should be provided to residents of 1722 Khrushchev.

The program for the demolition of dilapidated houses in Moscow and the construction of new facilities was carried out at the expense of investors. However, after the change in the Land Code, the authorities of the capital had to change their plans. It was decided to complete the first stage of demolition at the expense of the Moscow budget. Therefore, the terms of the renovation program have changed significantly.

The first stage of the destruction of old houses has not been completed to this day. However, the demolition program that began in the 1990s has been implemented by 96%. The remaining 63 houses are promised to be demolished by the end of 2018.

As part of the first stage of the renovation of the housing stock, about 160,000 families have already been relocated to new apartments. All residents of the demolished five-story buildings received new apartments in the areas where they previously lived. This became possible due to the use of the so-called wave method during the resettlement. It consists in the fact that immediately after the demolition of the house, a new building is erected in its place, in which families move.

The authorities plan to use the same method for the implementation of the 2017 program. However, the second wave will be carried out at the expense of the city budget. Only after the start of the renewal, the authorities plan to attract cash investors.

According to the results of sociological surveys, most of the migrants are satisfied with the results of the first stage of the renovation program and with the living conditions in the new apartments.

New wave of housing renovation project

At the beginning of 2017, the Mayor of Moscow, at a meeting with the President, expressed the initiative to continue updating housing in the city. The head of state supported this idea and recommended that the remaining dilapidated houses of the Khrushchev period be demolished and new apartments provided to the residents.

The mayor of the capital announced the preparation of a bill on the renovation of the housing stock. Initially, it was proposed to demolish about 8,000 five-story buildings. Such an unprecedented scale excited many Muscovites. Residents of five-story buildings immediately had a lot of questions about the renovation program.

The main questions of Muscovites

First of all, Muscovites are interested in which houses they plan to destroy. Only old buildings that are in poor technical condition are offered to be liquidated. As a rule, the constructions of the first industrial period of construction are meant.

Experts believe that it will not be possible to update these houses with the help of a major overhaul. Expensive work will not lead to the desired result. Therefore, their destruction and the construction of new multi-storey buildings is the only way out of the situation.

The second question of interested citizens concerns the provision of new housing. The Moscow authorities promise to provide new apartments near the former place of residence, that is, in the same area. Residents of five-story buildings will be offered equivalent housing, with the same area and number of rooms. Modern technologies will be used in the construction of new buildings. Therefore, the buildings should be much more comfortable, warmer and stronger than the demolished Khrushchev.

The bill on renovation of housing in Moscow has already been amended to protect the rights of migrants. In addition, at the legislative level, the condition is fixed that the opinion of the inhabitants of Khrushchev will be taken into account in the first place.

After the signing of the bill, the process of forming lists of houses that will be destroyed began. Therefore, now residents of five-story buildings are offered to actively vote "for" or "against" the resettlement. In addition, before the start of the renovation of the housing stock, the Moscow authorities must prepare launch sites for the construction of the first high-rise buildings.

Important! Only after the approval of the final lists of demolition objects will the first work begin on the construction, destruction of five-story buildings and the relocation of residents to new apartments.

How long is the renovation program?

Due to the incredibly large scale of housing renovation, many people are interested in the question of the timing of the implementation of the bill.

The mayor and other representatives of the Moscow Government are voicing completely different dates. S. Sobyanin said that the work could be completed within 10-15 years. The announced deadlines raise doubts even among optimistic specialists. After all, the first wave of liquidation of old houses has been going on for about 20 years, and has not yet been completed, although the project affected 4 times fewer objects.

Other competent experts speak of a longer period of work, which will drag on for 20-25 years.

However, all the data presented are only hypothetical. Even the approximate duration of the housing renovation project can only be calculated after the announcement of the final lists of objects included in the project.

How many years the liquidation of dilapidated houses and resettlement will last can be influenced by a huge number of factors:

  • economics of a country;
  • the mood of the population;
  • availability of construction sites and many other factors.

Where can I get detailed information about the provisions of the law?

Even during the development of the bill on the renovation of the housing stock, the Moscow authorities began to actively inform citizens about the essence of the project.

Informing is an obligatory part of the implementation of the bill. Due to the lack of objective information, some Muscovites began to organize rallies against the destruction of houses and resettlement. Opponents of the current government actively used this situation and often misinformed the population.

Full details of the bill can be found at:

  1. In the appropriate section on the website of the City Government.
  2. In special information centers, which are organized in each district of the city.
  3. By calling the helpline number of the city.
  4. MFC "My Documents".

Often, the initiative to destroy the Khrushchevs was considered as an election campaign of the current mayor of Moscow. Although, first of all, the law is aimed at improving the living conditions of a significant part of the city's population.

The launched renovation program for Moscow's houses made a lot of noise in the press and on the Internet. The project affects almost 10% of the residents of the capital and its suburbs, thousands of houses are being demolished. It is worth noting that these are typical "panels" built in the 60s and earlier. Now they are over 50 years old, which is the standard life of residential buildings.

Some facts about the program

The renovation program did not start in 2017. The project for the demolition of five-story panel buildings has existed since 1999. The sensational situation in 2017 with voting, revision of legislation and new conditions has become just a new wave of global restructuring of the capital.

Purpose of the program

There are still disputes about the voiced and true intentions of the Moscow authorities. Therefore, we can conditionally consider that there are several goals:

  1. Improving the living conditions of citizens living in Moscow (version of the mayor).
  2. Updating the architectural appearance of the capital (another official version).
  3. Compaction of the population and profit due to the sale of "extra" apartments in high-rise buildings, replacing five-story buildings (skeptics' version).
  4. The implementation of corruption schemes and the deterioration of the living conditions of citizens (the version of the opponents of renovation).

Which of the above is true - time will tell.

Financing and developers

The first stage of the renovation program will be financed from the city budget.

The costs for the initial stages of the project will be covered by the state in order to better assess the nuances of attracting investors to finance subsequent stages. Budget money will be attracted during the first 5-6 years of the program.

The main developer is the state enterprise UGS (Civil Construction Department).

The first stage of the renovation program is financed from the city treasury, so the bulk of the designed houses fell on the shoulders of a budget developer. Part of the apartments that meet the requirements will be purchased from other developers, for example, MTFPA. The issue of investment is already worrying such major players in the construction market as PIK Group, LSR Group and FGC Leader.

More than 5 thousand houses participate in the program.

More precisely, 5144 houses on this moment approved by the Moscow government, but their owners have the right to change their mind.

Legislative framework for renovation

The housing renovation program is regulated by three main legislative acts and a number of additional legal documents:

  1. No. 141-FZ "On Amendments to the Law Russian Federation“On the status of the capital of the Russian Federation” dated 07/01/2017 supplements an existing document, adjusting the law to the housing renovation program.
  2. Law of the City of Moscow dated May 17, 2017 No. 14. This legal document establishes guarantees for residents and builders that everything promised to them under the housing renovation program in Moscow will be received in full.
  3. Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 245-PP dated May 2, 2017 is an important document that established the procedure for voting for the inclusion of residential buildings in the renovation program. Thanks to him, it was possible to collect and analyze the opinions of only those who were really related to potentially demolished houses.
  4. Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 497-PP "On the Housing Renovation Program in the City of Moscow" dated August 1, 2017 .

There are also several regulations that amend the already described. You can read their review on our website.

How the voting went, how the results were summed up

The inclusion of houses in the renovation was carried out by voting of homeowners. People could vote “for” or “against” from May 15 to June 15. The identities of citizens were identified by SNILS or the personal account number of the apartment, and the right of ownership was confirmed by a lease agreement or an extract from the USRN. These measures made it possible to avoid third-party cheating of votes and to objectively assess the real opinion of citizens.

Voting took place in real and virtual space. It was possible to cast one's vote through electronic devices using the Active Citizen application. Those who did not have it could come to the MFC and cast their vote there. The turnout was 71%, more than two-thirds of the residents on the renovation list. The votes were distributed as follows:

  1. For a house to be included in the program, two-thirds or more of its residents had to say yes.
  2. In order for a house to be excluded from renovation plans, 1/3 + 1 homeowner in this building had to oppose.
  3. Silent votes are distributed in proportion to the votes of the owners who took part in the voting.
  4. The voting results for apartments with several owners were determined by the majority of votes in the apartment. That is, if two of the three owners are against and one is in favor, then it was considered that everyone spoke negatively. If the forces were equal, then it was considered that the opinion was not expressed, and the apartment went to the list of "silent people".

According to the voting results, 4087 buildings were included in the list of houses for renovation, and 452 houses were deleted. Participation was not accepted by 7 houses in which at that time no one lived. The program also included 100 panel nine-story buildings, although houses of this type were not initially included in the lists.

How to exclude a house from the renovation program (exit the program)

You can exit the renovation program at any time, but this will require some effort. We recommend breaking this process down into three steps.

Residents meeting

10 days before the meeting, we notify all residents of the building about the place and time of the event, as well as about the documents that you need to bring with you. Save the original message. If it hung in the entrance or other common space, it is not necessary to compile a register of residents who received the message. Otherwise, this document will be required. Prior to the meeting, a secretary must be selected and a chairman of the meeting appointed.

The meeting is considered legitimate if it is attended by more than half of the owners. For a house to be excluded from the renovation program, more than 1/3 of the owners must vote to leave it.

At the meeting, it is necessary to draw up a protocol, a list of those present, collect written decisions of those who decided to vote in absentia, as well as other documents and materials that the residents deem necessary.

We collect documents

If at the general meeting the tenants decided to exclude their house from the renovation program, then the one who conducted the collection needs to collect a package of documents to submit them to the state. instances. It includes:

  1. A copy of the minutes of the meeting (drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Appendix 1 No. 937/pr).
  2. Register of owners and tenants of social rent.
  3. Notice of the meeting of tenants and the register of its delivery (if compiled).
  4. List of persons present at the meeting.
  5. Documents confirming the powers of voters.
  6. Documents considered by the meeting.
  7. Written solutions of "correspondence students".
  8. Other papers that were attached to the protocol.

Most of these documents are drawn up directly at the meeting, so their collection should not be significant difficulties. Certify all papers with the signature of the secretary and chairman of the general house meeting.

We take the package of documents to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate

The Moscow Housing Inspectorate is located in the capital at the address: Mira Ave., 19. It works according to the following schedule:

  • Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00.
  • Friday and pre-holiday days: 08:00 - 15:45
  • Weekends: Saturday, Sunday.
  • Lunch: 12:00 - 12:45.

If all documents are completed correctly, within 30 days a proposal to exclude your home from the renovation program will be sent to the Moscow Government. The term can be extended for another 30 days, which must be notified to the representative of the meeting that submitted the package of papers.

Please note that after leaving the program at home, you will be recalculated and re-calculated all contributions for overhaul from the moment the house entered the process of renovation of the capital.

Cash compensation instead of an apartment

Instead of an equivalent apartment, you can receive monetary compensation. It will take into account the cost of finishing, plus the market value of the apartment itself. To receive money instead of housing under the renovation program, you need to write an application.

Is it possible to get a refusal to issue monetary compensation instead of an apartment? Yes, you can. If you have minors, incapacitated citizens or people with limited capacity living in your apartment, then you will be given an equivalent or equivalent apartment (you also need to write an application for them). Also, the possibility of obtaining monetary compensation is not available for employers under a social lease agreement.

Which districts of Moscow are participating

The renovation program involves 85 districts of the capital and the Moscow region, except for 4 dozen territorial units of Old Moscow, in which many owners were against the inclusion of their houses in the program.

As a result, the Eastern Administrative Okrug became the most reconstructed district - 1055 houses fall under the renovation program in it. In the Zelenograd administrative district, 34 houses are being relocated, and this is the smallest district.

What is the sequence of resettlement and demolition schedule

The sequence of resettlement worries many owners of housing that has fallen under the renovation program. Resettlement is already underway and demolition is on schedule.

The order of demolition and resettlement of houses will be finally established by 2019. Follow the section "List of houses for demolition"

What will the new apartments and houses look like?

Residents of houses included in the renovation program will be relocated to new houses that meet the requirements of the law. Each house will go through 6 stages of inspection, from the design stage to finishing work. The Moscow government also promises the reconstruction of renovated areas with the construction of new social infrastructure facilities.

What awaits the owners in new homes?

  1. More floors - apartments will be located in houses with a minimum of 6 storeys.
  2. New regulations. For example, entrances will be located at floor level so that people with limited mobility can move freely.
  3. comfort class and installed plumbing equipment.
  4. Updated recreational areas, modern playgrounds and bike paths.
  5. Opportunity to choose an apartment of similar or larger area (equivalent), or equivalent to the market value of the old apartment.
  6. Residents of communal apartments will receive a separate apartment.
  7. It will also be possible to apply for monetary compensation instead of an apartment and purchase housing in another area or house.

Renovation begins with the process of reconstruction, improvement of the appearance and comfort of living for residents of the capitals. Khrushchevs, perhaps, not all and not to the same extent have outlived their own, if we consider only walls and roofs. However, almost all the equipment of communications - heating, electrical wiring, water and gas supply, sewerage - has come into almost complete disrepair. Only the renovation conceived by the authorities of the capitals can help here.

It would be possible to repair the Khrushchevs, as, for example, they did in Kaliningrad, and it would have turned out just as beautiful, but the communications there were hardly completely replaced, and without this there is no point in a major overhaul. Building housing using new technologies will cost the country much cheaper. In addition, people will live in more spacious and modern apartments, even the area of ​​​​residence will not change.

What is renovation

For the most part, Khrushchevs are on the verge of being unfit for human life, and there is absolutely no need to wait for the moment when accidents begin to occur. Renovation in civil engineering implies not only the complete replacement of old housing with new one. This is, first of all, an innovative process concerning the sphere of fixed capital, where the very functional purpose reconstructed objects.

The EEC Committee held a number of international conferences, seminars, symposiums dedicated to housing issues and urban planning. As a result, Europe settled on the opinion that the general trend is the maximum preservation of existing buildings, even if they are not historical or architectural monuments, but simply residential buildings of traditional terraced housing. They still serve as quite important elements of the urban environment. In Germany, whole areas were reconstructed in this way. However, buildings similar to those in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are now threatened with renovation, are unlikely to have been preserved there. Khrushchevs - cramped, cheap and uncomfortable - were built mainly in the USSR.


In May 2017, the Moscow City Duma passed a law promising additional guarantees of property and housing rights of legal and individuals which will be affected by the renovation of the Moscow housing stock. When will a similar one come out? the federal law, renovation of Khrushchev houses will begin in the capital, 2017 will be a turning point, old houses will be massively demolished by entire areas as potentially emergency and practically uninhabitable housing. Many residents of the capital are happy with this circumstance. Some fear and distrust their authorities.

Nevertheless, a corresponding program for the renovation of Khrushchevs was developed. Residents will not have to spend their savings on buying a new home, even with the move they will be helped. The demolition of dilapidated five-story buildings and the relocation of their tenants to modern comfortable houses - this is exactly what the renovation of Khrushchevs in Moscow implies. Muscovites will receive for free apartments of equal size in terms of living space in absolutely new houses built using the most advanced technologies. It is planned to build monolithic-brick buildings for this purpose.


Plans for the renovation of the Khrushchevs appeared in the Moscow government a long time ago, since these buildings, as they say, without architectural excesses, and even dilapidated, and the capital is the face of the country, it is by its streets that all of Russia is judged. The appearance of the city is the same type of five-story, very numerous, very spoiled.

Most of the Khrushchev buildings were built half a century ago, starting in 1957, although there are much older two-, three-, four- and five-story buildings in the capital, whose technical characteristics are similar to Khrushchev-type buildings. Almost all such buildings are designed for a service life of twenty-five to fifty years. The most recent deadlines will expire in the coming years. By the way, the Khrushchev renovation project has been implemented for a very long time - since 1988, and one hundred and sixty thousand families already live in other apartments. It's just that the process is currently accelerating, because the time of operation of such buildings is ending.

Series bearable and unbearable

Nevertheless, in Moscow there are still a lot left that were built in the first period of industrial housing construction. Previously, they were classified as unbearable series, but after technical surveys it became clear that living in them would also soon become impossible, the condition of these buildings is already unsatisfactory, and it does not meet any of the modern requirements for comfort and safety.

The housing stock of the capital requires immediate attention and renovation, otherwise all five-story buildings will become emergency. That is why the renovation of Khrushchev houses is moving at such a pace. The addresses of houses to be demolished in the near future can be found on the website of the Moscow city administration and on the websites of municipalities.


As a result of the announcement of the plans of the mayor's office, a protest movement of residents of houses intended for demolition appeared. Rallies both "for" and "against" gather up to twenty thousand people. Some Moscow officials, apparently, themselves are not sufficiently aware of the progress of the renovation, and therefore make contradictory statements. All sorts of rumors are rolling and growing like a snowball about how the Moscow renovation of Khrushchev will be carried out. St. Petersburg, for example, has been slowly renovating dilapidated housing for a long time, and there has been no noise about this. There, even one of the most successful developers proudly bears the name, apparently, it is not in vain considered the cultural capital.

And in Moscow they are trying to challenge the main thesis of the program - there really is no point in repairing the Khrushchevs. Living in them is extremely inconvenient, they are morally outdated, and ugly, which could be the only reason for the capital. And there are many more reasons, and the lack of beauty is in about twenty-ninth place. The main thing is the service life, the accident rate of communications. It is not safe to live in them even today. And the renovation program implies the relocation of residents only after a few years.

emergency funds

The emergency fund of housing in the capital is growing, and the growth rate is simply depressing. The program for the demolition of dilapidated houses has not been worked out in vain right now and is already being discussed at the legislative level. Creating a comfortable living environment is the top goal, and today's tasks are most of all about the safety of residents. If capital repairs, reconstruction, modernization, restoration would help in this problem, they would stop at such a decision, but in this situation it is faster, cheaper, and even more profitable for residents - only demolition.

Not only are the five-story Khrushchev buildings morally and physically obsolete, they are on the very verge of failure. The mayor did not call such houses junk for nothing. Opponents point out that it was not specialists who determined the condition close to emergency, but the residents living in these houses, as well as their deputies. Millions of complaints have accumulated in the municipalities. Who can know better the state of their own home, if not the owners? Data from local governments is quite reliable information.


The Government of Moscow has already published a preliminary list of four and a half thousand buildings that are to be demolished in the first place. All these buildings do not meet modern living conditions, they are dilapidated, and the majority of residents voted for resettlement. Any home can opt out of the renovation program. Voting has already taken place - it was held from the fifteenth of May to the fifteenth of June 2017.

Moreover, the mayor is sure that the list of houses subject to demolition should be expanded if their residents insist on it. However, the law has not yet been adopted by the State Duma, and therefore it is still impossible to find answers to burning questions either in the prefecture or in the council. In addition to being adopted in the State Duma, the law must be approved by the Federation Council and signed by the president.

If the renovation passes by

If a certain building was not included in the initial list of renovations, this building will not be demolished in the near future, and residents will not have to participate in voting on this program. But that's for now. Mayor Sobyanin says that the opinion of the residents of the capital will be listened to most carefully, and if two-thirds of the inhabitants of Khrushchev vote at the general meeting for resettlement, then the initial list will be supplemented, since it is not final.

In addition to five-story Khrushchevs, old two- to four-story houses will also be demolished if they are in the same emergency condition. Even nine-story buildings that have fallen into quarterly development can be included in the renovation program if residents demand relocation. Rallies in Moscow are held both against and for renovation. Opinions were divided.

Series to be demolished

The original document says that apartment buildings built in the first period of industrial housing construction, that is, from 1957 to 1968, will be subject to demolition. This includes panel buildings of the 1MG-300, 1605-AM, II-35, II-32, K-7 series. This information is available on the city planning policy website of the capital. It also says that buildings built before 1957 will also be included in the renovation program, if their characteristics are just as disappointing.

Comfortable and kind five-story houses will not be demolished if their condition is satisfactory. The list already includes some buildings that do not belong to the above period of construction, they do not look like Khrushchev at all. It’s just that some of them are over a hundred years old, while the rest have approached this threshold. In addition, entire areas and some houses where residents protested due to relocation were excluded from the preliminary list.

New buildings

Where exactly new houses will be built for the residents of the demolished Khrushchevs, what they will be, no one knows for sure yet, since the best architects of Moscow are still working on the projects. But sample projects already exist and can be viewed on the government website. Residents will be provided with brand new comfortable apartments with a fine finish and the preservation of the number of rooms.

In terms of area, in most cases, they will exceed the old apartments due to large halls, kitchens and corridors. In addition, for those Muscovites who want to improve their living conditions, it will be possible to do this at a surcharge. Large families huddled for several generations in small-sized Khrushchev houses will be resettled.